poolson: hey anyone know why the highlighting in the search results also highlights the letter "y" ?
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poolson: hey anyone know why the highlighting in the search results also highlights the letter "y" ?
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poolson: hey anyone know why the highlighting in the search results also highlights the letter "y" ?
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macnific: Polon
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fabricius: polom
macnific: Why? You said that it was ok to put in the forum. I don't understand you. But if you want I do. It. Let me see how I do that. Hold on.
My God Newbies get crazy inside Tiki
fabricius: no I did not! I did tell you which kind of questions would be more appropriate to ask publicly
macnific: Sorry, I do not understand your behaviour.
you said
3. if you got to a solution, nobody in the chat or in the forums or in the docs could benefit from that solution, because it was given to you exclusively
I invite you to read again things your write to me.
I did not come to this community to be agressively taken like this.
I stop here.
Ask yourself what do you mean by tutor.
And by the way thanks for your help with the server,
But I really do not understand what is Tiki concept of transparency.
I invite the community to review your written concepts
1) I want to be more transparent in life that is why I am in this public window.
2) I don't know how to delete the post (I do not see any delete button in there)
3) Can someone help me to delete my post for Torsten stop treating me this way?
4) And if the community is not yet ready to help newbies like me and did not appreciate my being or way of presenting idea, that is also OK to delete the TikiPlace idea page too.
Anyway, I am not getting support as I expected.
I am not the only way that I have seen begging for help over here.
That is fine not to be accepted or at least instructed on how to succeed being accepted.
Maybe you all have only learned to take care about you alone and wish the same for everyone else.
I am looking for friends and help. Not people to ask me to delete creations that took lots of my time.
I really believe that if Developers could right and read millions of code line, they would also be able to read at least hundreds of text lines.
Yes, I do not have a 100% developer mind. Even if I love Tiki and really would like to learn how to communicate with developers.
Thanks for now.
If any can help me to complete this hard task I will appreciate.
"Who in this world can state or decided what is the correct volume of communication a human been should have."
Torsten I am trying to delete the post.
And stop agreed newbies. It will be better for Tiki
And for you too as a TUG coordinator
Can someone help me to delete this post? https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=57488&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc#comments
I do not find delete button. I think I have no permission to delete it.
Anyone with delete permission, please delete the post below please.
I do not want to generalize, since Torsten has been my only point of contact. Before advancing it would be very helpful to understand the community concept of respect, because I do not feel respected myself. Maybe I am just an upside down person. try to get on with Tiki Community. But honestly it is not an easy task.
I mean respected myself by the community itself.
Why don't you create more wikipages regarding path to help newbies to succeed. It seems that all the pages available (and I really explored them) are not yet enough to help newbies to succeed.
The contradiction between the text and reality is not what is painful, but the lack of a path or system to collect, aggregate and give support to new ideas and intentions.
Stot you fabricius to abuse. I am not an abuser. Stop saying that.
Please give me permition to delete all I have created inside Tiki.
I do not understand your community.
You do not deserve any help. Your community do not need external help.
I ask apologize for had tried to do something. How naive I am.
As I do not have delete permission. Please delete everything I created.
It is certain that wee need a decade to understand your community first in order to give a baby step to dare a collaboration.
Sugestion, create a very long page explaining carefully to newbies what is your community concept about respect, welcoming, international TUG support, etc. Do do that for me, but for your community future.
A good society is not created only based in technology, it can eventually hlep
Fabricius I already told you I have no permission to delete
Can someone help me to delete this post? https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=57488&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc#comments
Can someone help me to delete this post? https://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=1&comments_parentId=57488&thread_sort_mode=commentDate_asc#comments
I have no permission to that.
Please someone give me permission to delete my creations.
It is very painful to be ask to delete things and be called abusive person without been able to dele it technically.
fabricius: You can ask an admin. Just ask Jyhem or Jonny or luciash, etc.. If they are not here now, it is no help that you repeatedly copy and paste all the same link here. You already gave you consent to deletion, so I will ask one of the admins to do that. Thus the issue is resolved for me and from my perspective there is no need to ongoingly discuss this.
macnific: Ok. Thanks. When they give me permission I will delete everything.
Have you checked if I know who is an admin, how to identify or contact them. Honestly you take newbies by experts.
Before asking people to do something, check if they have permission to do your orders.
fabricius: I gave you three names and I told you, that I awell will contact my collegues, as you already publcly gave consent to deletion. I want to stop now and I do not want to be involved in this timeconsuming discussion. All is said, the issue is resolved, as you are respecting my privacy by accepting the deletion. So we should stop to ongoingly focus people to your post. Please let it be good and let me go and do oth
macnific: Ruler 1 is respect the environment. If you give yourself the right to write anytime you want and stop writing only when you feel you want, it would be a good idea not ask people to stop write, let them be free to write until they considered they have finished what they have to say the same way you did. It is more polite it is more aligned with the community 3 rules.
No need to ask they to let you go. Just go. Point.
otherwise you keeping making going the communication you want to stop.
Hey Guys, the following questions is to everybody, not to anyone in specific. I am just 1) make use of this channel 2) try to apply the transparency asked in the social contract 2) share questions that come up in my mind as a tiki newbie user.
what does "be accepted" by the community mean?
When a newbie can say he succeed it?
What is the best channel to get the best flux of community communication besides only the code communication?
Has the community ever arrived to an implicit volume of communication standard that everybody, by imitation or routine adopted or got used to?
What are the importance of questions to the community?
Has the community ever made a inquired about the level of underlined difficulties (communication, access, talking, language and idiom.. etc) a new visitor has to cross in order to succeed its first step of community collaboration besides only committing the code (which seems to be an quite easy thing to do when the person already master SVN)?
if the community site was created to separate from dev site and info site, what this difference would implies?
Hope you don't mind me just keeping writing here a little bit, since IRC means to me communication. I do not expect those questions to be answered rightaway since I am giving myself now the chance only to share questions, not to have them answered, since I am not sure if they could be easily answered.
It is Sunday and I am here alone giving myself the chance to make the use of this channel as an opportunity to share what is going on inside of me. Because I do believe this community is great, since everybody is doing the best they can.
poolson: hey anyone know why the highlighting in the search results also highlights the letter "y" ?
macnific: Hi Poolson. sorry I don't know.
But you know today is Sunday. And most of the tikians are away for now.
But don't give up.
Some answer can just appeared in a fraction of seconds
fabricius: Hi poolson, the highlighting of the letter "y" in search results might be related with the configuration of the search feature or with the search parameters of the specific search ... what you are searching for and what are the specific configurations on your site?
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Jyhem: hi guys. welcome macnific. I just saw delete requests from a page and a forum post by the author of the page and forum post, so I did. I also deleted the post asking for deleting, since it was made pointless
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