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pbiendl: joined #tikiwiki
Morning! :-)
Are there any News when Tiki 15 LTS will be availible?
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
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pbiendl: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: joined #tikiwiki
gezza: joined #tikiwiki
redflo: joined #tikiwiki
amette: polom
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
chibaguy: Hi amette
amette: hi chibaguy :)
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amette: Ah, Tiki|bot is back.. :-/
fabricius: polom
how walks amette ?
amette: lol - walks so - and self?
no, actually walks well, nothing to whine about at my end
msaad: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: me walks well either. Just a bit too less power due to heat. cannot accomplish too much in acceptable times. Meanwhile flows me the soup the back down.
hi msaad
msaad: fabricius: hey!
fabricius: msaad: how thinks are going related to the login panel?
msaad: Haven't worked on that yet :), in fact you should go ahead and do it if you want, because I don't know when I'll be able to get it done.
my schedule is really messed up lately.
fabricius: msaad: sadly I am anyway behind my stuff ... have to work off the existing stuff first
msaad: yeah, I know how that is :/
fabricius: maybe the summer msaad
msaad: oh, it will be winter here, but still 29C hahahahah
fabricius: ah you are south half?
India or Australia?
29 C => India I guess
msaad: hahaha nah, brazil!
fabricius: Braazzzil
nice man
msaad: and it gets even worse if you go a little bit up north, like 35~40C
fabricius: where there?
msaad: Small city close to Sao Paulo
and you?
fabricius: 35~40C we have here aswell, but we are not so much used to ... a godd 5 to 10 C higher than usual in average summer <=> maybe to do with global warming?
Wuerzburg, midsized city in the middle between Frankfurt and Nuremberg
msaad: Live long and prosper Germany! o/
fabricius: thx man !
msaad: Yeah, probably global warming for sure!
fabricius: World champions .
msaad: My grandma speaks german, her mom came from Berlin back in the days.
Yeah, eternal 7x1!! :D
I tried to learn german, but it's way too hard compared to latin languages (french, italian, portuguese, spanish)
fabricius: Our guys did win against one of the best national teams (or football countries) ... what can be better for historical reports to have won the final against Brazil in Brazil ... greatest honour.
But you speak English
ok, English seems a bit easier than German
msaad: exactly. But still, Brazil had an awful team back then, and still has. Since 2006 it was awful..
Germany had a great team, always been a fan of schweinsteiger and neuer ;D
english is easy hahahaha, that's why everybody speaks it
fabricius: I'd like to see more Brazilians in the Tiki community .. not yet really any an active Portuguese Language Tiki User Group
msaad: fabricius: that is something I want to improve.. Translations..
We cannot rely on English when it comes to having a big user base outside english speaking countries..
Only 20% or less of the population here understands english (nearly half when it comes to speaking).
fabricius: You might want to chat with Rodrigo about the status of Tiki online translation website (i18n.tiki.org) and the state and structure of merging the results to svn
in 2010 a few people od the then founded *DeTUG* (GermanLanguageTikiUserGroup) did translate to 98 to 100 %, which we more or less keep since.
msaad: Thats nice!
Yeah, I've been taking a look on i18n, but i18n / l10n should be separated things *ideally*
I'm pt-BR product owner in Mozilla, so I manage the community to get our products localized and stuff. There are lots of things we can do to increase the number of volunteers that want to help on translating Tiki!
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
polom pom pom
amette: Hi jonnyb, just in time for change of shift - I'm off now. ;)
jonnyb: hi and bye amette
coming to the meeting later?
amette: Yes, I'll try to be there for an hour at least.
jonnyb: :)
msaad: hi jonnyb :). Talking about the meeting, what time will it happen? =D
jonnyb: hi msaad - 18:00 UTC i think, i'll check...
yup, 18:00 UTC - more info here: https://tiki.org/Roundtable+Meeting+2015+07
msaad: awesome, thanks :)
loved to see that gezza wants to showcase Transifex! Yay!
gezza: have you ever seen https://pontoon.mozilla.org/ (live localization editing HTML nodes!)
fabricius: https://twitter.com/sourceforge/
gezza here?
jonnyb: hi fabricius
fabricius: hi jonnyb
pbiendl: Hi jonnyb :) I heard you can tell me more about if the LDAP external groups are currently broken? :)
gezza: hi msaad and all
jonnyb: hi pbiendl - sorry, never used LDAP, don't know how to set it up even
gezza: i dont know pontoon from mozilla, will check it out
seems like the interactive translation tool in Tiki
msaad: gezza: yes, sort of :D
gezza: it is not for the same as transifex
i mean it helps to translate what you see, but there are things you dont see, eg: error messages
anyway, I keep reading, thanks for the link!
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5689
msaad: gezza: yes, it's meant for static content only.
gezza: msaad have you used transifex?
i tested a bit, it looks promising to me, but would be good to have opinions from long time users
pbiendl: jonnyb: Ok, thx anyway :)
fabricius: Hi pbiendl, nice to get more German speakers into the community
pbiendl: How did you know fabricius? :D
fabricius: Validated your registration pbiendl
pbiendl: Oh ok, that was you :) Thx!
jonnyb: pbiendl: from tikifests - we were the only TikiCamp (so far) in Strasbourg a few years ago
msaad: gezza: Yes, I've managed and used Transifex a lot!
It's quite a good tool.
fabricius: pbiendl: you might ask amette - maybe he has a clue - one of our Linux sysadmins. He is living in Berlin, is longtime active in the community and freelancing consultant
msaad: but I don't remember why we moved from Transifex to Pootle
pbiendl: jonnyb: Oh there are Tikifests? Need to look into it :) fabricius: Well, we don't need LDAP Groups for now, the normal User Authentication is just fine :)
jonnyb: https://tiki.org/TikiFest
pbiendl: But at first i didn't get why there are two tabs, one for users, one for groups - but the community helped me already, you DONT have to use groups at all
fabricius: Two other Linux sysadmins / consultants in the community I'd recommend to ask would be Jyhem (Jean-Marc) from Strasbourg and refizul (Frank) from Duesseldorf
pbiendl: Not working with groups in Tiki? How you would sort the permissions then in a company environment?
pbiendl: It's nice to hear that some sysadmins are from Germany too :)
Uhm... we are only about 10 people for now... they all go into the Registrered Group - no need for other groups :)
Maybe our bosses will be in another group, but assigning them to another/second group takes about 2minutes
fabricius: pbiendl: next TikiFest: around FROSCON - TikiFest 19 to 23/24 Aug - Froscon 22/23 Aug - we will stay in Bonn; FROSCON will be in St. Augustin near Bonn (a few minutes by Tram)
pbiendl: Well, i'm from near Passau... the other side of germany... Czech would be maybe the better option for me :D
gezza: msaad great to hear that you have experience with transifex, we will discuss about it in the roundtable
have to go now, bye
msaad: gezza: ttyl!
fabricius: Sadly we do not (yet) have roles. At the last TikiFest gezza did introduce Atlassians roles concept, which could be seen as templates for group permissions ... be in group A in a certain category and in group B in another category ... We did not yet find a good way to do similar in tiki, but I guess we will find some good way
bye gezza
pbiendl: so maybe next year in Czechia. In Bonn you could meet myself, amette, refizul, Jyhem and nelsonko (who will be coming from Canada)
pbiendl: Wow... maybe i should be quiet then and don't whine about the other side of germany.. :D
But yes, maybe next year in Czechia :)
fabricius: amette, refizul and myself are frequently discussion how to improve things for and around the DeTUG (GermanLanguageTikiUserGroup) ... and recently a number of Germans with company background appeared. Maybe you register for the group on tiki.org => https://tiki.org/DeTUG
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pbiendl: Sure, but i don't see any register button?
jonnyb: off out for a little while, bbl...
pbiendl: Ah ok... need to login.. :D
Maybe i'm just too dumb, but how do i access this DeTUG Group?
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pbiendl: fabricius: Can you tell me how to get into that TUG_GermanLanguage Group?
fabricius: on the phone - moment
pbiendl: no problem :)
fabricius: back
pbiendl: you are registered on tiki.org => login
pbiendl: Already did that
fabricius: u r on the DeTUG page?
pbiendl: yep
fabricius: scroll down a bit and see a number of Tabs => Willkommen, die Gruppe, Dokumentation etc.
second tab "die Gruppe"
pbiendl: already there :)
fabricius: see a list of group members and add yourself below the list
mustt be a button
pbiendl: Uhm actually no, there is no button
fabricius: nothing like add in the group?
pbiendl: I only see the list of Members and below the last Name (Torsten Fabricius) there comes "Du musst angemeldet sein, um die Mitgliederliste zu sehen und um Dich eintragen zu können. "
fabricius: I relogin with a testuser and check ... gimme a minute
I see ... on the way fixing
pbiendl: "Ich hab nichts gemacht!"
fabricius: pbiendl: please F5 and check
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
Telesight: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: should work now
pbiendl: Worked, thanks :)
fabricius: fine
jonnyb: repolom
fabricius: I had to add a permission, which was not necessary previously
wolod jonnyb
pbiendl: ok :)
nelsonko: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: polom nelsonko
nelsonko: polom
fabricius: see you later in the meeting?
need to leave the house for an hour now
nelsonko: see you soon i n the meeting
msaad: chibaguy: thanks for those links :)
chibaguy: Sure.
I put some basic documentation together at themes.tiki.org since releasing the Bootstrap-based Tiki versions. There've been contributions on that since the Bootstrap conversion got started, but I've been categorizing out of date pages as "retired" and making them visible only to admins at the themes site.
So we can focus on providing up-to-date Bootstrap-era information with less ancient info, etc. cluttering things up.
msaad: That's great. We can focus on getting pages with important content done first.
slyskawa: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: hi chibaguy - you're up late? going to make it to the meeting?
chibaguy: I don't know how old-version info is handled with Mozilla, but with Tiki we've been doing things like putting it in tabs or page sections. At a certain point the really old stuff needs to be retired from the page but I don't thing we have a systematic way to do that.
Hi jonnyb. Yes, if I can hang on a while longer I'll be there. ;-)
jonnyb: well done, and good luck! :)
chibaguy: thanks :-)
msaad: chibaguy: well, the new websites like webmaker and teach.mozilla.org are prioritizing mobile nowadays, but they haven't figured out the old websites yet.
It's not like we have much content over there too ^^
tabs is generally okey when the content isn't a must-show. Elements with toggling is also an option.
chibaguy: I see. Yeah, with the transition to Bootstrap, especially at themes.tiki.org, I really wanted to start from zero almost.
msaad: Having a blank slate is alwaaaaaays better. I see your point!
chibaguy: Themes.tiki.org is easier because there isn't so much content, and not so much activity. Doc.tiki.org and dev.tiki.org (by the way, people often/usually write doc.t.o or dev.t.o, etc. for these) are bigger challenges because of a lot more content.'
msaad: (thanks for the tip).
chibaguy: But you'll run across statements like "As of Tiki 2.0,...." like that information is still important to anyone. ;-)
Historians of trivia, maybe.
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
msaad: At the same time, most of the content on those websites are static (text), which helps a lot. It's a matter of getting the layout bootstrapped right (which will take longer).
hahahahahahha good one.
Bsfez: Polom
chibaguy: Right, there hasn't really been much said or done about responsive layout within pages (wiki content). Although I think most images have img-responsive class, and tables are in div.table-responsive usually.
msaad: that's good enough for most scenarios
Bsfez: Hi msaad, Chibaguy
msaad: Hey Bsfez!
chibaguy: Hi Bsfez (Bernard).
Bsfez: Roundtable is in 45mn right ?
chibaguy: Yep.
msaad: yeap.
Still haven't had lunch! >=(
2pm here.
Bsfez: ahhhh…. quick pasta !!!!
msaad: hahahahaha
I've ordered some sushi, still waiting on it to arrive! Maybe they went fishing.. xD
chibaguy: well, it'll be fresh. ;-)
Bsfez: ha ha ha...
msaad: says who lives in Chiba! nothing will ever get close as close as being fresh here :p
chibaguy: :-)
Bsfez: (45mn to do pasta, eat, shower… hum)… cu !
msaad: you gotta shower for the meeting? That's fancy!
jonnyb: http://live.tiki.org still redirects to https://tiki.org/brtug even though i removed that perspective from the multidomain pref - most odd, maybe something weird in the htaccess...
luciash__: polom pom pom
jonnyb: polom luciash__ (nice underscores! ;) )
luciash__: lol
just checking before the meeting ;)
weirdly i do not seem to be able to change the nick currently
Bsfez: msaad… after digging a whole of 2 meters 50cm deep… you need a shower no matter what you do next
jonnyb: hi Bsfez - that sounds like fun (or is it the other one?)
Bsfez: that sound like something stuck in a pipe !
msaad: Bsfez: Agreed lol
fabricius: repolom
chibaguy: the round table will soon begin: https://tiki.org/live
msaad: wait, the html5 client doesn't work?! arghhhhhhh nooo for flash!!
jonnyb: meeting room is ready! :) https://tiki.org/live
Bsfez: joined #tikiwiki
fabricius: html5 not working? gosh ... happened recently ... bad
restarting and joining BBB then
msaad: Had to fallback to flash :/
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
msaad: left #tikiwiki
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Trouche: joined #tikiwiki
I am trying to export data from my local copy of tikiwiki (14) to our new server copy (also 14). However, exporting the structure results in the following error message, "Can not add the page: <page name>/<page name>". I have ZipArchive installed. Any ideas?
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aalex: joined #tikiwiki
SF's SVN is down?