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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [00:00]
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RobertPlummerleft #tikiwiki [03:03]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03marclaporte r44340 10trunk/tiki-check.php
tikiwiki Improve descriptions in Tiki Check
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kstingeljoined #tikiwiki
any coders awake (and watching chat)? ... I have an idea I'd like to discuss with someone
... 'someone' with a good understanding of Tiki :)
laureijoined #tikiwiki [04:07]
kstingelleft #tikiwiki [04:20]
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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [06:09]
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DrDubjoined #tikiwiki [07:08]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03kstingel r44341 03trunk/doc/reports
tikiwiki [NEW] created a folder to store generated reports
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [07:41]
laureii'm having a problem with xml import from mediawiki, it's complaining of a bad mimetype is that normal [07:44]
marclaportecan you elaborate? [07:51]
DrDubchangi|away: merci! [07:54]
marclaporteDrDub: hi! [07:59]
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DrDubmarclaporte: finally getting around to look at the dbconfig stuff for the tiki debian packaging :) [08:15]
marclaporteyay! [08:21]
gourjoined #tikiwiki [08:24]
laureimarclaporte: i've exported mediawiki as an xml file
and i've just imported it
through tikiwiki importer
and it complains
marclaporteand you saw the docs?
I have never used the importer myself...
DrDub: and then, mailmerge or end user programming? :-) [08:36]
DrDubmarclaporte: could be :)
marclaporte: I've been thinking also in an integrated how-to search engine for tiki options...
marclaporteplease elaborate [08:39]
DrDubwell, you got tiki installed, you want to make a change, so you type the change in a box and get some replies from your current documentation
what I'm considering is doing a fallback to IRC if the search fails and then improve both the existing doc + the user experience :) :)
anyway, stuff we can discuss in the next 5 a 7
laureimarclaporte: yeah i read the docs, and i've done it properly. uploading an xml file from my mac, how could it be sending a bad MIME header? it's a text file [08:42]
marclaporteDrDub: Interesting, very networky!
laurei: that is what I was thinking!
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laureijoined #tikiwiki [09:10]
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dennmansjoined #tikiwiki [09:23]
is it possible to display all file gallery's metadata, iow. file desc. instead of file title, size, number of downloads..etc?
considering i want to move my old sites to tiki, i want to retain old download counters, but it looks it can't be done in front-end without digging into db?
marclaportegour: Lindon added some stuff recently
you'll likely need to tinker in DB though
gourmarclaporte: ok. that's for editing metadata, what about displaying on wiki page? [09:34]
dennmansleft #tikiwiki [09:34]
kstingeljoined #tikiwiki
gourwhat is login/passwd for the demo site?
iow. what is fileIDs
if fileId is just file id, then i wonder about other metadata
gourBsfez: thanks
now i see and i already created description for the file, but instead of displaying filename in the download link, i want to display description (which are in my case shorter) and have archive/download page on my sites, displaying all the media (mp3) files available in a nice table showing: description size #downloads last-modified
but i'm not sure if it is possible?
syntax tips does not show all [10:21]
marclaportehttp://doc.tiki.org/PluginFiles has perhaps something you want [10:27]
gourmarclaporte: thanks. that looks more promising
i'm trying to upgrade from beta to 10.0, but get this warning: "Failed to set max_execution_time for PHP. You may experience problems when creating/upgrading the database using this installer on a slow system. This can manifest itself by a blank page." what can be the reason for it?
max_execution_time is set to 90s in my php-fpm.conf
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Plugin Files is great, but it seems it cannot replace download link with 'file description'
so, it would be nice to map donwload-link (field=x) to e.g. title/description/filename etc.
laureijoined #tikiwiki [11:04]
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44342 10branches/10.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php
tikiwiki [FIX] trackers: Correction for truncate textarea values in list mode, to do it only in list mode - tracker contexts are y/n not bools, apologies
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44343 10branches/9.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php
tikiwiki [bp/r44342][FIX] trackers: Correction for truncate textarea values in list mode, to do it only in list mode - tracker contexts are y/n not bools, apologies
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tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44344 10trunk/doc/regular.cycle
tikiwiki [REL] missing 10.0 release info (regular.cycle and longterm.cycle are used since tiki 9)
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [13:51]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [14:28]
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konstantin222joined #tikiwiki
hello, could someone explain how to make horizontal navigation menu like here: http://info.tiki.org/ (same line as search under the logo)
I tried create menu, add it to topbar module, set it as css, but what i see just menu name
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:45]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03kstingel r44345 10trunk/doc/devtools/ks_prefreport.php
tikiwiki [REF] modified the ordering of fields so it's easier to see which preferences need descriptions
tikiwiki 03kstingel r44346 10trunk/lib/prefs/ 10article.php 10articles.php 10allowmsg.php
tikiwiki [ENH] added missing descriptions for preferences
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r44347 10trunk/modules/ 10mod-func-category_transition.php 10mod-func-change_category.php
tikiwiki [MOD] Remove limitation to wiki pages on the change category module
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [18:29]
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laureijoined #tikiwiki [19:25]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [19:49]
webinar starts now: https://tiki.org/live [20:00]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r44348 10trunk/ 10(9 files in 8 dirs)
tikiwiki [NEW] Introduce category selector smarty plugin, used in the forum category listing
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [20:06]
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marclaporteSo webinar is moving here because most people have no microphones
topic is http://dev.tiki.org/URL+Rewriting+Revamp and PHP 5.4 and Nginx and Reverse Proxy
fabriciuspolom everybody and especially the ones coming from bbb to IRC now [20:52]
marclaportechangi: do you have any idea about the reverse proxy issue gour found? [20:52]
changiabout nginx, i will try to setup a specific configuration to have nginx as a front end server and use our virtual machine as web servers [20:53]
kstingelfabricius: wolod :) [20:53]
changimarclaporte: i discuss a bit with him, and made some test with the same configuration he had, and didn't found any issues
marclaporte: i think there is a specific configuration with timeout, that i'm unable to reproduce on my lab
fabriciuskstingel: :-) [20:54]
kstingel*sneaks out to kitchen for Egg-Nog and cookies* [20:56]
changito be able to switch to nginx as a web server, we will need to fix what gour said about the url rewriting [20:56]
gourchangi: use nginx as reverse proxy, and try with e.g. hiawatha/lighttpd/cherokee running on non-priviledged port [20:57]
changigour: i use lighttpd on 8080 and it's working too [20:58]
gouri believe that jonnyb pointed me towards absoulute_urls.php and i was able to 'fix' it as workaround by writing my 1st lines of PHP - see http://pastebin.com/iJe91xTv [20:59]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44349 10branches/9.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] Preparing release of 9.3
gourhere is the snippet - http://pastebin.com/f6La1Hjf
this is the problem: $prefs['http_port'] = (int)
changigour: the mane issue with this code is that if you are behind a proxy $_SERVER['HTTPS'] doesn't exist [21:01]
gourand tiki appends local port number to every url [21:01]
kstingel*brings back refreshments* Egg-Nogs & cookies for all :-) [21:01]
changikstingel: thx :) [21:01]
gourchangi: but tiki sets $prefs['http_port'] to e.g. '64534' which is not correct either [21:02]
changigour: yes you're right [21:03]
gouriow, some code to detect tiki running behind reverse-proxy and settinghttp_port appropriately is required [21:03]
changigour: +1 [21:03]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44350 10branches/9.x/README
tikiwiki [REL] Update README file for 9.3
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44351 10branches/ 10(49 files in 49 dirs)
tikiwiki [REL] Update language.php files for 9.3
changiricks : Changelog updated with 52 new commits (revision 44343 to 43707), excluding duplicates, merges and release-related commits. [21:04]
gourchangi: my workaround is to just set $prefs['http_port'] = ''; in the right else clause, but it will (i believe) fail if tik iwould running on stand-alon server and on non-80 or https port [21:05]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44352 10branches/9.x/changelog.txt
tikiwiki [REL] Update changelog.txt for 9.3
changigour: we need to have a more powerfull checker :) [21:06]
gourgour nods [21:06]
changito resume, for me 2013: we need to fix all PHP5.4 issues, to revamp the URL rewriting, and thx to kstingel have more documentation :) [21:07]
gourmoreover, i suggest that we, for 11, tackle proper routing as well, so that there won't be need to maintain several sets of htaccess&clones files
changi: there are issues with 5.4?
changigour: +100 [21:07]
gourchangi: pray for me to get some clue about php & tiki code in order to be able to help ;) [21:08]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44353 03branches/9.x/db/tiki-secdb_9.3_mysql.sql
tikiwiki [REL] SecDB for 9.3
changigour: don't know yet, but the strict process they put in place will maybe have some side effextct
kstingelgour: I've seen a couple of weird things tonight, but that may just be my server settings, I'm still looking into it [21:08]
gour'strict process' ? that's php issue? [21:09]
kstingelyup ... it's making a mess of producing the prefreport [21:09]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44354 04branches/9.x/db/tiki-secdb_9.2_mysql.sql
tikiwiki [REL] Removing previous secdb
changiwe should start a php54 page with all those side effect [21:10]
kstingelcan't get the rep[ort to build via the commandline, but when I run the script from server (after adjusting doc/devtools/.htaccess) it creates the file [21:10]
changikstingel: did you get an error message ? [21:11]
kstingelchangi: I'll add a page to showtiki.kstingel.com/trunk [21:11]
changikstingel: ok [21:11]
gourkstingel: well, document it and save us from hitting the same walls [21:11]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44355 10branches/9.x/db/tiki-secdb_9.3_mysql.sql
tikiwiki [REL] SecDB for 9.3
changichangi 9.3 is on its way :)
marclaporte: still there ?
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44356 03tags/9.3
tikiwiki [REL] Tagging release
changimy roadmap for the 1st quarter of 2013, is to provide all next* with php5.4
to squash all bugs and side effects
kstingelchangi: Strict standards: Declaration of WikiPlugin_HtmlBase:: exec() should be compatible with WikiPlugin_ConditionBase::exec($data, $params,$index.$parser) in
then it lists the call stack
changikstingel: first example of strict's issue
marclaporte: should i release a 6.x ?
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
repolom computer crashed
marclaportegour & changi: here is the Nginx quick fix: https://dev.tiki.org/URL+Rewriting+Revamp#Issues_with_status_quo
changi: yes, please
you backported same security fix, right?
gourdon't know how many active tiki devs (not just occasional contributors) are absent from IRC, but it might be good to think about moving to DVCS...i havent's heard about projects which lost number of contributors by such step [21:21]
changimarclaporte: jonny did [21:21]
gourmarclaporte: it is really dirty one :-) [21:22]
changianother thing that would be nice, is to provide phar archive for external lib instead of the full code
changi 9.3 is on sf.net
gourwhat's that? [21:23]
changigour: a phar archive ?
phar = jar in java
gouryep...found some links
sounds as good idea to reduce size of the repo
changiand why not using composer for that
kstingelchangi: http://tikishow.kstingel.com/trunk/PHP54 [21:27]
gourchangi: why not? [21:27]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44357 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php 10trunk
tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 44333 to 44342
changikstingel: what is that message at the top talking about cookies ? [21:29]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44358 10branches/10.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] Add 9.3
gourmarclaporte: i believe you can remove bazaar from the list of potential DVCS-es - http://stationary-traveller.eu/pages/bzr-a-retrospective.html and, afaik, the situation with monotone is even less rosy [21:30]
kstingelchangi: I snuck away and bought back Christmas EggNog and cookies for everyone after the BBB meeting :)
changi: did you miss out?
changiwas talking about the privacy message on your website :) [21:32]
marclaportechangi: I don't see 44292 in 6x [21:33]
arildbDoes Tiki support auto-rotation for banners? [21:42]
marclaporterotation? [21:44]
arildbif a banner zone has multiple images/banner, is it possible to have the banners auto-loaded at set intervals, e.g. 15 seconds. It seems like banners are reloaded only with the page. [21:46]
marclaporteah, yes
that is indeed how it works
it's a good idea to have this rotation
arildbyes, would be nice [21:49]
marclaportegour: will you share that on Fossil ML?
gour: my message worked, we got some more votes: https://www.ohloh.net/p/fossil-scm
gour: suggest to put that URL on http://dev.tiki.org/Distributed+revision+control as well
gourmarclaporte: about bazaar? [21:51]
so it's a three pony game :-)
gouri'm not sure fossil users are much interested about it...especially richard does not care about it :-) [21:52]
kstingelchangi: after adding some echo statements to the file ... I still see all the warnings, but this time it completed -- and the file was updated, I checked the timestamp [21:52]
changikstingel: so it's only a warning,
kstingelseems like it ... though it was hard to tell that initially [21:59]
gourmarclaporte: added info to the tiki. how to vote on ohloh? [21:59]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44359 10branches/6.x/tests/testfile.txt
tikiwiki test
gourgot it...you meant 'i use it' :-) [22:12]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44360 10branches/ 106.x/doc/devtools/tikirelease.sh 106.x/doc/devtools/svntools.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Allura urls
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44361 10branches/ 10(5 files in 2 dirs)
tikiwiki [BP/10.x@44292] [FIX] Replace serialize/unserialize_calls on input with json encode/decode where appropriate, removed some others (thanks for the continued help on this Egix)
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44362 10branches/ 046.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.8_mysql.sql 046.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.7_mysql.sql 106.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] Preparing release
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44363 10branches/6.x/README
tikiwiki [REL] Update README file for 6.9
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44364 10branches/6.x/changelog.txt
tikiwiki [REL] Update changelog.txt for 6.9
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44365 03branches/6.x/db/tiki-secdb_6.9_mysql.sql
tikiwiki [REL] SecDB for 6.9
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44366 03tags/6.9
tikiwiki [REL] Tagging release
tikiwiki 03changi67 r44367 10branches/9.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] 6.8 and 6.9
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [22:37]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44368 10branches/10.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php
tikiwiki [REL] 6.8 and 6.9
changichangi 6.9 is on sf.net [22:38]
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03changi67 r44369 10trunk/lib/setup/twversion.class.php 10trunk
tikiwiki [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/10.x 44342 to 44368
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gour_joined #tikiwiki [23:01]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [23:05]
Topicfor #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - The Free and Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features - Tiki 10.0, 9.3 LTS and 6.9 LTS are out! Question? Just ask. We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) [23:07]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [23:15]

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