[04:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Tiki14 release date? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56239 [04:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Creating new pages with Wiki trackers - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56237 [04:38] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Как сделать, чтобы урл были на латинском, а не на русском - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=23&comments_parentId=56236 [04:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Tiki14 release date? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56239 [04:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Creating new pages with Wiki trackers - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56237 [04:48] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Как сделать, чтобы урл были на латинском, а не на русском - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=23&comments_parentId=56236 [07:00] Tiki|bot joined #tikiwiki [08:29] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Menu Goes away on certain pages. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=56241 [10:50] Cr0vaX joined #tikiwiki [10:50] Cr0vaX polom [11:58] Tiki-KGB 03jonnybradley r55436 10branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_backlinks.php * [FIX] backlinks: Notices [12:00] arildb joined #tikiwiki [12:22] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [12:39] Cr0vaX is anyone out there? [12:48] arildb Hi Cr0vaX. If you have a question, just ask it [12:49] Cr0vaX in flagged revision pages, appears a message saying that you currently are viewing the approved version, but you can go to the latest, that message is blue [12:49] Cr0vaX if you go to the lates, which is not already approved, that message is blue also, and I want to change it to red [12:50] Cr0vaX as far as I can see that can only be changed in code, but I can't find the script where it is, any clue? [12:51] Cr0vaX this is the translation string "You can also view the {self_link}latest approved version{/self_link}" of the message [12:51] Cr0vaX I tried to find within the file contents without luck [12:51] Cr0vaX searched for You can also view the [12:52] JohanTiki joined #tikiwiki [12:53] arildb Cr0vaX: I am not sure, but you can start searching in lib/wiki/FlaggedRevisionLib.php [12:53] Cr0vaX will do ty [12:54] JohanTiki Hello all. I'd like to register with tikiwiki.org to be able to post questions to the forums, but my account still requires approval (I registered about a week ago). What should I do? [12:58] arildb Hi JohanTiki. Contact an admin. Maybe luciash is available? [12:59] arildb or Jyhem [13:00] JohanTiki Thank you arildb, how can I contact them other than by hoping they look at this in the chat? :) [13:00] arildb They are online. So, they will probably see it in a while. [13:01] arildb Got to go. Good luck [13:01] JohanTiki ty [13:16] chibaguy joined #tikiwiki [13:16] chibaguy polom [13:35] Cr0vaX hi chibaguy [13:53] chibaguy hi Cr0vaX [13:57] arildb joined #tikiwiki [14:40] arildb joined #tikiwiki [14:42] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r55437 10branches/14.x/themes/snow/ 10less/bootstrap-variables.less 10css/snow.css * [FIX] Make links more apparent (Snow theme). [15:04] Jyhem thanks arildb, JohanTiki has been approved on tiki.org [15:04] arildb :) [15:05] Jyhem but now that all action buttons are hidden within the same pop-up, the unapproved accounts are invisible :-( [15:06] Jyhem oh, there is a dedicated filter. I didn't know about it [15:06] fabricius joined #tikiwiki [15:07] Jyhem something to think about for 15.x [15:19] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [15:20] Telesight left #tikiwiki [15:49] Telesight joined #tikiwiki [16:04] Cr0vaX ppl, I found it necessary to have som changes in page view with revision approval activated [16:04] Cr0vaX *some [16:04] Cr0vaX which I made, in a way it could be implemented globally, how may I submit them? [16:06] Cr0vaX I've just changed tiki-pagehistory.tpl and tiki-flaggedrev_approval_header.tpl [16:07] arildb Cr0vaX: You should commit to trunk. Do you have commit rights? [16:08] Cr0vaX no I don't [16:08] Cr0vaX how may I have them [16:08] arildb An admin should be able to set that up for you, e.g. Jyhem [16:08] Cr0vaX shoudn't first I create a "wish" to describe the changes? [16:08] arildb not sure. The admin should be able to make the proper recommendation [16:09] Cr0vaX I'll wait for Jyhem while reading dev.tiki.org [16:09] Cr0vaX ty arildb [16:10] arildb Yes, you should read the 3 rules and about the commit procedure first. It's not much. Getting commit access is easy [16:10] arildb You will need SVN to commit. [16:11] arildb Which OS are you on? [16:11] Cr0vaX w8 [16:11] Cr0vaX but can use svn+netbeans [16:11] arildb ok. I also use windows TortoiseSVN works fine for me [16:11] Cr0vaX can be that too [16:12] arildb luciash is also an admin [16:12] Cr0vaX they'll say something I hope [16:13] arildb yes, just give it a little time, and they will detect the messages [16:13] arildb btw. which Tiki version did you do the change in? [16:13] Cr0vaX 14b [16:14] Cr0vaX not the very last version, but almost [16:14] Cr0vaX will compare those filed prior to submit [16:14] Cr0vaX I believe they'll not have changes, but will check that out before [16:14] arildb right. Maybe the 14 branch should be updated then, instead of trunk. I am not sure about the status at the moment. Again the admin should know [16:18] arildb Jyhem Jyhem_laptop or luciash, Cr0vaX needs commit access. Maybe one of you can help him? [16:55] Jyhem hi guys [16:56] * Jyhem wading through the sf.net interface [16:56] Jyhem is Cr0vaXstill there? [16:57] Jyhem is Cr0vaX still there? [16:59] Jyhem too bad, I can't stay for long tonight [16:59] Jyhem Note: https://dev.tiki.org/Where+to+commit [16:59] Jyhem currently no improvements to the 14.x branch, only fixes [17:02] Jyhem Plus, please pay extra attention to not introduce windows-style end of lines (CRLF) instead of unix-like (LF). Otherwide the files "diff" reports all lines with no indication of what was actually changed [17:12] Jyhem Sorry Cr0vaX, I need to leave for the evening. Later [17:24] Tiki-KGB 03chibaguy r55438 10branches/ 10(18 files in 17 dirs) [17:24] Tiki-KGB [FIX] Simplification of page header div arrangement broke FiveAlive header background graphics, so classic layout gets a div back, and stylesheets adjusted. Note: the FiveAlive theme looks completely correct only in the classic layout. [17:28] Cr0vaX Jyhem: hi there [17:28] Cr0vaX Jyhem: will talk to you later then, ty [17:29] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Elasticsearch upgrade broke _nasc and _ndesc sort modes. - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56248 [17:34] fabriciu1 joined #tikiwiki [17:41] arildb joined #tikiwiki [17:59] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Suckerfish menus popout during page load - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56249 [18:48] Cr0vaX anyone know the function we should call to translate strings in javascript? [19:19] Tiki|bot New Forum Posts: Designating File Gallery Upload Folder on Server - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56252 [21:43] Philosophyenjoy joined #tikiwiki [21:50] fabriciu1 nope Cr0vaX ... in templates (Smarty) and thus aswell in custom modules it is {tr}translate this{/tr} ... no idea if we have at all an extra javascript translation