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Tiki-KGB03jyhem r50866 10branches/12.x/ 10(59 files in 55 dirs) * [REL] Remove une more tricky uncommented line in lang/en/language.php
03luciash r50867 10trunk/ 10(9 files in 2 dirs) * Help with Bootstrapification
03lphuberdeau r50868 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php * [ENH] Add some large files to the vendor clean-up jobs [00:22]
diggyjoined #tikiwiki [00:22]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [00:26]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Composer and hygene - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51907 [00:37]
marclaportejoined #tikiwiki [00:51]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50869 10trunk/ 10templates/tracker/add_field.tpl 10lib/core/Services/Broker.php 10lib/core/Services/Exception/DuplicateValue.php * [FIX] Restore special handling of field values to render the errors inline [00:56]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50870 10trunk/ 10lib/profilelib/shell.php 10lib/search/shell.php * [MOD]�Deprecating other shell.php scripts as well [01:16]
03lphuberdeau r50871 10(86 files in 74 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50841 to 50866 [01:26]
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redfloleft #tikiwiki [02:24]
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Tiki-KGB03marclaporte r50872 10trunk/installer/shell.php
Add some documentation for the new commands for the now deprecated installer/shell.php
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Tiki-KGB03marclaporte r50873 10trunk/lib/core/Services/Suite/Controller.php * fix URL for Jitsi provisioning [07:30]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50874 10trunk/ 10(23 files in 5 dirs) * [REF] Rename design.css to tiki.css. [09:22]
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [09:41]
Tiki-KGB03gezzzan r50875 10trunk/templates/tiki-edit_help.tpl * [MOD] bootstrapping (table, remarksbox, etc) and some cleaning [09:48]
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Tiki|botRecent Bug: - Not working properly - Searching for contents within files in File Gallery - http://dev.tiki.org/item5193 [10:12]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [10:16]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: demo.tiki.org's Trunk version search problem. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51911 [10:21]
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polomoloq [11:39]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Since today morning I have lost Chosen - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51912 [11:42]
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luciash, what is you who yesterday got this error: Fatal error: Call to a member function add_log() on a non-object in C:BitNamiwampstack-5.5.8-0apache2htdocsTikiTrunklibuserslib.php on line 237 ?
jonnybhi chibaguy! [11:57]
chibaguyHi jonnyb :-) [11:57]
jonnybyou in Toronto? [11:57]
chibaguyNope. Still in Japan. I'm a virtual TikiFester this time.
TikiFester TikiFestee ?
marclaportehahahhaha [11:59]
chibaguyWill you be able to join the BBB session? [11:59]
jonnybTikiFester sounds like Uncle Fester a bit
yes, i'll be there - 10 o'clock?
Jyhem_laptopjoined #tikiwiki [12:01]
chibaguyHmm, 9:30 or 10
I think the 10 a.m meeting may start at 9:30.
jonnyb:) [12:02]
chibaguyAnyway that fatal error only appeared after the "enter your tiki" click at the end of the install. Trying again to view the page results in success. [12:02]
marclaportechibaguy: your last search and replaced changed db/tiki-secdb_12.1_mysql.sql [12:03]
jonnybcoolio, think that's 15:00 for me here - good as i need to do some errands [12:03]
chibaguyYeah, marclaporte, I wondered if it was wrong to replace that, should I revert it?
(I mean in the sqls.
marclaportethose files should be deleted [12:04]
chibaguyoh, ok. [12:04]
marclaportethey are specific to each release [12:04]
chibaguyah, I wondered about the 12.x references. [12:05]
marclaportethey are signature for security. If file changes, so does signature
but don't worry about it
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50876 10trunk/db/ 04tiki-secdb_12.0_mysql.sql 04tiki-secdb_12.1_mysql.sql * [KIL] Deleting release-specific files. Thanks, Marc. [12:08]
chibaguyOh, uh, ok. [12:08]
marclaportethey should get deleted as part of the release process. https://dev.tiki.org/How+to+release#Delete_secdb_files_from_previous_versions [12:08]
chibaguyI see. [12:09]
marclaporteok, great, so one of the steps for 12.1 is done :-) [12:09]
chibaguy:-) [12:09]
marclaporteit's really nice to see all those Bootstrap commits [12:09]
chibaguyYeah, progress. :-) I'll be back online in a few hours. Getting close to my train stop. [12:10]
..... (idle for 21mn)
luciashpolom [12:31]
Jyhem_laptop_joined #tikiwiki [12:31]
luciashhi jonnyb
to chibaguy, when he comes back, yes that was the error
it seems tiki log related... got it at the end of the installer and when trying to log out
jonnybhi luciash (back with coffee) [12:34]
luciashluciash too :) [12:38]
oh how i hate when my email client crashes just when i finished writing an email message :( [12:45]
jonnybew, nasty [12:46]
luciashluciash goes to buy more RAM :-p
ah, great, lunch here
Jyhem_laptop_joined #tikiwiki [12:49]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50877 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Add latest aFarkas/html5shiv 3.7.1 to composer
03jonnybradley r50878 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Add latest ezyang/htmlpurifier 4.6.0 to composer
03jonnybradley r50879 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Add latest jquery/jquery 1.11.0 to composer [13:06]
03jonnybradley r50880 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
Add latest jquery/jquery-ui 1.10.4 to composer (1.10.3 can be removed if/when 12.x is updated to this)
03jonnybradley r50881 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
Add latest jquery/jquery-timepicker-addon 1.4.4 to composer (and removed 1.2.2 as no longer used 11.x & 12.x are on 1.4)
03jonnybradley r50882 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
Add jquery/minicart 2.6.1 to composer (not updating to latest 3.x version yet as it's totally different, sadly)
minicart, is that something related to Tiki cart ?
jonnybhi luciash - sort of - it's a cart for paypal, bypasses the tiki one [13:23]
luciashah, so we do not use it yet with B, right ? [13:23]
jonnybno, it's only for simple e-commerce sites really [13:24]
luciashdo we have a wikiplugin or module or other fluffy for it ? [13:24]
jonnybcoo, we're quite out of date on colobox [13:25]
luciashcoo :)
jonnybi'm thinking that releasing 12.1 is becoming quite a blocker now, as i can't see us branching 13.x until 12.1 is out, and the composer externals need upating for that, so tha'ts why i'm adding these updates now... [13:27]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50883 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Add latest jquery/plugins/colorbox 1.5.8 to composer (and remove unused 1.4.14)
03jonnybradley r50884 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Restore jquery/plugins/colorbox 1.4.14 which is still used in 11.x
03jonnybradley r50885 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
No change - reorganising ckeditor composer entries according to version, not component
luciashjonnyb: i see [13:39]
jonnybit's so dull... :( [13:39]
marclaportejonnyb: +1 to the Satis cleanup [13:39]
jonnybthanks marclaporte :) [13:39]
marclaporteThere is at least one thing I don't get with the Satis / Composer stuff [13:39]
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marclaporteWhy can't the Github tags (for versions) be used [13:40]
jonnybi thought they are, aren't they? [13:40]
marclaporteex.: https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/releases
So Github knows each version and since most are using SemVer, it makes sense
jonnybbut we use a zip for most of these js libs - currently https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/releases/download/1.0.0/chosen_v1.0.0.zip for that one, which is the zip for the 1.0.0 tag [13:43]
marclaporteIt's strange that we can't just say v 1.1 of https://github.com/harvesthq/chosen/ [13:45]
jonnybi think it's becasue composer is for php packages really [13:46]
marclaporteOf even better, 1.x and get upgrades
I like this one :-) http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/50878
jonnyb: this will help you: https://www.versioneye.com/user/projects/530909c2ec1375065e000296
jonnybi don't really understand it all, just having a go as no one else is - mainly copy and pasting i'm afraid - best to ask lphuberdeau for the details ;)
i'm mainly working form https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki+12+Composer+Dependencies
marclaporte: i finally logged in to versioneye but that link just goes to the home page... [14:01]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: trunk composer problem - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51920 [14:01]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50886 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json
Add latest ckeditor 4.3.4 components to composer (and remove unused 4.2.1 - 11.x is on 4.1.1, 12.x is on 4.2.3 which seems to be latest for 4.2.x and trunk will be on 4.3.4 soon)
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luciashgotta handle some kids, bbl (pop-up in BBB maybe later too) [14:21]
BsfezThere you are ! :D
Hi All
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mike88joined #tikiwiki
possible to get a little help for a newb?
backlinks not showing up, categories plugin displaying ALL categories instead of actual categories
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Tiki-KGB03gezzzan r50887 10trunk/templates/admin/include_look.tpl
[MOD] benchmarking apply button on admin pages, making Reset button less scary. will do the rest if this is sample is acceptable
03gezzzan r50888 10trunk/templates/admin/include_look.tpl * [FIX] oops, div closing character was missing
03lphuberdeau r50889 10trunk/templates/tiki-searchresults.tpl * [FIX] This template was replaced
03gezzzan r50890 10trunk/templates/admin/admin_navbar_menu.tpl * [FIX] fixing theme control link and moving to generic menu [15:18]
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luciashlocate cd /Applications/Terminal.app [15:23]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50891 10trunk/ 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js 10lib/smarty_tiki/function.favorite.php * [FIX] Merge conflict in javascript file, broken favorite toggle [15:32]
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:32]
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luciashre [15:40]
jonnybjonnyb catches up on 24 skype messages and 15 emails missed in the last half hour... [15:41]
luciashon my old device from car (parked ;) [15:41]
jonnybis it bbb time now? [15:42]
luciashcheck the wiki [15:43]
libsjoined #tikiwiki [15:43]
luciashthere is actual time if u r not on ssl [15:43]
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ricks99joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all
jonnybhi ricks99 [15:57]
ricks99Quick Tiki 12 question... I'm getting "no route found" errors when I try to save pages. I've tried toggling the sefurl on/off, but no difference. Any ideas? something on the server to check? [15:57]
jonnybwe're in bbb http://tiki.org/live [15:57]
ricks99hiya jonnyb
ah... i'll take look
hows tikifest going?
Tiki-KGB03patrick-proulx r50892 10trunk/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl * Bootstrapped the tiki-change_password.tpl [16:00]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50893 10trunk/ 10(13 files in 9 dirs) * [ENH] Converting ratinglib [16:02]
jonnybhi mike88 - did you ever get a reply to your queries (ages ago)? [16:11]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50894 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 4 dirs) * [ENH] Converting flaggedrevisionlib [16:24]
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Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50895 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [MOD] Upgrade smarty to latest tagged release [16:42]
03lphuberdeau r50896 10trunk/styles/layout/tiki.css * [ENH] Remove the gray background on documentation blocks [16:48]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50897 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 4 dirs)
[FIX] elFinder: Update rebuilt elFinder with latest from Studio-42/elFinder (seem to fix the button issue, nothing else broken that i can see)
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Tiki-KGB03patrick-proulx r50898 10trunk/templates/tiki-remind_password.tpl * Bootstrapped the remind password form [17:24]
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ricks99anyone have ideas about my "route not found" issue? ^^ [17:33]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50899 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/block.tabset.php * [REF] Remove redundant legacy classes. [17:36]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [17:38]
jonnybsorry ricks99 - lost this window...
i'm not seeing that - is it coming from route.php do you think?
ricks99y. generated as a error catching in route.php [17:40]
jonnybis standard LAMP server? [17:40]
ricks99but (from what i can see) is only suppsoed to occur when the link is ivnvalid (e.g., 404 error).
jonnybcheck the pache error_log - there should be more info in there i believe [17:42]
ricks99on hosted. will see if it isavailable [17:42]
jonnyba-pache ;) [17:42]
ricks99but it isn't an "error" per-se, will it be in log? [17:43]
jonnybyes, should be
route.php triggers one with the full url and the server query string
ricks99ah. i see.
lemma fiddle and simply echo the error (can't find the log)
luciashjoined #tikiwiki [17:45]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50900 10trunk/templates/tiki-show_page.tpl * [REF] Removing now-unneeded element.
03chibaguy r50901 10trunk/styles/layout/tiki.css * [REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes.
ricks99wtf? somethinge else going on. i've actually deleted route.php and i still get the message. i might have something else screwed up [17:51]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50902 10trunk/ 10styles/snow.css 10styles/utopias.css * [REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes.
03chibaguy r50903 10trunk/styles/darkshine.css * [REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes.
ricks99got it
here's the msg from the error log: No route found - full:/rick/BRANCH-12-x/tiki-editpage.php query:
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50904 10trunk/styles/layout/tiki.css * [REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes. [17:54]
xavijoined #tikiwiki [17:56]
ricks99hm... looks like {$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']} is empty [17:57]
jonnybthat's odd - should have the page name in it
hi xavi
ricks99and only having issue when editing pages [17:58]
xavihi jonnyb & ricks99 [17:58]
jonnybactaully the page name would be in the POST, not GET params so probably wouldn't show up there [17:58]
ricks99hm.. the only thing posted to the log:
error_log("No route found - full:$full query:{$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']}");
jonnybwonder if it's becasue it's 2 dirs down? /rick/BRANCH-12-x/ [17:59]
ricks99$full = looks like the url
$query is empty
having the same issue at root (working in the "rick" directory for testing)
jonnybis that really where the file is compared to the DocRoot? /rick/BRANCH-12-x/tiki-editpage.php [18:00]
ricks99yup. foo.bar.com/rick/... [18:00]
jonnybdefinitely odd then... a look through the phpinfo output might shed some light - regarding paths etc? [18:01]
Tiki-KGB03nkoth r50905 10trunk/ 10templates/tiki-editpage.tpl 10tiki-editpage.php * [FIX] Fatal error after smarty upgrade on tiki-editpage [18:02]
ricks99thanks. will check [18:02]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50906 10trunk/styles/layout/tiki.css * [REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes.
03chibaguy r50907 10trunk/templates/styles/mobile/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl * [REF] Replace legacy rules with Bootstrap class.
03nkoth r50908 10trunk/lib/wiki/wikilib.php * [FIX] Internal server error when using wiki cache
ricks99possibly something host specific - as i've not had problems on other sites [18:05]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50909 10trunk/templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl * [REF] Replace legacy rules with Bootstrap class. [18:06]
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Tiki-KGB03nkoth r50910 10trunk/lib/userslib.php * [FIX] Fatal error [18:12]
ricks99hm...now i'm seeing 403 errors. maybe there's a mod_security rule on host causing an issue. [18:12]
jonnybwas going to suggest some sort of security thing might be getting in the way... [18:13]
ricks99yeah. i think theres a mod_security rule interfering with tiki-edit.php. but would be nice if route.php told me that to begin with! :)
time for luch break. thanks for pointers jonny
jonnybok, byee [18:15]
xavimmm, may I ask if there is any plan to release tiki12.1 (or 12.1beta) in the following days? Or what is stopping us to release 12.1?
I recall that you jonnyb asked/suggested last week to set one day to release 12.1beta...
luciashre-polom [18:20]
jonnybyes, we really should at least release a beta - i'm not aware of any real blockers but people keep coming up with spurious (ihmo) ones [18:21]
xavi+1 to release a 12.1beta asap [18:21]
fabriciusHello, any news about the actual TikiFest, any wiki page, scheduling for online participation ...? [18:25]
jonnybsome people are in bbb - we have a sort of 10 o'clock meeting a ferw hours ago
lost of info on the wiki page
fabriciusjonnyb, would you please be so kind to send the link to the wikipage? Stuck in work, but coming to the bbb in a few minutes [18:26]
jonnybtrying to find it, message deluge... [18:27]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50911 10trunk/ 10lib/headerlib.php 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [MOD] update jquery to 1.11.0 [18:28]
fabricius: ^^
hi here too xavi
so whole volunteers to release 12.1 beta? :)
xavi rises his hand
and someone suggested that 13.x shouldn'0t be branched until until 12.1 is real ease... so maybe the tikifesters in Toronto might be interested in getting a 12.1 out while they are there in Toronto?
getting help by people not in toronto, I mean (to prevent too much distraction from there, since the agenda in there seems quite full)
jonnybi think so yes, we stop semi-auto-merging when 12.1 is out and that becomes LTS - i think it would be bad to branch 13.x before that [18:33]
BsfezHi all [18:39]
jonnybhi Bsfez [18:39]
Bsfezrelease is in the air ? :D [18:39]
jonnybhas been for a while ;)
Bsfez: xavi said he would have a go at releasing 12.1 beta some time (not now i presume)
xaviwhat about tomorrow Thursday morning (like 9h UTC time)? [18:45]
marclaportemarclaporte is getting "No route found. Please see http://dev.tiki.org/URL+Rewriting+Revamp" on latest 12.x when trying to logon [18:45]
Bsfeznot now is good
9UTC is fine with me
jonnyb9utc should be ok for me too - will be around to help test [18:46]
marclaporter50837 is suspicious [18:46]
jonnybxavi: how about doing a mail to the dev list? [18:46]
Bsfezon the task already :) [18:47]
xavithks Bernard (I would have done it myself otherwise) [18:47]
jonnybmarclaporte: i agree - didn't like the look of https://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/50837 this near a release but didn't test [18:47]
BsfezXavi ;) [18:48]
jonnybobivously not being able to log in to 12.x is a blocker ;)
although my local is fine
BsfezGuys ? 12.1 Beta ?
jonnybyes, beta (as someone insisted on an alpha) [18:51]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50912 10trunk/ 10(11 files in 7 dirs) * [ENH] Replacing the common cluetip usages [18:56]
marclaporterunning composer and empyting cache seems to have helped [18:56]
xavinelsonko: I notice that the list of recordings in live.t.o became rather short. Any clue where all the other recordings are and if there will be some way to have them available for playback again at some point? [19:02]
BsfezKids running around… cu l8r [19:02]
xaviit seems that the server for the bbb meetings for tiki became a different one than the usual... [19:03]
nelsonkoxavi: I'll check with Fred, we moved servers because the old one is a legacy dedic and he has a new load balanced architecture now [19:03]
xaviok, in theory in the bbb-setup list they say every now and then that migrating recordings between servers is possible and easy (even If I didn't succeed between two servers of my own in one case when I tried) [19:04]
nelsonkoThe old one was crashing a fair bit when we tried yesterday
xavi: fred says he will move them over and will let me know after - later today
xaviok, great
nelsonko: I see nextdoc.t.o and nextdev.t.o to be available online again. Congrats!
nelsonko: 2 questions still: (1) shouldn't we add some popup for authentication with next next, to prevent google & other bots indexing them?
(2) mothers.t.o is still complaining about missing php 5.5
amette around?
nelsonkoright makes sense [19:08]
xavixavi wonders which operating system & version & details amette used for that new server [19:08]
nelsonkoyes he is around amette [19:08]
xavi wonders if amette and nelsonko (and other admins) did read this section: https://tiki.org/CommunityCoordinationPlanning#Server_management
section "2.6.2. O.S. and whether Control Panels"
ametteheya xavi and nelsonko :) [19:11]
xavihi amette! :-) [19:11]
amettexavi : check out http://nxt.tiki.org/ [19:11]
nelsonkoxavi: yes I had a look it is a good time to start the discussion, and when we get to Germany DevOps tikifest might be a good time to actually implement something, rather than just talk. [19:11]
xaviamette: wohoo, Debian with nginx! [19:12]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Releasing Tiki12.1 Beta - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51932 [19:12]
amette:) [19:13]
xavi"rather than just talk", well, Nelson, you did take some decisions already, and a new server is up, etc. (so I guess it has been "just talk", but rather acting before discussing, it seems)
s/it has been "just talk"/it has NOT been "just talk"
about discussing: I suggested "Shouldn't we keep critical servers with at least 2 sysadmins with root access to them?�(to reduce the high bus factor we currently have, and increase our resilience?)"
nelsonkoxavi: well, moving the server was more of a "fix" for now, but I refer to OS and whether control panel topic [19:16]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50913 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[MOD] update jquery-ui to 1.10.4 (including fixes to adapt to new package layout)
xaviamette: could you please add your knowledge here?: https://tiki.org/CommunityCoordinationPlanning#Servers_list [19:18]
nelsonkoxavi: sharing pw is not difficult on clipper-z for example, but the issue is more that it is often that sysadmin do not like each others to make config changes to others systems. It is too haphazard. To increase our resilience might imply a major documentation overhead, but maybe we need it or maybe not - this has yet to be discussed [19:19]
xaviand indicate, for instance, which server is nxt.t.o installed at (I guess the same one where nextdoc and nextdev?), etc.
nelsonko: which is a pity, with the current scenario, was that I might have been interested in offering my time and even hosting for mother.t.o, but since we work the way we work, it's been difficult for months to get something out of it...
nelsonkoyes nxt is just the machine name [19:20]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50914 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [MOD] update jquery/jquery-timepicker-addon to 1.4.4 [19:22]
xaviand I still have no clue where the issue is... I only know that mother.t.o contniues to be down I don't know why [19:22]
nelsonkoxavi probably your fns is not updated
xaviand you seem to be busy, willing that other help to take some of your commitmetns, but this will not happen magically, if the environment doesn't ease the task for others to know where and when to help, how, etc. [19:22]
nelsonkoIf you set your etc/hosts file to point to it as indicated as my email said, you can get to it right away [19:23]
xavixavi fetching the email of the last day [19:24]
nelsonkoI can also create account for you to copy stuff out of changi's server, but I would recommend you don't change anything.
there are a whole bunch of sites that would benefit from being somewhere else
amettexavi: https://tiki.org/CommunityCoordinationPlanning#Servers_list
I removed the sort plugin and added my opinion on how to order that list
on that list are domains, not servers currently
xaviok, thks [19:27]
ametteso als nelsonko said: nxt.t.o is the server and it hosts the domains nextdoc.t.o and nextdev.t.p
o even
and hopefully mother soon
xaviamette: do you have any tip regarding this? https://tiki.org/CommunityCoordinationPlanning#Tiki_free-for-limited-time_hosting:_offer_free_tiki_site_to_get_new_admins_self-trained_testing_it [19:30]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50915 10trunk/ 10(25 files in 12 dirs) * [ENH] Remove cluetip [19:30]
jonnybjonnyb waves goodbye to cluetip (thanks lphuberdeau) [19:32]
lphuberdeauit was quite a bit of CSS [19:33]
amettewell, as you wrote, setting it up is not really hard, we can basically clone show. it then needs a control server, which for show is dev. So ok, it is a bit bigger action, but already done once for show, so it's fine. Where I see more of a problem is the organisational part. Who checks the free sites for spammers? who manages the money? etc. [19:33]
xavixavi waves also (and recalls robertplummer saying "The force is strong with you [lp]") [19:33]
nelsonkoIt's 1.30 here and we are thinking of going to lunch atm :) [19:34]
jonnybhmm, the user info popups are a bit... simpler (like now just has an interger in instead of user info_ [19:34]
xaviamette: do you mind dropping your thoughts on that page, please?
nelsonko: when is the meeting with the other guys scheduled for: in 30 min?
nelsonkoxavi: the clearOS guys, in 3 hours
sorry, I mean 2.5 hours
xaviah, ok, thks (in 2:30h, according to the schedule in the tiki13 alpha page) [19:36]
ametteand regarding the 2+ sysadmins per server: nelson is right, sysadmins are quite allergic to others messing with their systems and I out of respect never do that until explicitly asked. To reduce the bus factor the login should be possible for multiple people on a standard server imho, but there should be some rules, e.g. "Respect the environment", "Fetch data only", "Don't mess with anything" or such. [19:36]
xaviyes, that's it [19:36]
amettethat way we stay responsive. it's how it worked with nextdoc/nextdev, too - I just fetched data from changi's server and we're back in the game [19:37]
xaviamette: great, can you drop your draft rules there also? I fully agree with you, but some rules might help loose fear that others can access the server that only one person manages, etc. [19:37]
amettesure, I'll add my 2cents to the page [19:38]
xaviregarding teams, I also proposed some rules (3 rules, as a starting point). Maybe some short list of rules (3?) for sys admin servers might be a good reference guide
jonnybalso now the context menus on file galleries don't do anything any more... the cluetip removal might take some significant tidying up [19:39]
lphuberdeauhmmm... weird scrollbar on http://nextdoc.tiki.org/Tiki12 (and most other wiki pages I've looked at) [19:40]
luciashluciash hopes waving goodbye to cluetip is not just that but there is a working replacement already or at least a good plan [19:42]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50916 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [MOD] update jquery/plugins/colorbox to 1.5.8 [19:44]
luciashweird scrollbar is because someone messed up with codemirror syntax highlighter or the code has change ... it usually appears on pages where code plugin is using codemirror - no idea why (i fixed it once already and do not plan to repeat)
lphuberdeauluciash, cluetip is fully replaced by bootstrap popover [19:44]
luciashlphuberdeau: excellent [19:45]
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50917 10trunk/lib/Babelfish.php * [FIX] Notices on ndoc.t.o [19:46]
luciashamette: problem with sysadmins is they are lazy to document anything they change - thus they want to manage servers on they own than willing to share it
amette: hi bro, btw, long time no see
nelsonkobtw, admin modules selection of proper tab (due to links such as the edit button) needs to make use of new # bootstrap style links. the whole page needs clean up too
(in terms of weirdness in input element widths)
luciashi tried with #tab2 or #contentt_admin_modules11-2 too, none works on tiki-admin_modules.php [19:50]
ametteluciash: hi bro [19:51]
luciashthe whole code needs to be rewritten maybe [19:51]
ametteluciash: well, if you pay me a manmonth to write an IT concept which covers all the design decisions... from then on, I'll happily document any single change! [19:52]
luciashany idea why so ugly logo ? ->
ametteluciash: and not willing to share is almost an insult... I offered three rules up there which allow anyone to have a look at my setup and copy it - just don't mess with it! [19:54]
nelsonkoluciash: this works for me http://nextdoc.tiki.org/tiki-admin_modules.php#contentt_admin_modules11-3 [19:54]
luciashamette: was not directed at you ;-) [19:54]
ametteluciash: ok then ;) [19:54]
nelsonkolp said after lunch he might want to try change it to use names, because if there are different number of tabs depending on perms etc, it is going to get the wrong tab at times
(but IMO, that is an existing problem, i.e. it always never took account that)
ok, lunch for real now. be back soon
jonnybok, bye bye 'festers - see you tomorrow [19:56]
luciashnelsonko: weird, not for me: tiki-admin_modules.php#contentt_admin_modules11-2 [19:56]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50918 10trunk/ 10templates/comment/list.tpl 10lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js 10styles/layout/tiki.css 10templates/comments.tpl * [REF] Replace legacy rules with Bootstrap class. [19:56]
ametteyeah, same here [19:56]
jonnyb(off out in an hour or two) [19:56]
amette<- food I mean [19:56]
jonnybhibye amette [19:56]
amettehibye jonnyb :) [19:56]
luciashnelsonko: on my local copy of trunk
i will try on nextdoc
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50919 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [MOD] update ckeditor/ckeditor etc to 4.3.4 [19:58]
luciashnelsonko: ok, it works only if you come from other page than tiki-admin_modules.php (e.g. Home) - not very convenient
nelsonko: anyway, bon app�tit
xavibbl in 45' or so [20:02]
arildbjoined #tikiwiki [20:14]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r50920 10branches/12.x/ 10composer.lock 10composer.json * [MOD] minor update of jquery/minicart to 2.6.1
03jonnybradley r50921 10trunk/composer.json 10trunk 10trunk/composer.lock * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/12.x 50866 to 50920
jonnybmore tomorrow, byeeee... [20:18]
..... (idle for 22mn)
luciashlgout from trunk works without log error again, thanks whoever fixed it [20:40]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] SF.net SVN: tikiwiki:[50898] trunk/templates/tiki-remind_password.tpl - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=51935 [20:42]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r50922 10trunk/composer.lock * [FIX] updated composer lock [20:46]
.... (idle for 16mn)
03lphuberdeau r50923 10trunk/ 10templates/tracker/remove_item.tpl 10lib/core/Services/Tracker/Controller.php 10templates/tiki-view_tracker.tpl * [ENH] Use bootstrap modal for single-item deletion
03chibaguy r50924 10trunk/styles/layout/tiki.css
[REF] Remove unneeded legacy classes (including .multiselect - I hope this can safely be removed).
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [21:08]
.... (idle for 16mn)
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50925 10trunk/ 10lib/smarty_tiki/block.tabset.php 10templates/admin/include_features.tpl 10lib/smarty_tiki/block.tab.php
[ENH] Allow to specify the key attribute on tabs to make the hashes more predictable (not numeric)
03patrick-proulx r50926 10trunk/ 10templates/tiki-view_forum.tpl 10styles/layout/tiki.css 10templates/comments.tpl 10templates/tiki-admin_categories.tpl
[ENH] bootstrapped some components - forum filter, batch category upload, and text input for comments
03lphuberdeau r50927 10trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/ 10block.tabset.php 10block.tab.php * [ENH] Single check for active tab to avoid different behaviors [21:42]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: IP based permissions - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51943 [21:51]
Tiki-KGB03nkoth r50928 10branches/12.x/lib/notifications/notificationemaillib.php * [FIX] Due to previous refactoring of TikiMail, getFile is gone [21:52]
lphuberdeauquestion... why t_navbar everywhere instead of just navbar?
spacing is wrong with it
Tiki-KGB03lphuberdeau r50929 10trunk/templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl * [ENH] Remove double headers on comments and attachments tabs [21:54]
arildb_joined #tikiwiki [21:59]
amettelive.t.o redirects me to bbb which then Loads to 100% and then says "Connecting to the server.................." and nothing happens... any ideas? [22:10]
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [22:11]
Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [22:15]
lphuberdeaujoined #tikiwiki [22:17]
..... (idle for 22mn)
ametteok, were several hoops, but managed, cheers [22:39]
fabriciusjust checked as guest and see you in ... going, cause I'm in a phone conference [22:40]
.... (idle for 16mn)
Jyhem_joined #tikiwiki [22:56]
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r50930 10trunk/ 10(6 files in 2 dirs) * [REF] Replace legacy rules with Bootstrap class. [23:00]
03chibaguy r50931 10trunk/ 10(7 files in 3 dirs) * [REF] Replace legacy rules with Bootstrap class. [23:08]
....... (idle for 33mn)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Multiple Footnotes - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=51947 [23:41]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r50932 10trunk/ 10(5 files) * [FIX] make the registration form better responsive - thanks Patrick [23:46]

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