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Tiki-KGB03jyhem r50456 10branches/12.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page [00:18]
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03jyhem r50457 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH][bp/r50456] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page
03jyhem r50458 10branches/6.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH][bp/r50456] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page
03jyhem r50459 10branches/11.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH][bp/r50456] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page
03jyhem r50460 10branches/9.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH][bp/r50456] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [00:45]
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Tiki-KGB03lindonb r50461 10branches/12.x/templates/tiki-install.tpl
[SEC] installer: Convert $_GET parameters related to multitiki to $_POST. Please test as I don't have a multiki running to test with.
03lindonb r50462 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl 10trunk 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_profiles_demo.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50450 to 50461 [01:32]
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Gwaynejoined #tikiwiki [01:54]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50463 10branches/12.x/ 10templates/wizard/admin_profiles_featured.tpl 10templates/wizard/admin_profiles_demo.tpl 10templates/wizard/admin_profiles_useful.tpl
[ENH]Usability. As discussed in the March 2014 Webinar, remove the amount of text shown by default in each screen of the Profiles Wizard and add some screenshot to (almost) each profile (debug mode: for the time being I don't know what to add as screenshot). More text is shown when passing the mouse over the help icon. So far, screenshot images are from *.t.o remote sources; shall
tikiwiki screenshots be bundled in the tiki file tree?
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03xavidp r50464 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_profiles_featured.tpl 10trunk 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_profiles_useful.tpl 10trunk/templates/wizard/admin_profiles_demo.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50461 to 50463 [02:22]
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New Forum Posts: installer error - trunk @ r50464 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51565
joined #tikiwiki [10:00]
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Jyhempolom [10:17]
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luciashpolom polom [10:37]
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Tiki-KGB03gezzzan r50465 10trunk/ 10templates/tracker/insert_item.tpl 10templates/layouts/application/layout_view.tpl 03templates/tracker/select_tracker.tpl 10lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php
[ENH] work in progress - adding new action and related tpl to select trackers to allow initialization of creating new tracker items from a single button. Updating insert_item.tpl accordingly. Also updating application layout tpl with the big blue create button to ease access to content creation.
diggyjoined #tikiwiki [11:36]
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luciashjonnyb: hi !
gonna release ? ;)
jonnybhi luciash - yup, start in about 20 mins
just doing a rather belated mail to the dev list
luciashkewl [11:40]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Release workshop practice run - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51567 [11:52]
xavijoined #tikiwiki
luciashxavi: hola-la [11:57]
xavi:-) [11:58]
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jonnybola [12:00]
luciashtrouble to join in BBB ? [12:00]
nelsonkohi jonnyb [12:00]
luciashluciash alone there [12:00]
jonnybsorry, just got to deal with something - with you in 10 mins [12:00]
luciashhi nelsonko [12:01]
nelsonkook, back in 10 min [12:01]
Jyhempolom, 10 min is perfect for me as well :) [12:05]
xavisame for me (I have issues with mic on the laptop where I am right now - not at home)
I'll reboot with different OS to see if I'm luckier :-)
jonnybok, here i go... [12:06]
luciashluciash logged out to not record lot of emptiness
xavi: let me guess, Ubuntu vs Win ? :)
jonnybwiting for http://tiki.org/live to reload... [12:08]
luciashi went in through live.tiki.org
hmm, seems kinda stuck now
ok, here it goes
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50466 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php * [REL] Preparing 12.1alpha release [12:58]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50467 10branches/12.x/ 10tiki-mods.php 10lib/mods/modslib.php * [REL] Adding recent versions to mods version lists
03jonnybradley r50468 10branches/12.x/README * [REL] Update README file for 12.1alpha
03jonnybradley r50469 10branches/12.x/ 10(52 files in 52 dirs) * [REL] Update language.php files for 12.1alpha
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50470 10branches/12.x/changelog.txt * [REL] Changelog for 12.1alpha [13:14]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50471 10branches/12.x/copyright.txt * [REL] Update copyright.txt for 12.1alpha [13:28]
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diggy128joined #tikiwiki [13:45]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50472 03branches/12.x/db/tiki-secdb_12.1_mysql.sql * [REL] SecDB for 12.1alpha [13:48]
diggyjoined #tikiwiki [13:48]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50473 03tags/12.1alpha * [REL] Tagging release [13:50]
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03jonnybradley r50474 04branches/12.x/db/tiki-secdb_12.0_mysql.sql * [REL] Remove previous secdb file
03jonnybradley r50475 04tags/12.1alpha * [REL] Deleting tag 'tags/12.1alpha' in order to create a new one
03jonnybradley r50476 03tags/12.1alpha * [REL] Tagging release
redflojoined #tikiwiki [14:23]
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diggyjoined #tikiwiki [14:43]
Tiki-KGB03jyhem r50477 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [FIX] Rollback 50457 [14:44]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [14:49]
Tiki-KGB03jyhem r50478 10trunk/templates/tiki-install.tpl * [ENH][bp/r50456] Improve usability and user-friendliness of last page
03jonnybradley r50479 10branches/12.x/lib/setup/twversion.class.php * [REL] Finishing 12.1alpha release
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [14:58]
Tiki-KGB03xavidp r50480 10branches/12.x/lang/es/language.php * a few more translations for the installer [15:00]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Newsletter Unsuscribe - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51570 [15:04]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50481 10(60 files in 57 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50463 to 50479
Conflicts on lang files resolved using 'mine-conflict' (51 of them)
Also tree conflict on db/tiki-secdb_12.0_mysql.sql resolved (file removed durgin release process)
dhazeljoined #tikiwiki [15:28]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Tiki 12.1 alpha released - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51571 [15:33]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r50482 10branches/12.x/styles/fivealive.css
[FIX] fivealive theme: a small min-height adjustment revealed by 12.1alpha release
diggy128joined #tikiwiki [15:46]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50483 10branches/12.x/doc/devtools/release.php
[REL] Partial fix for smarty check in release.php - gets a bit further but fails in compiling first tpl still...
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki [16:42]
Jyhempolom [16:53]
jonnyb: I am in the process of doing more checking on a show instance and it looks good so far. Well, good for Tiki, not for me and my site which needs upgrading [17:04]
jonnybhi Jyhem
you mean checking the ~np~ html thing?
ricks99left #tikiwiki [17:14]
JyhemYes !
So far, I have discovered that you were correct (not that that is big news)
I do not really need the non-parsed thing for my purposes
I tried in wikipage
grrrr, what is the last modified stuff module called ?
ah: since las visit
So, there is a change in behaviour for non-parsed but non-parsed is now much less useful. I saw it's needed for urls to be shown without being links, but mostly, unneeded
http://jyhem-9952-5172.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-index.php?page=experiment+on+non+parsing ← that works
http://jyhem-9952-5172.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-view_blog_post.php?postId=1 ← just as well
jonnybi thought ~np~ was just for displaying wiki syntax in doc pages etc - like showing plugin syntax etc
i don't follow what you mean by "html-parsing" - do you mean html encoding? (or decoding)
JyhemIn Tiki9, all html was html-parsed (or broken with <x>), so it required escaping using ~np~ :-(
I mean <b>text</b> is bold when html is parsed
jonnybthe <x> are for sanitizing rather than parsing - html doesn't get "parsed" on the server, but in the browser
right, but that's not a server-side thing
Jyhemand <b<text</b> shows as here when not parsed [17:26]
jonnybthat's becasue the wiki parser encodes it (turns < into &lt; etc) so the browser displays is as "source"
unless allowHtml is on
Jyhemwell, if you prefer, ~np~ was escaping html and not tiki syntax does
Now, about allowHtml, it's still a mystery
jonnybyes, and i think that was wrong really... [17:28]
Jyhemhttp://jyhem-9952-5172.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=1 ← article without checking "Allow full HTML", it gives a big puzzling warning on save, which I ignored
http://jyhem-9952-5172.show.tikiwiki.org/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=2 ← article with checking "Allow full HTML", it gives no warning.
jonnybarticles are another thing - quite buggy regarding html handling [17:30]
JyhemResult: both articles look exactly the same ?!?
Or were you thinking of sme other allowHtml global pref?
jonnybfor wiki pages only - other features are a bit wobbly on this in varying degrees
i'm talking about feature_wiki_allowhtml (in admin/wiki/general)
that adds a checkbox to each page's properties to allow html page by page
Jyhemso what does �allow html� exactly achieve ? [17:35]
jonnybit stops the parser encoding html so it is displayed (parsed by the browser) [17:35]
Jyhemohhh :( [17:36]
jonnybi think it also stops linefeeds in the source form creating paragraphs and new lines in the html
so you have to use <p> and/or <br> tags (whitespace means nothing in html)
this was broken in various degrees in older tiki's - much more consistant since 10 or 11
JyhemI recall an old option about wiki-style paragraphs in Tiki3, but it was certainly not called allowhtml
If it's page per page, I guess it's not so bad
Jyhem tries it out
jonnybthat's a different pref - "wiki paragraphs" produced proper <p> tags (so is finally on by default now) [17:42]
JyhemI see. Now that's the awful behaviour that required to use ~np~ in tiki9 !
and ~np~ does not even work with it, but since all there is to do is check off "allow HTML", I guess it's good
IMO, I see 3 issues with feature_wiki_allowhtml:
1/ It kind of defeats the purpose of either having a tiki-syntax or a wysiwyg editor
2/ It's undocumented (I could not figure it out without testing and your help)
3/ It's similarly named to a different thing in articles
Jyhem tries more
Let's not touch 1/
jonnybin html-mode wysiwyg feature_wiki_allowhtml becomes sort of hard-coded on - messy but hard ot do otherwise [17:50]
JyhemJyhem thinks up a description of "Allow HTML" more descriptive than "allow HTML in Wiki Pages"
by hard-coded you mean ? no checkbox ?
jonnybwell it should depend on allowhtml being on but we can't have a negative dependency in prefs (as the checkbox is to not use html in wysiwyg) [17:56]
JyhemJyhem sees that two out of three current customers have checked "Allow HTML" :-( [17:58]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [18:00]
JyhemJyhem switches off "Allow HTML" and switches on wysiwyg
This "Full Wysiwyg editor" comes with "Content is parsed like wiki page", "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG", "Wiki paragraph formatting", "...but still create line breaks within paragraphs" by default ?
Jyhem afk
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Problems Seeing Images on Wiki Pages - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51576 [18:14]
JyhemOhhh, cut-pasting <b>this is bold</b> in wysiwyg changes it into __this is bold__ ! Amazing !
Ohh actually ~np~<b>This should not be bold</b>~/np~ changes it into __This should not be bold__ :)
jonnyb:) [18:26]
JyhemOhh, the view source is in tiki syntax ? I thought I checked "Full Wysiwyg editor" which says CKeditor. Confusing
and yes, it behaves as if I had "Allow HTML" so there is no way of displaying "<b>text</b>" not in bold, is there ?
very strange
jonnybthe default is to use wiki syntax in wysiwyg [18:33]
luciashJyhem, it should be possible by &gt;b&lt;text&gt;/b&lt; as in normal HTML code [18:33]
jonnybi guess if you enabled allowhtml you could add html in there too [18:33]
luciashor use CODE plugin [18:34]
JyhemI have disabled allowhtml and I can add html such as <b>text</b> but upon saving it changes into __text__ and shows up as bold. Even inside a CODE plugin (on saving the cODE plugin the second time) [18:35]
bad bad
JyhemThe trick with: &gt;b&lt;text&gt;/b&lt; only works once. When you edit the page again, it is changed into showing up in bold, and source then shows __text is bod?__ (typo mine) [18:39]
jonnyblooks like that' ckeditor doing that i think - not sure [18:39]
JyhemBut that's default wysiwyg still. in tiki syntax. surely that ignores ckeditor ?
I guess "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" is the one which says that source is in tiki syntax
When not in "Use Wiki syntax in WYSIWYG" mode, I can display code in a CODE plugin, even though it shows like this: in the code pop-up: &lt;b&gt;This is bold, maybe&lt;/b&gt; [18:49]
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Jyhemjonnyb: Can't find a wysiwyg option combination which does not scare me, but I need to call it a day :-( Let's fix the �2/ It's undocumented (I could not figure it out without testing and your help)� issue [19:22]
jonnybok, thanks for investigating [19:23]
dabright1joined #tikiwiki [19:23]
jonnybthere certainly should be a some docs - not sure where though [19:23]
Jyhemjonnyb: would it be better to replace "allow HTML in Wiki Pages" (which kind of implies html would be stripped otherwise, which it is not)
with this:
per-page option: HTML in Wiki Pages is parsed instead of HTML tags being displayed as typed
I feel it would have given me a chance to understand what it does
jonnybhmm, except it's not really parsed but encoded - ok apart from that [19:24]
Jyhemwell, you are the native speaker :) [19:25]
dabright2joined #tikiwiki [19:25]
Jyhemper-page option: HTML in Wiki Pages is encoded instead of HTML tags being displayed as typed
I'll do it
jonnybPer-page option: HTML in Wiki Pages is not encoded so will be parsed by the browser, instead of HTML tags being displayed as typed
or something ;)
dabright2joined #tikiwiki [19:27]
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JyhemBut, this encoding stuff relates to the inner workings, which users don't really care about (or understand)
the end result is, <b< is parsed and makes bold
dabrightjoined #tikiwiki [19:31]
JyhemPer-page option: HTML in Wiki Pages is parsed by the browser, instead of HTML tags being displayed as typed
jonnyb: new suggestion ^
dabright1joined #tikiwiki [19:33]
jonnybthis is for the description right? seems fine [19:34]
Jyhemyes. cool [19:34]
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KBjoined #tikiwiki [23:13]
I just signed up with Bluehost.com, and then I used the Mojo install to setup my tikiwiki cms, but the version is 10.2 and it's telling me to upgrade to 12
so how do I do that?
TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [23:29]
dabrightjoined #tikiwiki [23:29]

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