[00:08] ^Virus^ joined #tikiwiki [01:24] Tiki|Log joined #tikiwiki [01:24] Topic for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - The Free and Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features - Tiki 10.2, 9.4 LTS and 6.10 LTS are out! Question? Just ask. We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) [01:48] Tiki|Log joined #tikiwiki [01:48] Topic for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - The Free and Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features - Tiki 10.2, 9.4 LTS and 6.10 LTS are out! Question? Just ask. We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) [01:51] lphuberdeau joined #tikiwiki [02:12] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [03:08] goj_killedByISP joined #tikiwiki [03:13] lukeg joined #tikiwiki [03:21] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [06:22] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [06:37] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [07:05] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [07:18] refizul joined #tikiwiki [11:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45386 03trunk/styles/jqui/options/horizons.css [11:48] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [NEW] jqui: Horizons option in teal [13:26] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Fwd: svg-edit is breaking after minification of JS files - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46537 [13:34] rodrigoprimo joined #tikiwiki [13:58] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45387 10third_party/jquery/ 03plugins/jquery-migrate-1.1.1.js 03plugins/jquery-migrate-1.1.1.min.js [13:58] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Add the jquery migrate plugin as without it significant parts of tiki stop working (thus rendering trunk unusable) [13:58] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Problems are posted in the browser console so can be corrected later. [14:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45388 10trunk/tiki-setup.php [14:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] jquery: Hook in the jquery migrate plugin so trunk works again (should be "ready to release at any moment", no?) [14:02] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki See https://github.com/jquery/jquery-migrate/#readme for more info [15:28] dhazel joined #tikiwiki [15:43] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [16:02] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki [16:09] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [17:09] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki [17:25] chateau joined #tikiwiki [17:33] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [17:47] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [18:05] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [18:18] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [18:21] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [18:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45389 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_paypal.php [18:42] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] paypal: Wrong icon [18:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45390 10trunk/tiki-setup.php [18:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] jquery: Remove include of r5 hoverIntent and replace with v7 (jq 1.9 compatible) version from new superfish plugin. [18:46] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki Also make it independent of tooltips. [19:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45391 10trunk/lib/parser/parserlib.php [19:00] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [FIX] wysiwyg: Remove hidden inputs from wysiwyg plugin display [19:00] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [19:11] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki [19:12] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [19:12] tikinewbie joined #tikiwiki [19:13] tikinewbie hi all! [19:14] tikinewbie I am looking for a self hosted solution to replace google reader and tiki seems a great app for my own personal web, but not sure if it can be used as a rss reader. does anyone knows tikiwiki can do it? [19:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45392 10trunk/modules/mod-func-wiki_last_comments.php [19:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [ENH] comments module: Add new param "language" to filter comments by object language (thanks marclaporte) [19:20] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki (not to be confused by the standard "lang" visibility param available on all modules) [19:21] tikinewbie nobody knows if if can be used as rss aggregator and reader? [19:25] rodrigoprimo tikinewbie: http://doc.tiki.org/External+Feeds [19:30] tikinewbie hombre, el unico que responde es un paisano :) [19:30] tikinewbie gracias :) [19:35] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [19:36] rodrigoprimo tikinewbie: actually I'm Brazilian, but I speak Spanish as well ;) [19:38] changi tikinewbie: i think you should have a look at tinytiny rss : http://tt-rss.org/redmine/projects/tt-rss/wiki which have a mobile client. [19:44] tikinewbie changi, I had a look into tt-rss. It is nice and social. I will use both two, tikiwiki+tt-rss [19:44] tikinewbie thank you two [19:51] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki [19:52] rodrigoprimo hi lphuberdeau [19:53] rodrigoprimo lphuberdeau: xavi reported to me that he is unable to use tokens in tiki 10. I'm going to investigate this issue. just checking with you first in case you know anything about it. [20:12] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [20:16] marclaporte joined #tikiwiki [20:18] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [20:40] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [20:53] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [22:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r45393 10trunk/ 03lib/core/Tiki/Command/UnavailableCommand.php 10console.php [22:08] Tiki-KGB tikiwiki [MOD] Register a fake command when it is unavailable to keep it documented [22:08] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [22:56] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [23:13] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki [23:29] eliasp joined #tikiwiki [23:35] eliasp_ joined #tikiwiki