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Tiki|botjoined #tikiwiki [02:06]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [02:21]
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joined #tikiwiki [02:36]
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......... (idle for 40mn)
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.... (idle for 17mn)
fabriciuspolom [04:06]
........................... (idle for 2h14mn)
Tiki-KGB03lindonb r55233 10branches/14.x/lib/setup/cookies.php
[FIX] Look for cookies in $jitCookie too. Fixes false indication that javascript is enabled in certain cases when using ajax services.
03lindonb r55234 10branches/14.x/lib/core/Table/Check.php * [FIX] Correct javascript check for tablesorter. [06:28]
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB03lindonb r55235 10(7 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55218 to 55234 [06:30]
chibaguyIs "" working normally for other people? For me (branch 14) there are notice tags on tiki-admin.php?page=performance but not on any other pages that I've checked so far, including other admin pages, feature pages, etc.
Oh, sorry, I didn't fill in the quotes ^^ . That's template usage indicator.
.... (idle for 15mn)
Tiki-KGB03lindonb r55236 10branches/14.x/lib/tikiaccesslib.php
[FIX] Look for confirm request variable in $jitRequest too, not just $_REQUEST. Avoids false negatives when checking tickets while using ajax services.
03chibaguy r55237 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-upload_file.tpl
[FIX] Selector was missing form-control class (tiki-upload_file.tpl), causing inconsistent appearance.
03lindonb r55238 10branches/14.x/lib/tikiticketlib.php
[FIX] Look for check ticket variable in $jitRequest too, not just $_REQUEST. Avoids false negatives when checking tickets while using ajax services. Companion to r55236.
03chibaguy r55239 10branches/14.x/templates/list_file_gallery.tpl
[FIX] Input type=hidden midway down selector options caused the options after it to be displayed outside the selector.
03lindonb r55240 10(6 files in 4 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55234 to 55239
...... (idle for 25mn)
chibaguyAbout the template usage indicator, it seems to be working for me now. I guess caching caused a delay. [07:25]
................ (idle for 1h15mn)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Unable to set theme to full width - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=55995
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.................. (idle for 1h26mn)
chibaguy or luciash , are you there?
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5655 [10:31]
chibaguyhi fabricius [10:45]
fabriciushi chibaguy
I am looking for a template
chibaguyyou mean a .tpl file
fabriciusin layout_view.tpl there is a {block name=content}{/block}, but I do not get an idea how to access that [10:46]
chibaguyHeh, I was just wondering the same thing. ;-)
(I wanted to move comments to above pagination, but couldn't find the place to do it. I think it isn't possible.)
fabriciusI want to have the blogtitle and date etc. over the right column (looking alike as it would be in topbar and have the blog related right column modules besides the content) .. I am alfway there [10:51]
chibaguyI was looking in lib/smarty_tiki but didn't see the answer yet. [11:03]
chibaguy_joined #tikiwiki [11:08]
chibaguy__joined #tikiwiki [11:10]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Switching doc.t.o and dev.t.o to Tiki 14 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56002 [11:10]
chibaguy__I guess it depends on the feature, etc. but maybe the content block for a blog post is tiki-blog_post.tpl, etc. [11:19]
Cr0vaXpolom [11:21]
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......... (idle for 44mn)
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [12:25]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:49]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
hi jonnyb chibaguy
Tiki|bot, may I ask a question?
Tiki|botWelcome to the official Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware channel. Please ask your question directly. Don't ask to ask. Someone will reply if and when they know the answer. Welcome again and please stay a while. Thank you! [14:33]
jonnybhi fabricius and chibaguy__ and all
chibaguy__hi jonnyb and fabricius [14:34]
fabriciusThx Tiki|bot [14:34]
I can do something like that: {if $section eq "blogs" ...
i would like to do something like {if $blogsomething eq a single blogpost ...
{if $object eq $post} or so
I want to do something in the layout_view.tpl template, but only for blogposts and not for lists of posts etc.
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55241 10branches/14.x/lib/prefs/user.php * [FIX] prefs: Duplicated pref definition [14:44]
fabricius(hiding the col3 when viewing a blog post)
but not when listing blog posts
chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki [14:45]
fabriciusoh chibaguy, you have been off right when I asked templöate questions?
chibaguysorry, yes, lost the connection for a minute. [14:46]
jonnybfabricius: not sure how healthy it is but there is or used to be a "layout per section" feature, not sure if it's survived... [14:50]
fabriciusahhh hmmm [14:51]
jonnybhave a feeling it was so broekn it got KIL'ed [14:51]
fabriciusnice, but that I achieved already in the template (thx anyway) [14:51]
jonnybhowever, why not use the modules visibility settings? [14:51]
fabriciuswhat I need is not for the section at all, but for a certain part of the section [14:51]
jonnybah, ok, fair 'nuff [14:52]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki
reason is a specific style/layout: when viewing a single blog post, I want the right module zone under the blog heading, respectively the heading all across over the full width.
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55242 10branches/14.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] trackers: Some trackers still seem to get sectionFormat == n, possibly from old profiles, so add a check here to return the default flat layout instead of an exception.
chibaguyfabricius, maybe it can be done with CSS.
or a combination of module configuration and CSS.
chibaguyI'd have to experiment to know for sure.
Why do you want to have that display? Just for a different appearance?
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:19]
chibaguyIf a body CSS tag could be added like id="blog_post blog_post_5", that'd help a lot.
Similar to the section or group class.
Now there's class="tiki_blogs" but it's the same for a blog and a blog post.
With that class/id added, it'd be trivial to show/hide the column, etc.
lib/smarty_tiki/function.html_body_attributes.php but I don't know quite how to do it.
fabriciusok, thx a lot chibaguy - it is a route to go [15:30]
chibaguyok. [15:30]
...... (idle for 25mn)
amettepolom [15:55]
jonnybpompom amette [15:55]
amettehiya jonnyb [15:55]
chibaguyhi amette [15:59]
amettehi chibaguy - I suppose you won't be around for upgrading themes tonight 1900 CEST? [15:59]
chibaguyI believe that's about 2 a.m. my time. [16:00]
ametteYeah, seven hours or so is what I usually estimate. *g*
luciash: how about you, bro? :)
chibaguyIf I'm not awake still, I'll check in the morning (here) to do any configurating needed. [16:01]
ametteOk, that sounds very good. Thanks, chibaguy! [16:01]
chibaguyuh, configuring, I mean. [16:03]
jonnybi seem to be having trouble with my local tracker edit modals, anyone else seeing this in 14.x?
like sometimes it doesn't show up at all, sometimes they don't dismiss after saving etc
ametteI'm sure you'll do the configurationing fine. ;)
and sorry, I don't have any 14.x trackers in usage right now.
jonnybthanks, it's probably the fixes i'm working on now (for real names in user selectors) [16:06]
.... (idle for 16mn)
chibaguyjonnyb, I've noticed that with the tracker at dev.t.o, after saving some edit, the modal lingers and I'm not sure if the submit was really made or not. [16:22]
jonnybyes, that's what i was getting but on 14.x - i did a fix a few weeks ago to scroll the form to any field that didn't validate, so it's not that (but might be still in 13.x) [16:23]
chibaguyah, ok. [16:24]
jonnybwill keep an eye on it, and we'll know how dev works on 14.x soon enough! :) [16:28]
..... (idle for 24mn)
Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r55243 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-view_blog_post.tpl
[FIX] Div.blogactions (with float: right) put in a clearfix div to prevent unintended overlapping.
fabriciusjonnyb yesterday I had huge parts of trackers in 15 not visible - could not view fields (add yes, but not list) [16:53]
jonnybdid they cone back fabricius ?
fabriciusnot yet, but it is a site where I am playing a LOT - tested around. I think I need to confirm with show ... or have there been commits in the last few hours? [16:55]
jonnybdon't think so, but i'm not sure what you mean by "parts of trackers" [16:56]
fabriciuselements like buttons or the list of fields
like numbers of templates would be missing
svn up and composer did not help
I can try again
jonnybsounds weird - list of fields is done by ajax, maybe a clue? (any js errors?) [17:00]
fabriciuschecking. list of fields - maybe ajax off, but what's with edit buttons for trackers in some tracker admin views? [17:03]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55244 10branches/ 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.user_selector.php 1014.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/UserSelector.php
[FIX] trackers: Make tracker user selector fields use real names when they're supposed to, i.e. when the field option is set and the (rather odd) user_selector_realnames_tracker pref is enabled, in both dropdown and autocomplete modes.
jonnybsure it's not a css/theme thing? [17:08]
fabriciusstill checking
I am looking for the shell based database upgrade
you know off hand?
jonnybphp console.php d:u
jonnyb wonders if he really needs to know these things from memory
fabriciusthx [17:09]
Cr0vaXwhich permission should I giv e to a group in order to be abble to add Child Pages in a structure? already tried edit structure.... but still unable to... [17:09]
fabriciusfabricius tries to learn to know these things from memory and started to create a blog to document, to memorise and to spread the word about Tiki [17:10]
jonnybhi Cr0vaX - i would have thought that would do it
do they have tiki_p_edit too? (needed to create pages generally)
Cr0vaXmaybe not will double check, ty [17:10]
jonnybfabricius: if you just do "php console.php" it shows all the available commands [17:11]
fabriciusCr0vaX: might be one of those unclean permissions, where you need to apply globally to be able to sort in categories
jonnyb THX
jonnyb we must much more talk about the things we do
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [17:18]
Bsfez1joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55245 10branches/14.x/templates/admin/include_textarea.tpl
[FIX] admin: Make highlighter theme pref visibility dependant on feature_syntax_highlighter
jonnybpolom Bsfez1 [17:38]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [17:40]
jonnybbrb [17:40]
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fabriciusHello Bsfez1 [17:45]
amettehi Bsfez1 - I'm gone for about 30-45 min, then I'll take down dev.t.o for a full blown backup and we start the action. doc then afterwards. ok? [17:57]
fabricius^^ [18:02]
...... (idle for 28mn)
Tiki-KGB03manivannans r55246 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_miniquiz.php
[FIX]-Error in displaying answer in Miniquiz and also matching as per document in doc.tiki.org
03jonnybradley r55247 10branches/12.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js
[FIX] wiki edit: Fix exiting from maximised mode (was fixed differently in 14.x due to bootstrap changes)
amettere [18:37]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55248 10branches/12.x/lib/jquery_tiki/tiki-jquery.js * [FIX] wiki edit: More on exiting from maximised mode, restore page scrollbars [18:44]
ametteBsfez and chibaguy offline, let's start the upgrade. What could possibly go wrong, hm?! :P [18:49]
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki
hi all
amettehi Bsfez - I was just writing you an e-mail ;)
ok, I'm taking dev offline now
Bsfezgo go go ! :) [18:59]
gezzajoined #tikiwiki [19:13]
ametteOk, upgrade is done, site still closed. There were the following database upgrade errors: http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?4b0450f250d2c115#Tw0x+fpXuAZN7MHRkm482rQ73d4fY+ntvwaGlEBa0HQ=
Hmm, ok, I'm opening the site.
Bsfez: your turn
And can/should I start with the doc upgrade?
Bsfezok I'll start testing
well…. where is Xavi ?
ametteNo idea, maybe his work stuff takes longer than expected. [19:25]
gezzahi guys [19:25]
amettehi gezza [19:25]
gezzadev gives me this when trying to login: Search index could not be updated. The site is misconfigured. Contact an administrator. Unable to Connect to tcp://search.citadelrock.com:9200. Error #110: Connection timed out [19:25]
ametteThere we go, first one, cheers! I'll have a look at it. :) [19:26]
Bsfez:) [19:26]
gezzadoy you get it too?
i mean this errormessage
BsfezHi Gezza
so I can do me coffee :D
gezzanow i managed to login [19:27]
ametteYep, I'm logged in, too [19:27]
gezzamaybe just the index was rebuilding? [19:28]
ametteProbably it had to upgrade the index first.
yep, I think so, too
but good to know that there was an error message shown. Must be jonnyb's fix - so we know it's working. :)
no coffee yet, Bsfez - start testing ;)
Bsfezha ha ha beer ! [19:29]
amettemuch faster, no making involved, just pouring - cheers ;) [19:29]
BsfezI;m loged in ! [19:29]
gezzatiki-admin.php says that the db need upgrade via the installer [19:30]
amettethat's probably the two upgrades in the paste that don't get marked as succesfully run
I'll check the installer
gezzado you think those need a fix in the script? having a duplicate entry does not seem right [19:32]
ametteGood question, no idea. I'm not really informed about the theme stuff, so I can't tell if there is any reason to believe that this problem would be with other sites or not. [19:32]
gezzaactually, probaly there is one entry and it tries to create a new one
it an come when upgrading from 13 to 14, but not when upgrading from 12 to 14
ametteyes, just why is there an entry already? might be our guys fiddling with it before. [19:33]
gezzajonnyb will know :) [19:34]
jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [19:34]
ametteall the guys we need for this aren't here *g*
luciash: ?! :)
jonnybrepolom, oops apologies - had to reboot and this didn't re-open [19:34]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Dev.t.o is now T14Beta - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56006 [19:34]
jonnybam here amette [19:34]
ametteoh, right, one of them turned up and I didn't notice [19:35]
jonnybBsfez: you about? [19:35]
ametteyeah, hi jonnyb - sorry about my claim, I was a tad blind there [19:35]
Bsfezediting tiki14 page
so far so good
jonnybno, you were right, i only just notices i wasn't logged in (had an odd "too many files open" problem earlier) [19:35]
amettejonnyb: gezza and me were discussing this: http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?4b0450f250d2c115#Tw0x+fpXuAZN7MHRkm482rQ73d4fY+ntvwaGlEBa0HQ= - good? bad? ugly? never mind? [19:35]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55249 10branches/14.x/lib/prefslib.php
[FIX] prefs: Multiselector values appear to be arrays already now, so no need to explode them (fixes setting category jail on prespectives for instance)
Bsfezversion 328 saved
the top header and topbar broken as it was in next
ametteIn the database there are: theme=fivealive-lite and theme_option=watermelon [19:37]
gezzathat is ok [19:37]
jonnyblooks like it's something to do with the indexes, checking [19:38]
Bsfezsearch engine give bad results [19:38]
ametteBsfez: hang on, let me start reindexing [19:38]
Bsfezoki [19:39]
ametteah, can't do that without having decided on those database errors [19:39]
gezzai think it comes only when upgrading from 13 as in that version the "theme_active" pref was introduced, but now it is not needed in Tiki14 [19:40]
jonnybi don't seem to have a pref called theme in my 13.x [19:41]
ametteyeah, now that I read those again, that makes sense
jonnyb: theme_active becomes theme
gezzajonnyb, was it fresh Tiki13 or upgraded from a previous version? [19:41]
ametteso maybe in 12.x it was theme, then someone changed it to theme_active for 13 and now we go back again? [19:41]
jonnybwhich site are we talking about here? i missed some [19:42]
gezzaif it was upgraded, there might be a "theme" pref from earlier version [19:42]
jonnybin 12 it was called style [19:42]
BsfezDo we have multilingual content in dev ? (else, we should set pref properly and spare resources) [19:42]
ametteeither way I'm quite positive that in the case of dev we can check those errors and continue.
amette does that now
jonnybyup, reckon you can do "--auto-register" on those ones [19:43]
gezzai think dev in english only [19:44]
ametteneat option, cheers mate
ok, rebuilding index now
jonnyb:) [19:44]
Bsfezdo we agree I turn off multilingual and remove switch lang module ? [19:44]
jonnybreally? why Bsfez ? [19:45]
Bsfezdev is slow… if only english content… [19:45]
ametteI'd argue that even if that would make sense - it's definitely a no-no before we aren't done with testing.
PHP Fatal error: Call to a member function getConfiguration() on a non-object in /var/local/dev.tiki.org/www/lib/core/Tracker/Item.php on line 126
gezzaimho doc is bette for multilingual testing [19:46]
ametteThis is massive crap. I don't know any somewhat bigger Tiki site that could run an index refresh without failing. :-/ [19:46]
jonnybi don't think we should stop dev or doc being multilingual
amette, any clues in the reindex log?
it's quite possibly a really old trackerlist or something (often)
gezzadoc is multilingual and should remain so [19:47]
ametteI think we should concentrate on our 30 min test, for fixing performance get rid of actionlog soon and discuss multilinguality on devel-list.
jonnyb: hang on, I'll reindex with logging
jonnybdev seems about the same speed as before - the tiki14 page is stupid as it uses trackerlists to list almost every item in tracker 5 (even closed ones!)
yesterday it took over 70 seconds to render for me (still on 13.x)
Bsfezmultilingual question should wait after the release, it just popup under my keyboard. :) [19:48]
jonnybBsfez: how about trying to work out what to do with the logo and top banner etc? Gary made some notes on themes.t.o somewhere [19:49]
amettejonnyb: it indeed is quite an old tracker item: 2015-04-27T17:49:31+00:00 INFO (6): addDocument trackeritem 18 [90933776 bytes] :) [19:50]
jonnybcoo, anciant history! :)
hmmm, http://dev.tiki.org/item18 says "no tracker indicated"
ametteindeed, I feel like Indiana Tiki here ;)
yeah, same here...
jonnybwonder why it worked in 13.x?
is dev still using elasic search?
amettequestion is though: did it? or was the index updated incrementally?
yep, elasticsearch
Bsfezsearching jb [19:53]
jonnybamette, is there anything in tiki_tracker_items for itemId = 18? [19:54]
amettejonnyb: I'd say it never worked... - hang on, checking db
yep, there is
jonnybwhich trackerId? [19:55]
amette0 [19:55]
jonnyb1 probably ;) [19:55]
worse ;)
jonnyboh! [19:56]
amettethat must be sooo ancient that trackers still worked without ids :P [19:56]
gezzamaybe it was deleted? [19:56]
jonnybanything in tiki_tracker_item_fields for itemId 8? [19:56]
ametteyep, that's trackerId 5
there are actually 53 items for trackerId 0
highest beine 781
jonnybhmmm, you have backups of this all right? [19:57]
ametteyes [19:57]
jonnybi guess we need to delete them (and probably the tiki_tracker_item_fields entries)
we can look in the backups for the archeology
Bsfezdarm can't find the upgrade to tiki14 notes :( [19:58]
jonnybeither that or i'll recreate that here and fix the code (as well)
Bsfez: https://themes.tiki.org/Tiki14_upgrade_configuration

(was in my history still)
Bsfezarf search in doc and dev :D [20:00]
jonnybamette: let me do a fix for that excetion? [20:00]
amettejonnyb: there are no fields defined in tiki_tracker_fields for trackerId 0
jonnyb: sure, please go ahead - I love fixes!
jonnybcuriouser and curiouser... [20:01]
ametteindeed [20:01]
jonnybi guess there would be nothing to find in terms of actual field data then anyway :( [20:01]
gezzai created test wish with a show intance, seems ok (http://dev.tiki.org/item5656) [20:02]
ametteyeah, hard to find field data, if no fieldIds are linked to the tracker... if I understand tracker tables correctly. [20:02]
jonnybyou just have to go by the itemId [20:03]
ametteAh, right, I can use itemId... but e.g. itemId=18 has no data in tiki_tracker_item_fields [20:03]
jonnybit was probably a tracker that was deleted long ago and there was a bug in the delete code (would be my guess) [20:03]
amettesounds reasonable [20:03]
Tiki|botRecent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5656 [20:05]
xavi2joined #tikiwiki [20:05]
amettejonnyb: so we do: DELETE FROM tiki_tracker_items WHERE trackerId=0; - right? [20:05]
jonnybyup, i guess so [20:06]
ametteQuery OK, 53 rows affected (0.14 sec) [20:06]
jonnyblooks like any useful info has gone a long time ago [20:06]
ametteyep, I agree [20:06]
jonnybmeanwhile i have recreated it locally so am fixing... [20:06]
amettestarting index rebuild again [20:06]
jonnyb(nice WSoD :) ) [20:06]
amette:) [20:06]
late, and with little time available...
I?ll do a quick read of the irc log
ametteso but.. I shouldn't have dropped those after all... so we could test your fix? I got excited and went ahead too quickly I fear. sorry bout that [20:09]
xaviI see that doc.t.o is still on 13.x [20:09]
amettexavi: ok, I'll start the doc upgrade then now immediately, if you have little time [20:09]
xaviok, thks, amette :-) [20:09]
jonnybdon't worry amette - the fix may take a bit of time...
pompom xavi
xavi:-) hi jonnyb [20:10]
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [20:15]
xavifor the record, the url with notes about upgrading *.t.o sites is http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14Upgrade
Bsfezjoined #tikiwiki [20:18]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55250 10branches/14.x/lib/core/Search/ContentSource/TrackerItemSource.php
[FIX] search: Filter out mangled tracker items from indexing instead of crashing with a fatal error (as seen on dev.t.o - thanks amette)
03jonnybradley r55251 10(11 files in 11 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55239 to 55250
xaviback [20:23]
ametteok, doc upgrade was very smooth, no db:upgrade problems, just rebuilding index
xavi, you can start testing very soon
xavinice :-) [20:23]
Bsfezallo ?
back too
xaviBsfez: do you take care of changing font color of site title & subtitle in dev.t.o?
they are red over red
Bsfezit is the link color [20:25]
xaviBsfez: fyi : http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14Upgrade#dev.t.o_upgrade [20:26]
Bsfezhttps://nextdev.tiki.org/Development [20:27]
amettexavi: ok, indexing done, doc reopened - have fun ;) [20:27]
BsfezSomeone (gary) applied some special changes [20:27]
xavithks amette! :-) [20:27]
Bsfeztks Xavi [20:27]
amettejonnyb: probably nothing bad, only notices and it finished indexing, but for the record: http://sebsauvage.net/paste/?d537606609f1fd4d#f+NujaMF+KsbEsSbyGlEGB9ENHvusacFKFTfS25L8Hs= [20:29]
jonnybsorry, phone... [20:29]
amettenp [20:29]
xavibtw, anybody knows why the menu "doc.t.o" in the left column in doc.t.o is soooooooo looooooong?
amette: fyi, at page save in dev.t.o I got:
Search index could not be updated. The site is misconfigured. Contact an administrator. Unable to Connect to tcp://search.citadelrock.com:9200. Error #110: Connection timed out
ametteno idea, but to me it does look like the classic "more is better" approach *g* [20:31]
xavimore is better :-D [20:31]
ametteoh, that indexing problem is weird... let me see. [20:32]
xavibtw, page save worked.this error message was inside a remarksbox
at page top
amettehmm, ok... it's mainly weird because the console rebuild worked so nicely.
and I though we only use elasticsearch on dev and not on doc
oh, you are on dev!
ok, let me see
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fabricius1joined #tikiwiki [20:39]
when I type my password in dev, keyboard layout is change to french automatically :D
xaviI realize I don't know how to change the font color of the site title :-(
My css skills are going down, it seems...
hey, site subtitle (at least) did change! (site title beats me, it seems)
BsfezI recall gary mentioning we just have to go to http://dev.tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=look
and set theme bootstrap
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Bsfeznow it is full width but I lost subtitle
(like next)
amettexavi: I can't reproduce the indexing problem. I think/hope it was just a temporary issue. [20:49]
xaviok, and I could save the same page in dev.t.o without any further error message.
:-) +1
ametteok, cool :) [20:49]
Bsfezamette I have the problem with searchlike module
Failed to execute "search_morelikethis" module
Unable to Connect to tcp://search.citadelrock.com:9200. Error #110: Connection timed out
xavioups :-) [20:50]
Bsfez:) [20:50]
xavideja vu.... [20:50]
amettehmmmm.... wtf?!
so let me see, if we have load problems or such.
btw - the menu is borken for me - I have admin-stuff grouped under Kaltura
jonnybok, sry, back [20:52]
Bsfezyeah same no admin menu [20:52]
jonnybjonnyb looks at installer/schema/20150426_menu_item_external_wikis_restored.sql
xavi: what does that "DELETE n1 FROM..." line do?
xavidelete duplicate records if someone upgraded from an oooold tiki when that link already existed
and if it doesn't, it didn't affect, in my tests
Bsfez.header_outer shoud be set to white
changing the title (link) and subtitle color is not good enoug, logo is red on red (or green on green)
It is better to set the background to white imo
jonnybok, looks like your menu addition isn't to blame xavi, wonder what else it could have been though... [21:01]
xaviok, glad to hear that :-) [21:01]
jonnybamette: shall i reset menu 42? [21:01]
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [21:01]
amettejonnyb: feel free, I don
I don't have any opinion on that tbh
jonnybjust trying to think what would have done it [21:02]
amettewell, there should be no deletes in the upgrade sqls afaik, but maybe that changed and if it isn't the issue, then ok [21:03]
jonnybcould you let me have a dump of the dev database pre-upgrade please? (without the actionlog table preferably) then i can investigate further
i tihnk the delete intat one should be fine, as xavi said it just removes duplicated items
ametteso, I think that the new menu option doesn't have the right perms set? If that doesn't get shown, the sub-items will turn up in the previous section
hmmm, how do I remove tiki_actionlog from it?
jonnybgood question
not to worry, it probably wouldn't help much
i just ran tht upgrade sql here and it was fine
amettehmmmm, that's weird, maybe it would help then after all [21:06]
xavioups, wsod on dev.t.o after attempting to login as xavidp [21:06]
jonnybthe perms look fine on it [21:06]
xaviand you know what error message was shown?
Indexing failed while processing "xavidp" (type user) with the error "Unable to Connect to tcp://search.citadelrock.com:9200. Error #110: Connection timed out"
ametteload is slowly but constantly raising... dev.t.o really is a resource hog
I actually do think that those time outs are due to dev being slow - the search server side is all dandy
jonnybi also just got that error logging in as jonnytesting (plain reg user)
but i managed to do a search, so it is connecting mostly
xavioups, I did run out of time (walk the dog + cooking, etc). Please, read my findings that I wrote at http://dev.tiki.org/Tiki14Upgrade#doc.t.o_upgrade (I dropped some message about menu items shown differently for ref. users)
cheers (I'll read the irc log while walking the dog, probably :-)
left #tikiwiki
BsfezI'll beep Lu, Gary and Gezza (here?) so we got decision about fivealive header background/links/subtitle [21:14]
jonnybvery odd, i made a clone of menu 42 on dev and it seems the Settings item (formerly Admin) is now an option, not a section, and has a url tiki-eph_admin.php
i'm resetting the actual menu 42 to default
and that's fixed it
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Bsfez22h30 here I contacted lu, gary and gezza about the header background (and height for dev)
time to go 4 me
ametteyeah, I think, I'm done, too [21:29]
Bsfezeverything look pretty good but the loads and header that need a slight fixing [21:30]
jonnybi need food too, more tomorrow i guess [21:30]
ametteYeah, and the elasticsearch timeouts were probably there before, too - we just didn't get an error message. So even more reason to work on dev-performance soon.
yep, more tomorrow guys - thanks for the support!
Bsfezcu tomorrow
thanks for your time !
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jonnybok, off now, see you tomorrow [21:45]
.................. (idle for 1h25mn)
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [23:10]

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