nelsonko: hope that helps :)
gilles_: ok thanks
nelsonko: a lot of the older plugin docu pages don't use the {pluginmanager plugin=nameofplugin} which it should.... but that's a newer thing
gilles_: have you been using Tiki long? are you gilles maire from france?
gilles_: yes
nelsonko: gilles_: nice to meet you, do you know Jean-Marc Libs? Hopefully will see you at one of the Tikifest in Europe one day
gilles_: jean marc libs ??
nelsonko: in strasbourg
gilles_: I don't go to the fest
I know just mose, sylbieg and jean marc laporte
nelsonko: np. jean-marc is Jyhem here. cool
Jyhem_laptop: hi guys. I'm the one and only Jean-Marc, I think. Marc Laporte is just Marc Laporte :)
gilles_: :)
mar does'nt work on project now ?
Jyhem_laptop: he focuses on the bigger picture: Tiki Suite
nelsonko: gtg, be back tomorrow, cu
gilles_: tiki suite ?
cu nelsonko
Jyhem_laptop: cu Nelson
It's about buiding a whole open-source offer for SMEs including Tiki
gilles_: ok
Jyhem_laptop: So I expect he's busy on ClearOs and Ldap integration with Tiki
I need to go to bed also. It's just as late for me as for you ^^
good night
gilles_: night
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: User Menus Fail to Open in Firefox (A firefox issue, not a Tiki issue) -
New Forum Posts: Question about "permalink" -
New Forum Posts: Inheritence or Inheritance ? -
New Forum Posts: User Menus Fail to Open in Firefox (A firefox issue, not a Tiki issue) -
New Forum Posts: Question about "permalink" -
New Forum Posts: Inheritence or Inheritance ? -
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55305 10branches/ 10(57 files in 55 dirs)
[FIX] Replace "Permalink" text link in blog post interface with visible-on-hover link icon and "permanent link" tooltip. Thanks to everyone for the feedback/advice.
gilles_: hello
do you know how to suppress the message cached status in Wiki pages ?
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55306 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-external_scripts_overrides.less
[FIX] The widths of jQuery Chosen's chosen-container divs are calculated and specified inline in pixels, but they're too narrow; this commit (5em min-width) is a crude coping mechanism.
mose: hey gilles_ what's up ?
gilles_: salut mose !
mose: ca fait une paye :)
gilles_: oui
je suis en train de faire une nouvelle version en TW de
mose: tu fais plus de musique que de web maintenant ?
moi chuis a la rue niveau TW
gilles_: disons que je fais des formations et beaucoup de concerts
mose: je fais sysadmin temps plein maintenant
depuis 6 mois chez gandi, d'ailleurs
gilles_: que veux tu dire par � la rue ?
mose: a la rue = tw v1.9
pas mis a jour depuis genre 10 ans haha
gilles_: moi j'ai fait beaucoup de Qt et un peu de Perl Catalyst
mais je suis toujours Tw
mose: j'ai eu un passage rails
gilles_: j'ai une versiopn SVN et je corrige des trucs de temps en temps
mose: pis un peu de node
gilles_: tu es � Paris ?
mose: non toujours a taipei, taiwan
depuis 7 ans maintenant
gilles_: ok ok
tu as eu des nouvelles de Sylvieg ?
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55307 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-file_galleries.less
[FIX] Set minimum width on colorbox image container to prevent it from collapsing and not displaying control icons when viewing small images such as icons.
mose: pas vraiment
gilles_: je vois que Marc Laporte n'est plus dans le channel
mose: il y est des fois
gilles_: je n'ai pas l�ch� l'affaire TW par contre comme depuis 10 ans je d�veloppe en C/C++ et Perl et un peu PHP je pense que je pourrais devenir plus actif dans TW
mose: semblerait que ca continue a bouger
gilles_: le projet me pla�t
finalement avoir un truc qui tient la route sur plus de 10 ans en ayant juste � upgrader c'est beau
mose: c'est sur
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55308 10branches/14.x/templates/blog_post_status.tpl * [FIX] Forgot to remove pipe character (visual separator).
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: Question about Comments -
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Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55309 10branches/14.x/themes/tikinewt/ 10css/tikinewt.css 10less/bootstrap-variables.less 10less/tiki-selectors.less * [FIX] Misc. improves/fixes for Tikinewt.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki14/trunk -
New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki 12/14/trunk -
wolfganga: joined #tikiwiki
polom ;-)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55310 10branches/14.x/installer/schema/20150426_menu_item_external_wikis_restored.sql
[FIX] menus: Don't delete similar looking menu options in upgrade script.
The uniq_menu index on the table prevents duplicates being created in the first place (thanks Geoff)
03jonnybradley r55311 10branches/ 1013.x/installer/schema/20150426_menu_item_external_wikis_restored.sql 1013.x
[bp/r55310][FIX] menus: Don't delete similar looking menu options in upgrade script.
The uniq_menu index on the table prevents duplicates being created in the first place (thanks Geoff)
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55312 10branches/ 1012.x/installer/schema/20150426_menu_item_external_wikis_restored.sql 1012.x
[bp/r55311][bp/r55310][FIX] menus: Don't delete similar looking menu options in upgrade script.
The uniq_menu index on the table prevents duplicates being created in the first place (thanks Geoff)
jonnyb: polom for the weekend?
wolfganga: polom jonny and thank you!
jonnyb: hi wolfganga
hmm? for the menu sql thing? no probs (my client spotted some of his menus had disappeared too)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55313 10(64 files in 60 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55303 to 55310
jonnyb: just about to properly test your lit_items changes - seemed a bit slower but trying to quantify that...
wolfganga: yes for the menu thing
the last pages will be slower - however - they would have been "slow" anyway due to that the user would have to page to get there
jonnyb: just sent you a mail re r55304
wolfganga ^
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
wolfganga: jonnyb - good it - reading now
jonnyb: thanks
wolfganga: jonnyb - understand - look into it right now
jonnyb: thanks, but i can't see how it can every work like that - unless we switch to using unified-search for listing stuff everywhere (optionally, of course ;) )
wolfganga: agree
jonnyb - how many fields has tracker1?
jonnyb: checking...
wolfganga: ok thanks
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki 12/14/trunk -
New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki14/trunk -
New Forum Posts: Question about "Leave a comment" -
New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki 12/14/trunk -
New Forum Posts: menu problem Tiki14/trunk -
New Forum Posts: Question about "Leave a comment" -
Tiki-KGB: 03walper r55314 10branches/14.x/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php
[FIX] Fix to r55303 (Trackerlist so pagination). Offset calculation failed. Still a big performance issue when using 10k+ trackeritems. Maybe need to revert entire fix - still investigating. (thx jonnyb)
03walper r55315 10trunk 10trunk/lib/trackers/trackerlib.php * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55310 to 55314
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