Tiki-KGB: [ENH] installation default email Cc: to mailtest@tiki.org disabled for privacy reasons
03nkoth r54061 10trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_tracker.php
[FIX] Use accesslib redirect instead of Location to ensure saving is indexed before showing new page
03lindonb r54062 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Composer/CleanVendors.php
[REF]Additional cleaning of vendors with function to automatically delete some standard files and a function to delete multiple files in a directory
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Unused Vendors - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=54977
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: polom chibaguy how things are going in Chiba?
are you still in Sunday mode? I am slowly converting to Monday mode now
chibaguy: hi fabricius. things are going pretty well. It's Monday morning now - 11:30 a.m.
How is Germany?
fabricius: you are on Monday already? uhh yes, you are at the other side. You are earlier than we, meaning having later time.
Germany is well so far. A bit cold, but sunny days and the smell of spring appears more and more often. I mean, what is well - at least less bad than in other parts of the world. If you cannot live, you still can survive. So well indee from that point of view
chibaguy: :-)
Composer update is taking way longer than usual today, on my pc.
Finally some results show.
I checked in task manager and something like 480MB of ram was being used. Must be hard work.
fabricius: uh
fighting the beast today (Tiki)
fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki
it is bumpy, a framework, so many details
but in the end such a great software
luckily it is a framework
creating a conference website now
and great to ave the new Trackerlist enhancements of Wolfgang - makes things much easier
Tiki-KGB: 03nkoth r54063 10trunk/lib/core/Tiki/Profile/InstallHandler/TrackerItem.php * [ENH] Allow the use of permnames in creating tracker items
03lindonb r54064 10trunk/lib/core/Table/Code/Other.php * [FIX] stray div tag
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54065 10trunk/templates/find.tpl * [REF] Reduce width of and center Find form.
03chibaguy r54066 10trunk/ 10(53 files in 53 dirs) * [REF] Improve text string (make header size more clear).
03chibaguy r54067 10trunk/ 10(54 files in 54 dirs)
[FIX] Improve text strings (for one, with a sentence that isn't as depressing as "you do not have friends"). BTW, "Relationship of this user to you" and "Your relationship with other users" (and their pre-modification versions) weren't/aren't in the language files.
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
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fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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Jyhem: polom
wolfganga: hello
Tiki-KGB: 03nkoth r54068 10trunk/lib/core/ 10(8 files in 2 dirs)
[FIX] Fix PHP Fatal error: Class 'Horde_Exception_LastError' not found when installing profile with YAML syntax error
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Jyhem: Polom
-: Jyhem looks at https://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14#Checklist and sees release coordinator is nelsonko
Jyhem: ping nelsonko
nelsonko: yes,
Jyhem, assistant is bernard, yes
Jyhem: so what is the coordination saying ?
nelsonko: on the phone one sec
Jyhem: is there some hour planned?
nelsonko: Juhem, for the branching you mean?
Jyhem: Jonny's last email suggested we can branch today. I have some time in the afternoon here (i.e. in about 3 hours) to do the branching here.
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
nelsonko: Pretty busy in the morning, so won't have time in this three hours. But can send out an email warning of freeze if needed.
Jyhem: what about an email saying everybody involved should meet in 3 hours ?
nelsonko: Jyhem, branching is pretty simple and may not need a meeting
Jyhem, what were you thinking would be the benefit of meeting?
Jyhem: well, last time we kept informed on progress, especially when testing was needed. Will you do the branching ?
The only info is, Jonny will not do it
nelsonko: Jyhem, yes I will branch
looking at the checklist though, there are some pre-branching checks
the only one I never really do it check JSLint., do we ever check that?
"Remove any out of sync English strings" is a pre-branching operation too?
Also, do you under stand "byte order mark" and what is needed so fix the files where it is detected? It is only changelog.txt (which I suppose doesn't matter) and some externals that have it
Jyhem: it seems so
I see no out of sync English strings in trunk :)
well, apart from one unnprortant "faq" => "FAQ"
Tiki-KGB: 03jyhem r54069 10trunk/lang/en/language.php * Translating into the exact same sentence makes no sense
Jyhem: I don't know about JSLint, maybe the phpstorm people can do it ? It seems to be an IDE feature
nelsonko: Jyhem, if the language is fixed, can you strikeout the item from the checklist?
Jyhem: not sure about "byte order mark", but I agree the ones I see don't look bad
language item stuck out
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
leagris: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Cordless: joined #tikiwiki
CordlessDeWalt: joined #tikiwiki
so I need just a litle help with tikiwiki, been playing around with trackers and have had success, now working on a new project
I am trying to make something that calculates and answer based on both inputs and dropdown selection... is that possible?
something roughly along the lines of this : http://eloth.org/tradeprofit/
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
nelsonko: CordlessDeWalt the Mathematical Calculation field might help https://doc.tiki.org/Mathematical+Calculation+Tracker+Field
it supports custom functions that you can write on your own
(in PHP i.e.)
Bernard did a shopping site where it was used to calculate savings vs. competitors etc
fabricius: Hya nelsonko , do we have a tracker field, where a user can be assigned or autoassigned to a group?
nelsonko: fabricius: you mean - the user selects a group and gets assigned to it?
fabricius: yes nelson, or even better for my usecase, the user edits the tracker item and gets autoassigned to a specific group, similar to the userfield with parameter autoassign
nelsonko: read this: http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&threadId=54968&comzone=show
could be what you are looking for
it's an option in the group selector field
combine it with the groupId option and I think you have what you want
fabricius: thank you nelsonko
from the first quick reading it seems to be what I am searching for. I try it then
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki