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redfloleft #tikiwiki [00:56]
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luciashplom pom pom [08:32]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Star name for Tiki 12 (Was Tiki12 + Community meeting) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49607 [11:58]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [12:12]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r47973 10mods/trunk/ 10wiki-plugins/r/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_rr.php 10Packages/wikiplugins-r.info.txt
[ENH]Multiuser Cache added: split apart cached files from different users for the same page or itemId. Thanks Moises for feedback
....... (idle for 32mn)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: double click opens editor - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=49609 [12:48]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:35]
Tiki-KGB03arildb r47974 10branches/12.x/lib/wizard/pages/user_preferences_params.php
[FIX] Make user preference "edit on double click" default to 'n' in the user wizard.
Thanks jonnyb and xavi
03jonnybradley r47975 10branches/12.x/templates/admin/include_anchors.tpl * [FIX] admin: Missing underscore on icon alt param
ricks99joined #tikiwiki [13:48]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r47976 10branches/12.x/lib/ 10test/core/Search/TypeAnalyzerTest.php 10core/Search/Type/Analyzer.php * [ENH] Allow activity stream rules to request handling of the wiki syntax. [15:24]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [16:24]
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mghamsarijoined #tikiwiki
hi tikiwiki ppl, I'm a newbie and I had a question regarding permissions. How do we rebuild them? For now changes I make as admin aren't shown when I log out.
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
Friday poloms
ricks99mghamsari: b sure to clear your tiki caches
and hiya jonnyb
mghamsari: changes normally take affect immediately
jonnybhi ricks99 [16:54]
mghamsariricks99: thank you [16:57]
luciashhoy !
mghamsari: try the icon to clear Tiki cache in the quickadmin bar
mghamsari: also depends what changes you mean
mghamsariluciash: the changes only consist of adding a link to a few modules I have on the home page [17:02]
ricks99mghamsari: if you've set a cache for the modules, will need to refresh Tiki caches. Also dont forget to clear your browser cache, too [17:03]
mghamsariricks99: ok will try that [17:03]
rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [17:09]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47977 10branches/12.x/lib/jquery_tiki/autoToc.js
[FIX] autoToc: Couple of fixes for IE8 - header is a property and cannot be set, and String.trim() doesn't seem to exist, so use the jQuery one
ricks99left #tikiwiki [17:11]
xavipolom all
anyone good at "chosen"? I've just hit a bug in "Assign new module" when chosen is enabled. The dropdown shows no options, and once selected (nothing), the dropdown dissapears (!)
luci@irc maybe ^ ?
jonnyb, do you feel like helping me to understand the search types in Tiki? (I'm finishing the screen in the admin wizard, which aims to clarify this whole laberynth to end users in simple words)
oups, jonnyb is not here :-/
or maybe marclaporte is around ?
xavi pinging jonnyb by other means
jonnyb1 mo [17:29]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47978 10branches/12.x/ 10tiki-editpage.php 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-workspace-ui.js 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-connect.js
[FIX] js various: Supply empty "defaultvalue" for prompt function - stops the word "undefined" appearing in IE
03jonnybradley r47979 10branches/12.x/styles/jqui.css * [CSS] autoToc: Rounded corners for jqui
jonnybxavi: with you in a few mins :)
meanwhile, have you seen https://doc.tiki.org/Unified+Index+Comparison?
ok, back - fire away :)
xavihi jonny@irc. Yes , I've read those pages, but still a few questions
jonnybyes, it's a bit technical that one [17:34]
xaviI've found in the documentation (yes, I tend to be a lazy end user starting with the RTFM).... [17:35]
jonnybjonnyb thinks xavi is more WTFM usually [17:35]
xavi:-D [17:36]
jonnybso what do you need to know - shall we go to bob?
ha ha - bbb (autocorrect ;) )
xavi...that module search_box was used with "Basic Search" (tiki-searchresults.php), and module search_new used "Advanced Search" (tiki-searchindex.php)
but in Tiki12, only module "search" is found, with dozens of settings....
jonnybyes, marclaporte got me to merge the various search modules into one years ago, probably should have dropped some of the silly params by now...
but that one works in old mysql search mode and uni-search
xaviso If I understand correctly, when Basic Search is on, module search uses Basic Search (tiki-searchresults.php), regardless of the preference choice for Advanced Search (Unified index, etc; tiki-searchindex.php ) [17:38]
jonnybif you have both on then Bad Things will happen (probably) [17:40]
xaviso, what is param "Legacy mode" for? will it change the default php file used for search???
Legacy mode: Setting to emulate previous behaviour. Default: "" ("search"=search_box, "page"=search_wiki_page, "quick"=quick_edit)
jonnybno, that was to emulate "quick edit", "search-box" etc old modules
(the idea was to remove quick_edit but someone made a load of changes to it before i managed to work out a migration script
xaviyes, exactly: the "search-box" is tied to Basic Search... [17:42]
jonnybi think they were marked as deprecated at the time [17:42]
xaviI'll try the weird setup: Basic Search off, but module search with Legacy mode "search"=search_box
the sad thing is that in a simple test site I have (profile r_test applied), I search for "wordcloud", which is found in only one wiki page, and with Basic Search, I found it; with Advanced search (and default settings; index rebuilt), no match found. :-(
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47980 10(11 files in 8 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 47971 to 47979 [17:46]
jonnybseems odd [17:46]
xaviI had a similar result in a production site (intercanvis.net) weeks ago, when I was testing the whole thing... :-( [17:46]
jonnybusing which uni-search engine/s? [17:46]
xaviI'll reproduce in show.t.o, if you wish... it's odd indeed, and happened to me several times, different tiki sites, sizes, etc. [17:46]
jonnybyes, please do :) [17:46]
xaviuni-search: Lucene
default settings in most if not all cases
jonnyband is the index there? (and have stuff in?)
in temp/
xavigood question.... :-) I just fired it through the admin panel.... I'll have a look
well, it reported 15 wiki pages, 6 tracker items
so something was found by it....
xavi going to dig in the file system
jonnybthat's a good sign (if that's what you have) [17:48]
xaviyes [17:48]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [17:50]
jonnybhi marclaporte [17:50]
xavimmm, jonnyb, how do I know if the index is there and some good stuff is inside?
I see some files in temp/unified-index/
and some of them are "lock" files (zero bytes)
segments.gen (20 bytes)
segments_6 (41 bytes)
jonnybsounds about right [17:51]
xavi_3.cfs (11103 bytes, seems binary)
_3.sti (376 bytes; long string of codes...)
jonnybyes, it's all binary stuff, just the fact they're there is good [17:52]
xaviI'll reproduce in show.t.o this issue [17:52]
jonnybok, will have a look when ready [17:52]
xavioups, weird message: I changed uni-search to Mysql Full Text search. Cilcked at rebuild index, and I saw a ermarksbox at the top saying "Error(s). No index available.", even if the search admin panel showed the index results: 15 pages, 6 tracker items
anyway... bug reporting in process...
jonnybyes, i get that "no index" error sometimes when switching - it usually doesn't happen again [17:58]
xaviok [17:59]
:-/ show.t.o instance creation fails for me nowadays
who should be pinged about it? Jyhem ^ ?
maybe disk full again or something?
^ jonnyb
jonnybhmm, luckily not my department ;) [18:07]
xavi:-D [18:07]
jonnybcan you get demo.t.o to do it? [18:07]
xaviok, I'll try
oups, demo misses 12.x
I'll try with trunk
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Advanced search (uni-search) fails while Basic search founds the search string - http://dev.tiki.org/item4797 [18:11]
xavihe he, jonnyb : reproduced in http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/ . See here ^ [18:12]
jonnybjonnyb looks
i searched for "tiki" and found a few - looks ok to me
xavisee the steps to reproduce in http://dev.tiki.org/item4797 [18:13]
jonnybword cloud finds stuff [18:14]
xavimmmm, you are not following the steps. The strig to search is "wordcloud", no spaces :-)
jonnybyes, i know, sorry - i did that first [18:16]
xaviok :-) [18:17]
jonnyband see no results [18:17]
xavienable basic search, and you'll see 1 match [18:17]
jonnybLucene weirdness i'm afraid [18:17]
xavimysql FTS in uni-search produces 0 results also (after index rebuilt, of course) [18:17]
jonnybword*cloud works ok [18:18]
xavionly Basic Search finds it [18:18]
jonnybhmm, weird indeed [18:18]
xaviI had a similar experience with tracker items, I search for "cherrytree", there is one item which contains "cherrytree" in the description, and no mtches with any of the unified search engines, but only with the Basic Search [18:19]
jonnybsomething for lphuberdeau i think? [18:19]
xaviMy conclusion is that, we are not ready to disable the Basic Search in favor of the Unified Search only searches
ok, back to refining the screen for "search" in the admin wizard, so that others can review the text and improve (reduce, clarify, correct, etc.). We need to help new tiki admins understand all this so that they can decide what type of search they want to use, how to set it up, etc.
jonnybi just added word cloud to a page on my localhost and it gets found
wonder if it's something to do with the profile installer?
both 12 and trunk are ok here with finding word cloud when added normally by editing
but not on demo...
i just added it to the top of the homepage and now it gets found...
ah, in your example the word wordcloud is inside a plugin (which oddly doesn't get rendered on http://demo.tiki.org/trunk/tiki-index.php?page=r_test5)

maybe that's why?
looks like plugin source doesn't get indexed - guess it should?
maybe a mail to the dev list...
luciashmghamsari: just a note. if you put it on HomePage inside the part of GROUP wikiplugin which is visible only for Admins, then it will not be visible to Anonymous... [18:35]
xavijonny@irc: good catch. However, there are a few prefs to exclude plugins from uni-search, and I had them all disabled, so that plugnis are supposed to be indexed, then?
complex laberynth...
ok, commited
back to search emails for the newsletter
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r47981 10branches/12.x/ 10tiki-wizard_admin.php 03lib/wizard/pages/admin_search.php 03templates/wizard/admin_search.tpl
[ENH]Screen to help tiki admins to setup search feature/s. New short sentences added willing to summarize the state of the art, and simple executive-summaries from all those sources of technical pages in dev about Search. Improvements welcome to help new tiki admins find their way to set up effective search configurations for their sites (if this is still confusing to experienced
tikiwikiusers, imagine newcomers...). Thanks jonnyb for feedback
jonnybxavi: not sure what unified_excluded_plugins does, i added img to it and reindexed but it still did find my test alt tag i was searching for [18:50]
xavibtw, jonny@irc, this bug might fail in your department: http://dev.tiki.org/item4796 (related to Vimeo, regression after upgrading a 7.x or 9.x site)
unified_excluded_plugins: ok. hopefully lphuberdeau will know
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - show.t.o instance can't be created - http://dev.tiki.org/item4798 [18:51]
xavimmmm, and does anybody know if Boolean Search ( with these syntax options: http://doc.tiki.org/Search+User#Boolean_search ) is applicable to Basic Search, and all cases of Unified Search (Lucene, MysqlFTS, and Elastic Search)?
I know I can test all caes myself, but I was thinking that maybe someone knows from the top of his/her head, and I can skip this new "trial and error" again
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47982 10branches/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[bp/r47978][FIX] js various: Supply empty "defaultvalue" for prompt function - stops the word "undefined" appearing in IE
xavimmmm, another failure of unified search :-/. Searching two terms "+foo +bar" works well in Basic Search (found both only in 2 pages), and Advanced Search (lucene, so far), fails: shows 3 matches, but only two are valid, the third one only contains "foo", not "bar". [19:01]
jonnybdon't you need foo and bar in uni-search? (different) [19:05]
xaviand when I set "Lucene Default Boolean Operator" to "AND", then I get just one page as a result (but "bar" is present in a string link "toto-bar-blabla...")
searching for "foo AND bar" didn't work for me. And after RTFM, I learned that I have to add "+" to require that the term is present in all results
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47983 10branches/ 109.x 109.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-connect.js 109.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js 109.x/tiki-editpage.php
[partial bp/r47978][FIX] js various: Supply empty "defaultvalue" for prompt function - stops the word "undefined" appearing in IE
jonnybin Lucene (probably the others too) if you want to match partial words you need to use wildcards - so *bar* should match toto-bar-blabla [19:09]
xaviah, ok. that's different behavior than in the "Basic Search", then. Should this be pointed to end users in the admin wizard, search screen?
maybe not, since it's a starting point for them...
i think uni-search is more like how "other" search engines work - and people can always read the help :D
xavi:-) [19:12]
jonnybhttp://demo.tiki.org/12x is now open for business :) [19:20]
jonnybjonnyb hopes he did it right [19:21]
.... (idle for 17mn)
Tiki-KGB03robertplummer r47984 10trunk/ 10(33 files in 11 dirs)
[MOD]Renamed ForwardLink-Protocol to FutureLink-Protocol, refined integration, and relocated. Changed "ForwardLink" to "FutureLink" and "TextLink" to "PastLink"
[NEW]Added class "Type", to make IDE integration a bit easier
[MOD] Refine the object structure of html feed so that there is no casts being made
xaviwohooo, robertplummer is back! [19:44]
changi_changi_ will start alpha => any objection ? [19:47]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47985 10branches/12.x/templates/trackerinput/files.tpl
[FIX] tracker files: Use js to access galleryId and filter vars so only one copy of this code gets added to the page. Reduces problems with multiple files fields on one form.
jonnybhi changi
go for it - that was the last fix i had for it, so excellent timing! :)
redflojoined #tikiwiki [19:56]
xavi+1 changi_
enough for me for today
left #tikiwiki
jonnybbye xa
changi: i'll lurk nearby, will try and test later
aalexjoined #tikiwiki [20:13]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [20:14]
changijonnyb: what is the name of the release ? [20:15]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [20:18]
jonnybhi Bsfez - also good timing [20:19]
BsfezHi Jonny ! [20:19]
jonnybchangi: i guess it's 12.0alpha [20:19]
Tiki-KGB03alain_desilets r47986 10trunk/lib/tikilib.php * [Fix] Added missing require for Tracer.php in tikilib.php. [20:20]
Bsfezyou finished everything ?
Marc wanted me to add a theme i have done and he liked
jonnybeverything? i doubt it [20:20]
Bsfezlol [20:20]
jonnyblast chance to add stuff [20:21]
Bsfezeven a theme ?
i have two things i'm late with :
this theme and delivery rtl compatibility for fiveaive themes/options
changiBsfez: should i wait ?
jonnyb: was talking about the star name
BsfezI guess for the star they were 3/3 votes for Altair :) [20:27]
jonnybi think the general consensus on the dev list was for Altair (12th brightest ;) ) [20:27]
changiok [20:28]
jonnybI guess Pascal has final say - we could always change it for the beta if needed
it's the nice bit of being Release Manager :)
changi:) [20:29]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47987 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php * [REL] Preparing release of 12.0 Alpha [20:30]
changiBsfez: can i start ? [20:30]
Bsfezjonnyb: you here ? [20:31]
jonnybyes, still here [20:31]
Bsfezchangi: one sec, got case to solve with jonnyb
jonnyb(but need food soon) [20:31]
BsfezWhat do you suggest about the theme things... [20:31]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47988 10branches/12.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php
[FIX] perms: Trigger the change event on the "beneficiary" checkboxes properly - makes it a bit better but still not 100%
changipoke me when you are reade
BsfezFivealive to rtl can't break anything and i'm not even sure it is an enhencement (actually all the t.o can't work if hebrew is selected)
it is :
1/ make the header notch inversed (rtl)
jonnybsounds complicated - maybe save it for after the alpha? [20:33]
Bsfez2/ create an rtl css with rtl is used (should be empty
as BiDi is already made for fivealive
yes sure i just mean it wait after alpha is released but will be included for t12
we ok on this ?
jonnybi guess so - changi is ready to do the alpha release, and this sounds too complicated for me now - need food [20:35]
so we release Alpha now
jonnybchangi: poke? [20:36]
Bsfeztheme + rtl for fivealive will wait
changi: double poke ! :D
changi: we are good to release [20:41]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [20:52]
changilet's start [20:56]
mghamsarileft #tikiwiki [20:57]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47989 10branches/12.x/README * [REL] Update README file for 12.0alpha [20:58]
Bsfezchangi: tks and sry for the last second delay [21:02]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47990 10branches/12.x/ 10(51 files in 51 dirs) * [REL] Update language.php files for 12.0alpha [21:08]
changi>> Changelog updated with 556 new commits (revision 47988 to 47240), excluding duplicates, merges and release-related commits. [21:14]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47991 10branches/12.x/changelog.txt * [REL] Update changelog.txt for 12.0alpha [21:16]
03changi67 r47992 10branches/12.x/copyright.txt * [REL] Update copyright.txt for 12.0alpha
03changi67 r47993 03branches/12.x/db/tiki-secdb_12.0_mysql.sql * [REL] SecDB for 12.0alpha
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [21:31]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47994 03tags/12.0alpha * [REL] Tagging release [21:32]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
jonnyb sees http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/47994
changi: ping me the tarballs are up [:)
changiupload in progress [21:56]
jonnyb: files are uploaded [22:01]
jonnybsuper, thanks [22:01]
changijonnyb: can you do the merge to trun k? [22:02]
Tiki-KGB03changi67 r47995 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php * [REL] Closing release [22:04]
downloading the gz one
looking good changi, 12.0alpha gz tarball downloaded and installed fine, thanks! :)
committing branch update now - no conflict on version (checked)
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r47996 10(62 files in 58 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 47979 to 47995 [22:20]
jonnybjonnyb sees r47995 and thanks changi for it ;)
nite nite
changinice [22:35]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [22:48]
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