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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [00:33] |
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Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5418 | [01:15] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [01:39] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [03:38] |
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TomJarvis | joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem - does this help? TWtrunk/lib/setup/javascript.php:jqueryTiki.chosen = '.($prefs['jquery_ui_chosen'] == 'y' ? 'true' : 'false') . '; | [09:07] |
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xavi | joined #tikiwiki
polom Jyhem around ? | [09:42] |
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Jyhem | yop, hi xavi | [10:04] |
xavi | hi jyhem :-)
not too hot in Strasbourg? | [10:05] |
Jyhem | no :-(
too rainy :-( | [10:06] |
xavi | he he... I was going to say 'lucky you', but I understand that there might be similar desires for both cases: not too hot nor too rainy! ;-)
I was playing with accessing tiki mysql tables from R , after your tutorials with joelobrecht :-) with tiki_connect table in my radar (mother.tiki.org data, etc) and I realize that I don't know how to convert the data like this: a:7:{s:7:"version";s:7: ...} what's the name of that syntax? | [10:07] |
Jyhem | json ? | [10:10] |
xavi | mmm, that's what I thought, but R complains about it:
"Error: String does not contain valid JSON: "a:7:{s:7:"version";s:7:"8..."" using R package jsonlite | [10:10] |
Jyhem | json is very picky
I see a lot of it, but I never actually read up on the format :-( | [10:11] |
xavi | and reading here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON I see that json seems to start with an angle bracket. The data from that mysql table starts with "a:7:{...}"
how do you use it, then? I mean, how to dechiper the contents? | [10:11] |
Jyhem | I was about to suggest puttting everything in {…} | [10:12] |
xavi | ah, ok, simple hack... I'll try :-) | [10:12] |
Jyhem | It's mostly a clever way of having arrays within arrays. It reminds me of PHP's array structures, only json puts everything in a single string | [10:13] |
xavi | ok
all (non-NULL) strings in tiki_connect.data field start with "a:7:{" or "a:6:{". I wonder what that means... | [10:16] |
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redflo | joined #tikiwiki | [10:49] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52313 10branches/13.x/ 10modules/mod-func-menu.php 10lib/smarty_tiki/function.menu.php
[ENH] menus: Make setSelected optional for menu modules (default=y). Should help performance on massive menus especially when using very large structures as a menu. | [13:02] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Problem with [...]:[52254] branches/12.x/lib (tracker validation) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53008 | [14:46] |
dabright | joined #tikiwiki | [14:48] |
dabright1 | joined #tikiwiki | [14:49] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [14:57] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [14:57] |
xavi | hi jonnyb | [14:58] |
jonnyb | hi xavi too
cathing up on your earlier chat from here: http://irc.tiki.org/irclogger_log/tikiwiki?date=2014-08-12,Tue&sel=23#l19 | [14:59] |
xavi | ok, thanks :-) | [14:59] |
jonnyb | looks like that data isn't actually JSON but came out of php serialize function
http://uk3.php.net/manual/en/function.serialize.php | [14:59] |
xavi | I found one record which does look like real json, in that table tiki_connect.data, and seems to come from some 8.0svn tiki install (from long ago)
so data from "serialize" function instead of json: bug or feature? | [15:00] |
jonnyb | happens on lib/core/Tiki/Connect/Abstract.php:136
hmm, bug or feature? good question :P | [15:01] |
xavi | :-D
in order to help data re-use from external software (such as R), I would say that json sounds like easier | [15:02] |
jonnyb | looks like i changed it from json in http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/36763/ (but sf.net doesn't seem to want to show it)
i agree, json more compatible | [15:04] |
xavi | mmm, shall we revert r36763 then? (sf.net showed it to me after 10 seconds or so) | [15:07] |
jonnyb | i guess so - i'm not too bothered really as we never got round to doing anything with the data within tiki | [15:07] |
xavi | and is there an easy way to convert the data in that table at mother.tiki.org? (or maybe we just revert function, clean table at mother.t.o, and add some more data to play with) | [15:08] |
jonnyb | i guess a little script to convert the existing data would be nice too? :) | [15:08] |
xavi | yes, I guess so
I'd like to play a bit with the data, with R, to see if I can create some quick and dirty report out of it, as a proof of concept, and to help move the topic further, etc. | [15:08] |
jonnyb | looks like mother.t.o is on 13.x - might be netter to stay on trunk i think for that one (but i remember there were discussions about this a while back) | [15:09] |
xavi | well, as far as some sort of mother.t.o works, and someone repairs whateaver is broken in trunk when it stops working? Otherwise, we could keep it for the time being working with 13.x (or whatever version is current at each moment)
at least until any real php developer intends to do some more php coding out of it (not in my todo list, honestly; just playing with R is within my skills and affordable time to allocate to it) | [15:10] |
jonnyb | ok, have the revert ready | [15:12] |
xavi | and if creating a script to convert the data involves too much problem for you, we could just clean that table and start again with new test data sent to mother.t.o from several sites, etc.
bbl | [15:13] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52314 10branches/13.x/lib/core/Tiki/Connect/Abstract.php
[MOD] Revert r36763: Use json encoding instead of seriliaze for Tiki Connect data for better compatibility (thanks Xavi) | [15:16] |
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03jonnybradley r52315 03branches/13.x/installer/schema/20140812_convert_tiki_connect_data_to_json.php
[MOD] Convert Tiki Connect data to json encoding (only for mother.tiki.org really, thanks again Xavi) | [15:32] | |
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03jonnybradley r52316 10branches/13.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php
[FIX] filegals: Correct an issue from old upgraded Tikis where users may have more than one user file gallery. If this is the case, merge the files from the old ones into the new correctly named one and remove the old gallery. 03jonnybradley r52317 10(6 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/13.x 52310 to 52316 03jonnybradley r52318 10branches/ 1012.x/lib/filegals/filegallib.php 1012.x [bp/r52316][FIX] filegals: Correct an issue from old upgraded Tikis where users may have more than one user file gallery. If this is the case, merge the files from the old ones into the new correctly named one and remove the old gallery. | [16:20] | |
xavi | nice, jonnyb, your upgrade script worked like a charm with a local copy of mother.t.o!
I've started to look at meaningful data from R, finally :-) | [16:27] |
jonnyb | nice, well done! | [16:28] |
xavi | there are a few "al<x>ert!" inserted in the data... | [16:29] |
jonnyb | hmm, wonder where they are from? | [16:29] |
xavi | I wonder if this is real prevention of potentially harmfull code (keeping that in stored values)...
header_custom_js,f or instance and somewhere else... probably customization textareas from look and feel | [16:29] |
jonnyb | if it's from my test servers it could be deliberate | [16:30] |
xavi | is "al<x>ert" expected to be stored in data tables?...
ah ok, forget it, then... might be from there... | [16:30] |
jonnyb | i tend to test that sort of thing from time to time | [16:31] |
xavi | sorry for the distraction, I'll keep having a look and playing a little bit more
... silently :-) xavi loves to see commit messages from jonnyb (or others) fixing bugs! ;-) | [16:31] |
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Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [17:49] |
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Telesight1 | joined #tikiwiki | [18:40] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Using Cate-group permissions for the member_list plugin - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=53011 | [20:17] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03xavidp r52319 10trunk/lib/logs/logslib.php
[FIX]Fix the count of registered user accounts so that all spammer IPs can be found through mass Ban IP from admin users interface | [21:28] |
xavi | left #tikiwiki | [21:36] |
arildb | joined #tikiwiki | [21:49] |
brolin_empey_ | joined #tikiwiki | [21:55] |
Tiki|bot | Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5420 | [21:59] |
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New Forum Posts: Using Cate-group permissions for the member_list plugin - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=53011
New Forum Posts: Problem with [...]:[52254] branches/12.x/lib (tracker validation) - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53008 New Forum Posts: Wiki page Bootstrap elements sample page changed by chibaguy - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=52999 | [23:08] | |
New Forum Posts: Using Cate-group permissions for the member_list plugin - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=53011
New Forum Posts: Problem with [...]:[52254] branches/12.x/lib (tracker validation) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53008 New Forum Posts: Wiki page Bootstrap elements sample page changed by chibaguy - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=52999 | [23:18] | |
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leagris | joined #tikiwiki | [23:55] |
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