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Tiki-KGB03arildb r47515 10trunk/ 10tiki-wizard_admin.php 10templates/tiki-wizard_admin.tpl 10lib/wizard/wizardlib.php 03templates/wizard/wizard_bar.tpl
[MOD] Moved wizard's page stepping logic to wizardlib. Should make it easier to make new new wizards
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03arildb r47516 10trunk/ 10lib/wizard/pages/admin_editor.php 10lib/wizard/wizardlib.php 10templates/wizard/wizard_bar.tpl
[NEW] Added stepNr parameter, to go to a specific wizard page
[FIX] Removed redundant test
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03arildb r47517 10trunk/ 10lib/wizard/wizardlib.php 10templates/wizard/wizard_bar.tpl * [ENH] Added back button in admin wizard
03arildb r47518 10trunk/templates/wizard/wizard_bar.tpl * Added SVN keyword ID
03arildb r47519 10trunk/templates/wizard/wizard_bar.tpl * dos2unix
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Bobc_Hola all. Is there a way to center stylebox on a page {img fileId="1093|985|888" width="220" thumb="y" stylebox="float: left; margin-right:20px" rel="box"}? [06:58]
fabriciustry ::{img ...}:: or :::{img ...}::: (depending on "textarea" settings or check in the docs (https://doc.tiki.org/PluginImg), if there is a parameter for center (what I believe) [07:09]
Bobc_Thank you fabricius. Tried the :: and ::: codes. Also tried <center>{img.....}</center> with no luck. I will check docs again. [07:18]
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Looks as though images in "stylebox" cannot be centered: "If stylebox or desc are also set, then image only aligns inside the box - use stylebox in this case to align the box on the page." Thank you..... [07:35]
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Tiki-KGB_joined #tikiwiki [08:14]
fabriciusBobc_ still there?
you could also try to put img into a dic plugin and center the divplugin either with wikisyntax or with class=center or so
{DIV(class=center)}{img ...}{DIV}
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Display Score - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=49151 [09:12]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r47520 10trunk/templates/ 10(7 files in 3 dirs)
[ENH] Bootstrap classes added to input type="reset". (".btn-warning" was used here, but which Bootstrap button class (meaning and color) to use with each Tiki button should be discussed and decided.)
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [11:36]
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Tiki-KGB03xavidp r47521 10trunk/ 10lib/wizard/pages/admin_editor.php 10lib/prefs/feature.php 10templates/wizard/admin_editor.tpl 10lib/prefs/wysiwyg.php
[FIX]Reduce confusion between the former interface that might have looked like just for wysiwyg options, and my previous proposal to split between wiki editor and wysiwyg editor, that was not clear enough either. This commit renames 'Wysiwyg editor' to 'Full Wysiwyg editor' to separate it from the new 'Inline Wysiwyg editor'. And 'Full wysiwyg' editor mode renamed to 'Saving HTML'
tikiwiki to state clearly what that option does. Thanks arildb.
chkpntjoined #tikiwiki
Hi. I want to link to a specific version of a wiki page. What is the syntax?
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [14:05]
arildbchkpnt: See the history button. Then you can look at the url format [14:09]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [14:13]
chkpntOkay, but that way, I'd have to use the wiki syntax for linking a website [http://...&preview=84], right? [14:18]
I collegue just told me, I should rather rename my page and link to that renamed page than linking to a specific revision, as tiki wiki doesn't keep the revisions forever.
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki [14:51]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r47522 10trunk/ 10(10 files in 6 dirs)
[FIX] Profile install as part of the web installer would fail due to internal inconsistencies in Tiki - reverting previous patch by nkoth, fixing issues and avoiding several notices
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r47523 10trunk/templates/ 10(170 files in 5 dirs) * [ENH] Bootstrap table base class "table" added to table class="normal". [16:40]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: GoogleVis - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=24&comments_parentId=49162 [17:15]
arildbHi (especially lphuberdeau)
I am testing a console.php Tiki installation
First I deleted all the tables in the database, but kept local.php. Then I ran php console.php database:install (on Windows)
This terminates without any kind of error message.
I did some debugging, and the problem occurs in tiki-setup_base.php, line 73: if ($tikilib->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tiki_preferences'")->numRows() == 0) {
Since no database tabels exist, this will always fail (it seems). ... is my test setup wrong?
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [17:32]
arildbHi marclaporte [17:39]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Issues when uploading images using file gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=49163 [17:56]
lphuberdeauyou need to create the database prior to using the console tool
unlike the web installer, it won't perform that step for you
arildblphuberdeau: I reused an existing database. Permissions + local.php access is ok. is database:install the right command?
or do you mean, I have to run tiki.sql manually?
I tested on Linux...only deleted users_users table, which it checks for. Then database:install ran ok.
hm-m...I wonder if it has something to do with strict mode
lphuberdeauyou can also use --force [18:18]
arildbtrying [18:18]
lphuberdeauyou should NEVER run tiki.sql manually [18:19]
tried: php console.php --force database:install ... same result. Note, I am now running on a version, which is prior to the admin wizard being integrated.
lphuberdeauphp console.php database:install --force [18:22]
arildbah ..ok
returns immidiately. No error. Assume it fails at the same placve
It cannot be the MySQL strict mode. My test on windows also uses a Linum MySQL, which does not have strict mode enabled.
lphuberdeautechnically, it calls the same install method as the web installer [18:29]
arildbgot it reproduced on Linux. Had a Tiki database. Dropped the table yusers_users and tiki_preferences
fails. no error
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arildblphuberdeau: I am unable to reproduce a problem with the admin wizard and the console.php. Running php console.php database:install --force on an existing Tiki database runs fine.
Can it be that the problem you are experiencing, is the problem with the if ($tikilib->query("SHOW TABLES LIKE 'tiki_preferences'")->numRows() == 0) { in tiki-setup_base.php?
lphuberdeauwhen I try to login with admin/admin after clean install, it points me to: http://tiki/trunk/tiki-wizard_admin.php?&stepNr=0&url=http%3A%2F%2Ftiki%2Ftrunk%2Ftiki-change_password.php%3Fuser%3Dadmin
and says I'm not logged in
looks like the redirect to the wizard is a little too aggressive
arildbthat's the wrong return URL.
Do you get the same result, when you run the console installed --force on an existing Tiki database (what I tried)
I think I got it reproduced
will take a look at it
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki
polom arildb
arildbhi marclaporte
I got some assistance from lphuberdeau in the console.php problem. Hopefully fixed soon.
multi-tiki is probably another scenario that shuld be tested using the new admin wizard
marclaporte: Is there such a test environment around?
Tiki-KGB03arildb r47524 10trunk/tiki-login.php
[FIX] The admin wizard onLogin function must only be called, when a user is actually logged in.
This is not the case right after a console.php database:install command.
User must change the password first, before the login is done and the admin wizard is run.
marclapo1joined #tikiwiki [19:13]
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marclaportearildb: not to my knowledge but it makes perfect sense to set one up. Perhaps on demo.tiki.org or something. Is Xavi around? [19:33]
arildbmarclaporte: sounds good [19:33]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Admin wizard prevents first login after command line installation - http://dev.tiki.org/item4754 [20:08]
Recent Bug: - Browsertitle value wrong on Tik12 db update - http://dev.tiki.org/item4755 [20:18]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r47525 10mods/trunk/ 10wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php 10Packages/wikiplugins-r.info.txt
[FIX]Remove again some of the new lines added for granted in the html produced in charts by from the googleVis package
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deekujoined #tikiwiki
Hello all - I have a quick question if you could kindly help: in a template called by a tracker could I use something like '{if $user_prefs.theme eq 'avatir.css'}' to check which theme the user has selected or is there a better way?
thanks in advance.
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MichaelC1joined #tikiwiki [21:47]
Tiki-KGB03arildb r47526 10trunk/ 10lib/wizard/pages/admin_editor.php 10templates/wizard/admin_editor.tpl
[ENH] Rearrange the editor wizard page.
[MOD] Explicitly set "correct" settings for 2 wysiwyg modes, to avoid user errors
03arildb r47527 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_wizard.tpl * [ENH] Describe the wizard and it's purpose a bit.
deekuOn a tiki page, can I show different trackers for different themes? For example, when a user has theme A selected, can I call TRACKERLIST with different parametres than if the user has theme B selected? [21:53]
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Tiki-KGB03arildb r47528 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_wizard.tpl * [ENH] Spelling and remove underline in new text [22:02]
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deekuIt would be wonderful if there was a {themes} like there is {groups}... but in tw 9.x is there a way to bring about the same functionality of [themes} is wiki pages or templates? [22:16]
marclaportedoc.tiki.org/Perspectives would be a way [22:23]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: New editor wizard proposal - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49170 [22:28]
deekuthanks Marc!
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jcarter_joined #tikiwiki
Hello! I'm looking to get commit access. I've had a couple people suggest I get on it in the forums and on bug reports so I can submit fixes and the like on my own, so here I am! I'll be super careful, I promise :) I'll make sure someone approves the commit before going ahead and doing anything.
arildbHi jcarter_
I am sure marclaporte can help you, if he is available
jcarter_: I love AutoTOC :-)
jcarter_Alright. If not, I can try later this week as well. And thanks! Your implementation made it rock :) [22:47]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Having pdf's open via a link in your file gallery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=49172 [22:48]
arildbjcarter_: An Admin Wizard is being added in trunk. Should make it for Tiki 12. It makes it easier to configure major/nice Tiki features. I added AutoTOC to that list. [22:51]
jcarter_Sounds great! I hadn't checked out the admin wizard, but it seems like it should be pretty useful with the number of features out there. [22:55]
arildbJyhem or changi maybe one of you can help jcarter_ with commit access?
jcarter_: Did you already read about the 3 rules and some other"rule" pages ?
jcarter_Yeah, I had read them a while ago, and I plan on going through everything again when I have something specific to commit. [22:59]
arildbOnce an admin comes aroun, you will get the proper guidence and access. marclapo1 are you there? [23:00]
jcarter_its not a particular rush. My schedule for this kind of thing shifts around a bit, so I wouldn't be able to actually get to committing any time soon.. I'm off in ~0:45, but if it doesn't get done by then thats not a problem, and I'll check in on thursday afternoon. [23:02]
arildbadmins are usually around, but a bit in and out it seems
jcarter_: I am on Windows and sometimes using IE10, Auto TOC displays some "function" code...or something...have you seen that?
jcarter_no, I haven't. Do you still have my email? If so, you can email me a screenshot and I can check it out.
*can you
arildbthanks. I will try to remember next time I see it. [23:08]
I'll check it out now actually. I need to boot to windows though, IRC'll be on hold for a bit.
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that's ugly!
arildbhe he..so, you got it reproduced, ordid you get my email? [23:17]
never seen anything like that before (though I'm pretty new to js, so thats not saying much!), pretty strange.
arildbyes [23:19]
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Tiki-KGB03arildb r47529 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_editor.tpl
[ENH] Renamed editor choices
Compatible => Compatible Wiki mode
Saving HTML => HTML mode
JyhemHi guys, hi jcarter_ [23:34]
jcarter_hello! [23:34]
JyhemJyhem is digging in the sourceforge admin interface. Please wait [23:34]
arildbHi Jyhem [23:34]
JyhemOk, found it :)
So, jcarter_, you want to be a Tiki developper, and you can list the 3 rules ?
jcarter_Thanks for the help Jyhem! I do :)
Make things optional, respect the environment, and commit as early and often as possible!
JyhemWell, then if you can, just list them :-)
Good. Do you understand them, any questions ?
Then next question: what is you sourceforge handle? is it jcarter?
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [23:40]
jcarter_Not at the moment! I'll probably ask questions down the road as they come up though. And its jobicarter [23:40]
Jyhem(last question, I swear) [23:40]
jcarter_er, jcarter actually! [23:42]
JyhemThat's weird, it displays jcarter and seems to consider it's the same as jobicarter [23:42]
jcarter_my username is jobicarter, public name jcarter [23:43]
JyhemAnyway, You have been added, so i let you figure out which handle works.
Welcome to jcarter o/
jcarter_Ok, sounds good! Thanks for the help :D
I'm excited to help out where I can, and I'll make sure not to mess anything up :)
JyhemYou're welcome. Anyone volunteering is more than welcome :-)
No problem, you'll be told :-)
arildbjcarter_: Welcome to the Tiki developer community! [23:45]
jcarter_Not to dine and dash, but I have to run! Your timing was perfect! Thanks arildb, and thanks Jyhem, I'll see you around :)
and arildb, I'm on the IE thing, and fixing that may be my first commit!
arildbjcarter_: That would be great! [23:47]
Jyhemsure, i have to go to also anyway [23:47]
jcarter_Thanks again! Later! [23:47]

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