[00:21] pedor joined #tikiwiki
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[03:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03luciash r44994 10trunk/styles/gradiant.css
[03:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] Gradiant theme: Opera login pop-up dance fix
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[09:59] GillesM hello the watch icon for Wiki page seems to not work .. idea ?
[10:43] xavi joined #tikiwiki
[10:43] xavi polom
[10:43] xavi Jyhem?
[10:58] vmachine1 joined #tikiwiki
[11:14] Jyhem Hi xavi !
[11:26] xavi hi Jyhem :-)
[11:27] xavi I'm experiencing some issues with tracker field "Item list": they are not displaying the expected items (9.x lts). Are they working fine for you?
[11:27] xavi And the tracker field "relations" doesn't display the inverse relations....
[11:28] xavi so I'm wondering if they ever worked for me (I don't remember), or I didn't set them up properly, etc.
[11:28] xavi bbl
[11:29] Jyhem I haven't used the tracker field "relations" yet. I only discovered the workings of relations 2 weeks ago, between articles
[11:29] * Jyhem looks for examples of tracker field "Item list"
[11:33] xavi ok, thanks :-)
[11:33] * xavi feels that we should have some profile for eaasy install & demo & test linked trackers with tracker fields "items list", "item link" and "relations"
[11:37] xavi "items list" tracker field in 9.x svn: when the common field between the two trackers is a "user selector" field, the items list works as expected for me. However....
[11:39] * Jyhem sees only one "items list" tracker field in current working project and it's not used/empty/not working... Not sure
[11:40] xavi ... however, when the common field is a Auto-increment, then it doesn't work for me
[11:41] Jyhem Not a good example: the field links to an empty tracker, so emptiness is normal
[11:41] xavi ok, :-)
[11:41] xavi mmmm. was there an easy way to convert a few trackers into a profile from an existing tiki site???
[11:42] xavi (maybe making the profile out of my current setup wouldn't be that difficult, if that feature of exporting to a profile yaml code works... I never tried....)
[11:43] Jyhem I never tried either. Now may be the time for you to tell the world :-)
[11:44] xavi :-D
[11:45] xavi he he, a few days ago I created my first set of youtube videos (no audio, unluckily; it was just quick & dirty screencasts) to demonstrate how to create a bilingual form to collect data (questionnaires) for a common web database (=single tracker)...
[11:46] xavi ...in just a few hours
[11:47] Jyhem :-)
[11:47] xavi https://tv.tiki.org/Trackers+espanol
[11:50] Jyhem Was that using the jcapture feature ?
[12:03] vmachine joined #tikiwiki
[12:05] xavi nope, using gtk-recordmydesktop + OpenShot
[12:09] Jyhem Why no audio? A limitation of gtk-recordmydesktop or a lack of microphone?
[12:10] xavi none of both. I was missing time :-)
[12:11] xavi +1
[12:11] xavi oups, wrong tab
[12:12] * Jyhem guessed
[12:17] * Jyhem waits for sudo aptitude install recordmydesktop openshot
[12:18] xavi :-D
[12:19] xavi I'll share with you my "howto" page about video edition using FLOSS tools under GNU/Linux
[12:19] xavi let's see if token access works ;-)
[12:40] xavi it doesn't work :-( (no link in the email)
[12:52] xavi Jyhem, I'm to commit a fix. should I first commit to trunk, then 10, then 9.x? or just 10.x, 9.x (and trunk will get it by some semiautomatic merge by someone else)?
[12:52] * xavi not sure since he doesn't commit for a while now
[12:53] vmachine left #tikiwiki
[12:53] xavi ok, I guess trunk, 10.x and 9.x
[12:53] * xavi changes to commit mode
[13:04] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03xavidp r44995 10trunk/modules/mod-func-last_youtube_playlist_videos.php
[13:04] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX]Set playlist order in the standard default from youtube which allows users to fix a wrong order in publishing time (longer videos take longer to upload than shorter ones even if they were meant to be the first ones), allowing backwards compatibility by the addition of a param to choose previous sort order or any other of the available according to youtube. Thanks m
[13:04] Tiki-KGB tikiwikiarclaporte for showing me this module, which I didn't know before your example with my first tutorial playlist.
[13:06] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03xavidp r44996 10branches/9.x/modules/mod-func-last_youtube_playlist_videos.php
[13:06] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44995][FIX]Set playlist order in the standard default from youtube which allows users to fix a wrong order in publishing time (longer videos take longer to upload than shorter ones even if they were meant to be the first ones), allowing backwards compatibility by the addition of a param to choose previous sort order or any other of the available according to youtub
[13:06] Tiki-KGB tikiwikie. Thanks marclaporte for showing me this module, which I didn't know before your example with my first tutorial playlist.
[13:06] xavi ok, commit and backports done. lunch time
[13:06] xavi bbl
[13:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03xavidp r44997 10branches/10.x/modules/mod-func-last_youtube_playlist_videos.php
[13:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44995][FIX]Set playlist order in the standard default from youtube which allows users to fix a wrong order in publishing time (longer videos take longer to upload than shorter ones even if they were meant to be the first ones), allowing backwards compatibility by the addition of a param to choose previous sort order or any other of the available according to youtub
[13:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwikie. Thanks marclaporte for showing me this module, which I didn't know before your example with my first tutorial playlist.
[13:11] Jyhem yup, trunk, 10.x and 9.x
[13:17] fabricius joined #tikiwiki
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[13:55] jonnyb polomolom
[13:56] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44998 03trunk/installer/schema/20130228_bigger_token_groups_tiki.sql
[13:56] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] tokens: Make groups column bigger, 255 chars not enough for some people (thanks marclaporte)
[14:00] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki
[14:06] xavi hi jonnyb! hi rodrigoprimo!
[14:06] jonnyb hey, moloq xavi!
[14:06] rodrigoprimo hi xavi!
[14:06] xavi hi both :-)
[14:07] xavi rodrigoprimo: how is life with your company?
[14:07] jonnyb hi rodrigoprimo too - you tiki'ing?
[14:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r44999 10trunk/lib/filegals/filegallib.php
[14:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] strict: Only vars can be passed by reference
[14:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45000 10trunk/templates/list_file_gallery.tpl
[14:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] route: Another PHP_SELF removed (47 to go)
[14:08] * xavi willing to request small paid improvements to rodrigoprimo
[14:09] xavi rodrigoprimo: there was a user reporting that daily reports could not be launched as anonymous with token access...
[14:09] xavi and I confirmed that I couldn't make it work as anonymous with token access...
[14:09] xavi I remember you did it and it worked in the past...
[14:10] xavi jonnyb: see pm (off-topic)
[14:16] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45001 10trunk/templates/admin/include_profiles.tpl
[14:16] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] profiles: Use YAML syntax highlighting for test textarea (and spell syntax correctly)
[14:16] rodrigoprimo jonnyb: I'm still around, helping as I can with i18n. But no big Tiki project. I'm focused on Hacklab, my company, we work mostly with Wordpress and Python.
[14:17] rodrigoprimo xavi: I think we can arrange something. Hacklab is doing great but I would like to take one small Tiki project. I miss the community.
[14:18] xavi :-) I know that feeling (it's one of Tiki's strengths from a SWOT point of view) ;-)
[14:18] rodrigoprimo xavi: :)
[14:19] rodrigoprimo xavi: I just got back from my vacation. Until yesterday I was climbing in Mendoza, Argentina :)
[14:19] xavi :-) climbing man...
[14:19] rodrigoprimo xavi: can we talk about this next week? like thursday or friday? I have a huge pile of unread emails for this week.,
[14:19] * xavi wonders what did you do with your bicycle during that time...
[14:21] xavi yes, yes, no worries. I'll send you an email (and whenever you read it, it might probably mean that you processed all the previous ones :-) )
[14:22] rodrigoprimo xavi: I'm still using the bicycle as my medium of transportation but I wasn't with my bicycle in this trip. Just camping and climbing this time. We went to Arenales in Argentina and also to El Arrayan in Santiago in Chile (where your sister lives, right? or is it somewhere else in Chile?)
[14:22] rodrigoprimo xavi: ok, great. so I will wait for your email.
[14:23] GillesM joined #tikiwiki
[14:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45002 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[14:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] services: Parse data into an object in loadService() if sent as a string.
[14:24] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Bug existed before but only breaks now in route.php as it sends tiki-undefined as a service request instead of tiki-action-controller.
[14:24] xavi yes, Santiago where my sister lives... even if these last days she was in hospital (she is better nowadays, recovering from an operation): you wouldn't have found her at her place even if you know her address :-)
[14:25] xavi Jyhem, see pm
[14:30] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45003 03branches/10.x/installer/schema/20130228_bigger_token_groups_tiki.sql
[14:30] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44998][FIX] tokens: Make groups column bigger, 255 chars not enough for some people (thanks marclaporte)
[14:30] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Needed backporting now for real world testing on *.tiki.org
[15:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45004 10branches/10.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php
[15:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44966][FIX] menupage module: Add perms check on the wiki page (thanks marclaporte)
[15:14] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44975][FIX] menupage module: Add error message if no tiki_p_view on page
[15:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45005 10branches/9.x/modules/mod-func-menupage.php
[15:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r45004] From 10.x
[15:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44966][FIX] menupage module: Add perms check on the wiki page (thanks marclaporte)
[15:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [bp/r44975][FIX] menupage module: Add error message if no tiki_p_view on page
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[16:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03chibaguy r45006 10trunk/ 10(285 files in 10 dirs)
[16:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [REF] Update break tag syntax from
to HTML5-permitted
- 1167 items in 1082 files in templates directory in this commit.
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[17:00] arildb When updating from trunk, I get the error: External failed .....\lib\ckeditor4 ... anybody else getting the same?
[17:06] jonnyb hi arildb - yes i spotted one of those today - on fo.js i think (so i ignored it)
[17:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45007 10trunk/ 10lib/smarty_tiki/function.sefurl.php 10tiki-editpage.php
[17:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] route: Cases of &'s in urls without a preceding ? in edit page and sefurl fn (used in structures)
[17:08] arildb jonnyb: ckeditor fails to install properly, thus I cannot use the wysiwyg editor...more difficult to ignore.
[17:13] jonnyb ew, seems odd - it was ok last time i checked and i don't think there have been any other changes
[17:13] jonnyb i moved it from trunk into third_party a few days ago
[17:13] joelCOE Hello all
[17:13] jonnyb arildb: seems ok for me here
[17:13] jonnyb hi joelCOE
[17:14] joelCOE Trying to change Tiki_WCG.png
[17:14] joelCOE in RSS feeds
[17:15] joelCOE tiki-articles_rss.php?category=Food
[17:15] joelCOE Can't find a tpl file, nothing stated in the php...
[17:15] joelCOE Hi jonnyb
[17:16] vmachine1 joined #tikiwiki
[17:16] joelCOE ... Just want to put our logo here without bruteforcing the img/tiki/Tiki_WCG.png
[17:17] jonnyb use admin/look & feel
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[17:41] jonnyb joelCOE: not sure but i think it uses the site logo set in the look & feel prefs
[17:46] arildb_ jonnyb: I solved the ckeditor4 external problem. Caused by the existing lib/ckeditor4 folder remaining from my initial testing
[17:46] arildb_ works ok now
[17:47] jonnyb ok, good - all seems clean here now - the fo.js error i got earlier was on a remote server
[17:57] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki
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[18:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45008 10trunk/lib/core/Search/Formatter/ValueFormatter.php
[18:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] list: Add pagedescription (y|n) param to the display sub-plugin which will be used for the meta description tag on the page if pref metatag_pagedesc is enabled.
[18:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki As with pagetitle, it will only use the first one found in the results.
[18:10] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03tikii18nbot r45009 10trunk/lang/de/language.php
[18:10] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki German translations done on i18n.tiki.org
[18:21] vmachine1 left #tikiwiki
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[18:49] Jyhem polom
[18:51] Jyhem Do we have some admin option for displaying various timing stats on the bottom of all pages ? For performance evaluations ?
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[19:18] jonnyb polom Jyhem - the only thing is the stats module i think
[19:57] luciash polomoloq !
[20:10] jonnyb hi luciash
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[22:05] Jyhem Thanks Jonny: serverstats was it :-)
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