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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610 | [00:03] |
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nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [00:50] |
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TomJarvis | joined #tikiwiki | [01:18] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [01:22] |
TomJarvis | polom
In Trackers, when you edit a tracker, under Display, the "Template to display an item" description says to use: "wiki:pageName for a wiki page or tpl:tplName for a template" This does not work because the "tpl:" is not stripped from the template name. If you leave off the "tpl:" part, it works fine. You can put the template in /templates or enter a path from /templates. I checked and this error is in Tiki 9, Tiki 12, and Tiki 13. Either the documentation for the template field should be changed, or the "tpl:" stripped from the template name. | [01:27] |
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nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [02:32] |
lindonb | joined #tikiwiki | [02:32] |
nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [02:32] |
panamaus | joined #tikiwiki | [02:44] |
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lindonb | joined #tikiwiki | [03:15] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610
New Forum Posts: next*.tiki.org wsod? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53600 New Forum Posts: Fancytable permission problem? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53599 | [05:34] |
New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610
New Forum Posts: next*.tiki.org wsod? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53600 New Forum Posts: Fancytable permission problem? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53599 | [05:44] | |
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TomJarvis | bye | [07:25] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610
New Forum Posts: next*.tiki.org wsod? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53600 New Forum Posts: Fancytable permission problem? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53599 | [08:14] |
New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610
New Forum Posts: next*.tiki.org wsod? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53600 New Forum Posts: Fancytable permission problem? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53599 | [08:24] | |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [11:53] |
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ricks99 | joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all | [13:40] |
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luciash | hi all
anyone ready for my peculiar questions? ;) | [14:32] |
ricks99 | answer is 42 | [14:43] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [15:03] |
luciash | ricks99: :D
the question: is it possible with Tiki Tokens to generate a unique token for each user returned after PayPal payment back to the same page? (anonymous user) | [15:14] |
ricks99 | no idea. sorry
(but i'm really liking your mockups for new t.o sites) | [15:17] |
luciash | heh. thanks :)
i need to put it on wiki page i think and add some proposals plugins i will try to dogfood the draw feature there too as they are svgs | [15:18] |
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nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [15:40] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: cr�ation d'un site tikiwiki - demande d'aide - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=53614 | [15:40] |
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jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki
last polom of summer (apparently) | [16:08] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52706 03trunk/installer/schema/20141003_change_style_pref_to_theme_tiki.php
[FIX] Set the new bootstrap theme pref 'theme_active' to the current old 'styles' setting if set to using legacy as the styles directory no longer exists. Style option -> theme option migration TODO when there is one | [16:24] |
03jonnybradley r52707 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/13.x 52695 to 52698 | [16:32] | |
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luciash | jonnyb: :) | [17:24] |
jonnyb | hi luciash | [17:26] |
Jyhem | polom | [17:33] |
jonnyb | hi Jyhem | [17:38] |
luciash | hi jonny and Jyhem | [17:43] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52708 10trunk/templates/modules/mod-menu.tpl
[FIX] menus: If not doing the toogle (collapse) button thing, don't add the collapse classes around the menu. You should specify navbar-collapse manually if you are using the collapse module separately (work in progress) | [17:44] |
luciash | jonnyb: do we have anything else than TOKENS which could generate random string for user to access stuff (tracker probably?) auto-magically ? | [17:44] |
jonnyb | hmm, can't think of anything | [17:46] |
luciash | jonnyb: hmm, thanks anyway :) | [17:50] |
jonnyb | there's a function in TikiLib (i think) that generates a GUID, but i'm not sure how you're use that
did you not get tokens to work then? | [17:50] |
luciash | jonnyb: the use case is when clicking paypal button on Tiki site an anonymous customer gets sent to paypal with a unique param value, then when payed, is returned back and if the param matches, gets limited time or number of downloads dl link of the purchased item | [17:53] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52709 10trunk/setup.sh * [FIX] No more styles directory, it's themes now | [17:54] |
luciash | jonnyb: I do get tokens to work, but they are not unique per user/IP - they are unique for all having the link so i cannot limit it to number of dls or time | [17:54] |
jonnyb | right | [17:54] |
luciash | jonnyb: it does not seem to render two different tokens for the same object | [17:54] |
jonnyb | can't you use the membership payment thing? you buy access to a group for a limited amount of time
means having an account on tiki though | [17:54] |
luciash | yes and no - it must be for anonymous as it could drag people from buying the stuff if registration required :-/
hmm, maybe if I could pass the user IP I could use this param to generate two different tokens at least s/two/more/ but how to generate the token automagically - using plugin http://doc.tiki.org/PluginGetAccessToken? yeah, lets play with this a bit more ;) hmm, in the doc of the plugin there is no param for groups ? :-/ btw, sending unique string would be better than IP... i think i can generate random string using JS and pass it to paypal? | [17:55] |
jonnyb | sorry, window got buried ;) | [18:06] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52710 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php * [FIX] composer: Should add index file if one does _not_ exist
03jonnybradley r52711 10trunk/composer.json [FIX] composer: Post install and update commands need to be single arrays (guessing that compiling should happen before cleaning?) | [18:10] |
jonnyb | luciash: you're right, wikiplugin_getaccesstoken doesn't have a group param
looks like that just gets an existing token | [18:14] |
luciash | ah, darn, i thought it renders one based on the params | [18:21] |
aalex | joined #tikiwiki | [18:31] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52712 10branches/13.x/admin/include_look.php
[FIX] themes: Don't render styles_options select JS if using Bootstrap themes (theme_active) 03jonnybradley r52713 10trunk/admin/include_look.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/13.x 52698 to 52712 | [18:32] |
luciash | jonnyb: the doc page indicates it should render the TOKEN... :-/ | [18:33] |
TomJarvis | joined #tikiwiki | [18:34] |
jonnyb | yes, looks like it just writes out the token field from the tiki_auth_tokens table | [18:34] |
luciash | (that example - ah it says "if you can find a way to make the multiple tokens easily"... bummer)
seems i cannot find the way :-p | [18:36] |
aalex | any hint on enabling sefurl on apache 2.4? | [18:38] |
jonnyb | hi aalex - is that different to previous apaches? would have thought it shoudl just work the same (using .htaccess) | [18:40] |
aalex | jonnyb: hi! yes, it changed :( | [18:42] |
jonnyb | how dare they! ;) | [18:43] |
aalex | Order allow,deny n Allow from all --> doesn't work anymore | [18:43] |
jonnyb | luckily not had that upgrade pain yet | [18:43] |
aalex | Must use: AllowOverride all n Require all granted
(for example) And then for RewriteBase, I am not sure yet. Though it doesn't fail with an error with the current .htaccess. But sefurl don't work. | [18:43] |
luciash | hum, no idea what apache version I use even :-p
i know about the syntax change for allow deny in some recent apache upgrade i had to do but no idea about SEFURLs | [18:46] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r52714 10branches/13.x/lib/comments/commentslib.php
[ENH] forums: If using WYSIWYG use the html part in process_inbound_mail if available. Needs to be purified (before parsing to wiki if wysiwyg_htmltowiki) as email html can be messy | [18:52] |
aalex | hmm, I should disable the tiki-install.php, right? now sure how | [18:53] |
luciash | add empty .lock file in db/ folder | [18:54] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Unusable tables on community sites - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53616 | [19:00] |
jonnyb | gottago - bye all | [19:14] |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [19:18] |
nelsonko | left #tikiwiki | [19:21] |
fabricius | aalex, luciash: if there are sefurl affecting changes due to Apache upgrade, I assume this will affect many shared hosting providers and Tiki sites ... any idea? do we simply need to change something in the .htaccess or is there a risk that shared hosted sitres lose sefurl? | [19:30] |
luciash | no idea, but i think it must be something simple... rewrite rules moved to route.php iirc | [19:33] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [19:35] |
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5480 | [19:42] | |
fabricius | rout.php?
route.php? in tikiroot? since when? I see it in trunk - interesting - thx for hint | [19:47] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Unusable tables on community sites - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53616
New Forum Posts: cr�ation d'un site tikiwiki - demande d'aide - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=53614 New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610 | [19:50] |
New Forum Posts: Unusable tables on community sites - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53616
New Forum Posts: cr�ation d'un site tikiwiki - demande d'aide - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=7&comments_parentId=53614 New Forum Posts: TikiWiki 13 Performance Issues - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=53610 | [20:00] | |
aalex | fabricius: well, sefurl don't currently work on my Ubuntu 14.04 server! I hope it's easy to fix. | [20:14] |
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luciash | aalex: i have 14.04 on localhost and it works for me
it is Tiki 12.2 Apache 2.4.7 although tiki-check.php complains about RewriteBase / bad Your RewriteBase is not set correctly in .htaccess. Search Engine Friendly URLs are not going to work like that. they work just fine | [20:45] |
nelsonko | joined #tikiwiki | [20:58] |
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XGuarden | joined #tikiwiki
Hi How can I do a tables wih border using only wikisyntax | [21:24] |
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fabricius | Hi
|| R1C1 | R1C2 | R1C3 R2C1 | R2C2 | R2C3 R3C1 | R3C2 | R3C3 ||# without hash # - that was a typo if there is no border, then use css if you want to style only this specific table, wrap it in a div plugin {DIV(class="mytablewithborder")} || R1C1 | R1C2 | R1C3 R2C1 | R2C2 | R2C3 R3C1 | R3C2 | R3C3 || {DIV} css: .mytablewithborder table { border: 1px solid green; } or table .mytablewithborder { border: 1px solid green; } you must try - I am not 100% sure which way around | [21:45] |
TomJarvis | joined #tikiwiki | [21:54] |
Tiki|bot | joined #tikiwiki | [21:59] |
XGuarden | ok
|| dont put table line. Si this is no way to put table with border line without using any html code =:0( I trying to create a wiki with only wiki syntax lol They have no special pluggin for table? | [22:08] |
fabricius | {FANCYTABLE(params)}
R1C1 | R1C2 | R1C3 R2C1 | R2C2 | R2C3 R3C1 | R3C2 | R3C3 {FANCYTABLE} But there seems to be a permission problem (bug?) with fancytable in trunk still you might need some css for the border, as most themes seem to not use borders for Tiki's tables if you do need only a simple table, you should use the first version the "missing" border is not an issue with WikiSyntax, but it is an "issue" with css ... if you do want the same border for all tables, you can easily add it to the css without extra class attribute ... although I doubt, that made perfect sense for most use cases | [22:18] |
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