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Good morning, i have a problem which you might already know. When i upload a file like .txt oder .doc to the eFinder Filegallery in Tiki Wiki and try to insert it into the page I edit, i get an html box with"file is not an image" message. The php extension fileinfo.dll is active.
And when i view the sourcecode and change the {img... to {file... then i get my download links as i want it, am using tiki wiki version 14.1 or something [09:04]
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janbjoined #tikiwiki [10:00]
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Jyhemhi ClassiX_
this reminds me of something I saw in an old Tiki12 already
Telesightjoined #tikiwiki [10:52]
JyhemI forgot the details but I think thre are many plugins for inserting in a page and some want an image, others do the link you want
I suggest you find the toolbar editing tool and add more appropriate icons in the toolbar (one which inserts files, instead of images)
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki [11:11]
Jyhempolom [11:20]
jonnybHi Jyhem [11:24]
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Jyhem: is the reset demo trunk database on a weekly cron job? If so could you disable it for a little while as we're using it (until show.t.o gets fixed) to experiment with the tour plugin https://demo.tiki.org [11:42]
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New Forum Posts: What is the status of i18n tool choice? - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58070
JyhemJyhem finishes a mail and comes back to demo/show [11:55]
jonnybthanks Jyhem :) [11:58]
jonnyb: why is this better than fixing show anyway ??
jonnybit's not
Xavi and Gary needed someone to demonstrate the bugs and set up an example
i just didn't want the setup lost when the db resets (as i think it happens on Sundays?)
JyhemI think so
the setup is going to be broken by the next person playing with demo anyway
Do we know which packages make composer fail? There is "symfony/process" and another one which has "symfony/process" as a requirement
jonnybno, i think it's something someone added which isn't used though - maybe the phpunit that arrived a while back and puts stuff in a bin dir (not good)
checking history on composer.json might reveal it - think it was in the last 6 months..
JyhemI thought we could just remove it. But if we don't know which one it is :-( [12:16]
jonnyb(actually, or maybe it was zend 2?)
JyhemJyhem just added --no-dev in setup.sh in trunk
ouch, there is no mention of "symfony/process" in composer.json either :-(
jonnybi know
i started to go through the dependencies on packagist.org but there were dozens of pages of them :(
JyhemAhhh, there is info in composer.lock
"require-dev": {
"psr/log": "~1.0",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "~2.1",
"symfony/process": "~2.1"
"suggest": {
"psr/log": "For using the console logger",
"symfony/event-dispatcher": "",
"symfony/process": ""
ok, I see the issue on show: you guys could not destroy the instance (because some directories belonged to root, i.e. I did them by hand ) :-( [12:34]
jonnyb:) [12:37]
JyhemI destroyed, recreated and it failed in a new and unexpected way: http://xavi-9794-5781.show.tikiwiki.org/install_log.txt
But now it's there
jonnybok, have to go out - bbl (thanks for fixing that :) ) [12:44]
Jyhemyes, need to aet as well
................... (idle for 1h31mn)
Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: What is the status of i18n tool choice? - https://suite.tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58070
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redflojoined #tikiwiki [14:29]
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nelsonkojoined #tikiwiki [15:33]
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jonnybjoined #tikiwiki
amette_Do we have a sass/css-HowTo anywhere?
hi jonnyb
amette_ does not polom since he isn't really here
jonnybhi amette_
sass? no, less maybe
amette_Ok, something that tells me how to modify colors in an existing theme would be cool.
We did switch from less to sass though, right?
https://themes.tiki.org/Modifying+a+theme is cool, but then again it isn't. *g*
jonnybno, not yet - i think bootstrap are switching in v4 but we're still on 3.x which uses LESS (afaik) [16:05]
amette_Ah, k, yes, makes sense! [16:05]
jonnybare you on trunk? if so there's a funky new feature for custom_less is the look & feel admin panel
(documentation to come, of course ;) )
amette_No, I'm on 14.x, it's a live site I want to get into the modern ages.
(certainly ;) )
jonnybeasiest thing is just to verride the colours in the custom_css pref
using old fashoined css
less is, er, more complicated :D
amette_Ok, I see... *g* [16:07]
jonnybunless tyou want to publsh the theme [16:07]
amette_... but you are right... I don't need to change much and it isn't enough to justify publishing it...
... so just overriding two or three colors will be the better thing to do.
jonnybyeah, just like in the olden days [16:08]
amette_:) [16:08]
Jyhemrepolom [16:08]
amette_heyho Jyhem [16:08]
jonnyb(unless you have a less compiler installed and know what you're doing) [16:08]
JyhemJyhem also wading in the new thems [16:08]
jonnybmoloq Jyhem [16:08]
Jyhemwe have a custom_less pref ? [16:09]
jonnybyup yup, i added it for Marc - it's good
on the look&feel/customisation tab
JyhemOhh, a textarea. I was thinking about a CSS file
Jyhem has been using theme options but the site relies on "theme control" and this nonly deals with the base themes, it ignores the theme options
amette_: my experience on less so far:
jonnybreally, i thought we fixed all that for 13 or 14... [16:16]
nelsonkogamete jyhem jonnyb: since you are all here, wanted to ask about the possibility of shared server script, [16:16]
Jyhemcp -r themes/ themes_bak [16:16]
nelsonko_amette sorry [16:16]
jonnybpomlom nelsonko [16:16]
nelsonkosee above [16:16]
Jyhemphp console.php less:compile --only=didiem --as-user=web15
vimdiff themes/didiem/css/didiem.css themes_bak/didiem/css/didiem.css
only shows a little difference in @font-face src paths, which I fixed manually
Then I made real changes into themes/didiem/less/didiem.less
jonnybjust added a little doc here https://doc.tiki.org/Tiki15#Custom_LESS_preference
i suppose for consistancy we should support a custom.less file one day...
Jyhemand after recompiling, I just had to manually redo the above �little difference in @font-face src paths�
I was thinking more of a custom.css
amette_aaaah, console.php compiles it... nice! :) [16:19]
Jyhemor theme_custom.css since all file names change with the theme name [16:19]
amette_nelsonko : hi - what do you mean by "shared server script"?! [16:20]
JyhemI could be available tomorrow afternoon [16:20]
amette_Yeah, actually tomorrow afternoon would be better for me, too! [16:21]
Jyhemthen we can run stuff on my backup server again [16:21]
nelsonkook - that is the morning here, but I will be available as well [16:21]
jonnybtomorrow afternoon Europe-time is ok for me too [16:22]
nelsonkoalright set :) [16:22]
amette_Cool, so let's meet again here then tomorrow afternoon Europe-time. :) [16:22]
jonnybJyhem: the "shared release server" idea is making a copy of the svn repo mirror you made on a share tiki server so other people can help with releases [16:22]
JyhemI only need to referee a show at 20:00 [16:22]
jonnyblike the one Changi set up ages ago [16:23]
nelsonkoby afternoon, do you mean about 1400? [16:23]
Jyhemyes, 14:00 [16:23]
amette_yep [16:23]
nelsonkook [16:23]
Jyhemotherwise it's evening, isn't it ? [16:23]
jonnybso i think the simplest path would be to upgrade php on the ovh.t.o and update the svn repo [16:23]
amette_Evening starts around 1700-1800 ?! [16:24]
JyhemJyhem also needs a short run for buying a gift for his mother.... maybe I manage it in the morning [16:24]
jonnybjonnyb thought he had been emailing people about this for a couple of week... [16:24]
amette_amette_ didn't really get to much except the most urgent things... lots of e-mails to be read, he's afraid :-/ [16:25]
JyhemI think the simplest path is a dedicated VM with recent OS, PHP, mirror, etc
Jyhem thinks there is nothing simple in wondering if composer.tiki.org will keep running
nelsonkoif new vm is most straightforward, how much time does it take to fire up an elastic host instance?
jyhem, what needs to be on it?
Jyhema full tiki repo mirror (I can provide a gzipped one)
a full tiki repo
nelsonkoin there of the system, just PHP right? [16:27]
Jyhemsvn, mariadb/mysql [16:28]
nelsonkono need puppet or any of the confutation stuff I suppose..... [16:28]
Jyhemvarious little things like zip/unzip, 7zip
we would not even actually need to fire apache or whatever
yes, php is required
no "configuration stuff" :-) [16:42]
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Tiki|botNew Forum Posts: Using TRACKERLIST within wiki template page - http://tiki.org/tiki-view_forum_thread.php?forumId=26&comments_parentId=58072 [17:58]
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amette_left #tikiwiki
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fabriciusjoined #tikiwiki [18:38]
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JyhemJyhem is totally baffled about the effect of changing the "Site layout" look&feel option
it's like it changes nothing
jonnybindeed - just adds more work imho ;) although the "solcial" layout gives you one of those bars at the top of the page [19:05]
Jyhemahhhh, I saw what the "social" layout does, thanks. Not that I need it now, but it's nice to see this option is actually doing something :-) [19:17]
GillesMjoined #tikiwiki [19:28]
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anybody here?

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