marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki goj_killedByISP: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: jCapture (Tiki Screencast) is AWESOME! vmachine1: joined #tikiwiki redflo: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Liz_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45099 10trunk/lib/toolbars/toolbarslib.php
tikiwiki [FIX] toolbars: Indent does nothing in the wiki parser and breaks indent for html wysiwyg - maybe it works for feature_jison_wiki_parser? (40677 regression)
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45100 10trunk/lib/setup/prefs.php
tikiwiki [ENH] toolbars: Simplify default toolbars as discussed at (removed the specialist plugin tools and reordered so 3rd row only appear for html wysiwyg)
tikiwiki More tools can be added for your own Tiki in tiki-admin_toolbars.php, rather than here please? Telesight: joined #tikiwiki GillesM: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45101 10trunk/tiki-tracker_rss.php
tikiwiki [FIX] tracker rss: Make Webservice and other fields work in tracker rss feeds.
tikiwiki They appear as empty so allow if doNotShowEmptyField - field_render_value seems to needs these field values at the root of the item array, so add them if not already there. Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Who knows a tiki site using calendars with a good amount of data (near or more than 5, 000 dates) ? - jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
poloms for the weekend Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Who knows a tiki site using calendars with a good amount of data (near or more than 5, 000 dates) ? - manmi: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: When a person in a certain group creates a new task, he has to select a group to share that task. Is it possible to automatically share all his taks to that group (like in a agenda with a name that is shared among a group)? arildb: joined #tikiwiki arildb_: joined #tikiwiki refizul: Is there something like a configuration history in Tiki, so someone could revert wrong changes? Telesight: refizul: so you can get back a few days earlier in the configuration when everything was alright? refizul: Telesight: yes, similar to svn or git Telesight: refizul: I have not seen this feature ... refizul: then I hope I won't break things during testing a few issues Telesight: refizul: testing must be done in a test environment :P refizul: it _is_ a test environment, but the number of config combinations is huge Telesight: refizul: Yes this is not a one-click system :-D refizul: 8 clicks would be okay, but testing almost all 256 combinations... and there are more than 8 options... Telesight: reziful: well, I will have some questions too in the future for the irc or forum ... refizul: Telesight: go ahead, we can write the book of Tiki questions :-) Telesight: refizul: that is the disadvantage of a big system. refizul: is a challenge and an interesting journey. I write my own "Best Practice" Telesight: Well I find the system impressive, but must learn all the settings ... marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki refizul: Telesight: actually I try to find out a 'best configuration' not only for Tiki, but for the combination of Tiki, Postfix, Mailman, Dovecot, due to a forum2list synchronisation, distributed to two servers, with some security related issues -> headache dhazel: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: reziful: good luck ...
How long does it normally take that the admins activate your login account for the forums? refizul: activate?
Didn't you get an activation email from ? Telesight: reziful: not yet after a day ... marclaporte: Telesight: what is your username? Telesight: marclaporte: you mentioned it :-D
maybe a typo in my e-mailaddress ... refizul: Telesight: 6 months ago there was some trouble with user registration - maybe this is not solved completely Telesight: refizul: let us wait what Marclaporte finds out ... Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03arildb r45102 10trunk/ 10admin/include_profiles.php 10lib/core/Tiki/Profile/Installer.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Handle error conditions better for profiles marclaporte: Telesight: I will resolve Telesight: marclaporte: I can login thanks! fabricius: joined #tikiwiki