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drsassafras | Hi guys, I am looking for commit access. I am customizing my tiki install, and would like to modify how things look. Turns out there is a lot of little places and things CSS can't reach, so I would primarily like to add classes and id's to tags so they can be finessed without having to edit the HTML. I have also noticed that few of the images that appear in
tiki are optimized with a lossless jpg-gif-png optimizer. Not only does google give better rankings to sites with optimized images, but it's a huge saver for bandwidth requirements, load time etc. so I was also hoping to do that. | [00:00] |
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marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [00:38] |
redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [00:43] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [00:49] |
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marclaporte1 | joined #tikiwiki | [01:24] |
fabricius | hi drsassafras are you still there? | [01:25] |
drsassafras | Still here | [01:26] |
fabricius | ok
I am not one of the guys who give commit access .. maybe you come back with that in a few hours alike European daytime did you read the three rules and some additional wiki pages on http://dev.tiki.org? | [01:26] |
drsassafras | I did :) | [01:28] |
fabricius | for the css issues I suggest, that you get connected to gary cunningham-lee and luciash | [01:28] |
drsassafras | Ok, why them? | [01:28] |
fabricius | apart from a few more people who are involved in grafics stuff, the two - in my mind - would be the best spots to start a discussion, they are longtime active, taking a lot of responsibility and know best who what in context of grafical parts of Tiki
they are not the only ones, but they should be involved or at least notice in case of severe changes and especially in respect of Bootstrap for Tiki 13+ Gary is the main active template coder - still not the only one are you looking for pre13 (12) or post12 (13+, respectively trunk) if 13+ you should have been looking into bootstrap and consider, that a bunch of things are changing step by step - especially css selectors so from actual trunk on (soon to be released 13 alpha) anything new or changed should be Bootstrap complying and here the man at this time is Gary | [01:30] |
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marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [01:48] |
marclaporte1 | something about commit access? | [01:50] |
drsassafras | Great. i will talk with him. I just took a quick look at bootstrap. Looks interesting. I have also been seeing that bootstrap CSS stuff showing up in the code.
I was thinking pre 13, but would be nice if the changes were more long lived than just that | [01:50] |
marclaporte1 | drsassafras: what is your SourceForge username?
Making the image compressions would be great in 12.x (supported for 5 years) And they will be auto-merged to trunk, so you are future-proof ;-) | [01:53] |
drsassafras | I just compressed them. 35% less heavy. Saved 4.7 out of 13.5mb in image size. Lossless.
Username: drsassafras It's also my sf username | [02:01] |
marclaporte1 | Super! You have commit access: https://sourceforge.net/u/drsassafras/profile/
35% loseless saving is great!!! This will help for the ?last? easy way to improve performance :-) https://tiki.org/Performance+challenge | [02:05] |
drsassafras: *.tiki.org are updated daily with latest code so the C (70) for Optimize images will rapidely have higher score :-) http://gtmetrix.com/reports/tv.tiki.org/RyUbAqDp | [02:13] | |
drsassafras | Just read the report page, I achieved 99.5% reduction in size on arrows-000000.png :)
I have to get tiki working on my own computer, and get subversion working as well. This will need to happen on my own time, I don't have this set up right now. Trying to employ apache php MySQL bundles now. In the past have always configured them manually. Not having much luck making the work well. | [02:20] |
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fabricius | drsassafras: what operating system you are using? | [02:39] |
drsassafras | osx | [02:39] |
Gwayne | joined #tikiwiki | [02:49] |
drsassafras | I got bitnami to work :) now for SVN :( | [02:50] |
fabricius | I have ubuntu, so cannot really help for osx, but generally, it should be more or less easy to commit directly from the shell, if you have SVN installed
even possible to commit directly from a webserver (as often gnu/linux based, with shell and SVN ... if ssh access) | [02:56] |
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jp_eagle | joined #tikiwiki | [03:36] |
Hi, can any tiki admin to grant me the commit access to tiki repo in sourceforge, my sourceforge id is jp_eagle. thanks. | [03:48] | |
fabricius | Hi jp_eagle ... I do not know, if one of our sf superusers is still here (if not, you could try in a few hours European daytime) ... did you read a bit atthe dev-list and especially the 3 rules? | [03:51] |
jp_eagle | yeah, read already. | [03:51] |
fabricius | ok, so only to meet one of the superusers. marclaporte just has been popping by and giving an access .. where you are from? | [03:53] |
jp_eagle | looks jyhem is admin, but no responds yet. may wait a while to see how. from singapore | [03:53] |
fabricius | ok ... jyhem is from france, so even working late maybe sleeping by now
Jyhem: :-) | [03:58] |
jp_eagle | I am starting to pick up tiki, and using it as a wiki site, new to web dev, but can try to fix some minor issues.
not sure what time in france. looks your time should be very late also. my time is morning :-). | [03:58] |
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chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki
polom drsassafras, I saw something about your wanting to add CSS classes and ids to facilitate styling Tiki, or something like that. As you may know, we're transitioning to using the Bootstrap CSS framework for layout and default styling (doing this in trunk, which will be released as Tiki 13). So hopefully what you have in mind will be consistent with this. We really don't want to add more styling rules in design.css or other Tiki stylesheets if it can be covered by bootstrap.css. I'm curious to know where you see the need for additional CSS selectors. | [06:58] |
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fabricius | polom chibaguy | [07:38] |
chibaguy | hi fabricius
How are you doing? | [07:38] |
fabricius | getting better in small steps. mostly sitting and trying to be more active than pain allows
and you? | [07:40] |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [07:43] |
fabricius | chibaguy, drsassafras made an enhancement to image compression which delighted marc earlier on the night | [07:49] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03xavidp r50609 10branches/12.x/lang/ca/language.php * afew more fixes and translations | [08:40] |
redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [08:41] |
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xavi | joined #tikiwiki | [08:58] |
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jp_eagle | hi, xavi, could you grant me commit access in sourceforge my id is jp_eagle. | [09:54] |
xavi | hi jp_eagle
ok, np, after the mini-ceremony (a couple of questions to come) users requesting commit access must confirm that they understand the 3 rules of the Tiki Community. Can you explain them in short with your own words, please? (re: http://dev.tiki.org/3rules ) | [09:54] |
jp_eagle | 1. respects other point and doing, 2. commit as soon as its ready 3. it is lego brick, can work with others, can be there and can not be there. | [09:59] |
xavi | joined #tikiwiki | [10:01] |
jp_eagle | just saw your there, I am going out soon, any more to go? or I will be back in 1 hour time to continue.
your last sentence broken, can't see full. | [10:01] |
xavi | oups, back (my irc client just went off)
mmm, about 1: it also about "Do not duplicate code or features, as this just creates more work for everyone to maintain. Re-use and extend code instead, and ask for help if you are unsure how, or unsure if there is similar code lying around" about 2: "when tis ready", as often as possible with simple small steps as you progress, not only the final product when the whole cathedral is built 3: yep, so in case of doubt, your new features should have a preference to have them disabled if other tiki admins don't want them around, etc. and in case of doubt, of course, use the devel list, irc channel, etc. | [10:01] |
jp_eagle | ok. I have to leave first, will copy your 3 points, and continue soon later. thanks.
sorry. | [10:04] |
xavi | jp_eagle: by the way, are you subscribed to the devel list?
ok, see you later (we were almost done) | [10:04] |
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MichaelC3 | joined #tikiwiki | [10:27] |
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jp_eagle | hi, xavi, I am back. | [11:00] |
xavi | hi jp_eagle, ontime like a clock | [11:00] |
jp_eagle | I subscribed the devel list, and receive the email every day 20-30s. | [11:01] |
xavi | are you teaching or something?
anyway, never mind. | [11:01] |
jp_eagle | no, just out to send a ppl., took train, the timing is fixed.
half hour go and half hour back. yah, the changes to the base should be as soon as it can, it will reduce the impact and risk. esp to LTS. | [11:01] |
xavi | ok, I understand that you understood the comments I made before on the 3 rules
so, there you are: IN. | [11:03] |
jp_eagle | thank you very much. | [11:03] |
xavi | Welcome to the users with commit access to the Tiki repository! :-)
you are welcome remember to use the devel list, whenever you don't get enough feedback in the irc channel, etc. in which time zone are you located? | [11:03] |
jp_eagle | I still picking up the web dev. I may look at database first which I am experienced.
+8 | [11:04] |
xavi | ok | [11:05] |
jp_eagle | afternoon already, you are morning i believe. | [11:05] |
xavi | yep
years ago I lived for a few months in a +8 time zone (Western Australia - Perth). Nice times... | [11:05] |
jp_eagle | water is cycloning in different direction. clock-wise, amazing. | [11:07] |
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Kampfkeks3000 | joined #tikiwiki
Guten Tag! Bin gerade zuf�llig �ber diesen Chat gestossen und hab da eine Frage ob es eine API f�r tikiwiki gibt, mit der man Benutzer hinzuf�gen kann? | [11:50] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki
New Forum Posts: lots of "Ambiguous class resolution" warning from overnight cron - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51638 New Forum Posts: tiki-admin.tpl minor facelift in trunk - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51632 New Forum Posts: About a category selection UI development - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51631 Recent Bug: - Strange translation behaviour - http://dev.tiki.org/item5180 Recent Bug: - Listing of pages without any tags in tiki-browse_freetags.php - http://dev.tiki.org/item5181 | [11:59] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03xavidp r50610 10branches/12.x/lib/prefs/messu.php
[FIX]Respect the environment, and keep a default setting similar to the previous behavior (which was not truncating), specially if you do not document this new feature in the corresponding page for end users at http://doc.tiki.org/Tiki12 . I hope 2500 chars is enough for most messages for sites upgrading to Tiki12, etc. 03xavidp r50611 10branches/12.x/templates/mail/messu_message_notification.tpl [FIX]Distinguish the (truncatable) body of the message from the last lines added by Tiki. | [13:10] |
xavi | joined #tikiwiki | [13:15] |
bbl | [13:25] | |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jp_eagle r50612 10branches/12.x/lang/langmapping.php * [MOD] corrected name of Simplified Chinese. | [13:46] |
03jp_eagle r50613 10branches/12.x/templates/modules/mod-adsense.tpl * [ENH] added google new 970x90 ads banner | [14:00] | |
03jp_eagle r50614 10branches/12.x/tiki-download_file.php
[FIX] fixed bug&wish list #5120, it caused ob_end_clean(): failed to delete buffer zlib output compression. | [14:10] | |
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03lphuberdeau r50615 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php
[MOD] Adding some files to the kill list in adodb to reduce the amount of warnings, still quite a few | [14:36] | |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: C�mo "linkar" desde una p�gina WIki un documento ubicado en una carpeta local - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=51643 | [14:40] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50616 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MOD] Remove SMTP parameters on mail-in as they were not being used after all | [15:00] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [15:01] |
chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [15:05] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50617 10trunk/lib/diff/renderer_character.php * [FIX]�Strict standards not respected | [15:28] |
chibaguy | polom | [15:30] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50618 10trunk/lib/core/ 10(7 files in 2 dirs) * [ENH]�Re-enable logging of mail-in actions | [15:32] |
chibaguy | fabricius, sorry, I was away. I'm doing fine, thanks. | [15:33] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: About TPL editors - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51646 | [15:40] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [15:43] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Link a file located in a local folder from a Wiki page - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51648 | [15:50] |
marclaporte | drsassafras: ready for those images? | [15:55] |
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chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [16:20] |
robertplummer | joined #tikiwiki
polom all Thanks marclaporte for your help yesterday. I got a chance to inhance the error detection drastically last night, and will get the other issue we talked about, where wysiwyg is off for some strange reason when switching from text editor to wysiwyg the initial time. no more exceptions are thrown when encountering an error with syntax, the document will just not be parsed, and you'll receive hints as to why. | [16:29] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [16:35] |
xavi | joined #tikiwiki | [16:37] |
drsassafras | marclaporte: not yet. I had php 5.4 running and it broke with the new SVN. I have another attempt at getting a design environment running with php 5.5 but have to install tiki still. Will need to come back to it tonight. Want to check it over before committing it. Although it's lossless and all, I don't want to upload anything defunct. | [16:46] |
marclaporte | drsassafras: super, thanks! | [16:48] |
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lphuberdeau | sf rejects my commits, anyone else having issues? | [17:33] |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki
late poloms | [18:09] |
xavi | bbl | [18:10] |
jonnyb | anyone else having trouble with sourceforge svn today? i can't log in apparently
maybe it's becasue Allura is now a "top level apache project" https://sourceforge.net/blog/ ;) | [18:10] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50619 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 4 dirs)
[MOD]�Moving some code to a new library, fixing MAC validation after API update, prepare for authorization requests 03lphuberdeau r50620 10branches/12.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_getaccesstoken.php * [FIX] Potential SQL injection | [18:12] |
jonnyb | obviously lphuberdeau is logging in ok...
jonnyb retries again | [18:13] |
lphuberdeau | just came back actually
it rejected me for a while too | [18:13] |
jonnyb | ah, so it did :) | [18:13] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50621 10(8 files in 8 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50607 to 50620
03jonnybradley r50622 10branches/12.x/lib/payment/cartlib.php [MOD] cart: Remove check for quantity being above zero so items can be removed from the cart via AJAX (and zero quantity may be used for gift certificates etc) | [18:14] |
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03robertplummer r50623 10branches/experimental/ 10wikiLingo/lib/smarty_tiki/block.textarea.php 10wikiLingo/tiki-setup.php * [FIX] move css to within the textarea control | [18:38] | |
03lphuberdeau r50624 10branches/12.x/lib/payment/paymentlib.php * [FIX] Possible SQL injection, again | [18:46] | |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [18:47] |
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marclapo1 | joined #tikiwiki | [19:25] |
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Tiki|Log | joined #tikiwiki | [19:43] |
Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki LTS version 12.0 (Altair) is out! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) | [19:43] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03robertplummer r50625 10branches/experimental/ 10wikiLingo/composer.json 10wikiLingo/composer.lock 10wikiLingo/lib/wikiLingo_tiki/tiki_wikiLingo_edit.js * [FIX] update dependencies, and prevent Medium from filtering for the time being | [20:02] |
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jonnyb | done for today, see you tomorrow, byeee | [20:42] |
Tiki-KGB | 03robertplummer r50626 10branches/experimental/wikiLingo/composer.lock * [FIX] update dependencies | [20:50] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [21:00] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50627 10trunk/ 10(12 files in 9 dirs) * [MOD] Add pre-auth/capture support for israelpost payment gateway | [21:04] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [21:06] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50628 10trunk/lib/payment/cartlib.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50620 to 50624 | [21:08] |
03robertplummer r50629 10branches/experimental/wikiLingo/lib/wiki/wikilib.php * [ENH] When failure, tell user
03marclaporte r50630 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Payment/Controller.php * typo 03robertplummer r50631 10branches/experimental/wikiLingo/lib/wikiLingo_tiki/WikiPluginBridge.php * [FIX] Update the bridge to be compatible with base | [21:20] | |
drsassafras | Could someone look into this for me? I was banned from my last host because tiki-edit_article.php chewed up too much CPU power. You can see the article that likely caused the issue here: pastebin.com/1cvK5q | [21:31] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [21:36] |
fabricius | drsassafras: this paste has been removed | [21:40] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50632 10trunk/ 10lib/core/Tiki/MailIn/Source/Pop3.php 10lib/core/Tiki/MailIn/Account.php 10tiki-admin_mailin.php 10lib/core/Tiki/MailIn/Source/SourceInterface.php * [ENH] Use the same library to validate the account | [21:42] |
drsassafras | Sorry: pastebin.com/1cxvK65q | [21:46] |
fabricius | just text ... no idea from the paste
by the way, are you german? or german language | [21:48] |
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robertplummer | joined #tikiwiki | [22:05] |
Tiki-KGB | 03robertplummer r50633 10branches/experimental/wikiLingo/lib/wiki/wikilib.php * [FIX] Get css out of wikiLingo if it has some. | [22:10] |
marclaporte1 | drsassafras: chek for unclosed {DIV} | [22:10] |
drsassafras | No, but the language is German. I am designing a system for the translation and collaboration of the book and related content. | [22:13] |
marclaporte1 | ex.: {DIV(type="div" class="parnum")}308 (197).
There must all be closed | [22:14] |
Tiki-KGB | 03robertplummer r50634 10branches/experimental/wikiLingo/lib/wikiLingo_tiki/WikiMetadataLookup.php * [FIX] Remove warnings for flp in wikiLingo | [22:22] |
fabricius | ahh marclaporte1 why I did not mind that! | [22:25] |
robertplummer | fabricius: We are basically at a beta with wikiLingo today, YAY!
fabricius: How you been bro? | [22:25] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50635 10trunk/ 10(8 files in 6 dirs)
[ENH] Moving Create/Modify/Delete action to services for mail-in, for improved UI and reporting | [22:28] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: http://demo.tiki.org/12x/ -> Error converting entry in directory 'dump' to UTF-8 when trying to svn up - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51653 | [22:35] |
fabricius | drsassafras: � seem to have found it | [22:35] |
drsassafras | marclaporte: you may have found the answer. There is quite a few less closing tags than is declared. Let me see how it effects CPU cycles when I close them all. | [22:35] |
fabricius | check point 308 and 309
312 , 312 313 315, 316, 317 etc. .... drsassafras: this is a HUUUUGE wikipage | [22:36] |
drsassafras | I did a search and found that there is 907 opening tags and 876 closing tags... Now to find them all. Thanks. Will let you know how it effects things. | [22:38] |
fabricius | it should work, but do you think that is practicable?
is there any need, that this has to be all in one page? did you ever consider to use wikistructure? | [22:38] |
drsassafras | Ya, it's big. But I checked the tiki guidelines and is nowhere close to how large they say pages can be. At least according to documentation.
Yes, the plan is to move to wiki structure after the initial edit is done. | [22:39] |
marclaporte1 | robertplummer: wikiLingo crashes on drsassafras's page: http://demo.tiki.org/showcases_and_experiments/wikiLingo/tiki-index.php?page=frompastebin | [22:40] |
fabricius | I do not refer to technical, but to maintaining and debugging the page, if you have some severe syntax flaw | [22:41] |
robertplummer | marclaporte1: On it! | [22:41] |
fabricius | drsassafras: I think, starting with wikistructure upfront could be more effective - at least if you split in a few ones preliminary
robertplummer: hi robert coool had a few bad and painful days will have a look asap wikiLingo will be fun - I am sure | [22:42] |
xavi | left #tikiwiki | [22:45] |
drsassafras | I know it's sort of my fault for having the bad syntax on the page, but must mention that the full page was using over my servers limit of memory 128mb and also brought the shared server to a hault. The website was banned and I was hoping not to have the same thing happen to me again. Fixing the syntax will likely fix
The problem, but it seems to be a somewhat simple DOS susceptibility. | [22:48] |
marclaporte1 | yes, indeed | [22:49] |
marclaporte | joined #tikiwiki | [22:53] |
Tiki-KGB | 03lphuberdeau r50636 10trunk/tiki-payment.php * [FIX] Last minute variable rename | [22:56] |
03lphuberdeau r50637 10trunk/ 10(8 files in 7 dirs) * [MOD] Adding support for IMAP accounts | [23:08] | |
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robertplummer | marclaporte1: I turned off FutureLinkProtocol, and all is well. | [23:19] |
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Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [23:50] |
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