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Jyhem: polom
jonnyb: polom Jyhem
Jyhem: what is composer.lock for, again??
if I remove it from taylordustin's show instance, the composer suddenly works with --no-dev
but he is sent to the installer afterwards
jonnyb: don't know but it's important i think
Jyhem: well, it was just recreated
jonnyb: https://blog.engineyard.com/2014/composer-its-all-about-the-lock-file
amette_: sounds like the file is stupidly named
Jyhem: hmmm, so --no-dev failed because composer.lock was there with the offending packages and so it did not really care about --no-dev
it just tried to install whatever was refernced in composer.lock anyway
chibaguy: polom
Jyhem: ok, it was sent to the installer because console.php had not ran because composer had not ran
now fixed
hi chibaguy
and yes, it's not my idea of a lock file either :-(
chibaguy: Hi Jyhem and all
jonnyb: polom all - Jyhem, maybe doing composer "update" instead of "install" would rewrite the "lock" file?
should be around porperly in a few hours - meetings...
Jyhem: Anyway, I fixed his show instance and replied to his comment.
Yes, my understanding is doing composer "update" instead of "install" would rewrite the "lock" file. Very similar to not committing the lock file in the first place :-/
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