marclaporte: hi all!
So we have which is a more versatile (not just trackers), modern version of
Is there anything like PluginFilter to be the equivalent for ?
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44141 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Check if curl_exec exists before before calling it.
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44142 10trunk/lib/search/searchlib-unified.php
tikiwiki [FIX] only call exec, if the function exists
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Hot words getting gargled -
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hi all
i have a ? ?
can anyone help me ?
i'm trying to manage a logistic company
just simple customer info and orders
-: gour finished with svn checkout of tiki repo...40G :-/
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arildb: Any change of an auto-merge 10 -> trunk soon? Changes for namespaces are still missing in trunk
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changi: arildb_: will be done in 2 minuets
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changi: arildb: done
arildb: changi: thanks
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03changi67 r44143 10(6 files in 5 dirs)
tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 44107 to 44140
tikiwiki with manual mergo on lib/search/searchlib-unified.php /templates/admin/include_general.tpl / templates/admin/include_wiki.tpl
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arildb: I am trying to get wkhtmltopdf working on debian. Webkit is set for "PDF from URL" + the path. assume I have to change the permission of the wkhtmltopdf exe file. Which permission should I set?
changi: arildb: it won't work, the version provide on debian is not compatible
arildb: i was obliged to compile it myself
arildb: changi ...ah-h ...thanks
changi: I am also trying on windows 7 using IIS. Do you know if that is compatible?
changi: arildb: no clue
arildb: ok
arildb: only if you are on 64 bits platform
arildb: I get....Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /wkhtmltopdf-amd64 on this server.
changi: I am on 64 bits
changi: any chance I can get access?
changi: arildb: retry
arildb: changi: seems to work this an exe file?
changi: arildb: it needs to be executable by www-data
arildb: it's a binary, yes
arildb: so, windows binary I assume. Note I run IIS
changi: not a windows binary, a linux one
arildb: changi: ok, any windows exe equivalent?
changi: arildb: not a windows fan, sorry
arildb: changi: he
changi: the wkhtmltopdf is triggered by the command: return `{$this->location} $arg -`; where $this->location is the exefile path. ... or so it seems. Does this call PHP exec(...) or shell_exec(..) functions? I don't quite undertand the workings in the code.
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changi: arildb: good question
arildb: exec
arildb: chnagi: how did you determine that it uses exec(...) ?
changi: arildb: shell_exec
it's because of ` ` :
arildb: changi: thanks. That means that shell_exec(..) is required by Tiki if PDF from URL: = WebKit ....contrary to what tiki-check says.
changi: arildb: yes it is
arildb: changi: guess we should modify tiki-check to relect that wkhtmltopdf requires shell_exec
changi: arildb: yes
arildb: changi: I will do the update
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03changi67 r44144 10trunk/lib/ 10openpgp/openpgplib.php 10trackers/trackerlib.php
tikiwiki no changes - code styling see
arildb: changi: did you my proposal to rearrange the sections in tiki-check?
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44145 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Update the tiki-check shell_exec description. It is needed when using WebKit(wkhtmltopdf).
changi: arildb: not yet
arildb: now yes :)
arildb: why not
arildb: changi: I think it's better, but will await some more feedback before I do any changes
changi: arildb: you have mine :)
arildb: changi: yes, thanks
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44146 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Show if WebKit is enabled in the shell_exec description
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44147 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki [ENH] Show if blog feature is enabled in allow_url_fopen.
tikiwiki Adjusted spacing for WebKit check.
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44148 10trunk/ 10(8 files in 7 dirs)
tikiwiki no changes - code styling see
tikiwiki 03arildb r44149 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki no changes - coding style fixes
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44150 10trunk/web_config
tikiwiki [ENH] Explicitly set the IIS7 maxAllowedContentLength, which is one components which limits the max file size during uploads.
tikiwiki Users can now adjust this value easier. This component is currently *not* a part of the calculation: max file upload size, presented to users in the upload panel.
tikiwiki When installing the IIS maxAllowedContentLength is set to 30MB, which is IIS default. IIS installation which already have adjusted this value at IIS server level, must adjust the new web.config value accordingly.
tikiwiki 03arildb r44151 10trunk/web_config
tikiwiki [MOD] Disable custom requestLimits > maxAllowedContentLength by default, so existing server settings are not overridden
tikiwiki 03arildb r44152 10trunk/ 10templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl 10tiki-upload_file.php
tikiwiki [DOC] Improve doc around max file upload size on IIS
tikiwiki 03hollmeer r44153 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 6 dirs)
tikiwiki Altered Tiki OpenPGP implementation for PGP/MIME compliant emails, notifications, and newsletters, to use configurable preferences in Admin->Security->OpenPGP tab. Tested and working in tiki 11 SVN.
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44154 10trunk/tiki-print.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Catch invalid PDF
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Hello! :)
tw.o is on 10.x now.
Tiki|bot: tw.o or t.o is just a shortcut referring to the official website of the project:
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44155 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php
tikiwiki [MOD] PDF from URL: WekKit (wkhtmltopdf) now writes a temporary file when generating the PDF.
tikiwiki [FIX] WebKit output used to be stdout, but this has encoding(?) problems on windows 7 64-bit.
tikiwiki 03yonixxx r44156 10branches/10.x/styles/BiDi/BiDi.css
tikiwiki [FIX]Fivealive is now default theme for BiDi to handle rtl languages
tikiwiki 03yonixxx r44157 10branches/10.x/styles/BiDi/BiDi.css
tikiwiki [FIX]Fivealive is now default theme for BiDi to graphics
-: Bsfez having fun… :(
Bsfez: ohertel: good work tks !
ohertel: Bsfez: Not sure if all is well. It's slow... and there is this weird ")); at the end of the page.
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03yonixxx r44158 10branches/10.x/styles/BiDi/BiDi.css
tikiwiki [ENH]Fivealive is now default theme for BiDi as it should be
ohertel: Anything special I need to do besides switching docroot to 10.x, clean all caches etc. and update the database? rebuilding search in dex threw an error.
Bsfez: well, i try to find sometime to start to check it, but if you see something you can correct… plz. I fear they won't be a lot of people online to help till monday.
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03yonixxx r44159 10branches/10.x/templates/tiki-admin_notifications.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX]Punctuation fix
Bsfez: anyway i'm no coder so beside reporting they won;t be a lot i can do.
ohertel: ;)
Bsfez: LOL i'm doing enough versioning for today !
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03yonixxx r44160 10branches/10.x/lang/he/language.php
tikiwiki [TRA]Hebrew language so most of a default install look ok
lindonb: what is the tiki syntax to show the username of the user?
Bsfez: lindonb: {{user}} will display the user name
lindonb: hmmm, that's not working for me in trunk
it works for you?
Bsfez: :) never tried this
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Bsfez: ohertel: minified is on ? may be you could turn of all caches ? (btw i had such ")); once because of broken translation page)...
lindonb: i'm checking in 9 and 10 don't have trunk ready now
lindonb: thanks!
Bsfez: t9 work, did you activate : admin=> edit & plugin… wait i need to check
Wiki argument variables
lindonb: ok and work also in t10, just be sure to check "Wiki argument variables "
lindonb: ok, this is in the wiki admin panel?
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Bsfez: admin=> edit & plugin
polom Marc
lindonb: Bsfez: thanks, works like a charm!
Bsfez: ohertel: the menu on t.o is uncomplete, something is broken there, after "Newsletter".
lindonb: welcome :)
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Hi - just installed tiki, and the install seems to have completed successfully. But, when I try to log in with the admin password the first time, it just goes back to the starter page without logging in. Used IE8 and Firefox 3 & 12
tiki version was 9.2
also used IE9
Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44161 10trunk/lib/pdflib.php
tikiwiki [MOD] Die with a proper error message if required shell_exec function is not available.
lostmuffin: eh?
gour: marclaporte: ping
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gour: marclaporte: i'm attempting to convert tiki codebase to git --> fossil, but my resources (aka internet connection) are limited...if you have better opportunity you may find this guide(s) useful: &
marclaporte: i'm trying with the git-svn-migrate guide, but didn't edit authors.txt file...anyway, this short encounter with svn shows me it way more complex than fossil ;)
probably real conversion would be a more difficult job, but for evaluation purposes i hope you can do something
as far as i'm concerned, at this moment i prefer do some more nginx-related setup and then move my site(s) to tiki
-: gour --> sleep