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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03marclaporte r45478 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.sefurl.php
tikiwiki Remove obsolete SEFURLs
tikiwiki 03marclaporte r45478 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.sefurl.php
tikiwiki Remove obsolete SEFURLs
.... (idle for 16mn)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: File or image gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46646
New Forum Posts: File or image gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46646
matocFigured out my problem, /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf needs to have file locking turned off with "use_locks 0".
Figured out my problem, /etc/davfs2/davfs2.conf needs to have file locking turned off with "use_locks 0".
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03chibaguy r45479 10trunk/styles/darkshine.css
tikiwiki [FIX] Center and right column overlap.
tikiwiki 03chibaguy r45479 10trunk/styles/darkshine.css
tikiwiki [FIX] Center and right column overlap.
..... (idle for 22mn)
tikiwiki 03chibaguy r45480 10trunk/styles/layout/design.css
tikiwiki [FIX] 5px cssmenu arrow top spacing doesn't work because theme font size varies, so there's no point in overriding cssmenus.css.
tikiwiki 03chibaguy r45480 10trunk/styles/layout/design.css
tikiwiki [FIX] 5px cssmenu arrow top spacing doesn't work because theme font size varies, so there's no point in overriding cssmenus.css.
......... (idle for 42mn)
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4404 - - Allow for styling of the page name in a link to a non-existent page - http://dev.tiki.org/item4404
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4404 - - Allow for styling of the page name in a link to a non-existent page - http://dev.tiki.org/item4404
................. (idle for 1h21mn)
goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Demo trunk is broken - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46648
New Forum Posts: Demo trunk is broken - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46648
................... (idle for 1h30mn)
matoctrying to load an ODF file just give me: loading tiki-download_file.php?fild=3398. Is there something else I need to do other than activate the webODF in tiki-admin.php?
trying to load an ODF file just give me: loading tiki-download_file.php?fild=3398. Is there something else I need to do other than activate the webODF in tiki-admin.php?
........... (idle for 53mn)
Tiki|botRecent Bug: Tracker item: #4405 - - How to create a fomr using Tiki - http://dev.tiki.org/item4405
Recent Bug: Tracker item: #4405 - - How to create a fomr using Tiki - http://dev.tiki.org/item4405
astroo-bye people
bye people
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: I need someoone with admin access to modifiy my "wish report" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46649
New Forum Posts: I need someoone with admin access to modifiy my "wish report" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46649
.............. (idle for 1h6mn)
lindonbleft #tikiwiki
left #tikiwiki
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redflojoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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dbalieirojoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Clear all caches / setup.sh - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46651
New Forum Posts: Clear all caches / setup.sh - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=46651
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joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45481 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.sh
tikiwiki [FIX] Revert previous attempt to suppress errors in svnup as that should be done "outside" the script (i.e. by adding " > /dev/null 2>&1" to the end of the cron command) rather than inside this script. Thanks Jyhem for shell guidance :)
tikiwiki 03jonnybradley r45481 10trunk/doc/devtools/svnup.sh
tikiwiki [FIX] Revert previous attempt to suppress errors in svnup as that should be done "outside" the script (i.e. by adding " > /dev/null 2>&1" to the end of the cron command) rather than inside this script. Thanks Jyhem for shell guidance :)
astroo-joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
hello people
hello people
...... (idle for 27mn)
hi astroo-
hi astroo-
......... (idle for 40mn)
astroo-_yjoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
luciashfabricius: hi
fabricius: hi
...... (idle for 26mn)
fabriciusluciash: hi
luciash: hi
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that's what I wanted to type...
that's what I wanted to type...
@TikiFest: still having fun in Canada?
@TikiFest: still having fun in Canada?
..... (idle for 21mn)
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGBtikiwiki 03chibaguy r45482 10trunk/styles/coelesce.css
tikiwiki [FIX] Text no-wrap meant for horizontal search display (topbar, etc.) was also being applied to vertical search box (right or left column). Thanks, Olaf-Michael.
tikiwiki 03chibaguy r45482 10trunk/styles/coelesce.css
tikiwiki [FIX] Text no-wrap meant for horizontal search display (topbar, etc.) was also being applied to vertical search box (right or left column). Thanks, Olaf-Michael.
.............. (idle for 1h6mn)
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r45483 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_galleriffic.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Disable the galleriffic keyboard events which conflict with other components in the UI
tikiwiki 03lphuberdeau r45483 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_galleriffic.php
tikiwiki [FIX] Disable the galleriffic keyboard events which conflict with other components in the UI

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