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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Trackerproperties Sectionformat can be Configured, Flat, Tabs ... - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55127 | [00:09] |
New Forum Posts: Wiki to pdf fails on images when using wkhtml2pdf - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55128 | [02:00] | |
New Forum Posts: Nesting Plugin Tracker Toogle - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=55130 | [04:41] | |
chibaguy | yeah, at https://nextthemes.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=look , it works properly. | [08:26] |
My less compiling problem seems to be solved. I updated the less plugin. I thought it was up to date, but maybe the new version wasn't installed actually. (https://github.com/acdvorak/intellij-lessc-plugin) | [12:34] | |
Clembzh | bonjour un petit coup de webmaster ? j'ai un souci html ma page redirige sur un autre site : http://pastebin.com/dgssagrn | [13:14] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Activities and unified search - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55135 | [13:44] |
Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5580 | [15:08] | |
Jyhem_laptop | I still can't find the time or any reference on https://tiki.org/Webinars | [16:41] |
chibaguy_ | Jyhem_laptop: https://tiki.org/Webinar+2015+03 - it says March 19 | [16:43] |
http://tiki.org/Webinar+Community+Roundtable+2015+03 | [16:48] | |
Jyhem_laptop | Thanks ! And now I see it on the list of https://tiki.org/Webinars | [16:50] |
jonnyb | why do we have this page http://tiki.org/Webinars and this one http://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings with slightly different info on them? | [16:59] |
Jyhem_laptop | If they get merged, I guess http://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings makes more sense | [17:07] |
How do these aliases work ? I added alias(Webinars) to the page, should I also delete https://tiki.org/Webinars now ? | [17:16] | |
https://tiki.org/Monthly+Team+Meetings#See_also | [17:19] | |
jonnyb | so yes, i guess delete https://tiki.org/Webinars if everything's there (or maybe rename it for now, i've always thought it's bad we can't undelete a page) | [17:20] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Apache automatic redirect? Moved permanently - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55141 | [20:05] |
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