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Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [02:04]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: pre-12 | trunk/lib/debug/Tracer.php Revision: 47859 (2nd Oct 13) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49501 [04:13]
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Tiki-KGB03nkoth r47891 10branches/12.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php * [FIX] Avoid Strict Standards: Only variables should be passed by reference [05:14]
03nkoth r47892 10branches/12.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php * [FIX] internal server error on ajax rating by non-admin [05:26]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - show.tiki.org: clone and upgrade - http://dev.tiki.org/item4788 [06:36]
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luciashpolom again [09:19]
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Tiki-KGB03xavidp r47893 10branches/12.x/lib/wizard/pages/user_preferences_info.php
[FIX]Re-enable the message for users when user preferences are not enabled in the tiki site.
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rinnanGetting errors acessing http://info.tiki.org/Download
hmm.. must have been a disturbance in the Force. Works ok now
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [14:05]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Request review for a new table in the schema - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49506
New Forum Posts: Tiki Suite: Tiki + ClearOS + Zarafa + elasticsearch + Kaltura + Presence/PBX/Videoconference/Desktop sharing system + Virtualization platform - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49505
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fabriciuspolom [16:51]
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xavihi fabricius
if you ever wondered about the Barter Networks in Barcelona, there is a short video from Artve.TV in German (with French version also). The guys that we created the tiki site for barter networks for, are shown after min. 15'. : http://www.arte.tv/guide/de/048214-000/weniger-ist-mehr
Jyhem ?
oh well, for when you read this: there is a French version also: http://www.arte.tv/guide/fr/048214-000/moins-c-est-mieux (see after min 15'): those are the guys and barter network that we started the tiki site intercanvis.net for. Maybe Dominique is interested?
xavi wishes there was an English version of that program
Anyone good at css in Tiki around?
I noticed that some themes in Tiki12 (at least) show a transparent pop up box for the login information, which makes it difficult to distinguish from the background
example: greenvallery.css, but others too (I tried yesterday)
I managed to get some background of the popup box, but nowadays, it doesn't show in full width. To reproduce, click at "Login" at the header in: http://iesgogreen.seeds4c.org
luci@irc around?
Thanks Xavi, watching now :)
xavi:-) [17:56]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [18:05]
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JyhemJyhem wonders in which language xavi watched the video :) Soon to 15' [18:09]
French, but don't tell any one :-) (I was paying attention to the source voice track, not the doubled one ;-)
lphuberdeau: I applied profile Cartograf in a pre-existing tiki site, and when I click at "Create new (map)", the tracker used is not the one for maps, but the one I had for user registration, etc.
lphuberdeau: do you know how (where) to fix?
Jyhemyes, they keep talking :-) Passing to Joel & Samuel [18:24]
aalex_joined #tikiwiki [18:24]
xaviok :-) [18:26]
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xaviJyhem still around? [19:46]
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c u
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Tiki-KGB03alain_desilets r47894 10trunk/lib/test/TestRunnerWithBaseline.php * [REF] Minor refactoring in phpunit_with_baseline.php
03alain_desilets r47895 10trunk/lib/test/wiki-plugins/TranslationOfTest.php * [Fix] Fixed some bad expectations in TranslationOfTest.
03alain_desilets r47896 10trunk/lib/test/TestRunnerWithBaseline.php * [Enh] Improved a user message in phpunit_with_baseline.php. [23:36]

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