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TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [00:43]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Sheet - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50769
New Forum Posts: After upgrade to 9.7 LTS file gallery is instable - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=50767
New Forum Posts: Tiki 9.6 "You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site" - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=50763
New Forum Posts: Sheet - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50769
New Forum Posts: After upgrade to 9.7 LTS file gallery is instable - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=50767
New Forum Posts: Tiki 9.6 "You have to enable cookies to be able to login to this site" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=50763
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dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [01:55]
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hrsmsjoined #tikiwiki [03:01]
I have some questions about the Dialog plugin. Is anyone available to help? [03:09]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r49262 10trunk/ 10(53 files in 53 dirs) * [ENH] Changing instances of 'Freetags' to 'Tags'. [04:30]
03chibaguy r49263 10trunk/ 10(35 files in 31 dirs) * [ENH] Changing instances of 'Freetags' to 'Tags'. [04:38]
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TomJarvishrsms: I have never used the Dialog plug in before, but I just tried it with Tiki version 9 and the wiki parm does not appear to work. [05:08]
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I guess the wiki parm works OK when it is the name of a page with just text. [05:27]
GillesMjoined #tikiwiki [05:35]
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nick__joined #tikiwiki [06:07]
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lonelygreeneyesjoined #tikiwiki [06:58]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r49264 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Freetags.php * [FIX] Previous commit was a mistake. [08:54]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [15:19]
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WhiteCalfjoined #tikiwiki [16:24]
pdxmauxjoined #tikiwiki [16:28]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [18:05]
Tiki|Logjoined #tikiwiki [18:16]
Topicfor #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki LTS version 12.0 (Altair) is out! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) [18:16]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [18:47]
refizulC3S mentioned publicly to use Tiki a quarter hour ago at 30C3 hacker congress in Hamburg, Germany [18:48]
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hrsmsjoined #tikiwiki [19:56]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Problema actualizando DB de versi�n 8.3 a 12 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=50786 [20:21]

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