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Jyhem_laptop_joined #tikiwiki [01:13]
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nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [02:42]
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good morning
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off hello
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Wiki Pages as tracker items - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56318
New Forum Posts: Logo in tiki-print.php - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=56314
New Forum Posts: User Trackers and "Only one item per user or IP" - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56313
New Forum Posts: Wiki Pages as tracker items - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56318
New Forum Posts: Logo in tiki-print.php - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=14&comments_parentId=56314
New Forum Posts: User Trackers and "Only one item per user or IP" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56313
bobby1joined #tikiwiki [07:58]
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Cr0vaXhi all
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [10:46]
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chibaguyjoined #tikiwiki
poloma picasso
Cr0vaXhi jonnyb & chibaguy [12:05]
jonnybhi all [12:05]
Cr0vaXhi fabricius 2 :) [12:06]
chibaguyHi all [12:06]
Cr0vaXCr0vaX having an headache trying to change MSSQL Server 2005 database collation [12:07]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [12:31]
chibaguyIsn't there a better icon for "download" than the ! in a triangle sign (warning/danger)?
This is on tracker attachments.
jonnybchibaguy: i think the warning triangle appears when the right icon can't be found [12:32]
chibaguyah, ok.
Is the visibility of a tab conditional on the permission to see the content? I'm trying to track down why registered users can't see tracker comments at a Tiki 14 site. The tab content displays, like "Comments(3)", but there's no content in the tab pane.
(This seems to be a site-specific problem, not a Tiki bug.)
jonnybcomments are mostly loaded by ajax now, check the js console for errors? [12:37]
chibaguyAdmin users can see the comments.
Ok, thanks. But in a fresh install on the same server, there's no problem; only when using the existing database, updated to Tiki 14.
In Tiki 13 as well there was this problem aat that site.
fabriciuschibaguy: are you using category permission? are you using permitting categories in tracker items or for trackers? => then comments must allow in the appropriate categories
chibaguyI'll have to check on that. [12:39]
fabriciushave to go now. Bye, good luck. [12:39]
chibaguybye. thanks. [12:39]
jonnybhibye fabricius [12:39]
fabriciushibye jonnyb [12:40]
chibaguywiki comments display as expected.
no js errors.
jonnybthere's a pref somewhere that makes tracker comments appear somewhere else, might tht be sometihng to do with it? [12:48]
chibaguyI'll check on that. First I was looking into the category permissions. One strange thing is every time I unclick "Apply parent category permissions" and submit, when the page refreshes, the checkbox is ticked again. (tiki-admin_categories.php#content_admin_categories1-1) [12:57]
jonnybhmm, sounds like a bug
seems to be checked if empty($categId) - odd
so it defaults to checked for new categories, byt the look of it
nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [13:01]
chibaguyThat's fine, but confusing to the user who unchecks it and then sees it checked again after the submit. [13:08]
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: [Tikiwiki-cvs/svn] Redirect after bs.modal - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56322 [13:08]
chibaguyDoes the second check mean "ready to submit with checkmark" or "checked (yes)" ? [13:08]
jonnyb2nd check? [13:08]
chibaguyI mean when the page displays again after the uncheck-and-submit, and the checkmark is there again.
I would expect the page to refresh with the box unchecked.
jonnybit seems it's always checked for new categories [13:10]
chibaguyBut I'm trying to remove it on an existing category.
Which maybe did happen by unchecking and submitting, I'm not sure. I haven't checked behavior yet.
But the checked box is confusing, if so.
jonnybi think you need to go to the permissions page for that
from the code it looks like it only adds, does nothing when unchecked
chibaguyok, thanks. [13:15]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [13:31]
chibaguyClearly a configuration problem at that site. I new user and new tracker with no special categories or permissions, etc. and the comments are visible as expected.
I new -> I made a new
jonnybsounds like fun :) [13:38]
Tiki-KGB03luciash r55490 10branches/12.x/ 10styles/utopias/options/foundation.css 10styles/utopias/options/writer.css 10styles/utopias/options/meta.css 10styles/utopias/options/attainable.css
[FIX] Utopias theme options: bullet images should apply only to unordered lists (thanks marclaporte)
jonnybah, i remember the utopias options, thanks luciash :) [13:45]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55491 10branches/14.x/admin/include_profiles.php
[FIX] profiles: Replacing underscores in user profilerequest input names means new input when a profile is reapplied is ignored, so revert that str_replace
(was introduced by me 5 years ago in r26492 not sure how long that's been broken, sure it worked at the time - sorry about that)
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nelsonkoleft #tikiwiki [14:19]
chibaguyI updated npm in order to install bower, and now I'm getting "util.print: Use console.log instead" printed at the top of every CSS file that Less compiles. [14:19]
jonnybew, sounds nasty chibaguy - this is in lessc i presume? maybe there's an update to that? [14:20]
chibaguyI'm trying to find out. [14:21]
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SEcccjoined #tikiwiki [15:33]
Cr0vaXoh btw, since you're trying to fix bugs in v14, I think noone has seen this already https://dev.tiki.org/item5609
seen = fixed
jonnybhi Cr0vaX [15:38]
Cr0vaXo [15:38]
jonnybthanks for the bug report - a smarty template inheritance thing i think [15:39]
Cr0vaXlooks like [15:40]
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Tiki-KGB03chibaguy r55492 10branches/ 10(34 files in 34 dirs) * [FIX] Bad wikiplugin Signature (sign) background and link color contrast. [15:58]
chibaguy"util.print: Use console.log instead" removed manually from css files before commit >:^| [16:04]
jonnybhmm, not nice, chibaguy, sounds frustrating...
did oyu find this one? https://github.com/mishoo/UglifyJS2/issues/641
chibaguyYeah, still trying to figure it out. The versions of node.js, npm, and lessc are all current stable versions. [16:11]
jonnybi think lessc uses uglify doesn't it?
did you try this one? http://stackoverflow.com/a/19755236
jonnyb guesses chibaguy knows about google ;)
I saw the second one but didn't check about uglifyjs yet.
jonnybfood time for me, bbl [16:14]
chibaguyok [16:16]
uglify at current stable version and the "util.print" problem continues. [16:24]
jonnybew, bad luck (definitely going now!) [16:28]
Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55493 10(39 files in 38 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55486 to 55492 [16:30]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [17:31]
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Jyhem__joined #tikiwiki [18:17]
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [19:39]
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Tiki-KGB03jonnybradley r55494 10branches/14.x/templates/tiki-change_password.tpl
[FIX] users: Fix logic for showing old password input, changed in r55463 (was asking for old password after user password reset request, thanks Oliver)
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fabricius1joined #tikiwiki [21:10]

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