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Jyhem_laptop_ | joined #tikiwiki | [01:14] |
Jyhem_ | joined #tikiwiki | [01:14] |
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amette | joined #tikiwiki | [02:05] |
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msaad1 | joined #tikiwiki | [02:34] |
msaad | joined #tikiwiki | [02:43] |
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Gwayne | joined #tikiwiki | [03:02] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [06:41] |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Notifications from Tiki sites - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56375
New Forum Posts: Ajax Error - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56373 New Forum Posts: Tiki not in top 14? - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=56372 | [06:56] |
New Forum Posts: Notifications from Tiki sites - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56375
New Forum Posts: Ajax Error - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56373 New Forum Posts: Tiki not in top 14? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=6&comments_parentId=56372 | [07:06] | |
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fcpd | joined #tikiwiki
v12.3: I need to do a minor update to v12.4 Is the easiest way to simply extract the zip in my folder and then go to the installer while saving the db? thanx | [07:24] |
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chibaguy | joined #tikiwiki | [09:38] |
Sam___, if you come back or check the IRC log, the help page does accurately describe how Tiki menus are configured and how they work (including limitations of bootstrap menus), but it's a long page and the information didn't exactly jump out at the reader. I did a little revising so it's more apparent. | [09:50] | |
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Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki LTS version 12.3 (Altair) is out! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) | [10:29] |
chibaguy | luciash, if you have time, https://doc.tiki.org/Menu could use some editing. There's really old information on the page that I think can probably be removed. But I didn't want to delete without knowing for sure. | [10:30] |
Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest LTS version 12.4 (Altair) is out! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) | [10:30] |
luciash | chibaguy: hi Gary, not much time, just checking here... but eventually if I get to it, I will | [10:30] |
chibaguy | luciash: Ok, thanks. | [10:31] |
Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 14.1 (Peony) and LTS version 12.4 (Altair) released! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) | [10:32] |
luciash | is it Peony the 14.x ?
not sure ;) | [10:32] |
chibaguy | Yeah, I think so. :-)
btw, I sure wish I could come to the TikiFest there, but just no money, etc. :-| one of the years.... one of these years.... | [10:33] |
luciash | aye, I wish you could come here too!
lets do crowdfunding for gary! :D | [10:34] |
chibaguy | Hey, good idea.
I think I would have trouble staying inside for Tiki sessions, though. I'd want to go out and explore. ;-) | [10:35] |
luciash | heh, you can give it a try ;) you have one month to go... I would support your campaign for sure with some bucks... :) | [10:37] |
chibaguy | :-) | [10:38] |
luciash | you would need to use your charm hard though :D
but with couple of friends it shouldn't be such a problem in the end ;) | [10:38] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Tiki 14 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56385 | [10:47] |
chibaguy | Well, my charm can get me, uh, maybe to mid-ocean only. ;-) | [10:52] |
luciash | lol. do not underestimate you man! ;)
gtg c u later! | [10:53] |
chibaguy | ok, bye. | [10:56] |
Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [10:56] |
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Cr0vaX | polom | [11:15] |
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chibaguy | heh, just posted my first @tiki_themes tweets since 2010.
people are going to come running now. ;-) | [13:20] |
Cr0vaX | Cr0vaX runs and cheering chibaguy, you're 5 years? you're nuts!
*you're 5 years > 5 years ;) | [13:21] |
chibaguy | I've had the @tiki_themes twitter account access since 2010 but kind of forgot about using it.
"twitter - ah, for kids and celebrities...." ;-) ok, I guess it can be useful too. :-) | [13:22] |
Cr0vaX | hehe, never used twitter before
short messages not my type | [13:24] |
chibaguy | Yeah, twitter isn't so natural for me, either. | [13:26] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Tiki 14 - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56385
New Forum Posts: Notifications from Tiki sites - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56375 New Forum Posts: Ajax Error - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56373 | [13:27] |
chibaguy | I can do the short message ok, but need to remember to post about things that happen. | [13:28] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [13:28] |
chibaguy | Hmm, this page - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php - gets the wrong theme applied.
(notice not a complete URL) | [13:29] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Tiki 14 - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56385
New Forum Posts: Notifications from Tiki sites - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56375 New Forum Posts: Ajax Error - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56373 | [13:37] |
Cr0vaX | chibaguy: you're from china? | [13:47] |
chibaguy | I'm in Chiba, Japan (near Tokyo), but I'm from the US originally. | [13:47] |
Cr0vaX | oh
yesterday I went into a chinese restaurant and got a chinese beer named Tsingtao, was going to ask you if it was known there http://ig-wp-colunistas.s3.amazonaws.com/curioso/wp-content/uploads/2008/08/cerveja.jpg | [13:48] |
chibaguy | Yeah, I've seen that beer here (in Japan).
How was it? | [13:49] |
Cr0vaX | the taste was not bad imo, but it was what we call in Portugal a "dead beer">low on gas | [13:50] |
chibaguy | ah | [13:52] |
Cr0vaX | but it was an experience to repeat I think :) | [13:53] |
chibaguy | :)
This is my favorite beer: http://global.rakuten.com/en/store/caesar/item/15289/?s-id=borderless_recommend_item_en | [13:53] |
Cr0vaX | Cr0vaX my Portuguese side now speaks, of course nothing compares to Sagres and Super-Bock | [13:54] |
chibaguy | I'll try to find them here. | [13:55] |
Cr0vaX | those are the top Portuguese beers
Cr0vaX got curious about the beer you mentioned, but think it'll be hard to get round here | [13:55] |
chibaguy | probably so
even a japanese restaurant probably would have only the more famous brands: Kirin or Asahi, etc. | [13:55] |
Cr0vaX | are those close to the Ethgobiel taste? | [13:57] |
chibaguy | they are more pale, lighter. Echigo is a red ale so maybe more flavor. | [13:58] |
Cr0vaX | Cr0vaX noted down, hope I can find it :)
Cr0vaX is curious about new experiences | [13:59] |
chibaguy | (actually I'm not sure where that word "Ethgobiel" comes from, on the page I posted. The brand is "Echigo", which is the old name for a northern part of Japan. | [13:59] |
Cr0vaX | ok
this is not the same right? http://www.yasushi.pt/store/bebidas-cerveja/cerveja-echigo-koshihikari-500ml-5-100418/ this one is a portuguese online store | [14:00] |
chibaguy | Ah, the same brewery, but a different type of beer. Koshihikari is a high grade of rice. This appears to be a beer made with rice. | [14:02] |
Cr0vaX | I think I can find it, can't search it here(working) Alcohol and Tobacco category sites are blocked | [14:06] |
chibaguy | oh | [14:06] |
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Topic | for #tikiwikiis now Tiki Wiki CMS Groupware - the Free & Open Source Web Application with the most built-in features! Latest Tiki 14.0 (Peony) and LTS version 12.4 (Altair) released! Question? Just ask! We log the channel @ http://irc.tiki.org (start line with [off] to exclude message from log) | [15:05] |
Jay_ | joined #tikiwiki
Good morning.. I just wanted to check with you all before I give up. With Trackerlist does anyone know a way to filter for "this OR that" instead of "this AND that"?? I have two checkboxes in my user profiles tracker and want to list people who check either the RBP box OR the CBSP box.. for the life of me I can't figure out how. Any help would be appreciated.. :-) | [15:16] |
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fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [15:34] |
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chibaguy | Sorry, Jay_, can't help you on that. You could also try posting to the tiki developers mailing list.
Or to the users mailing list. | [16:00] |
Jay_ | yep.. thanks.. | [16:01] |
chibaguy | http://tiki.org/Mailing+lists | [16:01] |
Cr0vaX | I also only can see AND operation, OR is not available in docs, as far as I can see | [16:03] |
amette | Caarrie|away: can you try changing Tiki|bot's RSS feed to tiki.org instead of tikiwiki.org? Maybe that helps. | [16:04] |
luciash | Jay_: for OR filtering you probably need to use LIST instead of TRACKERLIST: http://doc.tiki.org/LIST+-+filter+command?structure=HomePage+Plugins | [16:07] |
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Telesight | joined #tikiwiki | [16:28] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: pluginlist "this OR that" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56389 | [16:29] |
dan1234232 | joined #tikiwiki | [16:38] |
Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: Click on Document on in File Galleries > Directs to Page View of Document - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56390 | [16:39] |
dan1234232 | I posted the forum post above. If you could help me out with the answer ASAP, it'd be greatly appreciated. Trying to put together a demo for my company for tomorrow, so the solution is time sensitive. Thanks in advance! | [16:41] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r55582 10branches/12.x/ 10lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_vimeo.php 03vendor_extra/vimeo
[bp/r52371][MOD] Switch from using Flash player to HTML 5 player and also allow use of Froogaloop API 03jonnybradley r55583 10trunk/doc/devtools/satis.json * Add satis requirement for FitVid.js (repo added a while ago) | [16:58] |
chibaguy | dan1234232, how about using a link to the gallery like "tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=browse&galleryId=1" so it opens as a browse-image view?
Or tiki-list_file_gallery.php?view=page&galleryId=1 for the page view Oh, actually you can set the default view of the gallery, on "Edit gallery" "Display settings" tab. | [17:02] |
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Cr0vaX | in trackers, item type user selector, the field "visible by" can be set to a group? | [17:43] |
jonnyb | joined #tikiwiki | [17:44] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r55584 10branches/ 1014.x/composer.lock 1014.x/composer.json * Add FitVid to composer
03jonnybradley r55585 10branches/ 1014.x/templates/wizard/upgrade_ui.tpl 1014.x/lib/prefs/jquery.php 1014.x/templates/admin/include_features.tpl 1014.x/tiki-setup.php [ENH] fitvid: New pref for FitVid responsive video plugin. Applies to all videos in the main article area, may need some way of being more selective one day | [17:44] |
Cr0vaX | o jonnyb | [17:44] |
jonnyb | late polom, hi Cr0vaX | [17:44] |
fabricius | joined #tikiwiki | [17:47] |
Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r55586 10(13 files in 7 dirs)
[MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55577 to 55585 (composer re-updated to remove conflict on composer.lock) | [17:50] |
Cr0vaX | (already found the answer, it can only be set to groups, and works well :D) in trackers, item type user selector, the field "visible by" can be set to a group?
Cr0vaX did set only admins could see the item after creation, reason why no matter what I set in the field could work | [17:50] |
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Tiki-KGB | 03jonnybradley r55587 03branches/14.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_ajaxload.php
[NEW] ajaxload plugin: A new wiki plugin to make loading and displaying HTML via AJAX simpler. More info on http://doc.tiki.org/PluginAJAXLoad 03jonnybradley r55588 10branches/12.x [SVN] Missed merge info from [bp/r52371][MOD] Switch from using Flash player to HTML 5 player and also allow use of Froogaloop API | [18:26] |
03jonnybradley r55589 10branches/ 1012.x 0312.x/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_ajaxload.php
[bp/r55587][NEW] ajaxload plugin: A new wiki plugin to make loading and displaying HTML via AJAX simpler. More info on http://doc.tiki.org/PluginAJAXLoad (n.b. tikiModal changed to modal for the backport) 03jonnybradley r55590 03trunk/lib/wiki-plugins/wikiplugin_ajaxload.php 10trunk * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/14.x 55585 to 55587 | [18:34] | |
Cr0vaX | in trackers is it possible to show modified by, only to a specific group?(without using templates... for now) | [18:39] |
jonnyb | Cr0vaX: you can use css to hide stuff per group, theres a pref in look & feel that adds a class for each group on the body tag | [18:43] |
Cr0vaX | hum....
will give it a try | [18:45] |
nah, can't, because modified by, and modified when don't have a self class identifier
tracker fields have class="field22" those fields no will have to make my journey to templates need to go ty 4 all | [18:59] | |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: wiki template does not load in Mobile - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56392 | [20:30] |
New Forum Posts: wiki template does not load in Mobile - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56392
New Forum Posts: Click on Document on in File Galleries > Directs to Page View of Document - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56390 New Forum Posts: pluginlist "this OR that" - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56389 | [20:40] | |
New Forum Posts: wiki template does not load in Mobile - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56392
New Forum Posts: Click on Document on in File Galleries > Directs to Page View of Document - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56390 New Forum Posts: pluginlist "this OR that" - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56389 | [20:50] | |
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fcpd | joined #tikiwiki | [21:09] |
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v12.4: Just did upgrade. I get a 500 error on http://www.precisionpropman.com/ppmdatasets/ everything else works. If I goto the /tiki-index.php it is fine. Any help would be appreciated | [21:27] | |
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Tiki|bot | New Forum Posts: wiki template does not load in Mobile - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56392
New Forum Posts: Click on Document on in File Galleries > Directs to Page View of Document - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=4&comments_parentId=56390 New Forum Posts: pluginlist "this OR that" - http://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56389 | [23:40] |
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