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Jyhem_laptopfabricius: nothing to do with upload, sorry [00:43]
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Gwaynejoined #tikiwiki [02:50]
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xavijoined #tikiwiki [08:10]
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seamymsgjoined #tikiwiki
hi ! i couldn't find any answer. I'm getting "Please enter a valid date" when trying to add an article with (anonymous) submissions while the date and time seems correct and the settings is use the default time. thx
fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [10:45]
seamymsghey i found what makes this error happen, the spam protection... i removed it to test and now i can submit the article anonymously :/ [10:57]
xaviseamymsg: which version are you using?
a bug was recently fixed in this field for 14.x (which might affect 13.x? I'm not sure)
BUT i just tested with recaptcha instead of the normal one, that seems to work
xaviok, can you do svn update?
ok. there was a problem with jquery validation and dates in 14.x, which was recently (days) fixed. So that the dix wil be available when 14.1 is released, unless you use svn or a pre-packaged daily version of last 14.x code, etc.
seamymsgi'll update and see if its fixed [11:03]
xavis/dix/fix [11:03]
redflojoined #tikiwiki [11:06]
seamymsgseems it was installed with the stable version :/ not svn [11:07]
xaviseamymsg: if you want to see what was changed with the fix, you can see the info here: https://dev.tiki.org/item5706
ah, mmmm, ok, that will not solve your case, probably, but an equivalent fix might be needed for articles, then. See the code change in the case of trackers: http://sourceforge.net/p/tikiwiki/code/56175
maybe you can try something similar for articles?
olinuxxjoined #tikiwiki [11:23]
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pbiendljoined #tikiwiki [13:03]
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jonnybpolom polom, just over an hour until tonight's TikiMeeting - everybody welcome! See https://tiki.org/Roundtable+Meeting+2015+09 for details :) [18:47]
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....... (idle for 31mn)
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [19:57]
jonnybevening, anyone up for https://tiki.org/live ? [20:01]
hi fabricius - you coming to the meeting? [20:10]
TomJarvisjoined #tikiwiki [20:10]
fabriciusHello jonnyb yes, but I have some urgent stuff out of the house - guess I pop in and out and then come back later [20:15]
jonnybok, thanks
luciash was asking if anyone was going to do a little report on FrOSCon?
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