nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
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Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: calendar import fails -
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55464 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-user_contacts_prefs.tpl * [FIX] Closing anchor tag broken on up arrows.
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
I wonder what "most relevant pages" means, on the wiki rankings page (tiki-wiki_rankings.php). Relevant to what?
Maybe the idea is "pages with most relevance to something/anything else".
I need to check how wiki page relevance is determined.
Maybe a better heading would be "highest relevance factor" or something like that.
"Last pages" should probably be "Least-viewed pages" or "Fewest hits".
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: Seems table heading strings can get changed when they're used as anchors for sort mode change. In tiki-edit_quiz.tpl, the heading is correct, but in the wiki page it's wrong.
{tr}CQuiz can be repeated{/tr} gets dumped and replaced by "canRepeat", which is the input name.
Made a bug report.
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: -
Cr0vaX: polom
Jyhem: I'm online now (about the commit permissions)
chibaguy: Hi Cr0vaX. I can add you as a Tiki developer.
Cr0vaX: oh good
chibaguy: So there's a couple of steps. Traditionally we have had a little ceremony here on IRC.
I must first put on the wizard's hat... one moment please.
Ok, ready.
-: Cr0vaX get's a bit nervous
chibaguy: Have you read and agree to "the three rules"?
Cr0vaX: yes I did
chibaguy: And do you have a sourceforge account?
Cr0vaX: Yes I will (is this the right answer? :))
chibaguy: Yes (no trick questions here - this is serious ;-) )
-: Cr0vaX run's to sourceforge site to apply for an account
Cr0vaX watches sourceforge site very slow
Cr0vaX decides to use his smartfone to apply for an account
chibaguy: yes, sourceforge is pretty slow, I noticed too, logging in.
-: Cr0vaX runs to IRC with his sourceforge account (bmoreira)
Cr0vaX give the signed sourceforge certification of bmoreira account to chibaguy
chibaguy: ah, so your sourceforge user name is bmoreira?
Cr0vaX: yes, cr0vax was already taken(hope this was not an old account from me :P)
chibaguy: could there be more than one Cr0vaX?
Cr0vaX: oh...
chibaguy: I had sourceforge account, and the username was cr0vax, you may ignore bmoreira
-: Cr0vaX rewinds the cerimony a bit
Cr0vaX: 10:45:05 - > chibaguy And do you have a sourceforge account?
yes I do cr0vax is my user account at sourceforge
chibaguy: Very good.
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: With the powers vested in me, and on behalf of the Tiki community, I hereby grant you commit access to the Tiki project files.
(applause rises all around)
-: Cr0vaX smile and get a tiny tear on his eyes
jonnyb: yay woo, i arrived at a good time! Congratulations Cr0vaX! (but please be carefull ;) )
Cr0vaX: hi jonnyb :)
ty, will do
jonnyb: not meaning to put you off at all, of course! :)
Cr0vaX: I've made 2 changes in templates
jonnyb: let us all know if you need any help
the first battle i'm afraid is working out which branch to commit to - expect i better read the irc log...
chibaguy: I recommend you subscribe to the developers mailing list and the cvs-svn mailing list, if you don't mind, to follow the discussions, etc. (if you haven't already).
Cr0vaX: yes, I need to know the best way to commit them, should I just commit the changes with comments? or should I open a wish before to describe the changes?
chibaguy: will do
chibaguy: As Jonny said, it's a touchy time right now because the release of Tiki 14 is coming so soon. so only fixes at this time.
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: calendar import fails -
New Forum Posts: Tiki related job posting in Toronto -
New Forum Posts: Ajax Error while editing wiki page -
Cr0vaX: ok
what I've done are not fixes, are improvements
there's no official need to create a wish before fixing something
sounds like you should commit it straight into trunk, and if it looks like something that would be nice for 14.1 then we can backport (copy) it to 14.x?
Cr0vaX: ok will commit then, it doesn't touches a lot, but for the everyday users of flagged revision makes all diference
will start TortoiseSVN engines then :)
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: calendar import fails -
New Forum Posts: Tiki related job posting in Toronto -
New Forum Posts: Ajax Error while editing wiki page -
Cr0vaX: I've noticed that on top of the files there is a file identifying the user that changed
{* $Id: tiki-pagehistory.tpl 54432 2015-03-16 10:44:49Z luciash $ *}
should I change it by hand? or is it added automatically?
*file > line
jonnyb: svn changes it as long as the file has the svn:keywords property set on it
Cr0vaX: ok, then I should not touch it
jonnyb: no need to, but thanks for asking :)
Tiki-KGB: 03cr0vax r55465 10trunk/templates/tiki-flaggedrev_approval_header.tpl
ramarkbox changed from comment to warning, to alert the users that the page is waiting for approval
Jyhem: polom
welcome aboard, Cr0vaX
Cr0vaX: hi Jyhem :)
jonnyb: polom Jyhem
Cr0vaX: it's minor changes but very important for ppl that use Flagged Revision
-: Jyhem will look at the svn mailing list :)
Jyhem: hi jonnyb
I tried to document the broken css thing, but it does not show up oon fresh installs
Probably an upgrade thing
also, I have an updated svn mirror. Release-ready :)
Cr0vaX: just one thing I need to add a couple of messages
Tiki-KGB: 03cr0vax r55466 10trunk/templates/tiki-pagehistory.tpl
added message box warning that the user may not be viewing the latest approved version
jonnyb: which broken css thing?
Cr0vaX: just one thing I need to add a couple of messages to language.php, how should I do it? add it to several languages?
Jyhem: No hurry, I need to get something to eat anyway. And irc logs everything
the one chibaguy mentioned. broken menus until cookies are cleared. I wanted to see if it was an issue with javascript_enabled. Since you have been fixing this many times lately I thought maybe it was not there any more maybe :)
jonnyb: right, got you
i did some other fixes last week (or the one before) so if people are still getting that problem let me know about it and how to recreate it
Jyhem: But he did say "upgrade" and I looked at "fresh install" :-(
I'll look again, but not tonight (going to see Emil)
I'll say hi from you to Emil (jitsi) if you like
jonnyb: Cr0vaX: i've never really known about that, Jyhem is the expert (i tihnk you run get_strings but never did it myself)
yes, please say hi to Emil :)
Cr0vaX: Jyhem: can you give me a hand here?
Jyhem: I fix language.php after get_strings is run, I don't run it.
The idea is, you write your code with {tr}bla{/tr} then get_strings recreates the language.php files
-: Jyhem needs to look up the relevant wiki page
Cr0vaX: I also have language.php (pt version) with 312 translations already made, should I upload it?
I mean with plus 312 translations made
Jyhem: Here it is:
Cr0vaX: ok, will do it then
jonnyb: should translations go in trunk, or in 14.x?
(thinking about conflicts later)
Jyhem: they certainly need to end up in 14.x either directly or in a merge
Cr0vaX: since it is a translations file there shouldn't be conflicts imo
jonnyb: we only merge from 14.x to trunk
Jyhem: I'd say commit in 14.x. Just check that the new translation file does not break javascript when switching the Tiki to portuguese
specifically, sometimes there are unescaped 's which break all javascript
Cr0vaX: ok
jonnyb: chibaguy: still going?
chibaguy: ah, I'm still here.
jonnyb: i'm just looking through the html on a 14.x site and i see a few duplicate id's fladded up - #footer and also #Footer
chibaguy: oh
Is that the basic layout?
jonnyb: yup
chibaguy: ok, I'll check
jonnyb: you know i'm in denial about the other layouts ;)
chibaguy: :-)
jonnyb: also 2 div#error_report seem to be there for some reason
sorry, chibaguy - the #Footer one is a custom module here
chibaguy: Oh, I didn't see any duplication in the template itself.
jonnyb: indeed, was a site config thing here (client added ;) )
chibaguy: (for footer)
jonnyb: sorry
chibaguy: ok, no problem.
jonnyb: i'll check on the error_report one
chibaguy: ok
jonnyb: hmm, seems {error_report} is in templates/layouts/basic/layout_view.tpl lots of times - twice for each {if} section?
also templates/layouts/fixed_top_modules/layout_view.tpl (and presumably the others)
chibaguy: oh, I didn't notice.
What's the rationale for {error_report} - once per page?
jonnyb: yes, it makes a div with the id error_report so should only happen once
chibaguy: So at the page top below the page top modules is the best place, do you think?
jonnyb: yes, sounds good (sorry, window buried)
gilles_: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55467 10branches/14.x/templates/modules/mod-usergroup_tracker.tpl * [FIX] module: Stray < char
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: heh, "classic" tpl doesn't have any {error_report} instances.
jonnyb: oops
chibaguy: I guess they migrated to basic.
ah, my mistake, it's there.
just once per columns condition
Tiki-KGB: 03chibaguy r55468 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/layouts/basic/layout_view.tpl 1014.x/templates/layouts/social/layout_view.tpl 1014.x/templates/layouts/fixed_top_modules/layout_view.tpl * [FIX] Too many {error_report} instances. Thanks to Jonny for spotting.
jonnyb: thanks chibaguy, i'll check
chibaguy: ok
jonnyb: looks good (on basic anyway ;) )
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55469 10(8 files in 7 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55461 to 55468
03jonnybradley r55470 10branches/14.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.user_selector.php
[FIX] user_selector: Don't reset the users array (prevented the groupIds parameter from working)
jonnyb: walkies time, bbl
joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: console.php index:rebuild: PDOStatement::execute() type of warnings -
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r55471 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/tiki-view_tracker_item.tpl 1014.x/lib/smarty_tiki/function.trackerheader.php 1014.x/templates/trackeroutput/layout_flat.tpl 1014.x/lib/core/Tracker/Field/Header.php
[FIX] trackers: Header fields had become hard-coded as <h3> tags, so this restores the level option function. Also make the new default level 3 as there should only be one <h1> per document, and remove a strange empty <h3> tag from tiki-view_tracker_item.
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
MagicFab_: joined #tikiwiki
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Jyhem: off to see Emil bb tomorrow :-)
MagicFab_: joined #tikiwiki
JohanTiki: joined #tikiwiki
Hello, sorry to be back on just my single account... It seems that my password somehow became invalid. I cannot login anymore. When I click "I forgot my password" I do receive an e-mail to reset my password, but it points to a website where I have to put in my old password first in order to change it to a new one (
I did post to the forum yesterday though, so it worked then
or even this morning
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: override "require all" category perms -
gilles_: joined #tikiwiki
leagris: joined #tikiwiki
Tiki|bot: New Forum Posts: image won't upload to /img/trackers -