Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54608 10branches/ 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_select_time.php 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_select_date.php 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less
[REF] apply bootstrap classes to date dropdowns, applying a new class so that the select element doesn't expand. Seems to look okay where these smarty functions are used.
03lindonb r54609 10(8 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54604 to 54608
03lindonb r54610 10branches/14.x/templates/edit_file_gallery.tpl * [REF] misaligned form field
03lindonb r54611 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-admin_calendars.tpl * [REF] further boostrap cleanup
03luciash r54612 10branches/14.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php * [FIX] -=A titlebar=- was unstyled (thanks Marc)
03luciash r54613 10(5 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54608 to 54612
03lindonb r54614 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-my_tiki.tpl * [REF] boostrapification and cleanup
03lindonb r54615 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-admin_structures.tpl * [REF] admin structures: put list action items under wrench popover
03luciash r54616 10branches/12.x/styles/mobile.css * [FIX] Some more unstyled elements of the wiki syntax (thanks Marc)
03lindonb r54617 10branches/ 10(10 files)
[REF] put list action items under wrench popover for various lists; add badges for numbers
03lindonb r54618 10(14 files in 3 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54612 to 54617
03lindonb r54619 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * update to latest tablesorter version 2.21.2
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Menu Icons in Tiki 13 (Where are they?) - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=55316
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fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r54620 10branches/14.x/templates/admin_modules_form.tpl * [FIX] Assign button should be primary
03gezzzan r54621 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/tiki-adminusers.tpl 1014.x/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl * [FIX] Wording and aligment of dropdown actions
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54622 10branches/14.x/lib/articles/artlib.php
[FIX] mobile: When in mobile_mode assume articles with HTML in are intended to be viewed as rich text and not encoded showing it as source code.
Needed for 12.x so committing in 14.x first even though it will need cleaning up for 15.x it shouldn't cause any change here as mobile_mode is not in use with bootstrap now.
03jonnybradley r54623 10branches/ 1013.x 1013.x/lib/articles/artlib.php
[bp/r54622][FIX] mobile: When in mobile_mode assume articles with HTML in are intended to be viewed as rich text and not encoded showing it as source code.
Needed for 12.x so committing in 14.x/13.x first even though it will need cleaning up for 15.x it shouldn't cause any change here as mobile_mode is not in use with bootstrap now.
03jonnybradley r54624 10(6 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54617 to 54622
03jonnybradley r54625 10branches/ 1012.x 1012.x/lib/articles/artlib.php
[bp/r54623][bp/r54622][FIX] mobile: When in mobile_mode assume articles with HTML in are intended to be viewed as rich text and not encoded showing it as source code.
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54626 10trim/ 10scripts/tiki/report.php 10scripts/tiki/profile.php 10scripts/tiki/convert.php 10scripts/tiki/fixperms.php
[FIX] trim: Paths for tiki scripts - 2 levels deep (apparently only failed on Mac OS, can't see how)
sol_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54627 10trim/src/check.php * [DOC] trim: add some help text (was stuck on this for a while ;)
03jonnybradley r54628 10trim/ 10src/instancelib.php 10src/appinfo/tiki.php
[FIX] trim: Use the standard tiki setup.sh if it's a new enough instance.
Picked >= 11.x somewhat arbitrarily as those versions have composer and so need more setup doing, but it could possibly work ok for older versions if needed (needs more testing on tagged releases)
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
wolfganga: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54629 10trim/src/instancelib.php
[FIX] trim: Ignore composer installed files in vendor dir when checking installation
gezza: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
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New Forum Posts: Menu Icons in Tiki 13 (Where are they?) - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=55316
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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54630 10branches/14.x/lib/core/FutureLink/Search.php * [FIX] don't add css no longer loaded
03lindonb r54631 10branches/ 1014.x/composer.lock 1014.x/composer.json
tablesorter update, also update composer.lock for this and previous composer updates
03lindonb r54632 10trunk/lib/core/FutureLink/Search.php 10trunk/composer.json 10trunk 10trunk/composer.lock * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54622 to 54631
03lindonb r54633 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * remove tablesorter version not used by any tagged release
03lindonb r54634 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl 1014.x/templates/tiki-preview.tpl * [REF] iconset conversion
03lindonb r54635 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-admingroups.tpl * [REF] place item actions under wrench popover
03lindonb r54636 10branches/14.x/templates/permission_link.tpl * [REF] add a space before the badge