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MichaelC-joined #tikiwiki [00:16]
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benoitjoined #tikiwiki [01:24]
Guest86365Hello. It's my first time here. My pb : my tiki is succesfull in sending a test email, but not via "Contact us" although it says that it has been successful in sending
the messages created via "Contact us" are in the table messu_messages but no one has been effectively sent
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [01:37]
Gwaynejoined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki
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chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [02:16]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r49383 10trunk/templates/ 10list_file_gallery.tpl 10tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl 10find.tpl 10list_file_gallery_content.tpl * [REF] Tables replaced by Bootstrap form divs. Work in progress on these files. [07:34]
03chibaguy r49384 10trunk/templates/list_file_gallery.tpl * [REF] Tables replaced by Bootstrap form divs. Work in progress on these files. [07:42]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [07:55]
Eisenaxtjoined #tikiwiki [08:02]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [08:53]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - 12.x: Registration from within PluginTracker does not create a new user - http://dev.tiki.org/item5098 [09:16]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [09:35]
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does email param from PluginTracker work for anyone in any tiki version?
xavi tried again in Tiki12, and no luck ... :-/ (but I remember someone, maybe jonnyb?, saying that it worked for him...)
maybe no clear documentation... and I didn't figure out how to make it work
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Tiki-KGB03xavidp r49385 10branches/12.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_module.php
[FIX]Remove np tags from the output made from wikiplugin module=register. I made the fix specific to this module since I want to prevent negative side effects in other modules which might not need this fix.
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rodrigoprimojoined #tikiwiki [11:21]
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Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [12:15]
Gwaynejoined #tikiwiki [12:21]
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Tiki-KGB03xavidp r49386 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * a few more fixes
03xavidp r49387 10branches/12.x/lang/es/language.php * a few strings added and translated
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TelesightHello all: Who is normally working on the "User Contacts"? I have some questions about the functionality ... [13:30]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r49388 10branches/12.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/mode/tiki/tiki.css
[MOD][FIX] Removed .cm-tw-box since it produced a missplacement when attempting to make selections of text inside it, which made codemirror unusable.
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lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [13:58]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [14:00]
SkiNutjoined #tikiwiki [14:07]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r49389 10branches/12.x/lib/codemirror_tiki/mode/tiki/tiki.css
[MOD][FIX] Better fix than r49388. Removed border attributes from .cm-tw-box since it produced a missplacement with the selections of text inside it. Added grey color instead
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hhmjoined #tikiwiki
Hi everybody! I'm runing tiki 9.6lts and I'm searching for a way to find which pages have a certain image or file in them. Is there such a tool?
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juffjoined #tikiwiki [14:51]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [15:04]
Mlkuijoined #tikiwiki
marclaportetest back [15:11]
hhmtest? me 2 [15:12]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [15:12]
hhmanybody here? [15:18]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Blank Page after adding Add This code - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=50902 [15:20]
diggyjoined #tikiwiki
hi all
could someone help with any installation of tiki on openSUSE? I have some problems with permissions
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49390 10trunk/composer.lock * [FIX] composer.lock had not been updated
03lphuberdeau r49391 10(6 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49376 to 49389
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [17:07]
ricks99joined #tikiwiki [17:16]
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marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [17:41]
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arildbjoined #tikiwiki [17:57]
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Emenemsjoined #tikiwiki [18:19]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49392 10branches/12.x/lib/ 10core/Services/ActivityStream/Controller.php 10wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_activitystream.php * [FIX] Activity stream does not depend on custom events, there are alternatives [18:30]
TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [18:31]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49393 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_activitystream.php 10trunk/lib/core/Services/ActivityStream/Controller.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49389 to 49392 [18:32]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [18:35]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49394 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Broker.php * [FIX]�Need to restore the site layout after temporary change
03jonnybradley r49395 10branches/12.x/lib/ 10core/Tracker/Field/Files.php 10jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js
[ENH] maps: Add a way of using filegal files in trackers to add trails and features to maps without the 4k size limit geo-feature fields have.
Styling hard-coded for now, also restricted to using the default OSM EPSG:4326 projection for now - more TODO (thanks eromneg)
03jonnybradley r49396 10branches/12.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js
[FIX] maps: Use the bottom middle point of markers to indicate the position of the location - works better with the default markers and most custom ones.
Also use the pointer cursor to indicate they are clickable.
03jonnybradley r49397 10trunk/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Files.php 10trunk/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49392 to 49396
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luciashpolom [19:04]
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [19:30]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49398 10trunk/ 10(8 files in 7 dirs)
[MOD] Add support for 'extended' activity display (currently displaying comments by default), convert activity stream comment dialog to modal for improved styling
xavileft #tikiwiki [20:30]
surfhaijoined #tikiwiki
hi, how do I make a newline in the tiki wiki source but not parsed in the html output. just to make the source clearly
in the source
and not foo%%%bar
does the trick :)
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49399 10trunk/templates/comment/list.tpl
[FIX] self_link caused templates to be loaded as modal due to auto-query-args, self inclusion of list to force different layout
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03lphuberdeau r49400 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[ENH] Force inheritence instead of changing the global variable, move modal and ajax templates to internal to reduce noise
03lphuberdeau r49401 10trunk/templates/ 10activity/tiki.trackeritem.create.tpl 10activity/tiki.trackeritem.update.tpl * [FIX] Notices
TomJarvisBye. [21:08]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [21:16]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r49402 10trunk/templates/activitystream/render.tpl * [ENH] Styling [21:22]
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zac2944joined #tikiwiki [22:11]
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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [22:30]
Tiki-KGB03gezzzan r49403 10trunk/ 10templates/comment/list.tpl 10lib/prefs/wiki.php 10templates/comment/post.tpl
[MOD] Various visual simplifications of comment listing, fixed boostrap media-list layout, placed back heading to content block, simplified texts (all added after latest commits by LP). Also simplified post form by using placeholder. Clearer description of some related settings.
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arildb__joined #tikiwiki [23:24]

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