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Tiki-KGB: 03lindonb r55319 10branches/ 10(50 files in 2 dirs) * [FIX] admin: use tickets for pref changes.
03lindonb r55320 10trunk/templates 10trunk/templates/tiki-editpage.tpl 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55316 to 55318
03lindonb r55321 10(52 files in 3 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55318 to 55319
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in trackers when we're listing tracker items, we can see information like "Unsort", "Rows", "Clear Filters" where may I translate that info?(it seems that it doesn't use language.php)
also tried language.js without luck
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Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55322 10branches/ 10(43 files in 43 dirs) * [FIX] Improve superfish menu vertical spacing and background colors.
luciash: polom
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55323 10branches/ 10(9 files in 9 dirs) * [FIX] Correct superfish menu arrow colors for FiveAlive-lite options.
luciash: in 12.x - I got lot of spam entries in tracker - I wanna delete them, so I set max number of items in listings to 1000 but it does not seem to handle that large number of items to delete at once... is SQL only option to get rid of them?
Cr0vaX: o luciash
o chibaguy
chibaguy: hi Cr0vaX
Cr0vaX: in trackers when we're listing tracker items, we can see information like "Unsort", "Rows", "Clear Filters" where may I translate that info?(it seems that it doesn't use language.php or language.js)
chibaguy: Cr0vaX, I only checked for "Sort" but I find it in the language files.
ah, "unsort"... I didn't find that.
Cr0vaX: chibaguy: the ones that exist, don't get translated, and if you manually add "Unsort", it doesn't get translated
chibaguy: hm
Cr0vaX: maybe tracker plugin isn't using translation, or... is there any config to use it?
chibaguy: it should use translation, of course.
what plugin are you using?
Cr0vaX: tracker
{trackerlist trackerId="1" showpagination="y" more="n" server="n" sortable="type:reset" sortList="[0,1]" tspaginate="max:10" tsfilters="type:text;placeholder:Número do processo...|type:text;placeholder:Nome do processo...|type:dropdown"}
it then shows pagination, sort and filter buttons, but all of them in english, even if I change translation files, and clear cache after that
nick Cr0vaX|away
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55324 10branches/ 10(13 files in 11 dirs) * [FIX] Correct superfish menu background and arrow colors for FiveAlive options.
Cr0vaX: repolom
chibaguy: Cr0vaX: the file with the terms not being translated is lib/core/Table/Settings/Abstract.php.
It shows, for example, "//tra('Unsort')
'text' => 'Unsort',"
So the tra (for translate) has been commented out and replaced by just 'text'. I don't know why or how to fix this. lindon is the guy who would know, I think.
he's not in IRC much. I can ask on the dev list.
Or you could try experimenting with that file, if you like.
bbl - dog walk time.
Cr0vaX: hehe
have a nice walk :)
and ty btw
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
Cr0vaX: chibaguy: I've done a bit more of debug, and looks like It gets translated on some parts only, Unsort, Clear Filters, get translated normally, but Rows, and Page doesn't
chibaguy: I did some tests on thursday, and I thought that I did with the word "Unsort", but no... I made with "Page" and "Rows", which didn't get translated
chibaguy: Hmm, I don't really know. I can just suggest that the question be posted on the dev mailing list. I can do that if you like.
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r55325 10trunk/ 10composer.json 10composer.lock * [NEW] Added Bootstrap-rtl to composer.json and composer.lock
chibaguy: Cr0vaX: let me know if you want the question posted on the list. I'm going to sleep now, but will check the IRC log later.
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Tiki-KGB: 03anbumania r55326 10branches/14.x/templates/modules/mod-shoutbox.tpl * [FIX] 5658 Shoutbox posts can't be deleted using x in module
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Jyhem: polom
Cr0vaX: usually, when there is some commented line such as "//tra('Unsort') this means that someone wanted 'Unsort' to be included in language.php
meaning there is some variable which will be translated and 'Unsort' is one possible value for this variable
I realise this solves nothing, but just in case you spend time wondering about useless-looking comments
Cr0vaX: Jyhem:hi
Jyhem: first of all ty for you time
Jyhem:I realised that it was working ok just adding 'Unsort' to language.php as you mentioned, the problem is 'Page' and 'Rows' that exist in language.php and don't become translated
Cr0vaX|away: bbl c u
Tiki-KGB: 03luciash r55327 10trunk/lib/multilingual/multilinguallib.php
[FIX] Themes i18n: Replaced obsolete outdated BiDi.css with Bootstrap-rtl to support RTL languages (will be backported to 14.1 after 14.0 release)
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tiki 12.x webdocviewer sometimes reports no preview available but works perfectly at other times. How do I convert documents and spreadsheets to insure that they preview every time in webdocviewer? Is there a software that can batch convert lots of iles into a compatible format? Or a version of Office 2002, 2008 that should be used? Whats the best way to get previews 100% of the time?
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