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New Forum Posts: No me coje los cambios en css - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=15&comments_parentId=53619
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Am I going nuts or is syntax like {DIV(class=myclass)}My div content{DIV} not working in branch 13? I've tried at a couple of sites and the plugin syntax just displays instead of being parsed.
Hmm, not working on Tiki 12 either when nested - the outer div is parsed but not the inner one. When did this break? Or am I doing something wrong?
Previously, IIRC, div plugins could be nested.
olinuxx: chibaguy, what's about {DIV(class="myclass")}My div content{DIV}?
chibaguy: That works ok. But not {DIV(class="outerdiv")}My div content{DIV(class="innerdiv")}{DIV}{DIV}.
In my tests, the inner div isn't parsed; just the syntax displays.
olinuxx: Strange. It's working here on a 12.2 : http://www.linuxmao.org/tiki-pagehistory.php?page=Accueil&source=458
chibaguy: Hmm. Ok, thanks. I'll keep checking.
olinuxx: Did you try :
{DIV(class="outerdiv")}{DIV(class="innerdiv")}My div content{DIV}{DIV} ?
And, do you have the "Allow HTML" option activated on this wikipage ?
chibaguy: olinuxx, thanks, "Allow HTML" needed to be activated. (not too intuitive since there's no HTML in the editing syntax.)
olinuxx: chibaguy, you're welcome. I've spotted one or two strange behavior with "Allow HTML" since the change from 9.x to 12.x on linuxmao. Might this part of the code being reviewed some time:)
chibaguy: Yes, a good idea.
I'll be back later.
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fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
olinuxx: re chibaguy
guten tag fabricius
fabricius: Hallo olinuxx
chibaguy: hi fabricius and olinuxx
fabricius: :D
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r52715 10branches/13.x/templates/admin/include_security.tpl * [FIX] Missing spam proterction pref
03jonnybradley r52716 10branches/13.x/lib/core/Perms.php
[DOC] Perms: Added some notes and an example about how to get perms for other users
olinuxx: joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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