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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Shopping Cart / HOWTO? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45688
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anyone in here?
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laurei: what is wrong with permissions? I have a person in a group which has ALL permissions for certain categories, but he can't even list pages
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03kstingel r44378 10trunk/lib/prefs/ 10(15 files)
tikiwiki [REF] added new "description" field where the field was absent from the array. Some descriptions also added, but for most just the empty field has been added.
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kstingel: laurei: have you enabled p_list_pages for the categories in question?
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Upgrade 9.2 -error on plugin approval - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=45689
laurei: kstingel: there is a p_list_pages, i looked but couldnt find it
kstingel: no had another lok, that is missing
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laurei: kstingel:
there is no such thing as p_list_pages
kstingel: which Tiki version are you using?
... just so I can open correct version :)
laurei: kstingel: the stable
9.2 or somethnig
how do i find out
kstingel: Admin Home -> General, it should tell you the current version near the top of the page
laurei: 9.2 kstingel
kstingel: give me a second, I've just opened http://tikishow.kstingel.com/9x so I can step you through ... it's also running 9.2 :)
laurei: kstingel: the problem I'm having is: i have tiki_p_view disabled in global, but I have ALL permissions enabled for a category for a certain group... ... but the member of the group can't even list pages
kstingel: I've just created an example category and Group now ... am checking into permissions that need to be enabled for that group
if tiki_p_view is disabled globally, you will need to enable it specifically for your group or the global permission (denied in this case) will apply
laurei: yes kstingel i've definitely enabled ALL permissions for the group in the category which the page is a member of
kstingel: for your specific group ... you have all boxes (for all sections) on the permissions page checked?
does your group inherit permissions from any other group?
laurei: yes
no group doesnt inherit permissions
i have teamviewer might be easier kstingel
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RobertPlummer: polom all
Bsfez: hey Robert !
RobertPlummer: hey Bsfez, how is it on the other side of the earth?
Bsfez: LOL… cold, christmas for some, usual day for most… some melancholia for me… I miss so much Paris on christmas/sylvester. :)
RobertPlummer: We are expecting a winter snow storm, can't wait!
Bsfez: we just had our tropical storm… i'm living at the top of a hill (400m is a lot for Israel). trees falling, windy, fogs… was nice in front of the fireplace. :) But hey have fun !
and have a merry Christmas buddy. :)
RobertPlummer: Bsfez: thanks. I used to hate winter, but now I look forward to it.
Bsfez: same… too hot here. Last time i went on holiday => Canada during storm −29 ! :D
a long time ago though
RobertPlummer: wow
Bsfez: loved it !
well Robert, all the best to you and your family, i guess every one will run on low gear…
So… will you be available anyway ? I have things to check with the roject we worked together on
RobertPlummer: yea, I'm on a project outside of tiki, which is why I have not been working on wysiwyg/parser. I'm going to be less available till Mid January.
I'm working on jQuery.sheet for a corp, finally going to get v3 released.
Bsfez: I'm having a terrible time working out scrolling for the spreadsheet pane.
Bsfez: oh nothing that hard :)
just some logic prior the next step… i'll be on skype most of the time. when you'll have a 20m break just beep me.
RobertPlummer: k
kstingel: RobertPlummer: you called?
RobertPlummer: kstingel: Hey bud
kstingel: Are you familiar with css/html much?
kstingel: And js
kstingel: just a bit ... I've only been using it for 12 years ;)
RobertPlummer: kstingel: switching to pm
kstingel: meh, js ... for 2 yrs
laurei: kstingel pm
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morning all ... Merry Christmas