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amette_ | joined #tikiwiki | [01:02] |
eliasp | left #tikiwiki | [01:03] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: TikiFest FOSDEM 1-2 February 2014 : https://tiki.org/TikiFestFosdem2014 Who is coming? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50831
New Forum Posts: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[49302] trunk/templates - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50824 New Forum Posts: tv.tiki.org - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50821 | [01:18] |
New Forum Posts: TikiFest FOSDEM 1-2 February 2014 : https://tiki.org/TikiFestFosdem2014 Who is coming? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50831
New Forum Posts: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[49302] trunk/templates - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50824 New Forum Posts: tv.tiki.org - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50821 | [01:28] | |
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Gwayne | joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki | [01:59] |
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ashylarrythecabl | joined #tikiwiki
hi, anyone here? | [02:14] |
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micheal99 | joined #tikiwiki
Hi, I need help with setting ads, anyone here? | [03:48] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: What's about wikiLingo ... - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50833 | [04:08] |
Tiki-KGB | 03chibaguy r49325 10trunk/templates/comment/post.tpl
[REF] fieldset removed from post form (seemed redundant to have both a panel and fieldset - causes visual clutter in some themes). | [04:14] |
fabricius | micheal99: hi, still there? | [04:28] |
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sipherdee | joined #tikiwiki | [06:31] |
Jyhem_ | joined #tikiwiki | [06:33] |
MichaelC- | joined #tikiwiki | [06:36] |
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Gwayne | joined #tikiwiki | [06:57] |
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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [09:45] |
xavi | joined #tikiwiki | [09:46] |
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csasalu | joined #tikiwiki
What are the pros and cons of tikwiki when compared to Drupal | [10:05] |
fabricius | Hi csasalu | [10:16] |
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csasalu | joined #tikiwiki
Hi Fabricius | [10:34] |
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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [10:51] |
csasalu | left #tikiwiki | [10:53] |
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fabricius | are you still there csasalu? hopping on and off a bit
the pros and cons of Tiki compared to Drupal ... that depends on the use case and how good you know the system there are thing you can do with Tiki, which you cannot do with most other systems including Drupal on the other hand, if you know Drupal and you need certain things, where Drupal is specialised for, you might be better of with that Tiki is very good, if you want a quick to use, yet extendable Wiki or a quick web vcard based on wikipages especially with the new Tiki pre-13 and the Bootstrap integration Tiki is maybe first choise, if you want to avoid external plugins, yet need a lot of features and functions you can use Tiki as a content management framework the community is a very good point for Tiki Tiki has its bumps and holes, yet I love to work with it, as it is very good in a lot of things I mean, if you compare a Seahawk Helicopter and a Mack Road Train Truck, you'll find out, that both can transport things from A to B the truck can drive longer distances than the Seahawk flies and the Truck can carry more and heavier loads, yet it can neither swim nor fly ... it really depends on what you want to do | [11:09] |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [11:26] |
fabricius | In my point of view Tiki is like ship ... a helicopter carrier with Seahawk and a bunch of cars and smaller vessels.
All out of the box included ... install and use, whilst for the car you would need no extra licence, the helicopters and the ship and vessels need a few more instructions. Still you can keep the ship and vessels in the harbour and just use the cars for the start. Drupal seems more to be like the harbour with a garage of cars or vans. sure you can get vessels, ships and helicopters to the harbour from external sources. But tightly integrated are just the cars and vans. So you must compare a lot of factors and for a project the software is only a bunch of factors to compare ... personnel, support, budget, etc. etc. etc. Hi Telesight | [11:27] |
Telesight | Hello fabricius
You are in a poetic mood? | [11:33] |
fabricius | hehe ... this was just a different sort of picture for a mor technical/specifical explanation above, just before you entered
but yes, in a way I am do you like it? the story of the Tiki ship ... or the flying submarine | [11:42] |
dbalieiro | joined #tikiwiki | [11:48] |
Telesight | Tiki is like an expressomachine, all is there to enjoy, with Drupal the deciding moment the coffee is missing ... | [11:54] |
Jyhem_laptop | joined #tikiwiki | [11:56] |
xavi | polom....
Happy New Tiki-year to all fabricius & Telesight: feel free to help Marc documenting the objective differences between pairs of software ("Tiki vs ..." pages) i.e.: http://tiki.org/Tiki+vs+Drupal You might add a new section entitled "Explained in a poetic mood..." (or similar)... ;-) | [12:06] |
fabricius | xavi, I just wanted to answer the question of the other guy as good as possible ... to write such a pairing, I would want to have a more brief knowledge of the compared app ... but "Explained in a poetic mood" is a nice idea
PS xavi, did you read the wikiLingo mail? | [12:11] |
xavi | wikiLingo email: not read yet | [12:12] |
fabricius | please comment and importantly answer questions! I need questions to be asked for preperation of the lecture | [12:12] |
xavi | xavi in a hectic mood to finish a first version of https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki12from9 | [12:13] |
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xavi finished first draft, and updated the left-column menu in doc.t.o: "New in version" accordingly | [12:34] | |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki
2014 poloms | [12:58] |
xavi | :-) | [12:58] |
jonnyb | hi xavi, how you? | [12:59] |
xavi | hi jonnyb! welcome to the 2014 Tikiverse! | [12:59] |
jonnyb | thanks :) | [12:59] |
xavi | fine, thanks. Last surgery was magic for my body. :-) | [12:59] |
jonnyb | wow, glad to hear it
so a good xmas etc i hope? | [13:00] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Table tiki_shoutbox_words corrupt - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=50838 | [13:01] |
xavi | yes, it was :-) And you?
jonnyb, btw, if you move some production site from Tiki 9 LTs to Tiki12 LTS, and you want to tell your customers what's new with such change, I finished a first merge of doc pages here: https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki12from9 | [13:02] |
jonnyb | xavi: xmas was good thanks, didn't look at a single line of code! :D | [13:07] |
xavi | I needed that for users of sites where I'm admin and I upgrade from LTS to LTS, so I thought that it might be welcome for others | [13:07] |
jonnyb | i'm getting redirected to the installer - i hate that! | [13:07] |
xavi | he he, that's good news, then :-)
oups | [13:07] |
jonnyb | was a "fix" in 12 not to show the "cannot connect to database" message but to go straight to the installer instead - bad idea... | [13:08] |
xavi | some sort of message "Site is being upgraded" for the periodic daily upgrades to *.t.o sites might be better... changi, what do you think? | [13:09] |
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jonnyb | xavi: wow, https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki12from9 (finally loaded) is huge! well done and thanks! | [13:27] |
xavi | you are welcome! Tiki improvements in Tiki12 from Tiki9 are huge indeed! :-)
btw, jonnyb, is there an easy way to add some external package to composer, but remove the "fat" from that package through some automated procedure already? | [13:28] |
jonnyb | yes, there's a CleanVendors object that gets called after the install...
lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php | [13:30] |
xavi | case: anythingslider-themes. I added a few extra ones for our http://doc.tiki.org/PluginSlider , but the package in github contained many images, which added extra weight (+1Mb), and license issues | [13:31] |
jonnyb | you added them to vendors_extra right? should work fine... | [13:31] |
xavi | aha.... maybe then there is a better way than just what I did in r49306
I added by hand the needed files at vendors_extra folder... | [13:32] |
jonnyb | probably easier in this case | [13:33] |
xavi | ok | [13:33] |
jonnyb | if there's more to delete than keep | [13:33] |
xavi | yep | [13:33] |
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jonnyb | having trouble logging in to dev.t.o - anyone else? (tiki.org seems ok) | [13:52] |
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Jyhem_laptop | polom and happy new Tiki-year ! | [14:09] |
jonnyb | hi Jyhem_laptop , Tiki New Year to you too :) | [14:10] |
Jyhem_laptop | hi xavi, hi jonnyb
jonnyb: I agree with you. "cannot connect to database" is useful info. getting to the installer is not | [14:10] |
xavi | hi Jyhem_laptop!
Jyhem_laptop: you'll like this: http://r.tiki.org/r_test10_clickme jonnyb, you too, even if you don't use PluginR for production, you'll like those interactive charts generated in wiki pages ;-) | [14:11] |
Jyhem_laptop | xavi: I spend tomorrow with Jo�l :-) I don't think we showed you what we did with our custom R plugin :-( | [14:12] |
xavi | "what we did ... :-( "?
sad because of what you did, or because you didn't show me? :-) ^ Jyhem_laptop | [14:12] |
Jyhem_laptop | because you didn't see it. I thought he showed and he thought I did | [14:14] |
xavi | :-D | [14:14] |
Jyhem_laptop | Jyhem_laptop looks at clickme | [14:14] |
jonnyb | re the no more db errors tying i added a comment to https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki12#Decision_needed (and am giving up again now) | [14:15] |
luciash | polomyall | [14:16] |
Jyhem_laptop | Happy Tiki Year luciash | [14:16] |
xavi | hi luciash! | [14:16] |
luciash | Jyhem_laptop: you too :)
hola xavi ! | [14:16] |
xavi | :-) did you melon seeds produce some fruit at some point in 2013?
^ luciash s/you/your | [14:17] |
luciash | xavi: unfortunatelly i put them outside too late it seems, they only managed to bloom in time but then they did not catch before winter so no fruits produced :) | [14:18] |
xavi | oups.... maybe next time, within 2014? :-) | [14:18] |
luciash | xavi: and it is much colder here than in Barcelona generally you know | [14:18] |
xavi | I know, I know... but I was surprised that they produced seedlings already in your garden (was it a greenhouse?) | [14:19] |
luciash | maybe, yep, i need to start early this year ! i have several seeds left just in case ;)
yup, a folio-house | [14:19] |
xavi | he he... seeds are magic! Re: I updated my own tiki site: "Seeds for change" ;-) http://seeds4c.org | [14:20] |
luciash | cool ! i need to check it out | [14:20] |
xavi | and I recently made public the configs of my dual boot or tri-boot computers, etc.
plus other documentation page that I formerly kept only for myself... | [14:20] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Column spacing question - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=50839 | [14:21] |
xavi | he he, luciash, whatch out the improved plugin slider in Tiki12.x, being in use at the homepage ;-)
xavi back to updating profile r_test with the clickme example | [14:21] |
luciash | xavi: lively ! very nice :) | [14:22] |
xavi | :-) | [14:22] |
luciash | xavi: do u have something about the seeds there actually or just computer stuff ? :) | [14:24] |
xavi | he he, some place holders for "biological seeds", plus "knowledge seeds", plus "digital seeds" (online and offline), etc.
using "seeds" in a more general way, not only for biological seeds. | [14:25] |
luciash | xavi: and can i switch the site to english ?
xavi: i see :) | [14:26] |
xavi | switch to English? Isn't it in English for you???? | [14:26] |
Jyhem_laptop | xavi: clickme is amazing. Especially the interactive way to deal with hiding/showing stuff in example 2. I just printed a page and the hidden colors actually stay hidden in the print version. Jo�l needs to see that ! | [14:28] |
xavi | wohooo! :-) | [14:28] |
luciash | xavi: nope, catalan :) | [14:29] |
xavi | luciash: about the language in that page. I did notice something weird, and maybe that's the same that you saw. Did you ask because of the language of the comments section?
The site is in English: see left column: Mobile: "Switch to mobile site" (this is not Catalan) plus "Login", etc. | [14:29] |
Jyhem_laptop | Right now I have a tiki-plugin with drop-downs for homogeneous groups selection and then refresh the page. Now it could be interactive ^^ | [14:30] |
xavi | is the problem just with the comments section for you? | [14:30] |
luciash | xavi: ah, ok, it seems i was browsing to some cataln content page and it switched the interface automagically, ok, no prob then :)
xavi: plus yes, comments stay in catalan always | [14:30] |
xavi | @luciash: aha, ok | [14:31] |
luciash | xavi: "Comentaris" | [14:31] |
xavi | yes :-) This seems to be a i18n-bug | [14:31] |
jonnyb | xavi: is the page https://dev.tiki.org/make+a+wish+-+thank+you to do with you? It says IN BIG WRITING to click the watch icon but as that's set by default now clicking on it would unlatch the item... | [14:34] |
xavi | jonnyb: I didn't do that. And yes, I noticed that it's never been working properly. However I didn't find out how to fix properly, so I left as is...
jonnyb: I just edited that page every now and then to (aim to) improve the contents | [14:35] |
jonnyb | me too - was just wondering...
(will get back to the many bugs!) | [14:36] |
luciash | jonnyb: it watched whole tracker for me at some point instead of my item by clicking it | [14:37] |
jonnyb | ew, nice
(hi luciash :) ) | [14:37] |
luciash | hoy jonnyb :) | [14:40] |
jonnyb | i got an email about my new wish, so at least that bit works :) | [14:41] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: white page on show php error = no - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50841
Recent Bug: - Re-validate user by email no longer seems to work (pref: email_due) - http://dev.tiki.org/item5085 | [14:41] |
Recent Bug: - After validation new users don't get redirected to their group home page - http://dev.tiki.org/item5086 | [14:51] | |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r49326 10branches/12.x/lib/init/tra.php * [FIX] tr: missing global | [14:52] |
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03xavidp r49327 10mods/trunk/ 10wiki-plugins/r/temp/.htaccess 10Packages/wikiplugins-r.info.txt
[MOD] .htaccess in temp allows js and css files, so that scripts for the R clickme package can be much shorter reusing getwd() for the output path. 03jonnybradley r49328 10(12 files in 10 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49287 to 49326 03jonnybradley r49329 10branches/12.x/lib/ 10tikiaccesslib.php 10init/tra.php [FIX] Check for BOM in custom.php in init_language and fix if possible (thanks marclaporte) | [15:44] | |
Jyhem_laptop | luciash: Central European Summer Time Tiki Fest / Camp sounds great :-) I'm interested :-) | [15:50] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r49330 10trunk/lib/init/tra.php 10trunk/lib/tikiaccesslib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49326 to 49329 | [15:50] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [15:51] |
Jyhem_laptop | On a not quite unrelated note: who is coming at Fosdem ? Put your names here: https://tiki.org/TikiFestFosdem2014 ! | [15:51] |
Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - Many-to-may relations not working in 12 - http://dev.tiki.org/item5087 | [15:51] |
marclapo1 | joined #tikiwiki | [15:55] |
jonnyb | polom marclapo1 and marclaporte :) Tiki New Year! | [15:57] |
marclapo1 | polom jonnyb and happy new year as well :-) | [16:00] |
jonnyb | :) | [16:00] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [16:12] |
Jyhem_laptop | Happy Tiki new year, marclaporte :) | [16:14] |
dabright | joined #tikiwiki | [16:15] |
Jyhem_laptop | see you in Fosdem ? | [16:15] |
marclaporte | Jyhem_laptop: hope
Jyhem_laptop: no Jyhem_laptop: I wish you all a fantastic event! FOSDEM is special | [16:16] |
marclapo1 | joined #tikiwiki | [16:17] |
Jyhem_laptop | :'-( | [16:21] |
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rodrigoprimo | joined #tikiwiki | [17:03] |
luciash | re
luciash is back Jyhem_laptop: u r welcome; i do not see it bright for me regarding FOSDEM tho, sorry | [17:08] |
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Jyhem_laptop | Curious people getting to http://show.tiki.org/ will now be less confused, I hope | [17:28] |
marclaporte | Jyhem +1
even better to link to a page about show on dev or doc | [17:32] |
Jyhem_laptop | in addition or instead ? | [17:33] |
marclaporte | addition | [17:35] |
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Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - Score feature got system error using MySQL 5.6.16 - http://dev.tiki.org/item5088 | [17:51] |
arildb | joined #tikiwiki | [18:04] |
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kuroneko4891 | joined #tikiwiki | [18:53] |
xavi | time to disconnect for me (ubuntu upgrade time)
see you left #tikiwiki | [18:58] |
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new1 | joined #tikiwiki
Hi, unable to use adavanced image editor in which i can make thumbnails, aligning image in center, changing sizes, and all, earlier it was there is previous release but i dont see it in 12.. | [19:30] |
Jyhem | marclaporte: added | [19:43] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [19:50] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r49331 10branches/12.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php
[FIX] filegals: Respect view_file_gallery when listing sub-galleries, corrects visibility of restricted galleries on the filegal explorer for instance (thanks eromneg) | [20:00] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [23:15] |
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