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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [02:06]
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goj_killedByISPjoined #tikiwiki [03:23]
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PenguinMan98joined #tikiwiki
I am dissapoint
I'm getting flooded with spambots and not only does TIKI not have any facility for ipbanning spammers, but it doesn't even CAPTURE the ip address of the users registering!
AnzhePenguinMan98: closing your site to new members is not an option? [04:41]
PenguinMan98That is SUCH an overreaction [04:41]
AnzhePenguinMan98: or requiring them to request an account? [04:41]
PenguinMan98Too much damn work [04:41]
Anzheit's not an overreaction, it's a potential approach
that IS present in the software today
I'm trying to help
PenguinMan98Even freaking PHPBB has better spam protection systems.
ok, </rant?
I need help
How can I add a challenge question to the login page
Is there a facility for this built into Tiki? Or do I have to write it myself?
If I have to write it, what is the best way to do that and still keep tiki easy to upgrade to newer versions?
Anzheping luciash
ping marclaporte
those two lads should be able to help you
which version of TW are you running?
PenguinMan9810.4 [04:47]
marc isn't here [04:53]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [04:54]
Anzheperhaps chibaguy can help [04:55]
PenguinMan98Hey Chiba
I need to add a challenge question to the login page
Seems simple to do but I need to know what the best way would be to do so and keep Tiki easy to upgrade
Also, I'd like to upgrade the login system to capture IP addresses
Is there an easy way to do that? Or do I need to hack into the base code?
TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki
PenguinMan98Hey Tom
Maybe you can answer
I need to add a challenge question to the login page
Seems simple to do but I need to know what the best way would be to do so and keep Tiki easy to upgrade
Also, I'd like to upgrade the login system to capture IP addresses
Is there an easy way to do that? Or do I need to hack into the base code?
TomJarvisPenguinMan98: You need to create a user tracker, there is an IP field you can add to the tracker. [05:21]
PenguinMan98oh reeely now
I've not gotten to work with trackers before
keep meaning to but never getting to it
TomJarvisYou can also see some other suggestions of mine in this thread http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?comments_parentId=48565
User Tracker doc: https://doc.tiki.org/User+Tracker
Rick's book has more information on trackers: http://twbasics.tikiforsmarties.com/Creating+a+Tracker
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TomJarvisBye [07:50]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki can record the ip of new registrations
See http://doc.tiki.org/Action+Log
And you can ban them in bulk from there to the tiki banning feature
In addition, the most effective way to cut spam down to zero (or almost) is to use the feature passcode and show the passcode for humans in the registration window
redflojoined #tikiwiki [08:52]
xaviIf you don't find this feature coded in your tiki version, you can do manually with simple jquery, as explained in https://doc.tiki.org/Anti-Spam
Credits for thatveffective trick belongv� to luciash :-)
C u
left #tikiwiki
TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki
xavi: The code plugin does not have a problem, unless it is used in the forum, so the problem is something to do with how the forum parses the data from the Code plugin
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [11:33]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [11:57]
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki
New Forum Posts: Freetags field (was plugin trackerfilter poor performance (with many users) ) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=48599
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test___joined #tikiwiki [13:47]
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receive_joined #tikiwiki
Receive sms online and bypass number verification from here http://receivesmsfree.com/
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pederindileft #tikiwiki [14:50]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [15:45]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [18:59]
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TelesightFor the storage engine it is wise to select InnoDB when one uses MySQL 5.5 ? [22:29]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - TrackerListPlugin using category filter gives SQL error - http://dev.tiki.org/item4638 [23:05]

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