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refizul | what is an ePub reader? | [00:11] |
luciash | kstingel: nope | [00:22] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Buggy editor? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=45846 | [05:03] |
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hi. I activated login method CAS just to see what it is and now my site can't be accessed at all: phpCAS error: phpCAS::client(): bad CAS server hostname (`') in /var/www/vhosts/web463/html/labo/lib/userslib.php on line 889 where in the config files or database do I revert to normal login? | [12:49] |
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Tiki-KGB | tikiwiki 03arildb r44852 10trunk/lib/structures/structlib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Use LF line endings | [16:20] |
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nilsge | let me try again: I activated login method CAS just to see what it is and now my site can't be accessed at all: phpCAS error: phpCAS::client(): bad CAS server hostname (`') in /var/www/vhosts/web463/html/labo/lib/userslib.php on line 889
where in the config files or database do I revert to normal tiki login method? | [17:35] |
arildb | Hi nilsge, I am not sure, but check the tiki_preferences table | [17:40] |
nilsge | arildb: hm, not. Does not seem so. It is an option of the login admin part, if that helps | [17:43] |
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refizul | nilsge: can you dump the database and search for CAS there? Then you maybe find out which table and entry has to be changeg. | [20:37] |
nilsge | refizul: will do that. Better than deleting and reinstalling, I guess | [20:39] |
refizul | At least you learn how to do this. Once Tiki is in use reinstalling won't be an option anymore. | [20:41] |
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please tell whether this method works or not - never did that before | [21:03] | |
nilsge | the question is why did this fail in the first place. A wrong choice about a method I have no data (I guess it should ask me for login information to this service or so) and the whole tiki system shuts down with a php error | [21:03] |
refizul | CAS is an identity management. If you do not run CAS, Tiki cannot check whether your login is valid
probably it would be a good idea for Tiki to check it's existence before activating it | [21:12] |
nilsge | refizul: it says the variable is named "auth_method" and I can see in the log where I changed it to various service to look what they are, and finally openid=>cas
and then tiki_preferences should have auth_method but I do not see it in fact a database search does not show auth_method outside of the log Ah!!! there are more sites. The flip page button was hidden :) I changed to "tiki". http://wargsang.de/labo/ do you still see the error? | [21:20] |
refizul | yes | [21:25] |
nilsge | auth_method can only be found in the log and in the tiki_preferences
it somehow still tries to _init_cas_client() | [21:26] |
refizul | see topic for this hint | [21:28] |
nilsge | this can be logged, I have nothing to hide | [21:29] |
refizul | ok | [21:29] |
nilsge | ok, I deactivated cas in the php file | [21:29] |
refizul | which table is it? | [21:29] |
nilsge | tiki_preferences
I went to my admin and checked the auth method in the gui, it still is on CAS. It did not use the "tiki" value I inserted. maybe some sync issue between phpmyadmin or whatever changed it back for real now initially my pnly problem was when I choose tiki+openId as login method that the two field overlay each other in the 10.1 default template. (Google chrome, recent version) | [21:29] |
refizul | which field in tiki_preferences is about CAS? | [21:33] |
nilsge | refizul: still only auth_method which had "cas" as string. | [21:35] |
refizul | where is this CAS in the database? I cannot find the auth method field | [21:40] |
nilsge | don't search for cas. it is not there if you did not activate it
auth_method is in tiki_preferences. I don't know how it was sorted, but it was the last entry, page 3 in my phpadmin | [21:44] |
refizul | not in my database - WTF? | [21:47] |
nilsge | maybe it is only there if it is not "tiki" ?
the default value may be in the php files | [21:49] |
refizul | should be tiki+ldap here
or something like that | [21:50] |
nilsge | 10.1 as well? | [21:51] |
refizul | no, 9
but this shouldn't be the problem the method must be somewhere stored | [21:54] |
this is odd
I changed auth_method and do not see it in the database | [22:00] | |
nilsge | one should monitor any file changes before/after changing the log in method | [22:03] |
refizul | argh | [22:04] |
nilsge | chose cas? :) | [22:04] |
refizul | you can set this field to 'pam' or 'tiki'
ah - your login is back already | [22:10] |
nilsge | yes, 40 minutes ago | [22:12] |
refizul | at least I improved my experience with command line dumps... | [22:14] |
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manub | left #tikiwiki | [22:42] |
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fabricius | hello, I need some help with articles
on a website I launched recently for a small association the pagiation of tiki-view_articles.php is gone ... i do not find a preference to activate/deactivate and fear that I either have a bug in the php or a fault in the css anybody there who has an idea where to look? refizul: helau | [23:04] |
nilsge | fabricius: are you from dusseldorf? | [23:08] |
fabricius | no from W�rzburg, but we had Faschingszug today ... Fasching is quite bige here aswell, even not as huge as in the very west of Germany ;-)
/s/bige/big nilsge: nilsge: is it Fasching or Karneval in D�sseldorf? | [23:10] |
nilsge | fabricius: I am not from D�sseldorf, I am from Cologne
Karneval | [23:12] |
fabricius | ah | [23:13] |
nilsge | it is pretty loud here right now :) | [23:13] |
refizul | fabricius: the marti gras hell... I'll hide in the basement until Wednesday... | [23:15] |
fabricius | I believe that :-D ... have been at in the city today and guided the Ranzengarde ... have been asked if I could join the securities ... nice experience and the musicians and the lady dancers appreciated the support ;-) ... but I am noit so much in Fasching/Karneval these days
hehe hiding yourself is a good idea refizul we are getting a quite good portion of german registrations ... I think, I will write a mail to the obvious german language Tiki users sometime the next days and invite them to the GLUG | [23:15] |
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nilsge | Can I act on tracker fields? I added a checkbox to my user registration form and if it was checked I want to send an email to a certain adress with a specified body+users mail adress, so that the user gets subscribed to a mailing list
or in general: A user fills out a form and I want the system to do something with the data immediately | [23:36] |
refizul | good question - I suppose, this is possible in one way or another | [23:43] |
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