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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55423 10branches/12.x/lib/tikiticketlib.php * [FIX] PHP 5.3 array syntax fix
03jonnybradley r55424 10branches/ 109.x 109.x/lib/tikiticketlib.php * [bp/r55423][FIX] PHP 5.3 array syntax fix
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Cr0vaX: hi chibaguy and fabricius
chibaguy: hi Cr0vaX
fabricius: Hi Cr0vaX
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jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
ahoy hoy
Cr0vaX: hi jonnyb
jonnyb: hi Cr0vaX
did you solve your tracker notification thing?
think i might have a similar challenge coming up :)
Cr0vaX: jonnyb: yep, and I forgot, one thing...
jonnyb: templates for trackers? that way I can hide every field I want :)
jonnyb: I was using trackerplugin directly without template
anyway, any help I might give, just let me know
jonnyb: thanks, will do Cr0vaX
Cr0vaX: ;)
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55425 10branches/ 1014.x/themes/base_files/css/tiki_base.css 1014.x/templates/cookie_consent.tpl 1014.x/themes/base_files/less/tiki-miscellaneous_global.less
[FIX] cookie consent: Make consent box appear in front of navbars etc, and make the text not be "help-block" which makes the text dark grey (and illegible in many themes)
gilles_: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: Cr0vaX: questions to tracker templates?
trackerlist or list plugin?
what's up?
Cr0vaX: fabricius: ty, none for now
fabricius: ah was reading 16:25
Cr0vaX: fabricius: will implement that later, I've implemented using custom CSS(for now) and will change for templates later
fabricius: templates is quite easy
Cr0vaX: from what I've read that's like working with a smarty template
fabricius: you could start with using wikipages as templates and later when you go deeper in details you can uses files on the server (in the tiki root)
yes, actually it is
Cr0vaX: that'll be piece of cake :) I think
fabricius: "piece of cake" means what?
Cr0vaX: easy
fabricius: ah yes
Cr0vaX: oh mistyped, peace of cake
sorry :)
my english is not 100% sometimes
jonnyb: piece of cake sounds right to me - means easy :)
fabricius: I think you did not misstype -> piece ~ slice / peace ~ not fighting
just my English is not 100% aswell ; I am from German origin and learned English at school and in Ireland
Cr0vaX: yep, I googled it to make sure I was writing well, and the first answer was "peace of cake" which is wrong :P
I'm from Portugal, and also learned english from school
jonnyb: cool, i learnt Portugese from a mobile phone i had in the 90's - "teclado blockado" is all i can remember now
Cr0vaX: LOL
not bad :)
jonnyb: actually "apagar" too (was the first thing i learnt)
Cr0vaX: that means "delete"
jonnyb: indeed, whatever i tried it on went away ;)
Cr0vaX: "teclado blockado" means "blocked keyboard"
jonnyb: :)
Cr0vaX: actually, "teclado blockado" isn't 100% right, should be "teclado bloqueado"
jonnyb: that looks better, it was a long time ago
Cr0vaX: yeah, 90's wasn't the time when dinassaurs were on earth? :D
jonnyb: and everything was in black and white (well, the phones were!)
fabricius: Cr0vaX: Given a wiki page "mypage" with {trackerlist trackerId=1 blabla=whatsoever wiki=tpl_mypage} and a second wiki page "tpl_mypage". Then the "tpl_mypage" acts as template for the "mypage". Now you want to display the content of the fields of tracker 1 and you put text and WikiSyntax on the tpl_mypage and where you want the field values you write: {$f_fieldId} OR {$f_fields_permanent_name} - that's
basically all.
Most of the 90's I had no mobile phone, if I remember right
Cr0vaX: yeah, but you could find some magical PC's with CGA monitors and 16 great colors to play TV Sports Basket with Michael Jordan, Abdul Jabbar and Magic Johnson.... good old times :)
fabricius: yep, me too
fabricius: so Cr0vaX : __name: {$f_2}__
or Cr0vaX ||__name:__|{$f_adressbook_name}||
Cr0vaX: fabricius: nice :) that was what I thought, I was just missing the template page thing, which made me a bit confused, but... seems no confusing at all :)
fabricius: same for forms, when you use the wiki parameter and the wiki tpl page for the tracker plugin
Cr0vaX: trackerlist will do, my problem was more about forms, which will need to use a template
fabricius: and last but not least at http://doc.tiki.org/plugintrackerlist you'll find the "wiki" parameter and the "tpl" parameter explained
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fabricius: Cr0vaX: forms as said same principle: http://doc.tiki.org/plugintracker
start with "wiki" and optionally switch to "tpl"
Cr0vaX: will do :)
fabricius: To start with teh far more complicated but aswell sophisticated plugin LIST, you should use Jonny's shop profile (on a new installation) and review the templates of the shop - especially the example templates in the installations.
jonnyb: polom fabricius
fabricius: /s/te/the
bolow jonnyb
Cr0vaX: that'll be for a later approach
keep it simple for now
the version control is a tracker that comes bellow every page
hopefully will be partially implemented today
jonnyb: looks good Cr0vaX
Cr0vaX: ty jonnyb
fabricius: ah agua = water?
Cr0vaX: yep
that's the description of a procedure for users that are in front of a client, if they follow that they'll be ok. the procedure is about water users that paid a value, and now they're able to request it back
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: dull, quick perms is broken :(
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55426 10branches/14.x/lib/userslib.php * [FIX] perms: Level should be editors not editor (for quick perms)
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Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55427 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-objectpermissions.tpl
[FIX] perms: Don't allow quick perms to change the Admins group (can only be bad)
pcwick: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55428 10branches/14.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php
[FIX] perms: Re-add tiki_p_admin for Admins when using quick perms otherwise it shows as being removed. Also reorgnise the quick perm code into on block and remove duplicated function calls.
03jonnybradley r55429 10branches/14.x/tiki-objectpermissions.php
[FIX] perms: Make quick perms work with groups with interesting names (i.e. ones with spaces in them)
03jonnybradley r55430 10(9 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55408 to 55429
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