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New Forum Posts: Wiki to pdf fails on images when using wkhtml2pdf - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55128 Gwayne: joined #tikiwiki
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joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Nesting Plugin Tracker Toogle - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=55130 chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki Telesight: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54237 10branches/14.x/templates/modules/mod-login_box.tpl
[FIX] Adjust padding of list item so characters aren't cut off. Thanks to gezza for reporting. gezza: joined #tikiwiki
hi chibaguy
just checked item 5579 about Theme option selector showing even for themes with no options
seems fine to me
both Site theme and Admin theme selectors
which theme are you testing with? chibaguy: hi gezza. It was with any theme. I selected fivealive-lite and an option and submitted, and was surprized that the option selector was still displayed even when I chose (but didn't save) other themes.
Right now in fact I'm looking at a look and feel admin page that shows "amelia" and also the theme options selector. gezza: the theme option selector is shown but disabled
it displays "None" and I can't click it, seems ok to me chibaguy: Hmm, at my site I can click it and make a selection, which of course is not applied.
yeah, at https://nextthemes.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=look , it works properly.
I wonder what's up with my site.
I'll svn-up again and checkc
Hmm, still I get the options selector not disabled. gezza: it is done with javascript, do you have some custom js maybe? chibaguy: Also, the theme thumbnail isn't updating to match the selected theme, so it seems to be maybe a javascript problem. I also have a problem with superfish menu dropdowns not retracting properly these days.
And other various js glitches.
My theme statement in the footer says "Theme: Amelia/Lemon" ;-)
I'll remove any custom js for now.
OK, that was it: some old script related to Google Analytics, it looks like. gezza: js is so fragile :) chibaguy: yes, and wide effects when something breaks. redflo: joined #tikiwiki fabricius: joined #tikiwiki wolfganga: joined #tikiwiki
hello Tiki-KGB: 03walper r54238 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54231 to 54237
03walper r54239 10branches/14.x/tiki-tracker_http_request_itemslist.php * [FIX] Trackerfield ItemList did show nothing when editing an item.
03walper r54240 10trunk/tiki-tracker_http_request_itemslist.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54237 to 54239 gezza: joined #tikiwiki -: chibaguy struggling with phpstorm, where less compiling is stopped due to "undefined variable" that is in fact defined in an imported file. chibaguy: "Track only root files" does cause only the theme.less file to be compiled, but it doesn't prevent the compile problem.
what a waste of time wolfganga: chibaguy - i would help but i am not using phpstorm chibaguy: heh, thanks for the offer. :-) wolfganga: But you are not alone - i am hunting a bug in the loginhandler - a timesink as well.... chibaguy: sorry to hear that. GillesM: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03anbumania r54241 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/trackerinput/location.tpl 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.jscalendar.php * [FIX] Location Field covers date time field picker chibaguy: My less compiling problem seems to be solved. I updated the less plugin. I thought it was up to date, but maybe the new version wasn't installed actually. (https://github.com/acdvorak/intellij-lessc-plugin) fabricius: joined #tikiwiki wolfganga: Glad you found it chibaguy: Yes, things are much smoother now. Clembzh: joined #tikiwiki
bonjour un petit coup de webmaster ? j'ai un souci html ma page redirige sur un autre site : http://pastebin.com/dgssagrn ko3t: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Activities and unified search - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55135 GillesM: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5580 MagicFab_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54242 10branches/14.x/lib/prefs/global.php * [FIX] Add keywords for eponymous groups so it appears in the prefs search jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54243 10branches/ 10(21 files in 17 dirs) * [FIX] More consistent and appropriate colors for menus.
03jonnybradley r54244 10branches/14.x/_htaccess * [DOC] Add a note about getting jCapture to work with basic authentication fabricius: joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54245 10branches/14.x/templates/antibot.tpl * [FIX] antibot: Icon in button fabricius: joined #tikiwiki MagicFab_: joined #tikiwiki
joined #tikiwiki Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54246 10branches/14.x/templates/antibot.tpl * [FIX] antibot: Pref check for jquery validate feature Jyhem_laptop: polom -: Jyhem_laptop wonders when is the time of tonight's webinar. jonnyb: hi Jyhem_laptop - webinar tonight? i don't think so Jyhem_laptop: next week ?
Correct, next week -: Jyhem_laptop needs more rest jonnyb: :) Jyhem_laptop: I still can't find the time or any reference on https://tiki.org/Webinars -: Jyhem_laptop remembers the time was discussed and maybe even changed Jyhem_laptop: But at least, it's not urgent chibaguy_: Jyhem_laptop: https://tiki.org/Webinar+2015+03 - it says March 19
I don't know if that's the final decision about the date though. Jyhem_laptop: Yes, that's the normal one. I referred to the special one on the 12th chibaguy_: ah, ok. jonnyb: not sure if there's a page for the special one (yet) chibaguy_: ok, I found it in the dev mail list - 12/Mar/2015, Thursday, at 1800 UTC Jyhem_laptop: Yes, that one :) chibaguy_: http://tiki.org/Webinar+Community+Roundtable+2015+03 Jyhem_laptop: Thanks ! And now I see it on the list of https://tiki.org/Webinars Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54247 10branches/14.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js
[FIX] maps: Firefox doesn't have offsetX or Y, so use existing OpenLayers.Pixel from the event (that i completely missed before)
Fixes tooltips on markers for Firefox. Jyhem_laptop: and now it's in a place where it can be found :) jonnyb: why do we have this page http://tiki.org/Webinars and this one http://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings with slightly different info on them? Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54248 10branches/ 1013.x 1013.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js
[bp/r54247][FIX] maps: Firefox doesn't have offsetX or Y, so use existing OpenLayers.Pixel from the event (that i completely missed before)
Fixes tooltips on markers for Firefox.
03jonnybradley r54249 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-maps.js
[bp/r54248][bp/r54247][FIX] maps: Firefox doesn't have offsetX or Y, so use existing OpenLayers.Pixel from the event (that i completely missed before)
Fixes tooltips on markers for Firefox. Jyhem_laptop: I guess the general idea was that there would be other webinars than the monthly ones, like team webinars jonnyb: hmm, looks confusing to me and obviously more work to keep up to date, hence: "Next: Thursday, 18 December 2014 19:00 UTC"? Jyhem_laptop: If they get merged, I guess http://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings makes more sense
+1 jonnyb: with another alias (it already has an alias Webinar - even more odd)
+1 for merge Jyhem_laptop: The only thing better was using list pages instead of show pages (fixed)
Not to confuse alias Webinar & alias Webinars ! :) chibaguy_: In PhpStorm, I was getting "NameError: @____ isn't defined" because the definition is in another included file. I updated my Less plugin (maybe mine wasn't up to date), and then no such errors.
For a few hours.
Now I'm getting them again in the same files.
Sometimes I want to throw something at the wall. Jyhem_laptop: How do these aliases work ? I added alias(Webinars) to the page, should I also delete https://tiki.org/Webinars now ? jonnyb: hmm, good question
did you merge all the stuff from Weboinars? I don't see the bits about Developer Webinars for instance Jyhem_laptop: https://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings#See_also jonnyb: there are links to pages that would be lost...
oh right, why hidden? Jyhem_laptop: Well, why confuse people with the non-existent ? jonnyb: so yes, i guess delete https://tiki.org/Webinars if everything's there (or maybe rename it for now, i've always thought it's bad we can't undelete a page) Jyhem_laptop: Renaming to what ??? if webinar is in the name, it will be picked in the page list
I agree on the undelete, but renaming will just ensure it stays forever :-( chibaguy_: Well, I restarted PhpStorm, and now I'm not getting the error, and it's compiling again. Crystal clear. Jyhem_laptop: done chibaguy_: At themes.t.o I made a category like "retired" or something, and classified a lot of old pages and made them visible only to admin.
To try to get them out of sight/site. Jyhem_laptop: Hmm, so admins never realise the page they see is retired ? jonnyb: thanks Jyhem_laptop :) chibaguy_: It was an alternative to deleting the pages completely, which seemed wrong from the archival standpoint.
Maybe there's a category indicated for them; I don't remember.
Yes, the category block is used at themes.t.o, so "Retired" is printed at the page bottom. But the content should be a tip-off. Jyhem: chibaguy_: nice. I've often wondered about archival of Tiki pages. It seems like something that comes which the whole idea, yet we have no obvious and standard way of doing it :-(
Like pages for unsupported versions, which some rare people might still be using
Meaning they should remain available yet never show up in a casual query chibaguy_: Yes, it would be nice to have a good way of dealing with that.
bbl jonnyb: there's a pref to excule certain categories from search indexing MagicFab_: joined #tikiwiki jonnyb: bye all, more tomorrow :) fabricius: joined #tikiwiki GillesM: joined #tikiwiki chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Apache automatic redirect? Moved permanently - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55141 fabricius: joined #tikiwiki bg212: joined #tikiwiki
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Hello fabricius: joined #tikiwiki wolfganga_: fabricius - are you there?
can anyone of you create a menu in 14.x / trunk. If i click "add Module" nothing happens fabricius1: joined #tikiwiki wolfganga_: fabricius - are you there? fabricius: joined #tikiwiki