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Tiki-KGB: 03gezzzan r57491 10branches/15.x/templates/translated-lang.tpl * [FIX] misplaced divider
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Tiki-KGB: 03yonixxx r57492 10branches/15.x/templates/tiki-stats.tpl * [FIX]Restyling stats page accordingly to Tiki standard and adding a note
03xavidp r57493 10branches/14.x/templates/tracker_filter.tpl
[bp/r57487][FIX] radio filter on tracker items should use foreach instead of section as it can be associative array too, hopefully fixees https://dev.tiki.org/item5810
03xavidp r57494 10branches/12.x/templates/tracker_filter.tpl
[bp/r57487][FIX] radio filter on tracker items should use foreach instead of section as it can be associative array too, hopefully fixees https://dev.tiki.org/item5810
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Tiki-KGB: 03yonixxx r57495 10branches/15.x/templates/admin/include_stats.tpl * [FIX]Restyling stats page accordingly to Tiki standard and adding a note
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Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5814
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jonnyb: polom Bsfez and all
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57496 10branches/15.x/lib/filegals/filegalbatchlib.php * [FIX] batch upload: Notice
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amette_: polom guys
jonnyb: hi amette_
amette_: heya jonnyb :)
jonnyb: having fun with phpstorm still? :)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: Yeah, it's great for sure! :)
Let's see, if I find another bug to squash with it's help today. ;)
its even
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: Is there actually a way to create a WikiPage when creating a tracker item? I know the embedded WikiPage, but I would like to have just a link to a WikiPage...?!
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: And btw, the "GeoCMS"-Stuff is much better than I thought. *g* :)
fabricius: joined #tikiwiki
jonnyb: sorry amette_ and amette__ (love the underscores ;) ) yes, there's a new wiki page field in tiki 15 that i think does what you need
amette_: hrhr, yeah, the underscores.... :P
The wiki page field does the embedding... I'm wondering, if I should add an option to it like "Only link, don't embed"....?!
... but then I found the following in Admin->Trackers "Wiki pages are linked to tracker items, and their page names to tracker fields, via the tiki.wiki.linkeditem and tiki.wiki.linkedfield relations. You need to be familiar with the Relations tracker field or use the outputwiki option in the TRACKER plugin to make use of these features." - which sounds like it does what I mean (but doesn't the wiki page have to exist already for a relation)... and it
I'll have to dig into it... thanks for your input! :)
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Dear owncloud community. My calendar is fully present in the owncloud web interface. However, my Thunderbird only shows half of the events of that calendar and I don't know where to look to fix this
I recently migrated from my xampp windows installation to my openmediavault (debian) linux system with nginx and have had trouble ever since
The windows sync client also aborted its connection several times during the original sync
Tiki|bot: Recent Bug: - http://dev.tiki.org/item5815
jonnyb: hi Webdruid - you're in the tiki room, not owncloud, don't think we can help you about that here
although i know some people here do use it
Webdruid: Oops... my irc client fooled me :-(
I just typed join #owncloud
jonnyb: no worries, welcome anyway :)
Webdruid: and then apparently the autojoin did its thing ;-)
-: jonnyb checks he is where he thinks he is
Webdruid: Thanks anyways! :-)
-: Webdruid knows that jonnyb is where he thinks he might be
amette_: hehe :)
For what it's worth: I had the same problem with OwnCloud... I think it just took a while for Thunderbird to sync them all.
Webdruid: amette_ ah, great. Thanks for the hint :-) Do you have a timescale in mind?
amette_: I think it depends on the amount of events you have... ownCloud seems to fail frequently, but the sync protocol is robust enough to catch up later. But that's just the conclusion I drew in the end, take with a grain of salt. (And ask in #owncloud to be sure.)
jonnyb: ok, here's a weird thing - i just upgraded my localhost (again?) to use php 5.6 and all my headings now have a � char in them now and it's something to do with the preg_replace line that tries to stop the last word on heading being orphaned - anyone else seen this?
amette_: PHP 5.6.17 here on localhost, no weird characters in headings, but haven't had my localhost Tikis running on PHP 5.5 previously
jonnyb: i can't find anything else about it, must just be a local artefact, but i can't see how
it happens in the debugger on line lib/parser/parserlib.php:2937 adn it seems to be an invlaid char attached on the end of the $1 from the preg_replace - well strange...
-: amette_ Ctrl-Shift-Ns and Ctrl-Gs
amette_: But I think that piece of code is above my paygrade... :-|
jonnyb: odd indeed, will have to investigate leter - off out for a little while, bbl
amette_: Alright, enjoy, see you later!
Webdruid: amette_ Thanks for the insight; and yes, I also noticed that owncloud kind of fails all the time... it certainly needs some tuning
amette_: Glad to hear that I'm not the only one with those problems. Worst imho is that it usually fails silently - for example it just swallows parts of your contacts and happily tells you "Imported without errors".
Regarding the only-partly-synced-calendar-problem you are having: maybe there is some LAMP-stack tuning to be done to make it better, but it won't solve the problem, just make it less frequent.
Webdruid: amette_ currently running it on openmediavault; not with the omv oC plugin, but just installed the deb package and running with nginx
amette_: Never used openmediavault, just heard generally good things about it.
Webdruid: amette_ I don't think I would use it anymore; killed my whole partition once with a wrong click; that was pretty annoying
amette_: ouch, that doesn't sound good indeed :(
Webdruid: amette_ I was hoping for an easy NAS solution, but somehow linux and "easy" never worked out for me. You always get to a point, where you have to check the configuration and then you might as well use the command line in the first place
amette_: Hmm, well, I see it the other way around: there are point-and-click solutions built on Linux that take care of 80% of possible use-cases and when you want to do something special you get the possibility of doing anything you want via the console.
Client of mine has a QNAP and it's gorgeous, but then at one point it didn't provide what he needed and there was no way of getting that feature. And that thing wasn't cheap!
Webdruid: amette_ That's also a way to see it... Yeah, I wanted to avoid all those out-of-the-box app-invaded security-leaky QNAP, Synology and whatnot solutions... rather opted for an HP MicroServer
jonnyb: joined #tikiwiki
amette_: moloqer
For anyone having followed the discussion regarding Tracker->WikiPage linking here earlier: the "proper" way to do it seems to be using PluginTracker with the outputtowiki parameter. Which is a bit weird as it then is not possible to create a wiki-page when entering a tracker item normally, but so be it. I am now running into a PHP Fatal error though when using it.
Looks like I found the bug I was looking for at the start of the day... ;)
-: amette_ fires up PHPStorm :D
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57497 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10base_files/css/tiki_base.css 10base_files/less/tiki-bootstrap_overrides.less
[FIX] tables: don't let action columns wrap (as seen in admin_structures of late, thanks Geoff)
Some other css changes seem to have occurred, maybe they weren't done in the less files?
jonnyb: amette_: were the css changes revert in r57497 the ones you did at the TikiFest? If so they need to be done in the LESS file then compiled - sorry, i think i removed them :P
amette_: Hmmm, chiba did one half of them properly and the other was just the sitelogo... let me see you commit, hang on...
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amette_: .sitelogo img { margin-left: 20px } <- yes, that was my change...
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amette_: ... I did that in the less file though?! :O
I also noticed that gezza's improvements for the log-in module styling in pop-up mode weren't active on all my Tikis... had to compile less on one of them... worked flawlessly on the other (ah, now that I type it... the other was localhost, so probably phpstorm compiled it).
Right... my commit at TikiFest was only with the .css... :O
jonnyb: aha, tht would explain it
amette_: .... I remember us talking about me having to commit the .css, _too_ - but that I then missed to commit the .less?! :-/
yep, that does indeed explain it... I'll redo it properly.
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Tiki-KGB: 03amette r57498 10branches/15.x/themes/ 10base_files/less/tiki-modules.less 10base_files/css/tiki_base.css * [FIX] Proper alignment - redoing r57439 correctly in the .less file
amette_: Sooo... when I edit the database and remove the failing PluginTracker from tiki_pages in the database and clear caches and the page still returns a Fatal PHP Error... what is happening there?!
jonnyb: amette_: did you work that one out? MAybe it was the cached version of the wiki page? (but that would be for anonymous only though)
amette_: No, I didn't, I deleted the page completely via Tiki's wiki page listing.
Must have been some kind of caching... but shouldn't that be emptied by "Clear caches"? And I was logged in, not anonymous.
jonnyb: weird - maybe the php opcache somehow (but i didn't think it cached whole pages)
amette_: Hmmm, opcache could be, maybe... would be weird and probably count as an opcache bug then, but that's the most reasonable cache left to consider here.
Tiki-KGB: 03jonnybradley r57499 10(11 files in 9 dirs) * [MRG] Automatic merge, branches/15.x 57480 to 57498
03gezzzan r57500 10branches/15.x/templates/tracker_filter.tpl
[FIX] fixing dropdown filter when labels are used (https://dev.tiki.org/item5810)
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amette_: Anyone knows any best practices on Namespaces? Something that creates non-ugly and human-usable URLs?
As much as I love :: as a Namespace-seperator... it creates %3A%3A in URLs and that's for nothing as inside Tiki it is being rendered as Namespace/PageName anyways :-/
jonnyb: no idea, the default colon chars aren't legal anyway (as mentioned a lot previously ;) )
if you enable the base href pref you should be able to use / (but other weirdness may ocurr!)
amette_: What do you mean? Not legal? I think it works, it just does the urlencoding to %3A and therefore is non-human-usable.
Is there any reason for it being three characters? Could be just one also, right? I guess it's just to prevent people from accidentaly creating a namespace by typing a colon in the page name?!
jonnyb: i think so yes, and colons are ok if encoded, but ugly, you're right
amette_: Ok, cool, if only one character is fine, then I think I found a great solution...
... according to https://stackoverflow.com/questions/1856785/characters-allowed-in-a-url the only really usable characters for this are: "-" / "." / "_" / "~"
A tilde is imho quite perfect! :)
I'd even go with a simple dot, though that might be used by some people in a page name.
It really depends on one's use case, but I'd say that the best practice I asked for would be to select one from those four characters.
Or any combination of those of course.
(I had a site where I used ~username as the UserPage, so wouldn't work on your average geek-site - otherwise: I like that ~ a lot... average WikiUser won't want to create pages with it in the name)
Ok, added a best practice section to https://doc.tiki.org/Namespaces - but is there anything preventing us to change the default in Tiki (15) to "~"? Like a "[FIX] Don't use urlencoded Namespaces by default"...?!
jonnyb: sorry amette_ - window got buried ;)
tilde does some special things in search filter urls but probably wouldn't mess this up (maybe for customsearch pages perhaps)
amette_: np, happens - my drivel stays here for reading later ;)
jonnyb: but i don't think changing a preference is a fix really, the current one was debated on the dev list for ages (and my comments were ignored) so i think you'd need to start that up again i'm afriad (a.k.a. not worth it?)
amette_: hmm, ok, so need to be careful... still probably safe in the majority of use cases
Aah, I see, this is one those things. :P
jonnyb: yup yup, i'd leave it well alone and use what you want
amette_: Yep, probably not worth it and the right thing for "amette's super-duper TikiProfile". ;)
Alright, cool, thanks for the warning! :)
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amette_: jonnyb : please tell me there is something wrong in the first example on this page: https://doc.tiki.org/LIST+-+advanced+output+command
Isn't there one {display name="description"} too much?
-: jonnyb checks
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jonnyb: certainly a weird thing to do, but not wrong in terms of syntax i tihnk
would make more sense with only one {display name="description"}
amette_: only in the second FORMAT block, right?
jonnyb: also i would make {FORMAT(name="description")} be {FORMAT(name="desc")} or somethign to show it can be anything as the format name
amette_: makes sense... do I have to use desc then in the display section later on?
i.e. {display name="desc"}
jonnyb: yes
amette_: k, I seem to understand
-: amette_ goes changing the page
jonnyb: sort of cunfising having description there so many times imho
confusing too ;)
amette_: yep, I agree ;)
should be better now
Oh, I changed the "Using a smarty template file" example, too... probably that should have stayed "description"?!
jonnyb: yup :)
amette_: k, I really do seem to understand *g*
jonnyb: cos that's inside the format plugin
amette_: and is the field name that is being formatted
jonnyb: so it needs to be one of the fields listed here: https://doc.tiki.org/Unified+Index#Fields
amette_: aaaah, that's a good one to have! :)
Would have saved me experimenting to find the object_id to filter for a single trackeritem.
jonnyb: yes, it's one of the essential list plugin reference pages
amette_: ooh, I can't use uppercase FILTER, that's unexpected
same with output... ok
jonnyb: it's the weird wiki plugin formating - you can iether have {PLUGIN()}{PLUGIN} or {plugin} but not mix them
it was proposed that it should be changed (around tiki 3 or 4 i think) but people complained it might break some badly formatted pages :(
amette_: gnaaah :-/
jonnyb: yup
ok, off to the pub, more fun tomorrow no doubt! :)
amette_: Alright, have fun! Thanks for your help, things start working here! :)
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