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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Round Table meeting tomorrow (shall we postpone?) - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56658
New Forum Posts: Notifications without (unencrypted) content? - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56654
New Forum Posts: community site does not update from SVN - https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=56649
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ametteThis might be of help to some: https://github.com/changi67/tiki [12:59]
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jonnybpolom lindonb
gezza: you about?
lindonbpolom jonnyb! [18:17]
gezzapolom jonnyb [18:23]
jonnybi was trying to get the info pages on t.o to be an "area" and automatically switch into the right perspective - were you doing the same? (or thinking if it?) [18:24]
gezzayes, i tried that
but somehow could not get it to behave like suite.tiki.org
i moved now the tiki_information category the "areas" category
now it appears here: https://tiki.org/tiki-admin.php?page=workspace#contentadmin_workspaces_areas-2

i guess we need to activate and make it "exclusive"?
not sure how that feature works
jonnybme neither (and i wrote most of it ;) )
i'm fiddling with it now
decided that the br.tiki.org perspective was causing a lot of the trouble - it had a homepage set that didnt exist...
gezzai tend to get lost in the workspace-perspective-area bermuda triangle [18:33]
jonnybthink it's working now
i copied the feedback tracker over and made https://tiki.org/Contact+Us
not tested it yet though... ;)
gezzaif I open https://tiki.org/Consultants i am still in the normal perspective
not in the "information"
jonnybbut https://tiki.org/HomePage works [18:35]
gezzano, it should have "Information" written in the site title
not "Community"
jonnybah, had to make the area "exclusive" again (now i got rid of the "Brazillian" redirect) [18:38]
gezzaI switched on "Exclusive", now it seems ok [18:38]
jonnyb:) me too [18:38]
gezzapluginList got confused
look at the carousel on the homapage
it says "No results for query."
jonnybyes, i saw you set a category jail on the info perspective [18:39]
gezzaif you turn off exclusive, it will show conent [18:39]
jonnybpresumably those pictures aren't "info" category [18:39]
gezzashould we remove that? [18:39]
jonnybi don't think it needs a jail [18:40]
gezzai thought it is needed for perspective to work
ok, lets remove
jonnybno, just for "wrokspace" type ones
sounds better than workplace ;)
gezzaok, I removed [18:41]
looking good :)
gezzayes :)
i think we dont need those no_column_left and right ategories
jonnybi was wondering if they did anything [18:44]
lindonblindonb is amazed at new tiki.org and eternally grateful [18:44]
jonnyb+1 for removal
thanks lindonb - it's about time! :)
think i need to get away from the screen for a while, maybe more later...
gezzathanks lindonb, it is still in progress, but getting there eventually :) [18:47]
lindonblooks amazing already - great work! [18:56]
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