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Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r49484 10trunk/tiki-install.php * [MOD] boostrapped and simplified installer authentication screen layout
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New Forum Posts: Anybody using TRIM? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50942
New Forum Posts: Content Field and Editor in Blog - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=50941
New Forum Posts: Users list with Real Name & pic in 12.x: porting module users_list from mods? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50939
rodrigoprimo: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: Jyhem ?
anyone else using ISPConfig3 ?
(& Tiki, of course)
or anyone using mod_security and Tiki 12?
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: Jyhem, for later, in case you have any clue: https://doc.tiki.org/ISPConfig#Errors
arildb: joined #tikiwiki
Hi, I need to store some password in Tiki (to connect to an external system). Does anybody know if there is some "secure" password storage in Tiki?
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
xavi: hi arildb . :-) I haven't used it, but there is (was?) some admin panel for that somewhere....
-: xavi checking
arildb: xavi: thanks
xavi: arildb: see this https://doc.tiki.org/Clipperz+online+password+manager
arildb: checking
xavi: however, I can't find it in admin panels in 12.x
arildb: I think there was some issue with Clipperz about a license change/payments
xavi: yes, that's true. I can see the info in 11.x : tiki-admin.php?page=security > "Clipperz online password management", but it's not foudn any more in 12.x
arildb: I prefer a more local (in installation) solution, I believe.
There is mcrypt which does a reversable encryption.
xavi: sounds a nice (future) feature :-)
arildb: Using the user preferences to stoer the username/password + mcrypt may be a solution
Maybe add a new lib to encrypt (reversaby) passwords, then is mcrypt is available use it, otherwise just use Base64 encryption.....some thought
mcrypt requires a key, which must be stored somehow...and kept secure...
would keeping this in a PHP file be good enough?
xavi: mmm, arildb, can this OpenPGP help somehow? tiki-admin.php?page=security&cookietab=6&highlight=openpgp_gpg_signer_passfile
arildb: checking
Since a reversable encryption is required, it comes down to the availablity of the "final" signing key, I guess. If this key could come fromthe client machine/browser, it would not be possible to locate it by having direct machine access (hosting admin). This would be the preferred solution, I believe
Maybe store the signing key ina cookie, and if not found prompt the user for it.....
maybe with an option to store the encryption key in the user preferences too, which would be less secure, but the system would then always find the key and not prompt the user.
changing the encryption algorithm for the password storage, must rehash all passwords...and not fail to avoid invalidating any password.
xavi: any thoughts?
-: xavi reading
xavi: mmm, becoming away from my skills. I can understadn what you mean, but I'm not skilled enough to suggest improvements or potential points of failure
arildb: ok
xavi: sounds neat to my little understanding
you'd better ask in the devel list, maybe?
arildb: yes, maybe better
or maybe just do it... ;-)
xavi: :-D
yeah, "show me the code" :-)
arildb: easier to discuss then
xavi: some people in teh devel list might think... :-)
glad to point to another potential way of solving your need, reusing current features in tiki code :-)
s/solving your need/having yourself solve your own need
arildb: I will take a look at it
trying to access https://doc.tiki.org bring me to the installer
xavi: :-/
it must be the periodic update of the *.t.o servers
arildb: now back again
xavi: wait a few mins, and it'll automagically work again
anyone good at regexps?
what does this mean?: (S+) INTERFACE (S+) line protocol BOUNCE
Telesight1: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: polom
xavi: I never saw that error, but thanks for the link. I learned a lot on th jailroots :)
xavi: moloq
:-) ok
Jyhem: is that perl regexp ?
xavi: that's the benefit of sharing know-how
I guess. It's from "sec" (there is a deb pacakge)
Jyhem: It's either (one or more non-space characters)(1 space)INTERFACE(1 space)(one or more non-space characters)
non-space being anything not space, tab, linefeed maybe, etc
xavi: ok, thanks
Jyhem: or it's (one or more space-like characters)(1 space)INTERFACE(1 space)(one or more space-like characters)
xavi: so I gues I can use that to create a new "sec" rule, to what out for those weird errors in the ispconfig3 server
..to match for the string "Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007"
with simply:
(S+)Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007
or even better, with the ending (S+), because the log line doesn't end with that, but with the referer url
(S+)Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007(S+)
Jyhem: Probably (S+)Handler for (null) returned invalid result code 70007(S+)
because these are real parentheses
xavi: ah, ok, thks
btw, Jyhem, have you ever used the PHP mode PHP-FPM ?
Jyhem: why don't you try first without the (S+) ?
xavi: ok, I'll try (I'm going to play first with some regexp helpers I found for Ubuntu in the repos ;-) )
I've just started my own doc page for regexps, after so many years of saving links in different computers and (paper) notebooks: http://seeds4c.org/regexps
Jyhem: xavi: not on any server I currently manage ( php5-fpm nor fcgiwrap)
xavi: ok. so you are using in your ispconfig-powered server the default PHP-FCGI?
Jyhem: xavi: you need three pages or three sections for the regexp styles :)
xavi: why 3? (newbie here still)
perl and?
Jyhem: one in vim, one on command-lines
xavi: ok. he he, I'll discard vim (on ofense intended). Command-lines are kind of bash regexps?
Jyhem: yes
xavi: thks. I'll google a bit for that. As far as I know, everytime I needed regexps, I found someway (command, param, argument, etc) to say "perl like"...
but thanks for hints, I'll keep that in mind
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
ricks99: joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all
Tiki-KGB: 03manivannans r49485 10branches/12.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/TextArea.php
[FIX] Changes added to fix PluginTracker input word count limit for text area not working Ref:http://dev.tiki.org/item5096.
xavi: hi ricks99
Jyhem , fyi, I just updated this, http://seeds4c.org/Regular+expressions#Ubuntu , after testing the ubuntu packages. Some seem very nice and handy!
bbl (lunch here)
Tiki-KGB: 03manivannans r49486 10branches/12.x/templates/tiki-list_kaltura_media_entries.tpl
[FIX] Changes added to fix Kaltura user interface issue in browse media and action access Ref:http://dev.tiki.org/item5028.
03eromneg r49487 10branches/12.x/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl
[FIX] this per page 'show title' option doesn't make sense if the 'wiki_page_name_above' pref is not on - so add a check for this. Also it should be noted that this 'show title' toggling only seems to apply to the 'wiki_page_name_above' pref and not the 'feature_page_title' pref
arildb_: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r49488 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/ 10mobile.php 10javascript.php
[FIX] js: Set jqueryTiki.useInlineComment just once from the pref and disable it in setup/mobile (tidier)
03jonnybradley r49489 10branches/12.x/lib/ 10setup/javascript.php 10tiki-js.js * [FIX] help: Obey help system prefs in plugin edit popup (thanks eromneg)
03jonnybradley r49490 10(7 files in 5 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 49462 to 49489
Conflicts in templates/tiki-editpage.tpl resolved manually
(the autotoc & page title prefs logic from 12.x had been mysteriously removed from trunk, so restored and ammended as per r49487)
marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r49491 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * a few strings from the new versions of the * wizards translated
03xavidp r49492 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * typo and a couple more strings translated
ricks99: joined #tikiwiki
Emenems: joined #tikiwiki
marclaporte: joined #tikiwiki
Hi! Anyone know of a way to check in logs on permission changes? (ex.: group now has permission X)
Tiki-KGB: 03arildb r49493 10trunk/ 10db/tiki.sql 10installer/schema/20131231_add_sheet_metadata_tiki.sql * [FIX] database error. longblob cannot have a default value
03lphuberdeau r49494 10trunk/templates/user_conditions/approval.tpl * [ENH] Limit the space used by conditions, as most license agreements
03arildb r49495 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 3 dirs) * [NEW] Secure data/password storage, using mcrypt
OpEx: joined #tikiwiki
OptionEx: Hello
arildb: xavi: The (first draft) of the secure password storage has been committed
xavi: wohoo, arildb, nice! (& hard work)
hi OptionEx
arildb: :-)
xavi: marclaporte: no idea, sorry (is this logged?)
OptionEx: I was wondering if someone could guide me in troubleshooting a problem.
xavi: OptionEx: try it. Describe your problem, as detailed as possible
OptionEx: I'm getting a "blank page" error when editing a page, but only in Firefox.
Chrome works A-OK. Php mem is 256.
xavi: url? tiki version? mmeory allocated to php?
ricks99: OptionEx: When saving? Or when opening to edit? Also, are you using wiki or wysiwyg mode?
OptionEx: Ver 12 LTS
Happens when saving, OR when canceling an edit on the page. Changes seem to go through when saving, however. The page just blanks out and I have to reload.
I'm using the default editor for 12 LTS ( which I guess is wiki editing? )
xavi: can you reproduce it in http://demo.tiki.org ? (12.x)
ricks99: only in FF? wonder if a FF plugin or extension is interfering?
OptionEx: ricks99: Could be. I'll try on demo.tiki.org and see if I can recreate.
Tiki-KGB: 03lphuberdeau r49496 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Broker.php * [FIX] Modal had stopped working
OptionEx: Thanks for your interest in helping out.
xavi: thks, so that we have some public url we others can test and help you
s/we others/where others
OptionEx: you are welcome
... welcome to the Tiki Community! :-)
OptionEx: Thanks : )
ricks99: I think you're on to something. Seems like I can recreate the problem on the demo site. I'll play around some more and try to nail down the things that cause problems. Then I'll supply my add-ons.
ricks99: try disabling all ur FF plugins. then re-enable 1 by 1
will be a PITA, but only way to figure it out :(
OptionEx: ricks99: Yep. Here we go! ...
Ack. Gotta reboot FF to disable some of these (chatting via web interface). brb.
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03arildb r49497 10trunk/lib/crypt/cryptlib.php * [DOC] Correct comment. CryptLib automatically locates the "correct key phase"
OptionEx: Ugh. Enabled add-ons one at a time, and everything works now.
ricks99: lol
1st rule of troubleshooting. when in doubt, reboot ;P
OptionEx: I wonder if it was some kind of weird caching issue in the browser? I am on a shared server, so I don't know if server load was causing the problem before.
I hate not knowing what caused the problem, because I know it'll come back at some point (at the worst time, of course)
Anyway, thanks for the troubleshooting guidance.
ricks99: glad all is working now for you.
and welcome to Tiki :)
OptionEx: In the meantime, I'll just continue my sacrifices to the Internet Gods and hope that they show mercy on me.
dbalieiro: joined #tikiwiki
OptionEx: Wow, the minichat module is pretty cool.
Tiki-KGB: 03xavidp r49498 10branches/12.x/ 03modules/mod-func-users_list.php 03templates/modules/mod-users_list.tpl * [NEW]Ported module users_list ( http://doc.tiki.org/Module+users_list
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xavi: c u
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Tiki-KGB: 03arildb r49499 10trunk/ 10tiki-login.php 10tiki-change_password.php 10lib/prefs/feature.php 10templates/admin/include_security.tpl * [FIX] Add feature: feature_user_encryption to control the CryptLib activation
03arildb r49500 10trunk/lib/tikilib.php * [FIX] Add TikiLib::lib type "crypt", to create CryptLib instances
marclaporte: I have an old proposals branch and I get: svn switch https://svn.code.sf.net/p/tikiwiki/code/branches/6.x .
svn: Server sent unexpected return value (403 Forbidden) in response to PROPFIND request for '/svnroot/tikiwiki/branches/6.x/lib/htmlpurifier_tiki/HTMLPurifier.tiki.php'
Tiki-KGB: 03lphuberdeau r49501 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 6 dirs)
[MOD] Send emails from notifications when required, includes some path changes because strange things happen to paths during the shutdown process
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03lphuberdeau r49502 10trunk/lib/core/Services/User/ConditionsController.php * [ENH] Add message to indicate missing checkbox, lost with inclusion of decline
03lphuberdeau r49503 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Broker.php * [FIX] Notice
03robertplummer r49504 10trunk/ 10lib/payment/paypallib.php 10templates/admin/include_payment.tpl 10lib/prefs/payment.php
[NEW]Added method to be able to referance paypal by invoice id.
[NEW] password,and siganature from PayPal Pro account
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03lphuberdeau r49505 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 5 dirs) * [MOD] Inline styles in email content from the site's CSS files
03arildb r49506 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 3 dirs)
[FIX] Use global cryptlib instance and TikiLib::lib, instead of class method.
[FIX] CryptLib - When changing user password, validate the decryption before rehashing the password
[FIX] Call $cryptlib->onChangeUserPassword when a user changes the password in the user preferences
03arildb r49507 10trunk/lib/crypt/cryptlib.php * [DOC] Better CryptLib documentation
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New Forum Posts: Storing secure password in Tiki - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=50947
Tiki-KGB: 03arildb r49508 10trunk/lib/prefs/feature.php
[FIX] Rename CryptLib feature to "User Encryption" (was: Tiki User Encryption).
[DOC] Better feature documentation, including link to help page