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olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [00:04]
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Tiki-KGB03nkoth r52525 10trunk/ 03files/forums/index.php 10lib/comments/commentslib.php 03files/forums
[MOD] Make new forums have new more sensible location for attachments if not set. Only affect new forums so as to avoid any unexpected breakage for old forums.
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redfloleft #tikiwiki [01:45]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: How create the register button as same as this web? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=53462
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dabrightjoined #tikiwiki [03:02]
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dabrightjoined #tikiwiki [04:09]
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jonnybpolom chibaguy [11:58]
chibaguyhi jonnyb [11:58]
jonnybistill haven't worked out how to compile LESS files again - mine broken :( [11:59]
chibaguyoh, using phpstorm? [11:59]
jonnybyes [11:59]
chibaguydo you have the LESS file watcher set? [11:59]
jonnybi sent quite a long mail to the dev list a week or so ago - i get compile errors [11:59]
chibaguyoh [11:59]
jonnybno, never worked out how to get that one to work
and then there was all that stuff about using the one in vendors, and the image path confusion...
chibaguyheh [12:00]
jonnybit's not good (but have been busy also on other stuff)
here's what i was using: http://plugins.jetbrains.com/plugin?pr=&pluginId=7059
chibaguyI think I downloaded that too, but then I believe I read that there's a plugin that comes with phpstorm by default. I don't remember now. I need to look at what file is being used, I imagine.
But my compiles seem to be ok.
jonnybfor me the LESS watcher needs the path ro a LESS compiler, and i don't seem to have one [12:03]
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [12:03]
chibaguyhm [12:04]
jonnybguess i should point it at the one inside tiki and see what happens [12:04]
chibaguyMaybe I should make some screenshots of my configuration, if that would help you or anyone else. [12:05]
jonnybplease :) [12:05]
chibaguyif we switch to using less.php, then I'll be fairly lost again.
Ok, I'll do the screenshots tonight.
olinuxxhi all [12:08]
chibaguyGotta sign off for now, coming to my train station. I'll be back later. [12:08]
jonnybbyee [12:08]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [13:32]
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nelsonko_joined #tikiwiki [14:05]
chibaguy_jonnyb, I put some screenshots here: http://dev.tiki.org/Testing+LESS+CSS+with+Tiki [14:11]
jonnybhi chibaguy_
so looks like you downloaded less.cmd with npm, right?
chibaguy_No, this is Windows 8.1 and anything downloaded was done the gui way.
that is, probably with my browser
Unless it was done internally by PhpStorm or something.
chibaguy_ should've been taking notes
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: How create the register button as same as this web? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=53462
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Caarriejoined #tikiwiki [14:33]
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.... (idle for 17mn)
chibaguy_jonnyb, I checked a pc here that PhpStorm was downloaded to a few weeks ago and the Less plugin is already installed. [14:52]
jonnybhi again chibaguy_
do you mean the jar file inside the phpstom app dir?
cos i couldn't see how you can get a jar file to run as a "php executable"
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [15:01]
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chibaguy_hm, yeah, that's a good point. But I just assumed because it's in the plugins directory.... [15:16]
jonnybthat's the one that the LESS Compiler uses i think, which seemed to work for a while but now gives me compile errors [15:17]
chibaguy_ah, I just checked: the 'virgin' PhpStorm installation doesn't have the LESS watcher 'program' specified. On my pc it's C:UsersGaryAppDataRoamingnpmlessc.cmd
So it seems I did have to get that separately.
jonnybhence the question about npm :)
i suppose we should try and use the one inside tiki, and get that working and fixed as then we'll all be using the same thing
chibaguy_That'd be good probably. [15:23]
Tiki-KGB03nkoth r52526 10branches/13.x/lib/core/Tiki/Profile.php
[FIX] Prevent current group settings from being replaced when running profile unless setting is explicitly specified
03nkoth r52527 10branches/12.x/lib/core/Tiki/Profile.php
[bp/r52526][FIX] Prevent current group settings from being replaced when running profile unless setting is explicitly specified
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [15:52]
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chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [16:29]
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olinuxxhi all
did "tiki-inspect.php" disappear or have it been replaced by something else >
(tiki 12.2 here)
jonnybhi olinuxx - not heard of tiki-inspect.php, what was it? [17:12]
olinuxxjonnyb, not really sure, but I think it was something to check what has been changed/added to the conf' (ie: options, modules, ...) [17:13]
jonnybnot familiar with that one - which version was it in? [17:16]
olinuxxI guess it was 9.x
mmm it was maybe a home-made php script done by one older admin here ...
I'm just reading at admin-notes
jonnybright, maybe was never committed back into tiki
was it useful?
olinuxxi don't know, i never used it
I'll track this down with the previous admin of linuxmao
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Tiki-KGB03arildb r52528 10branches/13.x/db/tiki_convert_myisam_to_innodb.sql * [FIX] Add missing tables to innodb conversion script [20:14]
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Tiki-KGB03nkoth r52529 03trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.forumtopiccount.php * [ADD] Useful modifier to get count of topics in a forum
03nkoth r52530 10trunk/addons/tikisample_helloworld/tikiaddon.json
[NEW] Tiki addons: add tiki version/s supported in addon info file (not used yet but good to have)
03nkoth r52531 10trunk/lib/ 10(5 files in 3 dirs)
[NEW] (for Tiki addons) a way to get an object id of an object installed through profiles
03nkoth r52532 03trunk/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.in_group.php * [NEW] A convenient way to check if user is in group or not in smarty
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03nkoth r52533 10trunk/lib/ 10core/Search/ContentSource/ForumPostSource.php 10comments/commentslib.php * [ENH] Make root forum thread contributors and ID available in search index [23:50]

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