[02:09] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [02:25] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [03:08] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [03:52] dennmans joined #tikiwiki [04:12] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [04:23] USlacker joined #tikiwiki [04:30] DrDub joined #tikiwiki [04:30] DrDub changi: can you accept https://github.com/changi67/tikidebpackage/pulls ? I'd like to add the dbconfig but I want to build on top of that pull request [04:31] DrDub changi: and hi :) [04:45] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [04:51] arildb joined #tikiwiki [04:55] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [05:12] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [05:46] Katemare joined #tikiwiki [05:47] Katemare hello! I'm trying out Tiki for the first time. I've looked everywhere and set permissions, but I can't find how to make main nav menu visible for anonymous users. [05:48] Katemare registered users see it (Wiki, Blogs, Articles and so on), but withot logging in only Home Page is seen. by coping and pasting an URL anonymous user can view articles and stuff, but no menu. [05:48] Katemare see here: http://rpgverse.ru/tiki/ [05:48] arildb Katemare: Go to Admin / Modules. Double click on the menu, and select "Anonymous" for the acess [05:51] Katemare thank you. I didn't manago to do what you've sayd (it only selected menu's text), but ticking "Show modules for all groups" did it. [06:50] doug_ joined #tikiwiki [06:50] doug_ hey [06:51] doug_ left #tikiwiki [08:14] gour joined #tikiwiki [08:52] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03kstingel r44173 10third_party/component_version_listing.txt [08:52] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] corrected alignment of table [08:52] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [09:16] redflo joined #tikiwiki [09:58] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [10:33] Katemare left #tikiwiki [10:55] dennmans joined #tikiwiki [10:58] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [12:25] USlacker joined #tikiwiki [12:40] vmachine joined #tikiwiki [12:40] vmachine left #tikiwiki [13:20] marclaporte1 joined #tikiwiki [13:29] gour marclaporte1: hiya, while exploring other (besides nginx) server possibilities to deploy tiki, i've asked opinion on hiawatha forums about possible workarounds for rewriting bug (handling '+' and spaces) and here is the reply from the main dev: http://www.hiawatha-webserver.org/forum/topic/1250 what do you think about it? [14:02] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [14:05] lphuberdeau joined #tikiwiki [14:19] PrezKennedy joined #tikiwiki [14:26] RobertPlummer joined #tikiwiki [14:26] RobertPlummer polom all [14:36] kstingel joined #tikiwiki [14:42] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [14:51] lindonb joined #tikiwiki [14:53] kstingel can anyone help with a pluginTabs problem please? [14:54] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [15:04] GillesM joined #tikiwiki [15:15] jacmoe joined #tikiwiki [15:20] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [15:32] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [15:33] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [15:40] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03kstingel r44175 10third_party/component_version_listing.txt [15:40] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [UPD] updated (some) reported component listings [15:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r44176 10trunk 10trunk/lib/wiki/flaggedrevisionlib.php [15:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 44165 to 44174 [15:48] arildb_ joined #tikiwiki [15:54] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r44177 10trunk/ 10templates/wiki_authors.tpl 10lib/wiki/renderlib.php 10lib/wiki/flaggedrevisionlib.php [15:54] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] Allow to display the approver for flagged revision in the page bottom bar, information taken from actionlog [15:56] arildb__ joined #tikiwiki [15:56] kstingel I have a problem with pluginTabs (and pluginFancytable) on my local test server ... they aren't showing up on the page ... [15:58] kstingel I created a test page to demonstrate the problem over on http://tikishow.kstingel.com/trunk/pluginTabs+test ... but it worked OK there ... I'm assuming my local Windon't server is missing something, but I don't know what [16:37] gour i'm considering to take cheaper VPS (in EU) to host 3-4 tiki sites with low traffic (at the moment). any recommendation? [16:39] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [16:39] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [16:51] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [17:08] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [17:30] RobertPlummer kstingel: I've worked extensively with tabs, checking... [17:30] RobertPlummer kstingel: Can you enable me to view page source? [17:31] kstingel User: admin2 [17:31] kstingel Password: 67890 [17:31] RobertPlummer kstingel: Keep in mind this is a logged conversation [17:32] RobertPlummer kstingel: I would advise to change the password immediately and send it to me private or email. [17:32] kstingel is still completly open ... I haven't enabled registration for individuals yet [17:33] RobertPlummer kstingel, it seems to work fine in firefox. [17:33] kstingel that's the public all access user :-) login info is found @ http://tikishow.kstingel.com/ [17:34] RobertPlummer kstingel: Just saying, I try to be as secure as possible even though we usually deal as devs with test data [17:34] kstingel on the live tikishow server, it's working ... on my locaol test host, all I see is the h1 content [17:34] RobertPlummer is this the tikishow server or the local? [17:34] RobertPlummer what options do you have turned on? [17:34] kstingel that is the show server .... but page content is same [17:34] RobertPlummer what versions are the sites? [17:35] kstingel trunk, 6x, 9x + 10x [17:35] RobertPlummer all of them don't list correctly? [17:36] kstingel so far have only tried in trunk ... I'm midway through fresh co of others [17:36] RobertPlummer trunk is where it doesn't work? [17:37] * gour is lurking here for free passwds :-} [17:37] RobertPlummer gour I use hostgator, they play nice with LAMP + ssh [17:37] RobertPlummer and svn [17:37] kstingel working on possibility that some externals are missing atm ... my DNS connection keeps dropping out and I get booted partway thru checkout process [17:38] RobertPlummer that would do it! [17:38] gour can you recommend some good & cheap(er) - if such exists - VPS to host few tiki sites? [17:38] kstingel Zend hates me ... or possibly, just my external IP :-) [17:38] gour would 768MB be enough for it? [17:39] RobertPlummer gour, I don't think they limit it fyi [17:39] RobertPlummer at least not that they advertise [17:39] kstingel gour: depends on how many Tiki installs you plan to run [17:39] RobertPlummer vps starts at 15.96 it says [17:39] gour kstingel: let's say 3 for the beginning...low-traffic sites [17:40] gour RobertPlummer: $s are the limit :-) [17:40] RobertPlummer but for shared, $3.96 [17:40] RobertPlummer $s? [17:40] gour RobertPlummer: i see offering for $6.99/OpenVZ 1024m [17:41] RobertPlummer $s = 0; if ($hosting > $s) throw ('Too Expensive!'); //gour :) [17:41] gour lol [17:42] RobertPlummer I think that would end in an exception. [17:42] gour s/$s/$XYZs/g [17:43] RobertPlummer throw is javascript [17:43] RobertPlummer throw new Exception('');//php [17:43] gour at the moment i can use 500M altogether for web apps, but my server (atm i configured cherokee) runs behind nginx (reverse-proxy) which timeouts when i try to install tiki, so i had to install it manually :-/ [17:44] dhz joined #tikiwiki [17:44] RobertPlummer gour, since you are hanging with the devs, I would suggest using svn. [17:45] gour RobertPlummer: svn? for what? [17:45] gour i simply skipped from CVS (light usage) over svn straight to dvcs (darcs in 2003)...so why going back? [17:45] RobertPlummer gour to get the most recent [0-9][0-9]?[x] we are working on. [17:45] RobertPlummer Now it is 10.x [17:46] RobertPlummer gour, I meant to obtain latest branch/tg [17:46] * gour hopes tiki will move to dvcs (fossil) (pretty) soon [17:46] RobertPlummer tag [17:47] gour RobertPlummer: what do you think about this: http://www.hiawatha-webserver.org/forum/topic/1250 [17:47] RobertPlummer gour, it sounds neat. I would talk with the guys at phpstorm, the transition could be seemless for some of us. [17:47] gour if/when working on something tiki-related, i'll probably use some dvcs-svn client [17:47] RobertPlummer gour, they love inovative ideas especially with version control systems. Git + svn work seemlessly there. [17:48] gour RobertPlummer: you use phpstorm? [17:48] RobertPlummer gour, we don't want to force a web-sever, but apache seems to work very well, and is what most of us use. [17:49] RobertPlummer gour: Yes, it gives me big muscles. [17:49] gour RobertPlummer: i understand, but apache simply eats memory [17:49] RobertPlummer gour: I see [17:49] RobertPlummer gour: But if you have memory to spare ;) [17:50] gour RobertPlummer: so, now i use cherokee, but will explore hiawatha which looks cute...of course, for both we'd need to provide rewrite rules [17:51] RobertPlummer checking it out: http://www.hiawatha-webserver.org/ correct? [17:51] * gour is from (poor) Croartia and has to be conscious about his expenses, web hosting included [17:51] gour RobertPlummer: yes [17:52] gour RobertPlummer: his dev is not happy seeing the state of rewriting-rules in Tiki :-/ [17:52] gour *Croatia [17:52] RobertPlummer gour: I think in many cases, I would just download, install, and see if you like it. [17:52] RobertPlummer gour: If it means adding a bunch of url rewriting rules, I would simply turn those off for the time being. [17:52] RobertPlummer gour: You could implement them slowly. [17:52] gour RobertPlummer: i'll install it on my localhost, for sure [17:53] RobertPlummer wondering, gour pronounced like it sounds? [17:53] RobertPlummer gu-our? [17:53] gour problem is i'm not familiar with htaccess, so will have to use htaccess --> nginx and then work from there [17:53] RobertPlummer htaccess is pretty well documented. [17:54] RobertPlummer I would start by opening the htaccess file, and search off each setting defined. [17:54] gour RobertPlummer: it's my nick, how people call me...no it's ,like gou-r [17:54] RobertPlummer nice [17:54] gour maybe like gaur [17:56] RobertPlummer gour: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gar [17:58] gour RobertPlummer: my nick comes from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gauranga [17:59] RobertPlummer cool [18:01] gour maybe this might be close how to pronounce: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gaur [18:02] RobertPlummer just wondering, interesting. "Indian Bison" [18:02] RobertPlummer Keep out of gour's way! He is a wild animal! [18:02] RobertPlummer :) [18:03] gour RobertPlummer: what do you think about the current status of rewriting rules in Tiki, as noted by hiawatha dev and mentioned in http://www.stevestreeting.com/2012/05/09/apache-to-nginx-php-fpm-part-1/ [18:03] gour RobertPlummer: right, i've Moon in Aries :-) [18:03] RobertPlummer gour, I use them, but have not written any. They are not too complicated. [18:04] RobertPlummer Does the regex work the same as it does in apache? [18:04] RobertPlummer I think it defers to C or C++. [18:04] RobertPlummer lphuberdeau: Is that right ^ [18:05] gour RobertPlummer: i mean the tiki bug violating RFC 3986 using ‘+’ outside of the scheme or query string in a URI as the Tiki shortlinks do is invalid... [18:06] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [18:06] RobertPlummer gour: Can you give me a url that is generated by tiki that is invalid? [18:06] RobertPlummer gour: I would imagine if it is invalid, we'd want it fixed. [18:07] gour RobertPlummer: have you read the section 'Nginx rewrite rule problems' in the above URL? [18:08] RobertPlummer gour, I did a quick once over [18:08] gour i'd also like that this problem gets fixed...despite not using nginx, but the comment by hiawatha dev is not nice to hear [18:08] gour RobertPlummer: just read that section [18:09] gour it goes like: "Its wiki encodes space characters in page names as ‘+’, and uses this as links..." [18:09] RobertPlummer gour, are you with Ogre3d? [18:10] gour RobertPlummer: nope...not at all [18:10] RobertPlummer Changing from "+" to "%2B" shouldn't be a big deal, but I've eaten my words before. [18:10] gour just asked on that post about rewriting rules, but went back to cherokee... [18:10] gour he he [18:11] gour RobertPlummer: have you read reply from hiawatha dev as reply to my question? [18:13] RobertPlummer looking [18:14] RobertPlummer I see the problem, interesting. [18:14] RobertPlummer give me a minute [18:15] gour tiki's codebase is huge and i've to become familiar with tiki itself before even attempting to look 'under the hood' :-) [18:15] gour but i'm enthusiastic to learn...'cause i want to settle on tiki for all my web needs for the foreseeable future :-) [18:15] RobertPlummer Looks like chealer was a big contributor to htaccess, and he is not longer a dev. [18:16] gour fortunately there is 'svn blame' command :-) [18:17] RobertPlummer Looks like we just need to do a change on converting " " from "+" to "%20", looks like an easy fix. [18:17] * gour thinks that despite of apache being the most popular, features has to be done to be webserver-agnostic [18:17] gour that would be cool...thanks a lot for looking into it [18:22] arildb RobertPlummer: "converting " " from "+" to "%20", looks like an easy fix."...I am not sure. The PHP function urlencode will convert to "+" and rawurlencode will use %20..is that correct. Is that correct?...are there other "hidden things"? [18:28] RobertPlummer arildb: See, that is what scares me, could be a big job. [18:28] arildb RobertPlummer: yes. I am not sure, but looks like it could lead to some "holes" [18:29] gour big or not big, let's raise the severity and fix it [18:31] RobertPlummer gour, you willing to take on the responsibility of changing it? [18:32] gour RobertPlummer: i could, but i certainly need some time...i'm tiki & php noob atm :-/ [18:32] RobertPlummer raise the problem and the proposed fix in the email dev list, and ensure you get proper support. [18:32] RobertPlummer We've all been in your shoes at some point. [18:33] RobertPlummer gour: When I started with tiki, I had only written a few lines of php. nearly 3 years in, I'm writing the new tiki wiki parser engine, one of the more complex entities in tiki. [18:33] RobertPlummer with arildb's help (right arildb) :) [18:33] gour ok, i'll send a post to the devel combining wisdom from that nginx+tiki post and reply from the hiawatha dev [18:34] RobertPlummer and all the tiki devs [18:34] gour heh, "with a little help from my friends..:" [18:34] RobertPlummer gour: good move [18:34] * gour is thanking RobertPlummer [18:52] arildb RobertPlummer: ..not much help from me... I am trying to stay away from the thorny area of parsing ;-) [18:52] RobertPlummer arildb: It is becoming less and less thorny, no? [18:53] arildb RobertPlummer: I can small the roses [18:53] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [18:53] arildb s/small/smell [18:53] RobertPlummer arildb: I've got much of Aloha working fyi, had to take a couple days off as my clients need some tlc, but it is close. in short, jquery ui is being overwritten when I invoke it. [18:53] RobertPlummer Thus tiki breaks. [18:54] RobertPlummer I'm working with the devs to fix this issue, am testing their ability to merge my commits. [18:54] RobertPlummer other than the very obscure, but in many ways needed, way of loading their entire lib, it is one of the best libs I've seen imho. [18:54] RobertPlummer like strongly typed javascript, if there was such a thing. [18:56] arildb RobertPlummer: I am eager to try this out, but it has to start. No-one but you can take this on at the moment, I think. [18:56] RobertPlummer arildb: understood, it has started. [18:57] RobertPlummer arildb: There are other places were we could use your help, not just wysiwyg. [18:57] arildb RobertPlummer: Is it built into trunk yet? [18:57] RobertPlummer arildb: I'm awaiting merge of my first commit, then it will be. [18:57] RobertPlummer https://github.com/alohaeditor/Aloha-Editor/pull/822 [18:57] RobertPlummer Had to expose the elements being inserted so that we can modify them slightly. [19:00] arildb RobertPlummer: My life is going through some changes now privately. Thus I cannot take on any new reposnisbilities (in the Tiki way). I am however happy to help out when the time allows. [19:00] RobertPlummer very good, thanks arildb [19:05] * gour sent post to devel list... [19:22] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Reports to Excel - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45641 [19:34] Bsfez joined #tikiwiki [19:46] luciash polom [19:48] arildb The anchor tag class "wiki wiki_page" was added reasontly, I belive. It used to be simply "wiki". This is causing some issues with the backlinks. What was the reason for the change? [19:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r44179 10branches/10.x/templates/comment/list.tpl [19:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Remove hand written service URLs [19:49] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [19:56] luciash arildb: no idea why; what issues ? [19:57] luciash s/why/what was the reason/ [19:57] arildb luciash: The backlink search used to look for preg_match_all('/html to pdf test
[22:37] arildb However, there is another variation: mindmap test [22:37] arildb that is the class attribute is missing in the anchor tag [22:37] arildb is there a regex, that could include this case, in addition to class="..."? [23:07] luciash arildb: it looks complicated; where does this variation come from ? would not it be easier to fix this extra case to match the other ones for consistency's sake ? [23:09] arildb luciash: Seems to be generated here: HTML editor -> Add Http Link -> Select type Wiki page. There is also the issue of old data / manual links [23:09] arildb luciash: I have added extra preg_match_all statements to catch these cases [23:10] luciash ok [23:10] arildb When refreshing backlinks preg_match_all is called 7 times per page .... not so good [23:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03arildb r44185 10trunk/ 10db/tiki.sql 03installer/schema/20121203_expand_object_relation_tiki.sql [23:22] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [DB] Allow for longer relations. Especially for 'tiki.link.*'