Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r44530 10trunk/lib/search/searchlib-unified.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Use the 'contents' field by default, if no unified_default_content is specified in Admin | Search ricks99: joined #tikiwiki
polom! redflo: joined #tikiwiki
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tw 10: new install. Having trouble getting a google maps api key as they are depreciated. i spun one up in the google dev section however it does not accept it. is there some plain english on how to make this work? Martin___: joined #tikiwiki
Hi all
hope, anyone could help me
i'm working with flagged revisions.
And i have to grant different groups per category to accept these revisions
But at category pemissions i don't see the rights Can approve revisions of pages (tiki_p_wiki_approve) Can execute unapproved plugin registered (tiki_p_plugin_preview
Are these rights only global ? rinnan: left #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki gour: joined #tikiwiki redflo: joined #tikiwiki Martin___: joined #tikiwiki dennmans: joined #tikiwiki redflo: left #tikiwiki luciash: polom dennmans: left #tikiwiki gour: bolow
luciash: any idea how to revamp tiki themes? gour_: joined #tikiwiki vmachine: left #tikiwiki luciash: hi gour
how do u mean to revamp ? gour: luciash: to make it easier to create tiki themes in order to increase the number of them luciash: personally i think it is easy enough. to increase number of them it depends on how tos imho gour: that's one of the critcism i've found about tiki rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki gour: ..as well as to be able to do responsive themes jan: joined #tikiwiki Guest44246: hi everyone, i have just one quick question if someone can comment
is it possible to have in twiki simple usage of pictures (to upload and assign a picture to certain wiki page) or is the file gallery the only way? ricks99: Guest44246: you can attach images to pages (see wiki attachment feature)
oh... and Tiki -- not Twiki :) different cms Guest44246: sorry ^^ ricks99: see docs for details: http://doc.tiki.org/Attachments Guest44246: thanks rick!
that's all, bye ricks99: youre welcome Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki gour: ricks99: how are your books? ricks99: "Smarties" is off to printer. Expect to approve the proof copy and be in stores by Feb 1
"Essentials" shortly thereafter gour: great
congrats!! -: ricks99 wishes there were more than 24 hours in a day ricks99: thanks gour: ricks99: just count that every hour lasts 30mins and here you go ;) ricks99: lol arildb: joined #tikiwiki pedor: joined #tikiwiki arildb_: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
midweek polom arildb: Hi jonnyb jonnyb: hi arildb arildb: I am struggling with the Tiki search and norwegian characters. Have replaced StandardAnalyzer_Analyzer_Standard_English with Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8_CaseInsensitive
still encoding issues
why was StandardAnalyzer_Analyzer_Standard_English used in the foirst place? jonnyb: hmm, i tried to get Japanese search working a while back - failed :( arildb: jonnyb: I think you know the search module a bit...any advice/thoughts? jonnyb: have to get it working in the next few months though, so interested arildb: I managed to get it partially working, i.e. display ��� OK jonnyb: i found a promising blog post about it - http://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=belladonnaf&logNo=50105918396 arildb: However it doesn't work for capital letters ���. Also when highlighted...strange results
checking.. jonnyb: but not sure if this would be the same issues you are finding as Norge is all utf-8, whereas i think this is about utf-16
another was http://coderepos.org/share/browser/lang/php/ZendFramework_ext/library/Twk/Search/Lucene/Analysis/Analyzer/Common/Utf8MbcsUnigram.php arildb: these links redefine the analyser... there is already the Zend_Search_Lucene_Analysis_Analyzer_Common_Utf8_CaseInsensitive analyser...sounds like it should work, but... rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki arildb: To get some display of ���, I altered SmartyTemplate.php .....
// Must decode UTF-8 to have non-english (scandinavian) characters display ok
// Please help test in different languages. Arild
foreach($entries as &$entry) {
if(isset($entry['highlight'])) {
$entry['highlight'] = utf8_decode($entry['highlight']);
strange to have to decode utf8
joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: polom
Ohhh, I'm into Lucene search also right now jonnyb: hi Jyhem Jyhem: Hi jonnyb
Yesterday i looked at demo.tiki.org/9.x and it seemed that accents were found but not shown in the page snippet
But on my dev Tiki, it also does not find the accented words :-( Maybe it's due to my old release jonnyb: arildb's fix for SmartyTemplate.php looks ok to me, but i've not come across these issues personally Jyhem: Well, here is an example: http://demo.tiki.org/9x/tiki-searchindex.php?highlight=Caract%C3%A8res&search=Go
It finds "Caractères", but no accents in the snippet
Back to figuring out highlighting jantiki: joined #tikiwiki
hi everyone!
we've implemented webserver side authentication and are using ntlm for sso
can anyone tell me how can the upper right "Log out" be turned into the username (since we don't want the user to log out) ricks99: could modify the TPL template file jantiki: that was my idea, and i did so in LTS 6 jantiki2: joined #tikiwiki
my connection died...
i don't know if my replies went through, so i'll repeat
that was my idea, and i did so in LTS 6
for strasa theme it was under templates/styles/strasa/tiki_site_header_login.tpl
but in LTS 9 the template isn't there ricks99: there was some significant theme/template rework from 6 > 9
can turn on the "show template indicator" option, then review the HTML.
Tiki will display start/stop notifications for each template
jantiki: having connection issues, can review IRC log at irc.tiki.org
can use template indicator to find correct template to edit jantiki: i just did
and by the comments, it seems it's in module.tpl
but i can't seem to find it there ricks99: IIRC module.tpl simply wraps the actual module
look in ../templates/modules/*.tpl for the file
mod-login.tpl maybe? jantiki: good old grep show it's probably in mod-login_box.tpl
i'll try to change it
yup, that's it
ricks99: thanks for your help! ricks99: you're welcome dhazel: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki vmachine: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4360 - - registration pretty tracker without captcha - http://dev.tiki.org/item4360 fabricius: joined #tikiwiki goru: joined #tikiwiki
i m gaurav
and u ?
left #tikiwiki sandroandrade: joined #tikiwiki rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r44531 10trunk/lang/fr/language.php
tikiwiki One more FR translation for Maps rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r44532 10branches/10.x/ 10(49 files in 49 dirs)
tikiwiki update language files with get_strings.php
tikiwiki 03marclaporte r44533 10branches/9.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php
tikiwiki [bp/r44526] [fix] variables shouldn't be inside translatable strings (see http://dev.tiki.org/Strings+Format+Convention) vmachine: left #tikiwiki gour: i imported small WP blog, set it to be displayed as homepage, but after leaving admin, i get 403 when visiting homepage...any idea?
under admin, everything is fine
and the eror msg is "You are not logged in. Go to Log in Page" ricks99: does perm for anonymous allow viewing of blogs? gour: just thinking about perms...let me see...
ricks99: that was it. thanks! i thought tiki is more liberal out-of-the-box :-) ricks99: :) redflo: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r44534 10branches/ 1010.x 1010.x/lang/fr/language.php
tikiwiki [bp/r44531] One more FR translation for Maps fabricius: joined #tikiwiki luciash: hi ricks99 - did my feedback help ? ricks99: very much :)
had completely missed the stuff about cron job for daily report luciash: cool ricks99: appreciate your input. expecting my proof copy end of this week vmachine: joined #tikiwiki gour: my (imported) blog has id=6 and i'm trying to configure months_links in order to get archives. here are the params i used: feature=blogs id=6 title=Archives decorations=y lang=en, but i get 'no records to display' in my right sidebar ? luciash: gour: tiki cache cleared ? gour: luciash: nope...let me see
luciash: in my setup there is 'no-cache' set as Cache wiki pages (global) Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r44535 10trunk/templates/tracker/replace.tpl
tikiwiki More explicit description vmachine1: joined #tikiwiki luciash: gour: i think it has to be put as args string if used in Plugin Module gour: luciash: you mean for id or in general (which i do not understand what it means)? luciash: nope, sorry, that was false assumption, your params look ok fabricius: joined #tikiwiki luciash: right sidebar means it is module, right ? or is it inside wiki page ? vmachine: joined #tikiwiki luciash: module should have params like feature=blogs&id=6&title=Archives
that is what i meant by args string gour: ahh, ok...but it seems that the module should take care about it, right? luciash: if it has the fields separated, then yes
if it is old module it might have not have them, then it is just one input field, where you enter the args vmachine1: joined #tikiwiki gour: it's tiki-10 luciash: yes, but some modules code did not updated for ages gour: here the modules has tabbed interface for entering params fabricius: joined #tikiwiki gour: *months_links module vmachine: joined #tikiwiki luciash: gour: works for me in Tiki 9 gour: huh luciash: gour: is your blog containing any records ? gour: luciash: you mean posts? yes, 3 posts luciash: i have used feature=blogs id=1 and title=Archives and it works vmachine: joined #tikiwiki gour: strange...my blog is set to be on the homepage...hopefully it does not matter
"1" is id of your blog?
mine shows: tiki-view_blog.php?blogId=6 in the url for the homepage luciash: yep fabricius: joined #tikiwiki gour: here i get only the title "Archives" :-/ rodrigoprimo: left #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44536 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
tikiwiki [FIX] trackers: Make jquery validation apply for ajax loaded tracker insert and update item forms.
tikiwiki Thanks marclaporte (Currently fails 2nd time if you cancel the dialog - will fix later) DarkCalf: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki rodrigoprimo1: joined #tikiwiki
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