Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54502 10(24 files in 15 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54490 to 54500
03lindonb r54503 10branches/ 10(7 files in 3 dirs)
[FIX] articles: for tiki-read_article page - iconset conversion and add icons to main top buttons; move actions to ellipsis; remove media class and add spacing to article class so that ellipsis dropdown is not cut off.
Jyhem_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54504 10branches/ 10(43 files in 39 dirs)
[FIX] Renamed layout template to reflect its function better. (Less compiling strangely failed for some theme stylesheets so CSS isn't completely updated yet.)
Gwayne: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54505 10branches/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs)
[FIX] Theme stylesheets updated manually after less compiling failed for them (layout template renamed to reflect its function better).
03lindonb r54506 10(57 files in 48 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54500 to 54505
03lindonb r54507 10branches/14.x/templates/translated-lang.tpl * [FIX] translation menu: add ability for this to be a submenu
03lindonb r54508 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-view_articles.tpl
[FIX] view articles: iconset conversion and add icons to main top buttons; move actions to ellipsis, including translation menu as a submenu; remove media class and add spacing to article class so that ellipsis dropdown is not cut off.
03lindonb r54509 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-read_article.tpl * make not published notice a warning and not an error
03lindonb r54510 10branches/14.x/lib/smarty_tiki/block.self_link.php * documentation
03lindonb r54511 10(6 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54505 to 54510
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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54512 10branches/ 10(9 files in 3 dirs)
use "more" instead of "ellipsis" for dropdown icon name in case we want to change it later
03lindonb r54513 10(11 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54510 to 54512
03lindonb r54514 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/modules/mod-quickadmin.tpl 1014.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[FIX] bootstrapification: Use submenus for actions in quick admin and wiki topline instead of multiple menus. Can't get submenus to fly out to the side like http://getbootstrap.com/2.3.2/components.html#dropdowns, but still works and better than multiple menus.
03lindonb r54515 10trunk/templates 10trunk/templates/modules/mod-quickadmin.tpl 10trunk 10trunk/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54512 to 54514
03chibaguy r54516 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-bootstrap_overrides.less 1014.x/templates/tiki-view_articles.tpl
[REF] For semantics, news articles should be class=media (they contain media-left and media-body elements), but to enable the actions dropdown visibility, a media-overflow-visible class is added.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Composer / could not be resolved to an installable set of packages / jquery - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55292
New Forum Posts: Fatal error - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55284
New Forum Posts: i18n question - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55282
New Forum Posts: Composer / could not be resolved to an installable set of packages / jquery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55292
New Forum Posts: Fatal error - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55284
New Forum Posts: i18n question - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55282
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54517 10(5 files in 5 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54514 to 54516
03lindonb r54518 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/translated-lang.tpl 1014.x/templates/article_trailer.tpl * [FIX] html errors and warnings
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Composer / could not be resolved to an installable set of packages / jquery - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55292
New Forum Posts: Fatal error - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55284
New Forum Posts: i18n question - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55282
New Forum Posts: Composer / could not be resolved to an installable set of packages / jquery - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55292
New Forum Posts: Fatal error - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55284
New Forum Posts: i18n question - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=55282
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
I changed the name of a layout template directory and now have been getting a smarty error (missing file) even though I've cleared templates_c and temp/cache, and made sure in the db the layout preference is for an existing tempplate. What else can be done to recover the site?
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: ...and cleared browser cache.
files in templates_c show the old name of the layout template directory.
Loll: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: Hmm, does anyone else see the switch-theme module with three selectors (when the theme has an option)? -- Theme / Option / "None"
Or two selectors - Theme and "None" - when the theme doesn't have an option.
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54519 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/tiki-upload_file_progress.tpl 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/modifier.iconify.php 1014.x/templates/browse_file_gallery.tpl
[FIX] file galleries: was showing icon all the time instead of image in the upload window.
03lindonb r54520 10branches/14.x/templates/fgal_context_menu.tpl * [FIX] file galleries: fix context menu formatting for certain items
03lindonb r54521 10(8 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54516 to 54520
Loll: Hi. I'm using version 12.3. My uploaded images are not shown on a wikipage using {img fileId="13" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"} (only a broken image icon is displayed and by by clicking on it the message "This image failed to load" appears. When I use /tiki-download_file.php?fileId=13 the image is correctly downloaded. Any suggestions?
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54522 10branches/ 10(43 files in 41 dirs) * [REF] Expose dropdown title to theme variables for good color contrast, etc.
chibaguy: Hi Loll, sorry, I don't have any ideas off-hand. That image syntax works ok in my branch 14 test site (just did a quick check).
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: luciash, if you're around, there's a problem with the top and topbar module zones background colors - the situation varies according to the theme. Some have good alignment but with others there are 15px gaps. So sometimes the -15px default for class=row is good and sometimes not. I'm trying to find a global solution; hope we don't need to deal with it theme by theme.
So if you have any ideas ... ;-)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Images failed to load - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55299
chibaguy: If anyone has any ideas on how to fix a site that's broken due to a file name change, I'd like to hear. I changed a template layout directory and now I have a smarty error as apparently the old location is requested.
Cleared site and browser caches, no help.
Checked the database to see that an existing layout template is set as the preference.
Why doesn't "smarty" understand the situation? ;-)
I could add the old directory name again so smarty can find the file, but does that just delay solving the problem?
Ok, I gave up and made that unsolution - copied and renamed a directory to make smarty happy.
Just for closure, I found that in L&F admin, the old layout directory was still set as default, so I could change it and then delete the old directory, which I had reinstated just to get access to L&F admin. I don't know if I was checking the pref in a wrong db.
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54523 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-admin.less * [FIX] Admin box legacy icons (images) were positioned too high.
03jonnybradley r54524 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_div.php * [FIX] notices
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
luciash: polom
chibaguy: hi, reading
chibaguy: hi luciash
I'm checking the different themes to see if there's a pattern to the problem; a little complicated because of different themes and layouts.
The topbar background for example could be adjusted in each theme stylesheet, but it'd be better if there was a global fix somehow.
luciash: Loll: make sure your server has gd lib installed which handles thumbnail images generation properly
chibaguy: any examples to see?
chibaguy: yes, just a minute.
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5596
luciash: chibaguy: about the smarty issue i think it must be defined somewhere to allow smarty (security) to read templates from a newly introduced dir
chibaguy: ah yeah. Apparently the problem was that I had a layout template set as default and then removed its files. So user error.
luciash: ah i see
chibaguy: (I checked the db to change the pref but it didn't change in L&F. I don't know if I was looking at the wrong db.
Ok. http://zukakakina.com . You can switch the themes there.
So you can see things line up nicely for the Bootswatch themes, I suppose because there's no border or background around the middle columns, etc.
But in themes with backgrounds like Strasa or others, there's a gap at the sides of the topbar.
(Also notice the extra selector in the themes-switch module - I'll ask gezza about that.)
It seems like maybe there's no universal setting - maybe the topbar side margins just have to be set 0px or -15px depending on the backgrounds and borders of the theme.
(Plus I need to check with other layout templates.)
luciash: checking
chibaguy: I would really set the negative margins (-15px on class .tiki .topbar) only on the themes which actually need it; so far I can see it only on Strasa and TheNews... not that bad, what do you think?
chibaguy: I guess it has to be like that - set the margins for themes that need it.
luciash: +1
btw, I did not notice the extra selector
seems ok to me
chibaguy: Probably I should make it a variable to put in the themes' variable file.
Loll: luciash: Thanks for your suggestion. I will check this . However during tiki installation it was shown that GD is installed.
I had to find out how to check if this works properly
luciash: Loll: it might be also mime type handling problem but I do not know on non-apache server how to check
chibaguy: Loll, i don't think GD is involved in this problem.
luciash: chibaguy: good idea
chibaguy: luciash, Loll has a problem with images not displaying in wiki pages - tiki 12.
Although they can be downloaded ok.
luciash: chibaguy: i think i got it
chibaguy: not sure he said thumb=y images only or full size ones too
Loll: is your server publicly accessible?
Loll: In the filegallery the thumnails are well displayed.
chibaguy: he posted here: {img fileId="13" thumb="y" rel="box[g]"}
luciash: yes, that is thumb generated image
Loll: No, unfortunately not accessible through internet
luciash: ok, check in your firebug console what error it reports, it might help
Loll: OK, I will check this as soon as my php update to 5.5 is finished
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Loll: Firebug console does not show any errors
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: hi jonnyb
luciash: jonnyb: polom
Loll: but it should, when the images are broken... weird
jonnyb: hi chibaguy, luciash, Loll and all
Loll: I'm not sure that the images are broken. They are perhaps not loaded.
jonnyb: fabricius: too! :)
luciash: Loll: there should be reason why the are not loaded (404, 403, etc. error); do you see this logged in as an admin?
Loll: or logged out visitor?
ricks99: joined #tikiwiki
polom y'all
jonnyb: hi ricks99
chibaguy: hi ricks99
luciash: hi rick
fabricius: Hi jonnyb, ricks99, chibaguy, luciash, refizul, Loll ... just popping by ... coming back later in the evening
luciash: hi fabricius
ricks99: hi all :)
chibaguy: hi fabricius. could you bring beers when you return, please?
fabricius: chibaguy: will try, but I fear i will be only able to transfer at one of the next TikiFests
luciash, chibaguy: what is the status of the design for the Tiki community websites for the after Tiki14 release period?
chibaguy: :-) yeah, I wish I could make it to the central europe tikifest, but probably there's a funds problem.
Oh, the design is getting pretty close, I think.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54525 10(47 files in 44 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54520 to 54524
fabricius: luciash, chibaguy: do you consider the plan of one-column and two-column landing pages and shouldn't we make a webinar together with ricks99 +X to consider the website layout and structure, which ricks99 and me have been discussiong in recent weeks? I think we should get ideas together.
Loll: luciash: I'm log in as admin
chibaguy: Yes, sounds like a good idea. Probably post on the dev and or artwork list and see when people can attend.
Loll: luciash: i'm trying to install Tiki13 in paralel
ricks99: fabricius & chibaguy +1
fabricius: chibaguy, luciash: I am pretty sure, I cannot make it to CEST this year, cause we have a conference at the same time. Chances are that we do a small one end of August in Bonn. I would be interested to coordinate a bigger TikiFest in Bonn 2016 end of August around FROSCON together with a TikiFest CEST a week before or after, for that some can go for two weeks or so from one to the other FEST, and get some time
to see Europe - maybe a short brake weekend in Berlin and a day in Prague - especially tinking at people from far away to optionally take the partner and see a bit more from Europe that a HackSpace
than a HackSpace
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
ricks99: left #tikiwiki
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54526 10branches/ 10(51 files in 47 dirs)
[FIX] New variables to enable setting top module and topbar module side margins and bottom margin per theme. Thanks to luci for input.
chibaguy_: joined #tikiwiki
Loll: luciash: It seems to work in version 13
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54527 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/darkroom/less/tiki-selectors.less 1014.x/templates/layouts/fixed_top_modules/layout_view.tpl 1014.x/themes/darkroom/css/darkroom.css
[FIX] Unneeded container div in layout_view.tpl caused horizontal offset. Appearance of admin navbar improved in Darkroom theme.
luciash: re
fabricius: a pity you cannot come, maybe we could change dates still but depends on other people and stuff... maybe Bonn then is a good idea
Loll: interesting (I wonder why it wouldn't work in 12)
fabricius: Nelson is already interested to take partner to TikiFest CEST ;)
Loll: luciash: Is there a way to export the settings of a tiki installation? in this way I could compare settings of both installations
luciash: Loll: yes, on Profiles Admin panel the Advanced tab iirc
Loll: or export 12.x db, then use it for the 13.x as upgrade
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
arildb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5597
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54528 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/business/less/tiki-selectors.less 1014.x/themes/business/css/business.css * [FIX] Missing borders on horizontal menu links re-added (Business theme).
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
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New Forum Posts: Fatal error - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55284
jonnyb: hi nelsonko - are you there (and have a moment?)
nelsonko: hi jonnyb
jonnyb: i've managed to get the sorting and pagination working with the list plugin (most of it was already in there of course), so that's good...
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Images failed to load - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55299
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nelsonko: jonnyb: sounds like good news. any specific commits I should look at?
jonnyb: sry, phone..
but i'm trying to test with two custom_search plugins on a page and there seem to be other issues - just checking that this was the use case you added the forcesortmode param for?
and the table.tpl template doesn't really work for custom_search - doesn't know about ajax at all...
ew, looks like full screen edit is quite broken, anotehr thing for the list :(
nelsonko: jonnyb: I think the use case is one custom search + 2 list plugins on a page, but I think the problem will occur if you have one custom search + 1 list as well
(I've not used 2 custom search on the same page)
jonnyb: aha, thanks nelsonko - and is that with both using the standard table.tpl? or custom ones?
nelsonko: custom tpls
both using custom tpls
jonnyb: i'm finding it tricky getting the standard one to work with ajax
i see some code that looks like it's trying to set something up at lib/core/Services/Search/CustomSearchController.php:54 but it doesn't seem to be used anywhere...
don't worry, it's all very deep this, i'll keep nagging away at it :)
Loll: Are the template in 13.1 different than in 12.3 ??
jonnyb: hi Loll - yes, big changes between 12 and 13 and again in 14 (bootstrap process)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54529 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/search/list/table.tpl 1014.x/lib/core/Search/Query/WikiBuilder.php 1014.x/lib/core/Search/Formatter/Builder.php 1014.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_list.php
[FIX] list: Make the existing pagination argument options (offset_arg and max) work with the standard table.tpl template.
Add a new sort_arg option to pagination (seemed like the best place for it, even though it's not really about pagination) so you can define a separate arg for each list plugin instance, allowing multiple sortable and "pageable" lists per page.
E.g. use {pagination offset_arg="offset42"} and {pagination sort_arg="sort_mode42"} to the list plugin to enable.
Custom templates may need some updating to use this (thanks nelsonko)
Loll: I must say that the Fivealine theme was better in version 12 than 13.... Also the modules aligned better
jonnyb: Loll: yes, we know, should be better in 14.x - in the mean time i think fivealive-lite got more attention than the other one in 13.x
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54530 10(57 files in 53 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54524 to 54529
nelsonko: jonnyb: so should allow_sort_replace param be removed from list plugin?
jonnyb: i think so, will do it once this has been tested a bit
also think i'm on the way to having multiple custom searches on a page, also not conflicting
nelsonko: jonnyb: ok, thanks
jonnyb: and now you can set the sort_arg for the lists you don't need that forcesortmode param on custom_search (i think & hope)
have merged it back to trunk in case you can test it there more easily
nelsonko: jonnyb: as for the forcesortmode in custom search, I added that in r51341 just in case people wanted the old behaviour back.
jonnyb: oh - for me it broke the old behaviour
without that param set my javascript is prevented from changing the sort order
nelsonko: Basically, the issue I was facing was that if you set a sort mode within the custom search, and then enter some text search, you get results that are not sorted by relevance, but instead by whatever the sort mode was - so it looks to the user that the searching wasn't working
it seemed unnatural and incorrect. So I changed the behaviour and added the "forcesortmode" parameter such that if you set that on, you will get back the old behavior
jonnyb: but now doing customsearch_0.sort_mode has no effect any more, it used to let you change the sort
oh right, so the default is to change the current behaviour?
i wasn't expecting that...
nelsonko: I had not realized it would prevent changing the sort
jonnyb: i'm not sure what you mean by "force" in this context
customsearch.options.forcesortmode defaults to false
gezza: joined #tikiwiki
nelsonko: as I mentioned, I had not realized it prevents changing the sort
jonnyb: when you say "set a sort mode within the custom search" you mean by adding a {sort mode="title_asc"} in the cs plugin definition? why would you want that not to work if you've added it - i don't understand, sorry
nelsonko: jonnyb: so adding {sort mode="title_asc"} gives you the default sort, but once people search for something the sort mode should IMO switch to relevance
jonnyb: wow, seems very counter intuitive to me i'm afraid
i would consider that a bug
nelsonko: jonnyb: I think both use cases are needed
I agree that {sort mode="title_asc"} would want to be preserved
but {sort mode="modification_date_desc"} was what I had
It depends on whether you are using it as a "filter" or as a "search" proper
jonnyb: how do you mean? what's the difference?
nelsonko: If you are searching for things, the resulting sort mode should be by relevance, otherwise the user will say hey the search isn't working,
jonnyb: for me if i purpoefully set a sort mode it means i want the results to be sorted in that order, i just don't get how you would not want to do that
not necessarily, my client specifically wants users to be able to sort by price, title, date etc
nelsonko: What I want (in this use case) is for the sort mode to be a certain way before the user enter a text search, but once the user enters the text it should show by relevance
jonnyb: now that's completely ignored and it always sorts by score_desc
nelsonko: yes I agree the commit was a bad one
jonnyb: wouldn't it be better to add a new "autoload_sort_mode" param or something then?
nelsonko: I was worried about it which is why I added the parameter, but the default should have been the old behavior
the forcesortmode parameter i.e.
well, something like autoload_sort_mode, but in this use case, there are other filters as well, but not the text filter
jonnyb: so maybe it should be called ignoresortparamor something?
nelsonko: e.g. checkboxes, categories, etc.
those shouldn't trigger sort by relevance, - only when the user actually search for something , should the sort mode be set to relevance
jonnyb: i have to say that sounds like a very obscure use case, don't think i've ever seen a site that works like that
nelsonko: in your site, the user can choose his sort mode?
jonnyb: maybe more suitable for localised customisation?
nelsonko: is "relevance" one of the sort modes the user can choose from?
jonnyb: yes
the default
nelsonko: when the user goes to the page at first
and there is no search query, what does it sort by?
jonnyb: what the sort mode is set to in the plugin
nelsonko: relevance?
or title?
jonnyb: actually there's not sort set (just checked)
leagris: joined #tikiwiki
nelsonko: ok, so once you set a sort, the "problem" starts to happen. That's how it happened for me
we set a sort, say modification_date_desc
then we received complaints that when they search for things, they don't see relevant results - because it seemed to be all sorted according to date
basically this is the problem that I was trying to fix (pretty clumsily I admit)
jonnyb: Ok, so why not have bit of custom js on the text search change to set the sort to what that site wants? i don't see it needs to be a part of tiki
nelsonko: yeah, now thinking about it that could work. I was trying to fix it for Tiki because it seem like a possible recurring problem for others
jonnyb: i guess i get the idea of having one sort for the autoloaded list and another for users searches, but i think having a "sort by" select or something visible on the form would do it too
nelsonko: I am thinking perhaps making the search UI parser parse an additional param that says, if this field is updated to have something, or something like that, to set a certain sort mode
something like {input type=text _filter="content" setsort="score_desc"
or {input type=text _filter="content" sort="score_desc"}
I mean {input type=text _filter="content" _sort="score_desc"}
jonnyb: maybe, more understandable than the force thing, imho :)
nelsonko: yes, sorry.
jonnyb: no, sorry to have given you such a hard time about it ;)
at least i know i can keep my client happy by setting that param in the mean time
Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54531 10branches/14.x/templates/admin/include_articles.tpl
[FIX] add button for submissions, cleanup of legends, align and remove some more noise from the screen
gezza: hi jonnyb
jonnyb: hi gezza
looks like you're busy with the tpls, thanks! :)
gezza: you were improving structures before, right? i did some improvements and noticed that if a structure is in a menu, and I add a new page to the structure, it wont appear until I clear cache
is it a known thing?
maybe it is intentianl
ok, I'll be around for a while
jonnyb: b
not really intentional, but the structure doesn't necessarily "know" it's being used in a menu, so doesn't know to clear that cache
nelsonko: the caching of the menus/modules are intentional for sure, but because ... (was typing then jonny already said it really well - the structure knows not it is in a menu)
jonnyb: and it would be not great to clear all the caches every thime a structure gets modified i think
gezza: hmmm
i get your point, but still it is confusing
jonnyb: i guess it would be a relatively trivial db query to find any menu modules using it, and if found clear the module cache... but still would take time
maybe adding a note to the structure admin page to say that - after the structure's been saved if poss
gezza: maybe adda remarksbox about it..but well, I am tring to kill tips and other remarksboxes that should be in documentation
jonnyb: i know, i tihnk tiki's geting overloaded with them
the search admin page is terrible now
gezza: yes, documentation should not be in the source
translation overhead is huuuuuge
ok, I try to find out something else
also structure alias is weird at tiki-edit_structure.php, I have to reload the page twice to get the renaming shown..I guess that is not intentional
jonnyb: yeah, i never really understood the alias thing, it was there when i arrived (think it's just confusing)
gezza: it makes some sense when you reuse pages in different structures, but well, would be interested to see real use cases for it
i will not touch these, I stick to visual changes :)
i mean fixes :P
jonnyb: :)
Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54532 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-edit_structure.tpl * [FIX] use remarksboxes and arrangement of adding and categorizing pages
03jonnybradley r54533 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
[FIX] search: Expose pagination args to the search (so now pagination when using table.tpl works for custom search, sorting to come...)
nelsonko: jonnyb: should I change the default for the "forcesortmode" parameter to on for now to preserve environment (to the Tiki 13 behaviour?), you think?
jonnyb: i think so yes, but i'd rather see it replaced by something nicer :)
i set it to on on my dev site and that's now working fine again, so default to 1 should do the trick for now
nelsonko: yes I will try and get to it tomorrow and Friday... but for now
jonnyb: thanks :)
nelsonko: jonnyb: setting the default parameter in the plugin definition does not actually do anything and I actually have to add code to manually defaul t it right?
jonnyb: yes sadly, plugins need to sort out their own defaults etc still
Tiki-KGB: 03nkoth r54534 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php
[FIX] In r51341, the default behavior was changed when trying to fix another issue, breaking the ability to set the sort_mode via jq before new searches. This sets the default back to the old behavior to avoid regressions. A better fix for the other issue is being worked on, and then this forcesortmode parameter would no longer be needed.
jonnyb: trying to work out how to get two custom searches on a page (might give in actually, why would you want to) but i'm looking at the js it produces, nelsonko any idea why clicking on the form sets the offset to 0? lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_customsearch.php:305
thanks for r54534
nelsonko: jonnyb: could it be because when you change the search parameters and re-search, you'd want to start from page 1?
Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54535 10branches/14.x/templates/duplicate_file_gallery.tpl * [FIX] bootstrappification
jonnyb: yes, but it's bound to clicking anywhere on the form (including whitespace etc)?
nelsonko: jonnyb: probably an over aggressive binding
I can't see any reason why clicking on white space etc should trigger that
jonnyb: can ignore it, don't think i can get this untangled without significant refactoring
yes, binding to input.change would seem better - anyway, moving on :)
nelsonko: are select items "input"?
jonnyb: no, same for textareas
nelsonko: grrr :)
jonnyb: so something like $("input, select, textarea", "#customsearch_0").change(...
but never mind, food and going out time here (soon)
nelsonko: :)
Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54536 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl * [FIX] remove unnecessary span from comment button
03gezzzan r54537 10branches/14.x/templates/categorize.tpl * [FIX] remove abbreviation and use tips
03gezzzan r54538 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl * [FIX] find and search in content form placement
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Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54539 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-list_file_gallery.tpl * [FIX] move the less frequently used Edit action to ellipsis too
03gezzzan r54540 10branches/14.x/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl * [FIX] layout for quota
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jonnyb: hi Bsfez - and bye, i'm just off to the pub :)
was just going to thanks gezza (again) for all these lovely bootrappy inconifying commits, looking forward to checking it all out!
gezza: have a good pint or two jonnyb!
jonnyb: thanks, will do - see you tomorrow
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54541 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/search/list/table.tpl 1014.x/lib/core/Search/Query/WikiBuilder.php
[FIX] search: Fix sort in custom_search ajax results when using table.tpl (too much login in the tpl sorry, TODO refactor after 14.0)
03jonnybradley r54542 10(11 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54529 to 54541
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