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sorry, have been waiting upstairs
amette: nelsonko: cheers for https://dev.tiki.org/Using+Git+with+Tiki :)
The upper site menus are a bit too much scrolling back and forth for my aging eyes and brain.
Especially annoying on a mobile device. :O
nelsonko: amette: https://github.com/tikiorg/tiki does not seem updated though
amette: ah, let me see
ok, error in crontab - running now
nelsonko: have you seen https://github.com/tikiorg/sf.net-users ? We have a problem with only those dummy-sf.net addresses. :-/
nelsonko: what was the idea?
I think the problem is that svn does not reveal the email addresses of the users
So somehow we need to email everyone to ask if they have a GITHUB account I think?
we can send to all the source forge addresses probably?
amette: Looks like it. I think that should be fair, right?
nelsonko: or maybe there is a way in the sf admin panel, let me see
amette: yes, use the sf.net addresses and they will redirect to whatever people use (hopefully)
nelsonko: The only other way I can think of is to use a script to mine the mailing lists
and try and match up people
amette: yes, that would be the next step - probably use it for those that don't answer to the e-mail
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chibaguy: Hi amette. About the site menus on mobile devices, I agree. I tried logging in with a phone and it was completely crazy chasing the moving inputs up and down.
Maybe that scrolly business needs to be rethought. Not sure of the value on large screens either. They're too small to be in the way much.
(By that I mean the page header, navbar, etc. are pretty small on a big screen, so don't really need to scroll out of view with javascript.)
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Hi chibaguy - we have been eating outside
how r u?
chibaguy: hi fabricius. I'm ok basically. I've got a cold so am not in peak condition, but not too bad.
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amette: chibaguy: Yes, I agree. And I think it might be sufficient to just scroll site header and navbar up simultaneously and then only the navbar stays fixed once it reaches the top - without any intermediate hide/show steps.
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fabricius: amette => Bootstraps affix class does that. - but do we need fixed header for mobile or for small mobile devices at all, amette, chibaguy?
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chibaguy: fabricius, I think the page header either has to be affixed or scroll into view on small devices, because often the page is really long and you have to scroll up forever to get back to the top. If you want to navigate away, it's easier if the menu is right there already.
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fabricius: chibaguy: what's with the "up" button we have and did you consider the problems on small smartphones, amette and refizul just yesterday realised?
chibaguy: I didn't notice about the "up" button on phones. What happens? It doesn't work?
Ok, on themes.tiki.org/articles (nice long page), there's no up button. On the other hand, when I scroll down, the "topbar" menu and search stays at the screen top. The top header (contains just the hamburger) kind of comes and goes randomly, mostly is gone.
At the community site, on my phone, the up button displays and works. Basically the same experience with the page headers.
This is with an iPhone. I'll check on Nexus 7 later.
amette: Yeah, at the community site there is the up button. But the site header and navbar still behave strangely, look dead-ugly and don't display any login/logout possibility.
FireFox 40 on Android 4.4.4
chibaguy: well, something to improve as soon as possible. Have fun, guys. I'm going to bed now. :-)
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