Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki [FIX] Possible unique key constraint conflict marclaporte: changi: a question for Jonny GillesM: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Php warning N°03 : no conformity with php Strict Standards : - found by Trebly apache ru nning in debug mode with strict - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46284 goj: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03jyhem r45143 10trunk/ 10templates/find.tpl 10tiki-list_articles.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Make it possible to change single category selection more than once
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45144 10branches/10.x/ 10templates/find.tpl 10tiki-list_articles.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Make it possible to change single category selection more than once
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45145 10branches/ 109.x/tiki-list_articles.php 109.x/templates/find.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX][bp/r45143] Make it possible to change single category selection more than once uSlacker|2: joined #tikiwiki Beestje: joined #tikiwiki Caarrie: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r45146 10trunk/templates/admin/include_i18n.tpl
tikiwiki i18n admin panel: Copying over the admin panel information about minor edits, as they are useful for translation as well fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03marclaporte r45147 10trunk/ 10lib/prefs/wiki.php 10templates/admin/include_wiki.tpl 10templates/admin/include_i18n.tpl
tikiwiki Improving admin panel. Inspired by Jean Kim's request (and his fantastic 8000 translations!) snowrichard: joined #tikiwiki
thinking about using tikiwiki as cms for new project
i already have an existing installation http://mypals2.info and its real easy to admin.
mypals2.com sorry Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03changi67 r45148 10trunk/ 10(13 files in 8 dirs)
tikiwiki dos2unix
tikiwiki 03changi67 r45149 10trunk/ 10lib/parser/parserlib.php 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_appframe.php 10styles/jqui/options/rising.css
tikiwiki no changes - 2013 kstingel: joined #tikiwiki
is Tiki supposed to be XHTML compliant, or has that changed?
am in process of 'decompiling' tiki.tpl to create my epub.tpl :) and I noticed we no longer include xmlns in the template Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03changi67 r45150 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
tikiwiki [ENH] Duplicate definition - see on http://qa.tiki.org Tiki|bot: joined #tikiwiki Jyhem: kstingel: there was some discussion about moving from XHTML compliant towrs html5 compliant. Starting either Tiki 11 or Tiki 12, I forgot
s/towrs/towards/ kstingel: Jyhem: thanks ... since it's a requirement for epub validation, I've added it back in my template :)
possibly, once there are more epub3 readers available, I can remove it, but for now I still need to validate as epub2 :( Jyhem: Oh, I'm afraid that will be a rouh transition. I 've always been dismayed at how few applications actually cared about xml confirmance, which is why xhtml was dropped as a standard in favor of html5. Now I guess we will discover who actually relied on xml :-(
I wonder if we should make a special XHTML compliant official Tiki theme
Nice webinar topic :) redflo: joined #tikiwiki marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki kstingel: do we have any digital artists in Tiki?
I'm looking for a new icon to use for the ePublisher
something along the lines of an open book with a pen would seem logical ... but alas, I'm artistically challenged Tiki-KGB: tikiwiki 03jyhem r45151 10trunk/ 10templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl 10templates/tiki-edit_submission.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH] Don't show useless template drop-down when no choice available
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45152 10trunk/ 10tiki-edit_article.php 10tiki-edit_submission.php
tikiwiki [FIX] If template is translated, use correct language version of template
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45153 10trunk/templates/tiki-view_articles-titleonly.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] Add missing pagination
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45154 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Draw/Controller.php
tikiwiki [FIX] draw: Check for imgParams input existence
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45155 10trunk/templates/fgal_context_menu.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX] draw: Hide cluetip context menu before launching svg-edit
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45156 10branches/10.x/ 10templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl 10templates/tiki-edit_submission.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH][bp/r45151] Don't show useless template drop-down when no choice available
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45157 10branches/10.x/ 10tiki-edit_submission.php 10tiki-edit_article.php
tikiwiki [FIX][bp/r45152] If template is translated, use correct language version of template
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45158 10branches/10.x/templates/tiki-view_articles-titleonly.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX][bp/r45153] Add missing pagination
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45159 10branches/ 109.x/templates/tiki-edit_submission.tpl 109.x/templates/tiki-edit_article.tpl
tikiwiki [ENH][bp/r45151] Don't show useless template drop-down when no choice available
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45160 10branches/ 109.x/tiki-edit_submission.php 109.x/tiki-edit_article.php
tikiwiki [FIX][bp/r45152] If template is translated, use correct language version of template
tikiwiki 03jyhem r45161 10branches/9.x/templates/tiki-view_articles-titleonly.tpl
tikiwiki [FIX][bp/r45153] Add missing pagination pedor: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Mailinglist to forum and list prefix - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46291 arildb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Mailinglist to forum and threading - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46293 arildb_: joined #tikiwiki arildb: Can anybody recommend a good host for Tikiwiki? The list at http://tiki.org/Tiki+Friendly+Hosts is quite long. Should allow multiple Tiki installation and remote server access. arildb_: joined #tikiwiki jacmoe: joined #tikiwiki nelgin: joined #tikiwiki
hi all.
This should be a simple on. How do I get the menu on the left for an anonymous user, showing items they have access to such as the forum and blogs?
joined #tikiwiki
I guess I got disconnected. Let me ask again.
This should be a simple one. How do I get the menu on the left for an anonymous user, showing items they have access to such as the forum and blogs? arildb: joined #tikiwiki nelgin: Sup?
Hope you're not looking for help, you're screwed if you are. refizul: nelgin: you need to set permissions to anonymous AFAIK nelgin: Yeah, but where?
Can read blogs (tiki_p_read_blog) is set for anonymous
Can read forums (tiki_p_forum_read) is also set for anonymous
But still no menu on the left side refizul: Admin Home, Security, Manage Permissions
and the feature has to be activated nelgin: They are
Ok, that's where I just told you that the permissions were set already.
"Currently editing global permissions"
Can read forums (tiki_p_forum_read) is checked for anonymous refizul: is the menu visible at all for anonymous? nelgin: No GillesM: joined #tikiwiki refizul: go to left menu, admin, modules
look for assigned modules
locations are: Top Topbar Pagetop Left Right Pagebottom Bottom
choose Left nelgin: Ah refizul: there should be the menu assigned
and the permission maybe for registered only nelgin: There we go. Thank you. refizul: edit the module nelgin: That's it. Perfect, thank you.
Is there a way to reorder the menu, so I get the forum at the top, then blog, then search, for example? refizul: the menu is predefined, but you can define your own module with a menu
a lot of stuff is done by customized modules nelgin: I think I saw something about that.
Sounds like what I need, so I'd create my own menu, assign it to a module then put it on a page instead of the default menu and I'd have separate ones for anonymous and registered users?
(I've been using mybb but want more of a CMS/forum solution and this looks good - just trying to get up to speed quickly) refizul: I am not sure whether you can make anonymous invisible for registered, but if it does not work, you can create own groups with heritage rules nelgin: I'll play around with it and see what I can come up. This is a very encouraging sign tho. My site has been losing visitors since it's only a message board and you can only post so much new stuff on a given subject. Having fresh content and a nice clean look and feel is going to revive it, I hope. refizul: and you can switch additional features on easily nelgin: Yup, there is one feature that I want, it's similar to how a wiki would work but not quite. If I can get the site looking how I want it, there may be a coding bounty out there lol arildb_: joined #tikiwiki kstingel: where do I need to edit if I want to add a new feature and have it appear on the Admin->Features page?
... I assume I need to create a folder for my (ePub) feature in Tiki's root directory? nelgin: joined #tikiwiki
So, how would I go about collecting more information at registration, such as location, sex, interests etc?
joined #tikiwiki
Dammit, I keep timing out and missed any responses.