Trebly: <luciash> It was may be an index problem. I had never rebuild it, and I found how to now. The data have been always developed by upgrading versions since 4.1.
But I am not sure that the problem was there. The anomaly have disappeared. I have two computers (can go to three or four) : I had changed the category on the logged as admin to define a workspace which is now alright, but after (two days or more) with the other logged as anonymous it was not applied. Now it is (two days later), and I think that it is probably a problem of session or any...
...buffer. I would be able to find exactly the process to be sure that "never" anonymous or Google could index these page because some documents and other objects (the content and existence) are confidential and managed by groups.
Note : I submit by http and I got a crash with rebuild index and a timeout > 300s. -> dev list
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Horiz menu items not showing -
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: SSO and "AD Groups in Groups" -
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Hey, I heard this was the place to get top-notch help with tiki... I have a client who we changed from 'tiki and ldap' authentication to 'tiki and openid'. Now, openid didn't work, but he doesn't know the admin pw so we can change it back. Is the option changeable via the db directly? Ideas?
nm, I found it in tiki_preferences on second page as 'auth_method'.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: After the joke : really, currently "module_action_calendar" can increase x20 cpu time to prod uce a page with 10.x (will test trunk) -
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I was wondering if I could ask a question
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Guest52185: Hi expert.. i have to connect my tiki to kaltura. but i am facing problem in Tiki wiki..
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Tiki 10.2 and 9.5 next week -
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Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03nkoth r45119 10trunk/templates/trackerinput/relation.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] Prevent adding relation to blank item as it causes fatal error on save
tikiwiki 03nkoth r45120 10branches/10.x/templates/trackerinput/relation.tpl
tikiwiki [bp/r45119][FIX] Prevent adding relation to blank item as it causes fatal error on save
tikiwiki 03nkoth r45121 10branches/9.x/templates/trackerinput/relation.tpl
tikiwiki [bp/r45119][FIX] Prevent adding relation to blank item as it causes fatal error on save
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Access denied on Community -
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hey guys, how can I set the permissions to list wiki pages? It seems to inherit the global wiki permission, but I want the global tiki_p_view permission to be off and I want users to be able to list wiki pages
if the tiki_p_view is off, users won't be able to access tiki-listpages.php.
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hi tikiwiki channel!
i have a question about the tiki wiki menus: can i show a menu option to anonymous (not logged in users) but _not_ to registered and admin users?
it seems that the group settings are inherited, so the anonymous options can automatically be seen by registered and admins...
rascal_x: hey guys, is there a way to display something in a page only for a certain group? e.g.: display "welcome guest" for anonymous and "welcome user" for registered?
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New Forum Posts: Problems moving forum topics - move is incomplete -
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Jyhem: rascal_x: look for the GROUP plugin
it permits to decide which group sees which section of a page
rascal_x: about tiki-listpages.php : it's more like an admin page, it does not give you the flexibility you seem to expect. The more flexible way is a wiki page with the LISPAGES plugin in it