Anzhe: luciash: I'm awake again, what's up?
-: Anzhe stretches
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in my user tracker, I'd like to create a field that links to a list of items in another tracker created by that user. I've done this in Drupal, but haven't found a way to do so in Tiki. Any hints?
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: Anzhe: there is a way for localized User pages
TomJarvis: Clif: I'm not exactly sure what you mean, but might this work?
marclaporte: Clif & TomJarvis: or this:
Anzhe: luciash: please explain! :-)
Clif: Thanks for the suggestions
luciash: Anzhe: use the Lang wikiplugin
Clif: I don't want a list of items to select from when editing the tracker item, I want the view for a tracker item to contain a link to a filtered list in another item
Anzhe: luciash: if I understand correctly, rather than creating a page for each language version using the translation tool, that will store all the language versions on the same user page and simply display the appropriate content based upon the user's chosen default language?
TomJarvis: marclaporte: yours looks like a better suggestion. I have not used either of those before.
luciash: Anzhe: yes
Clif: e.g. when I view a user's page, I see a link to every defect they've reported, or every item they've created in a different tracker
luciash: Anzhe: it is not possible to have two user pages
Anzhe: luciash: that's what I figured, thank you
Clif: the computed or mathematical field might work if the calculation could be embedded in a url
luciash: Anzhe: also it is possible to hide the "?" for non-existent wiki pages for anonymous
Anzhe: how so?
luciash: Anzhe: enable "Add group CSS info" on Look & Feel > Customization admin panel and then put in your CSS: .grp_Anonymous a.wikinew {display: none}
Anzhe: alright, thanks!
luciash: Anzhe: welcome
TomJarvis: Clif: Similar to the community option "My items If enabled, Tiki will list all tracker items by the user"?
luciash: Clif: u can use wikiplugin TrackerList with "user=foo" param to display the user items on any tracker ID or use &tr_user=foo in URL
Clif: Tom: Yes, exactly
Luciash: Yes, I'm using TrackerList successfully elsewhere in the site ( - was hoping to display such a list automatically for any user
I could also put a link in the notes for each user, but was hoping to avoid doing it manually :-)
Thanks for the suggestions!
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chibaguy: polom
-: Anzhe waves
chibaguy: Thanks to LP's reminder about templates/layouts/, my responsive bootstrap Tiki layout is working.
Though I need to track down the cause of a scroll bar and other quirks (still at early stage).
Hi Anzhe
Anzhe: :-)
chibaguy: Footer was causing the scrollbar; now there's no scrollbar even down to a 200px-wide view.
-: chibaguy watches Tiki's columns rearrange as he rotates his screen. ;-)
Anzhe: chibaguy: working on a tablet interface?
chibaguy: I have a Lenovo Thinkpad Helix, so it has a detachable screen/tablet.
arildb: joined #tikiwiki
leagris: Hello
Sometimes Tiki is depressing ;D
in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, string given lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php on line 599
I am trying to add some group subscription tracker fields at registration. Whenever I fill-in registrationUsersFieldIds I get a crash because of this.
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Anzhe: I have a probably simple question about the toolbar. See this image:
This is the FiveAlive theme with a few palette swaps, no HTML changes.
The leftmost area of the bar is blank, but on mouseover a list of recently viewed pages drops down.
Is there supposed to be some sort of icon here?
leagris: Anzhe I guess it should/could at least have one
I think you could add an icon within mod-quickadmin.tpl" line 53, by replacing with {icon _id=arrow_down title="{tr}Recent preferences{/tr}" href="#"}
Anzhe: leagris: thanks, I've saved your note and will take a crack at it tomorrow
leagris: replace all <a> </a> with {icon _id=arrow_down title="{tr}Recent preferences{/tr}" href="#"}
or whatever icon you like more
-: Anzhe nods
Anzhe: quick question on permissions
I'm using FiveAlive and for Anonymous visitors they can only: browse the wiki, browse the calendar, browse the file gallery
but when you load the home page as Anon there is no menu on the left
just the wiki page
am I doing something wrong?
I assumed you would just get a stripped-down menu with those 3 sections...
leagris: Anzhe This is the application menu id 42 and can not be change
If you like to provide a menu for your visitors, you can create a new one and place it in modules
Anzhe: hmm, ok. I will research this function tonight.
thank you again!
leagris: You can even duplicate the application menu, but you may like a better place for regular visitors. Like within the top bar (black stripe in FiveAlive)
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-: ricks99 just realized his avatar is gone on t.o. site :(
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leagris: Why is ckeditor so destructive on wiki pages?
Each edit, extra blank lines are inserted. Can I prevent this bay some setting?
ricks99: leagris: did you adjust the " Wiki paragraph formatting" and "create line breaks within paragraphs" options?
leagris: yes, all disabled
ricks99: what tiki version are you using? can you dupliate the issue on ?
luciash: hi
leagris: using trunk
luciash: i think the pargraph formatting should be on actually
ricks99: "wiki para" should be on, but "create extra breaks" should be off
isn't that the default from the wysiwyg profile?
luciash: i suppose there is no more a wysiwyg profile for trunk
ricks99: ah
-: ricks99 longs for the day when tiki's wysiwyg is as perfect as... say... confulence :(
leagris: how can login and test en demo?
ricks99: leagris: see
leagris: ah fuck too big to reed ;D
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leagris: Confirmed on demo
Each edit insert blank lines
ricks99: leagris: wysiwyg settings were wrong. seems ok to me: looks ok to me.
leagris: ok now
ricks99: y. appears your wysiwyg settings were wrong
see ^^^
leagris: Ok, feature_wiki_paragraph_formatting was disabled by default ;D
Thank your both ricks99 and luciash for the tips
ricks99: glad to have helped
leagris: I am at first steps of a steep learning curve. There are so many ways of doing things wrong in Tiki, it is so confusing ;D
ricks99: very powerful, too.
<shameless plug>have you seen my beginner's guide?</shameless plug>
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - File Galleries Failing to Display in Tiki 11.0 -- A Fix -
leagris: ricks99 I'd be happy to read it.
leagris: Bravo, for the amazing source.
ricks99: hope it helps u
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
amette: polom
jonnyb: hi amette
luciash: polom ya all
jonnyb: hi luciash
bye chibaguy ;)
amette: hi jonnyb, luciash :)
luciash: :)
leagris: about your answer to Anzhe, i think there is little dropdown arrow from the css menus applied on the recents in quickadmin toolbar by default, but just because it is white on white, it is invisible ;-)
lazy developers ;)
jonnyb: luciash: yes, i just notice the extra green arrow appeared
hey, it's a CSS thing, lazy designers! :P
luciash: jonnyb: i mean, the one who introduced the dropdown menu there was lazy enough to care about it ;)
jonnyb: been meaning to for that past year or so... jut was hoping some keen non-dev might fix it (silly me)
still, i can always stop fixing bugs and do css instead... ;)
luciash: lol
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Using trackers to display data from Works database -
luciash: i wondered why it is using the css menus dropdown at first place... it asks for trouble (same as it was with the login box pop-up)
i understand the re-use of code but sometimes it does not fit somehow ;)
jonnyb: luciash: r46940 8)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Hi + help with un-caching in PluginR when anything in the tracker item changed -
luciash: jonnyb: w00t ! :) thanks to you !
jonnyb: np
sorry it means leagris's work on adding the new arrow icon is probably unnecessary... apologies
btw, luciash - any idea where the commit bot has gone? think it's a changi thing but he's not been around
luciash: yea, no idea
i think so too
he is here but not here
changi: ping ?
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Wiki page language picker in 6.x LTS vs new UI introduced by Gezza. I have had more than one request to revert to the old system -
amette: hmmm, images in a tracker field of type image are hardcoded to be in img/trackers/ .... hhhhmmmmmmmm.......
I'll have a break and get a falafel...
luciash: amette: yeah, it looks very old school
amette: if i may suggest use the files field type instead
amette: luciash: where are files saved then?
problem then probably is that I won't get a nice <img src= > tag back from trackerlist plugin
jonnyb: ok all - off out soon, more tomorrow :)
amette: have a nice evening, jonnyb - cu :)
jonnyb: cheerio
luciash: amette: stored in file gallery of your choice
amette: you will get nice img thumb, no worries ;)
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amette: If I want to get rid of the cssmenu sub-menu-indicators, the sf-arrows... what is the cleanest way?
I now have added: .cssmenu_vert.sf-arrows > li > .sf-with-ul:after { border-color: transparent; } to my css
but seems more like a workaround?!
luciash: i do it usually with ... let me check
amette: .cssmenu_vert .sf-sub-indicator {display: none}
amette: aha, that looks much smarter *nod*
doesn't work though
I already had .cssmenu_vert .sf-sub-indicator {display: none}
luciash: how come ?
amette: I already had ".sf-sub-indicator {display: none}" in there, which worked for 9.x, but after upgrade to 11.x they appeared again
I just added .cssmenu_vert in front, but doesn't change
luciash: amette: hmm, what version, maybe it has changed, i have looked it up in old 6.x LTS one actually
amette: 11.x checkout from today
luciash: ah
is it online ?
amette: it's an intranet, only accesible via vpn :-/
luciash: ok
let me check if i have some 11.x running somewhere or i can try on
amette: but - on the plus side: that was the only styling that broke in the upgrade :)
cool, cheers bro
but maybe this isn't too stupid after all... as firebug tells me that ".cssmenu_vert.sf-arrows > li > .sf-with-ul:after {" in cssmenus.css line 144 is the one... so most probably I don't have another chance than to override it with as specific a rule as this one?
luciash: amette: oh yes, it has changed, so instead use: .sf-arrows .sf-with-ul:after {display: none}
amette: awesome, works and the css looks much cleaner - thanks, bro :)
luciash: np, yup, i always prefer the cleaner way
-: amette nods
arildb: In trunk, I am unable to see the "Main feature" section of "Global features". It is hidden when the page cpompletes the loading (I can see it while it loads). Any ideas?
This is in the admin / features panel
fire bug says: {
display: none;
} for the <fieldset ..> value
This is kind of annoying, since I am unable to enable features in the main section :-(
rinnan1: left #tikiwiki
luciash: arildb: u have advanced filter enabled ? silly question
arildb: luciash: yes, all except Unavailable
luciash: arildb: on my latest tiki trunk copy there seems to be JS error preventing to make it work properly
arildb: luciash: checking
luciash: arildb: mine seems to be even more bugged than yours ;)
arildb: get no style/theme on the general page
arildb: although on the features panel i see them properly
arildb: just cannot switch tabs, use css menus etc. cause the JS is broken somehow
arildb: yes, something seems wrong
luciash: arildb: i suppose i have to re-run composer again
arildb: luciash: I should have the latest, but will try that too
-: luciash removing symfony line from the composer.json and running the php temp/composer.phar update
arildb: strange. I changed the display value from none to block in firebug. Then I could set some features. Refreshed, and now the "Main feature" is displayed just fine..
luciash: arildb: strange
everything works for me again