slyskawa: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
bobby2: joined #tikiwiki
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gezza: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: polom
somebody here?
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54774 10branches/14.x/tests/testfile.txt
[SVN] Checking by Gary (chibaguy) to see what contributor identity is being used.
AccordeonPete: Hi fabricius, I'm here (AccordionPete) - anything I can do? FYI: I'm mostly a clueless tiki newbie...
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
wolfganga: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54775 10branches/ 1014.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Image.php 1014.x/templates/tracker/replace.tpl 1014.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/File.php
[FIX] trackers: Add a deprecated note to the old File (attachment) and Image tracker fields, and the useAttachments tracker property (not sure these even work any more, should have been done long ago, thanks Torsten for pointing it out)
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New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
fabricius: hello wolfganga
how r u?
wolfganga: hi fabricius :-)
fabricius: it can get quite complex when you start to use trackers and objectlink instead of drop down fields
but handy on the long run
wolfganga: "Fallakte" back then a few eeks ago, I could demo to an extend which was enough for the meantime - right now more pressure with manuscript tracking for the "Conference Proceedings".
wolfganga: i remeber you spoke about it
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New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
New Forum Posts: Can't cache get cleared automatically? -
wolfganga: lindonb - are you there?
lindonb: yes
wolfganga: I use trackerlist plugin with the new table sorter (so far no server side sorting)
Could it be that the fieldorder for the filerfield definition
must match the position of the fields in the tracker, and not the field list as set in the plugin?
i can give an example if i am not clear
lindonb: why do you ask?
wolfganga: because if i set filter, they do not work with the corresponding fields ;-9
after some try and error - it _seems- that i have to lookup the position norder in the tracker
to setup the filter fields
lindonb: 14x?
wolfganga: 14.x and trunk
at least trunk from 10 days ago
lindonb: will look at it, but not right now
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54776 10branches/ 10(23 files in 23 dirs)
[FIX] Avoid different background colors in suckerfish dropdown ul and li elements.
wolfganga: ok - another one:
when i setup dropdoes with value=displayvalue, then this does not work for table sorter
table sorter shows "value=displayvalue". I.e. if i set 1=food, 2=drinks in the dropdown field in the tracker
then table sorter offers "1=food" butnot "foot"
and also no longer filters proper
again - can provide a concrete example
lindonb: can test dropdowns but may need a demo as I don’t quite get your example
again, not right now
slyskawa: joined #tikiwiki
wolfganga: when setting up a trackerfield type "drop-down" i can set either only values, value=displayvalue pairs, correct
so either "food", "drinks" or "1=food, 2=drinks"
if i do "1=food", 2=drinks" then tablesorter offers "1=food" instead of "food"
slyskawa: joined #tikiwiki
wolfganga: and does not filter properly
however if i do just setup the dropdown with "food, drinks", tablesorter works
more clear?
fabricius: loool
wolfganga: here
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: no, said sorry for lolling
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
jonath1: joined #tikiwiki
lindonb: wolfganga: tablesorter uses a pipe for that, so “1|food”, but I haven’t added that for the plugin yet as this enhancement was added (at my request) after I had implemented tablesorter for the plugin. I didn’t think there would be a need for the plugins but you’ve obviously found a need so I can add it. Will probably make the syntax 1=food as you suggest because a pipe would be interpreted as another column
jonath1: This is code development only here, right? Where can i ask new to the users community questions (having read all the documentation and FAQ's of course!) ?
lindonb: you can ask that here too
wolfganga: lindonb, thank you for looling into it. well the syntax should match those in the drop-down trackerfield definition
fabricius: hi jonath1, welcome to the Tiki community
jonath1: OK Thanks. am in the early stages of building a community knowledge base. I have installed tiki 14 and made some early implimentation decisions /explorations. The key feature of the thing is a properly multi lingual encyclopeadia / wiki. So two questions first up 1) are any events planned reachable from London where I can meet some people doing the same or similar? 2) if not, can I organise one, and would anyone come?
fabricius: jonath1: there is one core developer in London, whom you might be able to attract inviting him for a beer (what would be kind of a micro TikiFest or a TikiBarCamp)
around July we wil have a TikiFest in Czechoslovakia
around end of August likely Germany Bonn (not yet 100% decided, if this year again or only next year) I opt for this year aswell
lindonb: wolfganga: the tiki tablesorter code does not look at the tracker field types or other information
wolfganga: on you first question, what is the exact syntax you are using for the column filters?
fabricius: we had plenty of TikiFests around the world and many in central Europe, like Strasbourg, Berlin, London, Bonn, etc.
wolfganga: Mhh - {trackerlist trackerId="7" fields="17:40:18:20:21:23" popup="24:25:26:40" status="opc" showlinks="y" showpagination="y" showstatus="n" more="n" server="n" sortable="type:reset" sortList="[1,1]" tsortcolumns="type:digit|type:text" tsfilters="type:text;placeholder:Type a digit...|type:text;placeholder:Type to filter...|t"
the tsfilters definition seem to must match the order of fieldpositions in the tracker
jonath1: My travel budget is blown already on going to India in September 2015 for our community conference. The London contact would be great if shareable? Anyone near New Delhi in Sept this year?
wolfganga: not the fieldlist as in fields of th eplugin
to be clear: if i usefields="17:40:18:20:21:23" i would expect that the tsortcolumns and tsfilters would have the same order
lindonb: so you’re trying to filter the first 3 columns?
wolfganga: in their definition
fabricius: jonath1: Sadly we have too less information about where people live around the world - more the very active people. Hmmm but possible. We must think about how to communicate such things a bit better. When you will be back from India?
wolfganga: actually yes - would like to filter all though.
fabricius: jonath1: for the London contact just query to jonnyb, when he is here in the chatroom
lindonb: but your syntax is for the first three, right?
wolfganga: yes
lindonb: and what is happening instead?
wolfganga: it _seems_ that the first 3 feields are not the first as defined in fields="....", but in the oorder of the field position in the tracker definition.
so in my example i have the first fields = 17:40:18
but this is not the order (position) in the tracker definition
lindonb: do any filters show up? if so, where?
wolfganga: all 6 filter show up - above their field names
lindonb: is there a demo?
wolfganga: i would need to setup one - test is our internal system - where you would need vpn
can do this - using the bug wishes tracker for 14.x, ok?
lindonb: let me see if I an recreate a problem when setting the field order
wolfganga: ok
lindonb: but this is taking me away from testing your js improvements :)
wolfganga: oh no!
jonath1: Based in London. India just a one off this year. Thank you for the welcome. I will return with some queries about multi lingual modules, once I have exploreed some more. ta ta :-J
wolfganga: * wolfgang thanks lindonb for testing the js stuff *
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: show/hide *all* headings at once, for printing -
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54777 10branches/ 10(36 files in 36 dirs)
[FIX] Avoid different background colors in suckerfish dropdown ul and li elements (typo fixed).
03walper r54778 10(37 files in 33 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54764 to 54776
03jonnybradley r54779 10branches/14.x/lib/setup/theme.php
[FIX] javascript: Reset display and position CSS of collapse and dropdown-menu elements when javascript is disabled.
Makes it look a bit of a mess but then all functionality is available.
03walper r54780 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/modules/mod-menu.tpl 1014.x/templates/modules/mod-messages_unread_messages.tpl 1014.x/templates/tiki-user_cssmenu.tpl * [FIX] Fixed some smarty warnings. (So see the important ones again)
fabricius: wolfganga: still there?
wolfganga: yes
fabricius: I am coming across a problem which I remember you similarly expressed last Thursday
more a feature request
document/issue/process management
conference proceedings manuscript - reviewing process (referring next conference, not the current process
Tiki-KGB: 03walper r54781 10(42 files in 41 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54776 to 54780
fabricius: issue tracker should be capable to automatically send reminders depending on time and date
what you think about that?
kind of: a certain task should be done until xxx days
for ex a file reviewed and sent back
wolfganga: yes that would be great
fabricius: after xxx+1 day a reminder will be sent to a defined e-mail adress or a defined user or group or to the allocated lecturer
I have an idea about that
it should be a general capability of tiki to do tasks based on time
but hard to setup cronjobs for average users
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54782 10branches/ 10(18 files in 17 dirs)
[FIX] Avoid different background colors in suckerfish dropdown ul and li elements (specific theme details).
fabricius: even hard to manage a lot of individual cronjobs for advanced developers
but why not have one default cronjob (example that would run on most servers and would be easy to customise if not)
kind of a cronjob.php, where Tiki writes in all its schedules and tasks by itself (based on feature and preference)
and the cronjob just triggers this single file every so often (default once a day)
so if you need a cron functionality in a tracker, there might be a field for that (notificate after ddmmyy to, content=xyz or wiki:templatepage)
understand the idea?
tiki can write into files, like create the local.php or customise translations in lang/xyz/custom.php
why not let Tiki create and alter a cronjob.php ?
wolfganga: anyone fimilar with activitystreams?
fabricius: Nelson and Luci
wolfganga: Nelson and Luci are the men of activitystream at this time
wolfganga: thnak you
amette_laptop: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r54783 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/didiem/less/bootstrap-variables.less 1014.x/themes/didiem/css/didiem.css 1014.x/themes/didiem/less/tiki-selectors.less * [FIX] Misc. updates and fixes in Didiem theme.
03jonnybradley r54784 10branches/14.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php * [FIX] parser: Don't do flipWithSign when printing (thanks Rick)
03walper r54785 10trunk/ 10(5 files in 5 dirs)
[FIX] Fix complements r54754. Removed page specific JS for tiki-sheets from standard JS to avoid unnecessary creation of base JS. Removed the need for add_dracula() in headerlib.
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New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54786 10branches/14.x/lib/parser/parserlib.php
[FIX] parser: Finish cleanup started in r49766 - remove use of the class var that wasn't ever initialised.
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New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
luciash: polom
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r54787 10branches/14.x/lib/sheet/grid.js
[FIX] sheet: Wrong global meant tikiModal not clearing after saving sheet (r49288 regression)
03jonnybradley r54788 10(24 files in 22 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54780 to 54787
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New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
New Forum Posts: LDAP Configuration stays in 'localhost:389' instead of Domain Controller -
Tiki-KGB: 03walper r54789 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/object_selector_multi.tpl 1014.x/templates/prefs/selector.tpl 1014.x/templates/prefs/multiselector.tpl
[FIX] Fixed wrong template var in templates/object_selector_multi.tpl. Cleaned up smarty notices.
03walper r54790 10(5 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54787 to 54789
lindonb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Why it is a good idea to clear up smarty notices (and not ignore them) -
New Forum Posts: show/hide *all* headings at once, for printing -
New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
wolfganga: lindonb, luciash one of you there?
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54791 10branches/14.x/templates/modules/mod-quickadmin.tpl
[REF] Split recent preferences submenu from being a submenu of quickadmin to its own menu until we can get submenus to show in mobile (reverts r54514)
03lindonb r54792 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-wiki_topline.tpl
[REF] Split structures, backlinks and translation submenus from wiki topline to their own menus until we can get submenus to show in mobile (reverts part of r54514)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54793 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/article_trailer.tpl 1014.x/templates/tiki-view_articles.tpl
[REF] Split translation submenus from article menus to their own menus until we can get submenus to show in mobile (reverts part of r54514)
03lindonb r54794 10branches/14.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.popup.php
[FIX] add delay parameter so that wrench icon popups can stay open for long enough to select an option
03lindonb r54795 10branches/14.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.popup.php * [FIX] popup: might as well add focus to the hover default trigger
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New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r54796 10branches/ 10(73 files in 2 dirs)
[FIX] wrench popups: make popover shoe upon hover or focus to be consistent with ellipsis dropdowns, and delay hiding so there is long enough to select an action
03lindonb r54797 10(80 files in 6 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 54789 to 54796
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New Forum Posts: show/hide *all* headings at once, for printing -
New Forum Posts: Info about r54754 trunk: Fixed and improved handling of including Javascript -
lindonb: wolfganga: the column filter order is working as expected for me in a quick test I did
wolfganga: mhh - i 'll recheck here again - did youuse trunk?
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
lindonb: 14x, having problems with trunk for some reason
wolfganga: mabye this is my fault ;-) do you get Js errors?
lindonb: i don’t think it’s your commit but i’m not sure
i updated to a version prior to your commit and had the same issue
wolfganga: ok i see - anyway - elfinder.js has an issue when getting minified - i will apply a very simple patch in some minutes
lindonb: but it does seem like many js things aren’t loading so that’s why i’m not sure
did a fresh install but it didn’t help
wolfganga: and - trunk also has currently a z-index issue with modals - there are not accessable
lindonb: ah, was noticing something wrong there earlier
but i get no js now - can’t tell if it’s local or what, very weird
refizul: joined #tikiwiki
wolfganga: lindinb - i remember there was something with a cookie
do you have a cookie like "javascript_enabled" ?
... was a change from jonnyb...
lindonb: rings a bell - let me look into that. thanks!
wolfganga: .. had that myself a couple times....
lindonb: i think you’re right - I have a javascript_enabled cookie for 14x but I don’t for trunk
how do you put the cookie there?
wolfganga: the cookie is automatically created. i do not know the inner workings though. For me it helped to empty browser cache if had that issue
Tiki-KGB: 03walper r54798 10trunk/tiki-setup.php
[FIX] Fix complements r54754. Disabled elfinder for JS compression. Note: Depending on how JS Files are written, a 2nd minification might break them. Basically this happens on expresions like b = a+ ++c; where whitespaces matter. Better to use braces in those case.
lindonb: ok, thanks
wolfganga: ^^
lindonb, if you do testing on the new js stuff (not the cookie thing - thats jonny) pls apply that recent commit if you use elfinder
lindonb: will do
ok, got js going - thanks again wolfganga
wolfganga: qou are welcome ^^
lindonb: but had to force the cookie to be set through the code - hopefully not an issue for others
wolfganga: mhh - since i already had the same issue twice, i guess that issue is still open. Cannot expect clienst to always reset their cache or partially change the code on the serer ^^
lindonb: agree, seems buggy
btw, having no issues with minified js in trunk
will respond on the mailing list
are you tackling minified css next? ;)
wolfganga: i would like to
i think the accessors (methods in headerlib.php) should be similar to js. (of cause respecting js vs css)
lindonb: great, I would like for you to too :)
wolfganga: :-)
i am also thinking about to make the concation process more independant from minification. that is - i think to cache all minified versions and concat them to a specific bundle when needed. that would reduce time in the rare case where filerequest to js change.
but that is on top
lindonb: sounds good